The Red and Black (Athens, Ga.) 1893-current, November 11, 1912, Image 1
p LiF<f 1\3/SL VOLUME XIX. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA, ATHENS, GA., NOV. II. 1012. NUMBER M. HOLIDAY FOR THE GAME. ON TO TECH GA. BEATS CLEMSON IS THE SLOGAN TEAM ’ SCORE 27 TO « , (From Augusta Chronicle). ed down by Coleg. Ills running bnrk llefore a great crowd which filled of " un,H WM al, ° K‘ ,od ' a8 ,,n s * v « ral PETITION BEING SIGNED TO GET the stands on the side lines, .ho occa " lo " a he squirmed his way nhead Georgia team fulfilled the cxpecta- when 11 8Pen ' ed that tackier* surely lions of her adherents and defeated had * ,lm Ka,, * , '" >r ' 8 work for Clem- the Clemson College team yesterday 80,1 wa8 al8 ° vcry K<,od - On to Atlanta! afternoon. The unexpected, though, 1 The Scoring. Tech must be defeated! * or the Georgia boys, was the Clem- Georgia's first score came In the Now they taunt us that Sewanee's ?on touchdown scored at the begin- first quarter, and was the direct re- manager says Tech can do It. ulng of the fourth quarter. The final suit of an attempted forwnrd poes by Tech held them to one touchdown, scote was 3, to li In Georgia's favor. Clemson. With the hall on her own while they made two on us. Tile game wjs hard toughl 20-yarrl line, a Clemson forward pass It Just mustn't be did! throughout, with Georgia on the of- was Intercepted by Fullback Thonip- A petition hn3 been started to get tenthe practically the whole of the son. who thi n dodged his way fo the the (acuity to declare a holiday for .vine. Georgia's work was cjnslst- goal line fur the first score of tl the students to go to Atlanta and ent throughout, hi r game on defense points. Covington then kicked an root for the team next Saturday. It ;.s well us the offense, .lust how good easy g.ail, bringing It up to 7 points. Is probable that It will be granted. the defense was is shown by the fact rPc ! ist quarter i tided with the ball Every student who can beg. buy that Clemson made only live first in C< orgla's possession near mill er borrow the price of $1.60 railroad downs during the the entire gime.' ll< Id, w ith score 7 to 0 In Georgia's fare and 50c to see to game must go. i one In eaeh quarter, except the last, favor. We've got the teem and the coach to when two first downs were male. The second score was male In the beat them. We’ve got everything ex- Just how consistent the Georgia of- second quarter, and was the direct cept the rooting to let U19 team know fenre was is shown bv the fact that icsult or a very pretty run of II we ure behind them. Ever; man one touchdown In each quarter. yards by McWhorter. On the past who has an ounce of rplrit or v.ho A noticeable feature of the game front center, McWhorter fumbled ever hopes to call himself a Georgia the (allure of either team to slightly, but quickly recovered the man must be there next Saturday. work the forward piss successfully, ball and dashed around right end fur Show your g we mean sand! The Clemsiai team tried thl.i play sev- 25 yards, bi Ing stopped by Coles, the "ral limes, each time losing the ball last man between him mid the goal FAN DOHA RIDS WILL RE by having the pa. s Intercepted b> .1 line. This placed the hull on the CALLED FOR IIEFORE l,O.NG Georgia player. Clemsnp 10-ynrd line, from which A surptlse id the game was the point lluwdeti curried It over on the The Pandora hoard elected lust amount of line bucking done by the aerond play for the aeeond touch- Wednesday wdll get together at an Clemson boys, this leature of their down. Covington kicked goal. Score, early date an advertise for bids for play being the only one on whin, Georgia 14, Clemson 0. the 19X3 Pandora, aa provided tor In they 'ould gain consiatently, even if Georgia came very near scoring the constitution adopted by the stu- only jr short distances. It waa ex- again In thla quater. Clemson kick- dent body. A great deal of interest ported that they would depend on t n McWhorter on their 3fi-yarJ Is being manifested In the manager- their speed more than anything else || no> McWhorter returning the ball shlpthls year, and tt Is expected that The best work of the day was to the 10-yard line, being stopped It will be hotly and closely contested done by McWhorter. His work yes- again by Coles with a very pretty for. ., terday w*s the best yet seen on the tackle. The half ended with the local gridiron. He was given the l)a || ln , h , B position In Georgia's JEFFERSONIAN IA\\ SOf IKTI ball. It seemed, fully half the lime, possession, with the score 14 to 0 la ELECTS NEW OFFICERS and It wag very seldom he failed to Georgias' favor. L. A. Mills was elected to the pres- make the required distance lor hU Georgia's third score came In the limey of the Jeffersonian Law So- team He rertalnlv was the star of third quarter. Georgia twin- inter city at the meeting last Tuesday the game. Bowden also played a cepted Clenjson's forward passe* In night. The society this year Is do- fine game for Georgia, as did both this quarter, getting the ball the ing the best work In its history, and <tonkllu and Captain Peacock. second time near the mid-field. From the program commltUe is trying to T-'or Clemson, the star was with- this point the ball was carried over get the best cas* s they can. and as out doubt Marlon Coles. His work f or the third score on short line near to real court-ho. se work as a on both offense and defense was far plunges and end runs, with McWhor- mootcourt can be. A great deal of and away the best put up by hit ter earryiug the ball most of the interest Is being taken by both unior team from two to three touchdowns ,| m( . with the ball on Clemson * and senior classes, and If the work | Several tiroes after the runner had 16-yard llae, McWhorter plunged of the paat few weeks continues a passed the line and seemed to have ...... — great deal of good will be done. a clear field before him, he was pull- (Continued on page 3.) BISHliP NELSON GAVE LECTURE EPISCOPAL MINISTER MAKES STIRRING TALK TO STUDENTS. Bishop C. K. Nelson, of the Epis copal diocese of Atluntn. spoke to the studriitu In the University chap- ■ I Monday morning nt 10 o'clock on "The Trio Spit It of Democracy." hTe bishop made an able address, an I handled Ills subject In n way that held the spell-hound Interest of the whole uudlenre. It was of es pecial Inti rest to students of n Uni versity In that he applied tils subject to things that broadly trained men must think about and face In their careers. Announcement was umdc that ItlHliop Nelson would speak to the student body and such townsmen us could come over on the evening of December "tli Inflie chapel. There will prohubly be other lectures by him. Large audiences are expected, ns he Is 1111 able speaker uni Ills lectures are listened to with Intense Interest. ALUMNI EDITION. The Red and Black next week will get out a sort of "Alumni Edi tion," and friends of the hoard have personally been asked to write arti cles. Any ulumnus who has any thing to say. however, may contri bute articles and these will be gladly received and published In the Issue. Alumni can help the spirit here very much If they will. REHEARSAL. There will be a rehearsal of the Thallans In the chapel Tuesday night at 8 o'clock forthenew play. Rose mary, which will be given at an early dale. The Thalians have undertaken a pretentious program this year, and expect to do a great deal of good work In their four plays. The Glee Club has not yet an- nounced its new men forthls year, but Director llaughey and Leader Wilson are working ontfn- new ma terial and an announcement will fu made In a few days