Newspaper Page Text
The University of Georgia football j
eleven defeated the Georgia Tech
team at Ponce de Leon park Satur
day afternoon, before 8,000 football
enthusiasts, by the score of 20 to 0.
It was clearly a case of the best
team winning. True the element of
luck figured in one of the touch
downs, but as Georgia scored twice!
more during the game, the Tech ad
herents can tin J little consolation
In this.
Tech almost scored once In the
second quarter, but as the man with
the ball went over the goal line, he
fumbled and a wide-awake Georgia
player fell on the pigswin for a
touchback, and Tech's best chance to
score was lost.
In passing, especial mention should
be unde of the fine spirit shown by
the players of both teams throughout
the entire battle. Although they
fought Ilerroly all the way through,
there wa» none of the unnecessary
roughness that too frequently marks
the playing of a big football game,
especially one that means go much
to both schools as this game did.
The game was fastly played and
stubbornly fought by both sides on
the defensive, with some of the most
(i. M. C. PLAYS
The prep championship of the
state will be decided on Thanksgiv
ing day In Athens, when the Georgia
Military College team will meet Riv
erside in the hottest football contest
of the season. These two rival
teams have passed the season thus
far undefeated.
Milledgeville people are greatly in
terested in the coming game. A spe
cial train over the Central railroad
will be run from Milledgeville to
The G. M. C. team has made a
great record this year under the
training of Coach A. K. Maddox, who
has worked with ‘-nergy and enthus
iasm and has achieved wonderful re
sults with the team.
A large number of Riverside boys
and Brenau girls will come down
that day from Gainesville.
brilliant kind of football Interspersed
throughout on the offensive by the
men carrying the ball for both sides.
To McWhorter, of Georgia, and
McDonald, of Tech, go the lion's
shares of the honors for the offensive
work of their teams. They were
also ever present on the defensive, I
and made many a tackle that saved
hts team when it looked thut a man
on a broken Held run hud gotten
Mob was worked like the willing
truck horse that he Is. and he never
failed to respond to his quarterback’s
call, lie was thrown for a loss sev
eral times during the battle, but he
more than made tip for this later In
the game In a rritical period. Mol)
got several runs for 10 ‘o 12 yards,
one for 20 uiid another for 30 yards.
Bob rc'fchel splendid Interfer-
c nee, on some occasions no less than
live men being in Iroct or,him with
the ball; though lie showed that he
is the McWhorter of old by carrying
i the ball into his opponents’ territory
practically unaided.
For Tech, McDonald played the
greatest game. He played practical
ly the entire offensive game for the
Jackets. The Georgia rooting dele
gation would sit In anxious suspense
at the time that he was running with
the ball.
His punts were just as timely us
they have been in everv game this
season, and just as accurate, but It
was In running back the punts and
kick-offs of the opposing side that he
shone the ntoBt.
McDonald made gains through the
broken field of 18, 20 and 2,". yards.
He returned a punt once 20 yurds,
30 on another and capped it by com
ing back through the entire Georgia
team half the length of the field.
A new star Is in the ascendent at
Georgia, and this Is In the person of
Paddock, who called signals for the
Georgia bunch. His broken-field
run of 57 yards was easily the one
individual feature of the entire game,
and made possible Georgia's first
He seemed to diagnose the plays
well and directed his attack excel
lently. The Georgia team looked 100
per cent better than when It was
seen in the Vanderbilt game here.
3’ltere was more snap and dash to
the attack.
Georgia would not have scoretl
her first touchdown In the second
quarter but for a penalty. With the
ball within 3 yards of Tech's goal,
the heavier Georgians were thrown
for losses four times, and but for the
penalty, which came on the fourth
down, the ball would have gone over
to Tech on their 8-yard line. It went
back to the 3-yurd line and first
down for Georgiu.
Bowden, Malone and Henderson
also played good games for Georgia.
In fact, every man did Ills share and
as In the case of the Tech team,
each player did so much that It Is
really an injustice to any one to pick
out t'.ii' real stars.
Mul there were plays during llie
'..ini,' that stood out above every
thing else and the fortunate man that
happened to be making the play
er.nio in for the credit that was due
Georgia scored in the second quar
ter as the result of tne penalty above
described. .McWhorter's great work
In carrying the ball down the field
with the aid of Paddock and Mow-
den made the second score possible,
and In the main It was practically
McWhorter unaided that made the
Georgia played her heat hall dur
ing the third quarter. They march
ed down the field here for a touch
down within a few minutes, with
McWhorter battering his way against
the lighter Tech line practically two
plays In three.
Tech played her best ball in the
second quarter. when by dazzling
end runs they took the ball over for
a touchdown. The hall wus rushed
from their own territory right down
the field, with McDonald and Cook
carrying the ball, and then on a
quick cut through tackle, McDonald
went over for a touchdown. But he
fumbled the ball and a Georgia man
fell on it.
The forward pass was noticeable
by its failure. Tech could not work
her forward passes, but two short
ones did gain. Georgia failed on
hers, but did not try half the number
that Tech did.
The best team really won the
game. Tech was outweighed. It Is
true, and fought against odds, but
the team with the better hunch won.
Georgia has won her big game of
the year; the game of games, and
they are Justly happy In their vic
tory. Tech fought a good fight and
are heroes In defeat for the plucky
game that they put up.
First (Quarter.
Georgiu kicked off to Leuhrniun
on Tech's 25-yard line and ctmo
back 5 yards. Cook made 3 yards;
Thomason added 7, but fumbled and
Georgia recovered on her own 15-
yard line
Pueldeick fumbled for a loss. Mc
Whorter made 2 over lacklo.
Thompson added 2. Then Georgia
kb ked and Moore fumbled.
McWhorter gained but one yard
in three tries, and when u forward
pass failed It wus Tech's bull ou her
i 28*yard lino.
I.eiihrman made a yard and Geor-
'la was penalized 5 ynrds tor being
off-side. Fielder lost a yard, hut
Thomason gained ere and Cook raced
111 yards on a fake kick. Fielder
loss. McDonald got 8 through tackle.
(Continued on lust page).
Formal charges have been pre-
leircd against a member of the sen
ior class, accusing him of voting
twice In the recent Paudoru election.
This Item of news has gone out to
the newspapers over the state, and
this is published here in order to
give the truth as near as possible
and consistent with Justice to all
The trial was to have been Tues
day night In I'hl Kappa hull, but It
has la en postponed to Friday night.
• t will be presided over by the pres
idents of the three senior classes,
and the Jury of twelve will be from
a venire of twenty members of the
classe-s, each side having the privi
lege of striking four. A majority
may convict, and will recommend a
punishment to the faculty.
Only seniors will be admitted.