The Red and Black (Athens, Ga.) 1893-current, November 02, 1928, Image 2
Page Two THE RED AND BLACK Rugh Talks to Student Forum Arthur Rugh, for twenty years Y. I M. C. A. secretary In China and India and now In the foreign de partment of the national council of the Y. M. C. A., spoke to the special student forum held In Memorial hall Sunday afternoon on “World Wide Christian Education." The work of the Christian associa tions In China and India, with refer ence to the relation of the American branches of the Association to the missionary work was covered by Mr. Hugh In his discussion. He endeav ored to interest the University stu dents In sponsoring some phase of foreign benevolent work, and dis cussed cases where students In American colleges are doing some kind of missionary work In China nnd India. Mr. Hugh’s talk was followed by an open forum discussion Into which several students entered, among them were R. B. Jennings, Berry Floyd, Claud Bond. John Berry, Gucrry Harris, nnd Emily Simpson. Special music for the occasion was furnished by Miss Mary Wheeler and Miss Rountree of Lucy Cobh Insti tute. Pelicans Initiate Four Sophomores The public Initiation of four soph omore boys Into the Pelican club took place last week-end, which was "Homecoming." Those Initiated were: Fletcher Manley, Chi l’hl; Jim Carson, K. A.; J. J. McDonald, Sigma Chi; and Marvin Cox, S. A. E. The initiation was deferred from last spring, when the regular initia tion took plare at spring dances. The young men appeared ut all the dances of the past week-end with enormous placards on their backs, ' with lettering to the effect that they j were Initiates of the organization. The Pelican club Is a social club , for sophomores, to which belong two ( men from seven fraternities, and one from another. Those fraternities which have members In the Pelican club are. S. A. E., K. A., Phi Delta Thetn, Chi Phi, Sigma Chi, A. T. O., ; Kappa Sigma, and Chi Psl. HERE THIS WEEK November 2 *.0:00 p. m.—Bulldog Special leaves for Columbus via. Sea board. November H 3:00 p. m.—Red Devils play North Georgia Aggies. November 4 4:30 p. m.—Student forum. November 5 7:30 p. m.—Fraternity meet ings. November 0 Election day. Mil Kappa Junior-Senior Im promptu debate try-out. November 7 8:00 p. m.—Freshman Im promptu debate. November H 8:00 p. m.—Glee club stunt night. DR. SOULE SPEAKS TO FRESHMAN Y. M. C. A. CLUB The main feature of the program of the Freshman Y. M. C. A. club Tuesday night was an address by Dr. Andrew M. Soule of the State Col lege of Agriculture. He spoke on, "Building a Life," which was Im pressive and enjoyed by all present. Music was furnished by Misses Henrietta Armstrong, Helen Gignil- llat, Doris McCormick, and Marjorie Lacy of the Sophomore house. The Cabinet met afterwards, and decided to Invite Dean Sanford to talk at the meeting Tuesday night All freshmen are urged to attend. Gamma Alpha chapter of Alpha Gamma Delta announces Mrs. J. C. Wnrdlnw’s acceptance ns patroness. South Delights Augusfe Desclos By Katherine Kingman "A feeling of friendship prevails among the French people toward Americans,” stated Monsieur Au guste W. Desclos, student of Inter national relations, from the Univer sity of Paris, following his address to the student body and faculty of he University of Georgia on, “Stu dent Life In European Colleges,” Monday morning in the chapel. Making his first trip Into the south, Monsieur Desclos discovered the truth about a country which he ad mitted he had thought was Inhab ited conspicuously, if not entirely, by negroes. Monsieur Desclos drove through the country from Atlanta where he made an address at Agnes Scott Col lege, Decatur, and was surprised to find trees still green and flowers blooming, as, he expressed It, "though It were yet spring here.” I France has no more the impression j that Americans brag of winning the World war and that they have taken undue credit for their noble share in It than she would have if some one stepped In the ring after Gene Tun- ney had worn down Jack Dempsey in a ten round fight, and gave him the tinai knock-out blow, claiming the purse, according to the lecturer. Monsieur Desclos was impressed by the fact that the chapel was crowded and that many students stood with patience and interest dur ing the entire lecture. When he was leaving the chapel the French scholar noticed the new organ and admired the picture which is hung on the stage, from points of color and perspective, exclaiming over them In his native tongue. Life Insurance—John Hancock John Hancock—Life Insurance That connection works either way in good heads. What Shakespeare says about Coca-Cola “Halloo your name to the reverberate hills, and make the babbling gossip of the air cry out" The Bard of Avon gave much good advice. And this piece cer tainly has been followed by Coca-Cola: The drink you read about. And the little red sign brightens the streets and comers of cities and tou-ns everywhere, its name more familiar than the names of the streets themselves. Tb« Coo-Col* Comp*oy. Ati sot*. G*. TWELFTH NIOHT Act I. 8cCOO k Drink Delicious and Refreshing i RECOGNITION SERVICE FOR FROSH HELD BY Y. W. C. A Y. W. C. A. Recognition service for freshmen was given in the chapel Thursday night in conjunction with the University Y. W. C. A. cabinet with the weekly vesper service of the University Y. W. C. A. Mary Ellen McMillan, Clarkesville, opened the meeting with a short de votional, and Emily Simpson, Ath ens, president of the Y. W. C. A. cabinet, gave a short talk. "Charge to the Freshmen” was given by Annie Laurie Hill, Athens, and the meet ing was closed with the candle light service, and the singing of “Follow the Gleam." Miss McDermid, assistant in the newly created music department «t. the University rendered special music on the pipe organ. We are not preachers -But we do save soles! MARTIN BROS. PHONES 621-717 (— ■ =■■■.. 1 j CANDIES and SODAS Costa’s TOBACCOS and l - - PIPES umma S PEAK to the trainer, the coach, the doctor, or the physiology pro fessor. They’ll tell you that there is a no more healthful habit than your daily two biscuits of Shredded Wheat WITH MILK OR CREAM