The Red and Black (Athens, Ga.) 1893-current, October 26, 1928, Image 3
T II E It B 1) A N 1) B L A C K Page Three .... SOCIETY UNIQUE PARTY PLANNED BY SCRIBES • Bab? Jones, High Point, N. C.J Mary Mosley, Atlanta: Alice White, Greenville, S. C. I’hi Epsilon Pi A. T. O. Misses Ketta Waff, Norfolk, Va.. Rena Davidson, Charleston, S. C.; Nan Sinkler, Charleston, S, C.; Sally Skrip, tueeeator to ink, maket all pens ivrit* better, and \ the Lifetime pen v\ write beet. | L/pens - pencils - SKRIP W. A SHEAFFER PEN COMPANY • FORT MADISON. IOWA WOMEN STUDENTS INVITED TO SCOOP Women students of the Uni versity of Georgia are cor dially invited to attend a Scoop, to be given by the Scribes at Memorial hall Wed nesday, October 31, at 5 p. m. HOMECOMING TO BE CELEBRATED BY FOUR DANCES Sorority Gives Tea Recently A formal tea in honor of their pledges, patronesses, and mothers, was given by Mu Beta chapter of the Chi Omega sorority at their house on Meigs street Wednesday after noon. In the receiving line were: Misses Martha Worth Rogers, head of the chapter: Anne W. Brumby, Mary Bond Palmer, Olivia McCarty, Ruth Hood, Sara Thurmond, and Mrs. E. Turnipseed, house-mother of the sorority. Phi Mus Given Buffet Supper A buffet supper in honor of Alpha Alpha chapter of the Phi Mu soror ity was given by Mrs. Duncan Burnet at her home on Cloverhurst avenue, recently. The guest list included the chap ter members, pledges, a few alumnae, and Mrs. Burton Ferguson, house mother of the sorority. EVKR8HARP PENCIL FOUND Found: Evershap pencil, silver, with Greek letters Theta Phi. Kath erine Kingman, 2055. (Continued from page 2) Banks Walton, Gainesville; Margaret White, Birmingham, Ala.; Serena Jennings, Bradenton, Fla.; Major and Mrs. Hunter Harris, Athens; Mrs, Shepard Bryan, Atlanta; Mrs. M. Grimes, Athens. Phi Delta Theta Misses Virginia Myrick, Atlanta; Claire Donald, Tupelo, Miss.; Kath erine Flagler, Atlanta; Mary Gutten- berger, Macon; Anne Dunlap, Bir mingham, Ala.; Ellyn Rice, Dublin; Louise Smith, Athens; Ruth Wages, Athens; Mabel Walpole, Gainesville; Katherine Winn, Valdosta; Sue Plunkett, Augusta; Sue Perry, At lanta; Dot Grogan, Gainesville; Mar garet Gilbin, Oklahoma City, Okla.; Mary Kellet, Chattanooga, Tenn.; Martha Jordan, Perry; Conner Cleckley, Augusta. Pi Kappa Phi Misses Jean Curtis, Americus; Marguerite Snelling, Atlanta; Peggy Whittle, Atlanta; Eleanor May, At lanta; Elizabeth Sutton, Buford; Mazie Rich, Bainbrtdge; Thelma Baker, Atlanta; Charlotte Tyson, Bainbridge; Emily Bush, Americus; Sue Perry, Atlanta; Gladys Gate- wood, Americus; Annie Laurie Macey, Thomasville; Elizabeth East erlin, Americus; Meriam Edwards, Fort Valley; Martha Earnest, Ath ens. Sigmui Nil Misses Elizabeth Roberts, Atlanta; Martha Lewis, Atlanta; Julia Res- sell, Gainesville; Mary Boyd, Co lumbus; Ruth Tucker, Brunswick; Evelyn Moore, Macon; Zadie Graham, Gainesville; Frances Marehman, Fort Valley; Delores Peacock, Cochran; Lucile Williams, Cordele; Catherine Jenkins, Americus; Maime Bird Crawfordville; Mary Elizabeth Bunn, Waycross. Delta Tan Delta Misses Constance Furman, Green ville; Sarah Law, Atlantn; Sadie Sibley, Marietta; Lucile Manson, New Orleans; Adelle Dunbar, New Orleans; Delora Kickligliter, Adel; Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Tate, Tate; Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Crane, Athens. ' Chi Psi Misses Elizabeth Ridgeley, Au gusta; Dot Morton, Northampton, Mass.; Alicia Barber, Chicago, 111.; Kitty Parks, Atlanta; Elizabeth Dodd, Atlanta; Mry Dodd, Atlanta; Flora Cox, Athens; Mary Bothwell, Augusta; Katherine Jenkins, At lanta; Mrs. William K. Jenkins, At lanta. Kappa Sigum Misses Norma King, Cuthbert; Emma Thomas, Atlanta; Sarah Ed mondson, Atlanta; June Tillman, Quitman; Dixie King, Cornelia; Catherine Turner, Montgomery, Ala.; Elizabeth Anderson, Montgomery, Ala.; Punkie Sadler, Anderson, S. C.; Misses Anne Erlisli, Savannah; \nne Cohen, Atlanta; Joan Rrown, Atlanta; Sylvia Morris, Spartanburg, S. C.; Carolyn Greenfield, Atlanta; Evelyn Ash, Birmingham, Ala. Mae Stegall, Ozark liburton, Grifiiu: Rocky Mt.. N. C.: catur. t Ala.; Emily Hal- Julia Johnston. Barbara Metz, Pe Nunn-Bush C/lnkle~&ashioned Oxfords The self assurance and confidence that correct clothes and correct foot gear give are as vital for success in college as in the business world. Nunn-Bush Ankle-Fashioned Oxfords are built to fit the ankle as well as the foot— no gapping, no slipping at the heeL PARKS & CHAMBERS, Inc. 37-39 PEACHTREE ST. ATLANTA, GEORGIA 1/rs strenuous business for the athlete to keep up with his work and at the same time get the sleep the coaches demand. Many have discovered a way to do it. They use a Remington Portable for all their writing. It helps them get better marks because of the neatness and legibility of the type- Easy Payments. ie Athletes Friend written reports; and the great saving of time as compared with the drudg ery of writing by hand is a welcome relief. Remington Portable is the smallest, lightest, most compact and most depend able portable with standard keyboard. Weighs only 8Vi pounds, net. Carrying case only 4 inches high. Remington Portable Remington Rand business Service, Inc. 104 Luckie Street ATLANTA, GEORGIA MEET ME A T Patrick’s Pharmacy Cigarettes Drugs Soda Sandwiches 1556 THi WKittlidl Import-d Block Scotch Grain. A &ood sport Identify (he Lifetime pen by this whue dot No matter what it is called upon to do, from the making of three clear carbons to answering the lightest touch of a feathery handwriting, the Life time 0 pen is always a fcood. sport. A dependable performer! And that’s why the Lifetime pen is a picked favorite in forty-one per cent of the lead ing colleges and universities of America. Perfect form in every event, plus the economy of the life- time guarantee and the thrill of its brilliant beauty have made it a winner everywhere. And its Titan pencil twin shares the honors—a pair of fcood sports. "Lifetime" pen. SS.75 Lady "Lifetime". *7.50 Other, lower "Lifetime" Titan oversize pencil to match, $4-25 At better stores everywhere