The Red and Black (Athens, Ga.) 1893-current, November 02, 1928, Image 8
Page Eight tiip: red and black LECTURERS WILL ADDRESS STUDENTS (Continued from page 1) Hunter Bell, city editor, The Atlanta journal; W. F. Caldwell, superin tendent of the southern division of the Associated Press; Mark F. Ethridge, managing editor. The Macon Telegraph; ThomaH J. Hamil ton, Sr., editor, The Augusta Chron icle; John W. Hammond, state house correspondent. The Macon Telegraph, The Augusta Chronicle, nnd The Columbus Enquirer-Sun; B. F. Hardy, editor, The Barnesvlllc News-Gazette; Clark Howell, Jr., business manager, The Atlanta Con stitution; Louie Morris, editor, The Hnrtwell Sun; Jnmes B. Nevln, ed itor, The Atlanta Georgian; Hugh J. Rowe, editor, The Athens Banner- Herald; Pleasant A. Stovall, editor, The Savannah Press; Dan G. Bick ers, associate editor. The Savannah Morning News; Jack Williams, ed itor, The Wayeross Journal-Herald; J C. Williams, editor, The Greens boro H< raid-journal. Hiribes Founded in IIKJH The Scribes was founded at the University In the spring of 1928 by w >meu students In the Henry W. Grady School of Journalism with a view to petitioning Theta Sigma Phi, nationnl honorary Journalistic fra ternity for women. Co-ed Leader _ Wins First Prize To the Co-ed Leader, published by the Commercial High school, At lanta, has been awarded the Athens Banner-Herald’s prize of $25 In gold for the best high school newspaper for the 1927-1928 session. This Is the second year that The Co-ed Leader has won the prize. The award was made through the Georgia Scholastic Press association, an organization sponsored by the Henry W. Grady School of Journal ism and the University of Georgia chapter of Sigma Delta Chi, national professional Journalistic fraternity. A similar prize for the best high school or preparatory school news paper published in the state during the 1928-1929 session will be award ed In connection with the annual con vention' of the Georgia Scholastic Press association, which will be held n Athens next June, according to Professor John E. Drewry, faculty adviser to the association. Georgia high schools Interested In competing tor this prize are advised by Profes sor Drewry that bound volumes of their publications for the present session must be submitted by May 31, 1929. REPRODUCTION OF SCOOP PUBLICATION Be briber Volume 1 OCTOBER, 1928 Number 1 Star Reporters Stage Skit for Scribes’ Scoop RED DEVILS TO PLAY DAHLONEOA SATURADY IRVIN S COBB COMES TO RESCUE Irvin S. Cobb, n«t»*d Jour nal-ami-humor-1 Mt, unwitting ly added to tin* program of th» So r I boa’ Scoop, by writ ing a book called Htlrkful*. Home time ago. It ban furnished a reading for the occanlon, "A Ite- portcr’H Illg Thrill," which will be dramatically or not, ns the cane warranty render ed by MIhm Mary < la Ire Bran non. prenldent of the Scribes, in a few minutex. if the audi ence will keep Ith hIiIrt on. If not. Mixx Brannon, being a member of tin* Methodist church, will not appear. If the program, therefore, lx not xt Hotly followed out, let the audience remember that It hax only itself to blame. SIGMA DELTA CHI MEN AID SCRIBES ThIn Mpitcc lx reserved for •i cut of the Hike which will lie nerved xliortly. MUSIC FEATURES VIOLIN AND PIANO (Continued from page 1) them by forward passes of the type Billy Banker and Armstrong were throwing against tlte Bulldogs Saturday. In Dickens, half, and Jackson, fullback, the Reserves have two good hall carriers. There are two or three more on the squad that can step to and the North Georgia Aggies will have some trouble be fore the game is over Saturday try ing to hold them In check. The record of the Aggies this sea son Is not bod at all, since they have won the bigger portion of the games played. They boast a husky bunch of players and a team that never gives up when defeat is Inevitable. BOTH R 0. T. C. UNITS TO PERFORM AT COUNTY FAIR 30 Are Qualified For Miss Athens Of the many names received as entries In the "Miss Athens” elec tion, about thirty of these have qual ified and been accepted to date. These contestants are now hard at work in their individual campaigns, and each is determined to win the first prize of the $200.00 solitaire diamond ring and the accompanying title of "Miss Athens.” The date set by the Directors of the Fair when no more nominations will be received Is Wednesday, No vember 7. All ladles who have been nominated and reclved notice to that effect should report to the contest headquarters at once in order that REFRESHMENTS TO IIE SERVED A great deal of enthusiasm was shown by local citizens at the Fair banquet Monday night, indicating that is should be a success. will (Continued from page 1) Ermas Marlowe’s free acts add to the amusements to be sup plied by the Sheesley Greater Shows. The chief act will he a long slide down an 80 fool Incline with M. G. Zeldo, great acrobatic star, balanc ing his head on roller skates. The Company also has trained animals that will perform. The Barlowe circus revue will also Include light rope walking and other balancing acrobatic stunts of which the trained animals participating in many of these acts. On the same day you have your Pandora Pictures made, let us make some of you and compare results. GATES STUDIO Proofs Free At llu* end of the Scoop program. If the guests are still alive, refrexhinentx will be nerved to keep them ho until they ean get home to filmier. If they an* not xtlll alive. ineaxureH will be taken to re vive them by putting some illicit in them again Violin ami plan i aelectlonx by Mixx Sarah Morris and 1 sx Margaret he Morris will be features of the Scoop program Wednesday after noon. The latter will also king. If the audience lx big enough to appreciate it. More or less collegiate songs will be ehoxen to match the conglomerate assembly. It has* been especially re- <lnexted that Miss Morris sing ‘Fraternity Blues;” x o try to recognize It when it hap pens. If the audience has any suggestions to make. It will please refrain. (That lx a pun. The audience will please consider Itself pun-lxhed for biking the program serious ly). The music Is designed to till any empty spaces until time for refreshments. A skit entitled. “How the Stage Reporter (lets a Story,” will Ik* presen teil at the Scribes’ Scoop Wednesday afternoon. October 31. by members of the Georgia Chap ter of Sigma Delta Chi. The star parts will be taken by Mr. Guy C. Hamilton, president of Sigma Delta Chi and editor of the Pandora, and Mr. Prentiss Courson. as sociate editor of the Red and Black nnd the Pandora, as rival reporters; with Mr. Wynn Burton, associate ed itor of The Georgia Cracker, as the “blonde lady." It Is not necessary for the audience to remain seated during the intermission, as there will be no intermission. Baby Clinic to Open at Fair Notwithstanding that the Clarke County Fair baby clinic opens next Monday morning at the Fair head quarters at 234 Washington street and that nearly 100 babies have been entered for the free medical exam inations, the directors are making an effort to bring this number to 300. The first session of the clinic will be in charge of Dr. S. S. Smith and nurse, Mrs. Geo. Burroughs. Hours of the clinic will be from 9:00 till 11:00 a. m. and from 2:00 till 4:00 p. m. until all the children have been examined. Entries will continue to be received until the last day of the clinic which will be Fri day, November 9. McGREGOR CO. VOTED THANKS This issue of TIIE I>K- St’KIBKlt is printed through the courtesy of the McGreg or Company, which devoted ifs multitudinous presses to the task of publishing it froo in time for the Scoop. Tile McGregor Company will please consider this notice a framed vote of thanks. Nice Cars U-Drive-It-Co. Phone 1900 140 Washington Street The De-Scriber, published at the Scoop given by the Scribes at Me morial hall Wednesday afternoon. their entry may be acted upon before the time limit has expired. SODAS CANDIES C I G A R S Toasted Sandwiches Gus’s Mehre’s Old Place Opposite Arch c I G A R E T T E S Curb Service Mr.McMurray Waxes Poetic over Tobacco Carrollton, Texas May 15, 1928 Lams & Bro. Co., Richmond, Va. Gentlemen: Having been a user of Edgeworth for over eight years, I can truthfully say that it is the best on earth. I am enclosing a little ditty that I believe expresses my sentiments entirely: Old Man Joy and Old Man Trouble Wont out for a walk one day. I happened to pass when they met on the street And I overheard them say, Said Old Man Trouble, “She’s as wrong as she can be, There ain’t no fun in anything to me, why I was just talking’ to Old Man Sorrow, And he says the world will end tomorrow.” Then Old Man Joy he started to grin. And I saw him bring out that OLD BLUE TIN. Then OLD JOHNNY BRIAR was next on the scene, And he packed him full from the OLD BLUE TIN, And I heard him say as he walked away, “You have to have a smoke screen every day. When a man gets the blues, and he needs a friend, He can find consolation in the OI.D BLUE TIN, And I jist don’t believe on all this earth There’s a thing that’ll match good old EDGEWORTH.” Yours very truly, F. H. McMurray Edgeworth Extra High Grade Smoking Tobacco GREATER SHEESLEY SHOWS “World’s Premier Fair Amusement Attraction” • AT Clarke County Fair NOV. 13th. to 17th. 6 Big Days & Nights 6 100 Amusement Devices 20 Shows, 11 Riding Devices SEE “WORLD’S GLADWAY” 35—60-ft. CARS ‘BIG JIM” Only Borneo Gorilla in captivity. Greatest Anthropoid Attraction in the world having played to 126,000 people at Toronto Exposition. CLEAN AMUSEMENT 550 PEOPLE Popular Prices of Admission