The Red and Black (Athens, Ga.) 1893-current, November 09, 1928, Image 3

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Page Three
“Y” Cabinets to
Give Reception
Cabinets of the University of
Georgia Y. M. C. A. and Y. W.
C. A. will entertain the faculty ot
the University at a reception in Me
morial hall next Thursday night, it
was announced today. Invitations
have been sent to all the members
of the faculty and their wives, and
to members of the two cabinets.
Talks by the presidents of the two
Christian associations, and by mem
bers of the Board of Directors of
the Y. M. C. A. will be given pre
ceding the social part of the pro
gram. Hugh Hodgson, director of
the music department at the Uni
versity, has arranged a musical pro
This reception is to be an annual
event at the University, and is given
with a view to acquaint the faculty
with the work' attempted by the
Christian associations on the campus.
Park Makes Talk
To Zodiac Club
The Bridge of San Luis Rey by
Thornton Wilder, was the subject of
a talk made by Dr. R. E. Park, of
the English department, at a meet
ing of the Zodiac club, honorary
scholastic organization, which was
held at the Sophomore house Wed
nesday afternoon.
A general discussion of this book
was held after Dr. Park’s talk.
Misses Wylly Polk and Mary
Claire Brannon and Mrs. C. R. Gar
wood were hostesses to the club for
this meeting.
The members of the club for this
year are: Misses Mary Claire Bran
non, president: Mildred Miscally,
vice-president; Martha Worth Rog
ers, secretary: Hallie Cox, treasurer;
Wylly Folk, Gertrude Wilensky,
Margaret Fortson, Merle Bray, Rose
Thompson, Edna Harmon, Mary
Huguley, and Helen Walters.
Misses Minnie Weitz, Ida Gordon,
and Rosina Pearl are spending this
week-end in Savannah.
Misses Mary Ellen McMillan and
Nellie Dykes attended the Georgia-
Auburn game in Columbus last Sat
Misses Irma Frost and Edna Har
mon are visiting in Savannah this
Misses Alice Cartledge, Lillian
Kelly, and Martha Lester were in
Augusta for the week-end.
Misses Martha Lester and Naomi
Henson spent Tuesday in Atlanta.
Misses Marjorie Bickers, Merle
Bray and Virginia Exley are visiting
their parents in Savannah this week
Misses Miriam Battle and Sophie
Lou Meakin attended the Tech-Ogle-
thorpe game in Atlanta last week
Misses Martha Worth Rogers and
Dorothy Westbrook were visitors in
Columbus for the Georgia-Auburn
Kappa Deltas Are
Hostesses at Tea
An informal tea In honor of their
pledges, patronesses, and mothers
was given by Sigma Chi chapter of
the Kappa Delta sorority Wednesday
afternoon at their home on Miliedge
The reception rooms were beau
tifully decorated with large baskets
of fall flowers.
Miss Miriam Battle presided at
the tea service.
Those receiving were: Misses Mary
Ellen McMillan, Martha Lester, Mar
garet Stone, and Evelyn Darden.
A large number of guests called
during the afternoon.
Thalians Change
Road Trip Play
The play which is to be taken on
the road this fall by the Thaiian
dramatic club of the University 01
Georgia, has been changed from the
one originally planned and u new
caste has been selected by Miss Na
Nita Bullock, director of the club.
The first practice will be held Mon
day night, November 12, at Peabody
hall at nine o’clock. The members
of the caste include: Misses Martha
Lester, Augusta; Katherine King-
man, Fort Henning; Rebecca Means,
Athens; Ada Forshey, New Orleans;
Mary Hart, Athens; Messrs Fred
Davis, Atlanta; Lamartine Hard
man, Commerce; Robert King, At
lanta; James Hayes, Montezuma;
Franklin Shearhouse, Springfield;
Lathrop Mitchell, Thomasville.
at the Georgian hotel Thursday
Those Initiated were: P. S. Oliver,
Gainesville; Robert Wingfield, Ath
ens; Peter L. Lea, Athens; Hugh R.
Aderholt, East Point; W. D. Wright,
Savannah; and E. A. Eptlng, Athens.
Membership is made on the basis
of high scholastic attainments.
Misses Martha Gabbett and Annie
Fawcett are spending the week-end
In Savannah.
Miss Mildred Armistead was at
her home in Crawford for the -week
Miss Mildred David
Georgia-Auburn game
last Saturday.
attended the
in Columbus
Blackfrairs to
Present Comedy
The Blackfriar dramatic club will
present as their fall offering, "The
Bost People,” a light comedy. Those
taking part in the cast are as fol
lows: Mrs. Lenox, Winifred Orr;
Miss Tate, Klectra Ussery; Alice
O’Neal. Addle Thompson; Mr. Graf
ton, Frank Constangy; Henry, Ar-
mand Eyler; Bertie Lenox, Ned
Hagey; Lord Rockmore, Livingston
Travis; Bullock, Guy Hamilton; Leo,
George Armstrong.
The club will make a road trip but
plans are as yet incomplete.
Law Fraternity
Holds Initiation
The local chapter of the Sigma
Delta Kappa, national honorary legal
fraternity, initiated six new members
in connection with a banquet held
Mrs. D. L. Earnest, Mrs. W. D.
Hooper, Miss Martha Earnest and
Mr. Monteith Capps attended the
Georgia-Auburn game.
Mr. Thomas F. St. John was in
Athens Sunday.
Miss Ethel Elder was in Watkins-1
ville for the week-end.
!! « X " s< it K :Ot:: « it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it
Retail Fruits, Cigars, Cigarettes anti Tobaccos «
Drinks, Candies, Lunch Counter
Students’ Trade Appreciated
Plume 9176
Meet Your Friends
AT the—
Girl’s Hot Tip
Steers Student
to Favorite
Pii >e Tobacco
San Francisco, Cal.
Larus & Bro. Co.
Richmond, Va.
Since I first started to smoke, I
have always smoked cigarettes.
One day SHE said to me "Ed,
dear, why don’t you smoke a pipe. I
think those long straight-stemmed
pipes are so manly-looking."
So. naturally, I had to buy a long-
stemmed pipe and a can of well, we’ll
call it “ Blubs Mixture tobacco.” Im
mediately with a certain feeling of
pri.'e in my new pipe, I "lighted up”
and proceeded to have my tongue biW
ten. I tried almost every brand I had
ever heard o', but none satisfied me.
Sadly, 1 had to confess to HER that
as a pi|>e smoker I was a good die
"Did you try Edgeworth?" she
asked. "That iB what dad smokes,
and he’s always smoked a pipe.”
So I was forced to try Edgeworth,
and all that I can say is that if every
fellow that has tried to accustom him
self to a pipe, started with Edgeworth,
there would be very few that would go
back to cigarettes.
Yours sincerely,
Ed Maher
Extra High Grade
Smoking Tobacco
Delicious and Refreshing
Act I. Seeoa 2
8 million a day —it HAD TO BE GOO
“Ever precise in
promise keeping”
The point of Lucio's remark is
not what he said it about, but
what he said. It surely describes
Coca-Cola, for consider these
Pure as Sunlight
And the proof of its purity is in
the testing. Tuenty-tuo scientific
tests, covering every step in its
preparation, safeguard this pure
drtnk of natural flavors.
The Coc»CoU Company, Atlanta, Ga.
Dormitory Blues
TT*HEY are easily con-
tracted if you have to
spend most of your time
in your room grinding
away at long reports and
Speed things up! Get a
Remington Portable to do
your writing. It will effect
a remarkable saving of
writing time- to say noth
ing of the greater neatness
and legibility of type
written matter. Chances
are, that means better
marks, too.
Remington Portable is the
smallest, lightest, most
compact and most depend
able standard keyboard
portable. Weighs only 8Vi; carrying case
only 4 inches high.
Monthly payments, if desired.
Remington Hand
Business Service, Inc.
104 Luckie Street