The Red and Black (Athens, Ga.) 1893-current, November 09, 1928, Image 6
Pape Six TIIE RED AND BLACK SPORTS ] Bl U L) LI )0 GS T '0 I El EJ r i LG >u IS! Ik lN \k i SI tk il n E BULLDOGS, GIVE THOSE ’GATORS HELL! i iT GEORGIA TO PLAV L. S. U. IN LAST GAME FOR ATHENSl Georgia faces L. S. U. In the last home game of the current season oh November 17. This will also prob ably he the last football Kane to be played on Sanford Held, scene of many historic gridiron Imttles. L. S. U. has not lost a conference game this season and has had only two touchdowns scored on them This gives promise of an interesting 1 afternoon on Hit 1 seventeenth. L.’ R. H. Is the second Louisiana ) team to appear In Athens, Tulane | being the other team from the Rayou ■ country to perform on the local Held. The star of the Louisiana State team Is Tinsley, who Is rated as one of the best In the conference. The Tigers started this year under a new coach, Kuss Cohen, former as sistant to Wallace Wade at Alabama and liIh team’s record Is Impressive. Georgia will have another hard game on Saturday week. Red Devils Defeat N. G. A. C. 75 to 0 BULLDOG HALFBACK LOOKING ON By R. E. HAMILTON FILLS SHIVERS SHOES Harvey Hill, Georgia punter and passer who has been playing a bril liant game this season. Hill’s pass to Maffett against Auburn put the ball on the one-yard line. Georgia Track Captain Beats Tech Leader The Red Devils, reserve team of the Georgia Bulldogs overwhelmlng- l.v defeated the North Georgia Ag gies from Dahlonega Saturday while their big brothers were winning from Auburn. The star of the game was Dick ens, last year's freshman half. He played quarter and made many spectacular broken Held runs. The Red Devils played good foot ball all the time but the lack of opposition by Dahlonegn makes It Impossible to judge Georgia’s re serves by this game. Retell, Me- Tlgue, Kelly, Scrlver, Turner, Owens, Hamilton, and James played a highly creditable game for the Reds. Cap tain Backntan, who had charge of the Reserves played every man who was In uniform Including freshmen. The Reds scored thirty-two points In the firwt half. Dickens scored the Hrst touchdown on an end run and shortly after this McTIgue caught a pass and carried It across for a marker. Revolt scored and Dickens scored twice before the half ended. In the second half the Georgia team exhibited even more drive than they showed in the first, six touch downs being scored in the last half. Hamilton scored the first, then Owens carried It across the line, and Kelly blocked a punt and ran for a touchdown. Turner scored a marker < n a forward pass, Dickens ran back a punt for a touchdown, and Dick ens scored for the final time on an end run. Running In line iform, Captain Mob Young, Georgia, beat Captain Roy Brewer, Georgia Tech, in the an nual Georgia-Georgla Tech cross I country run last Saturday at Atlanta with a time of 26 minutes and 30 I seconds. Georgia Tech won the race | by a score of 24 to 31. In winning the rare Young con tinued his record of the past two years of winning first place in every dual meet that he has participated In. The men in the other places were: third, SummeroiiH, Tech; fourth, I Owen, Tech; fifth, Crlsfleld. Tech; Injuries have been the most prom inent characteristic of the Bulldogs lately. Haley, Frisbie, Smith, Mc Crary, Boland, among the regulars, may play Saturday and then again they may not. Personally, we are of the ppinion that they will play. The Florida 'Gators are not to be taken lightly. Even though it was against weak teams, 144 points in two games is a whole flock of touch downs; a good fraction over a point I a minute, in fact. Our neighbors to I the south patently have a high gear-1 ed scoring machine, and it is up to I the Georgia defense to stop it. — In 1927, during the game at Jack sonville that led to a 28-0 victory j for Georgia, the Red and Black for- j ward wall held the 'Gators on the ! one-yard line. We hope that it will j not be necessary to do this again; [ j such a moment is downright tense, i even if the line should hold. Neither Georgia nor Florida has I I lost a conference game. Barring the I I possibility of a tie, it takes no great | stretch of the imagination to see that the record of one team must be spoiled for the year. We are forced to admit that the ’Gators have a fair chance to win; better if injuries take Herbert Maffett, Bulldog left end and pass receiver, who scored two touchdowns against Tulane and made another possible against Auburn'. Maffett plays Shiver’s old position. [ toll of Georgia regulars. Notwith standing that admission, we would look upon a defeat for the Bulldogs as an upset. In other words, Geor- | gia is our choice. Indications are that a goodly num- 1 her of University students will at- tend the game. Two special trains, I automobiles, and the college way of I traveling hoboing — are currying j red caps to the Port city. The biggest sports news of the week was the announcement that , .. Yale would break tradition next year sixth, lloyd, Georgia; seventh Simp- , , and Journey south to dedicate Geor- Track Team to Face Meets in Next Few Weeks BULLDOGS DEFEAT TIGERS’ TEAM IN CONFERENCE GAME The Georgia football team won its second conference game Saturday, ' , e"eating Auburn 13 to 0 in Colum bus. Most of the Bulldogs who played were second-stringers, the regulars being rested as much as possible for the Florida game Sat urday. Both Georgia scores came in the first half, the first when after Joe Martin had recovered a fumble, Ar- min Waugh circled end for a touch down. Benny Rothstein bucked over for the second marker after a ppss to Maffett had put the ball on the one yard line. Auburn has been hopelessly out classed by almost every football team they have played in the last two years. They have managed to get only a couple of ties and one victory during that time and it was generally conceded that Georgia would have an easy afternoon, but the Tigers put up a real fight espe cially in the second half. One of ’■o characteristics of teams from the village is its fighting spirit; in the (Continued on page 8) son, Georgia; eighth. Taltnadge. Georgia; ninth, Jones, Georgia; tenth, Morgan, Tech. gta’s new stadium. Dr. S. V. San- (Continued on page 7) The University of Georgia varsity cross country team faces three matches during the next few weeks, according to Coach Bill Tate. The team meets Auburn on November 10, competes in the Southern Con ference championship in Atlanta on November 24, and is entered in the A. A. U. meet to be held In Atlanta December 7. Young and Talmadge are expected to place In all these meets. The Freshman team also has a busy time ahead, facing Tech High November 17, and Dahlonega Novem ber 24. A race open to all University of Georgia students except varsity track men has been announced for ] the first week of December. The first upper classman to finish in this j race will be awarded a minor letter, i Medals will go to the first ten men I finishing and the first six freshmen j to finish will be given numerals. A I cup will be awarded to the winning [ fraternity. TEAM IS INVITED TO ATTEND TWO ALUMNI DANCES IN SAVANNAH : Members of the Georgia football squad have been invited to attend two alumni script dances at the Do- i Soto hotel in Savannah this week- j end. There will be a dance Friday and Saturday nights as a part of the activities centering around the Geor- gia-Florida game. STUDENT TICKETS WILL BE ON SALE AT DE SOTO Students desiring tickets to the Georgia-Florida game may obtain them in Savannah Saturday morn ing at the DeSoto hotel upon pre sentation of registration cards. Tickets will be $1.00. fr= Georgia-Florida Game Play by play details by special leased wire direct from playing field to GUS’S 3 P. M. SATURDAY— 3 P. M. Gome Early and Get a Good Seat Bus Schedule Travel Bv Motor Hus SAFE, CONVENIENT AND ECONOMICAL For information call Union Bus Station, Clayton St., l’hone 1(17 LEAVING ATHENS For Atlanta via Monroe: 7:30 A. M. 1:00 P. M. 4:00 P. M. For Atlanta via Wtn< 10:30 A. M. BiM P. M. For Macon: 7:30 A. M. 4:20 P. M. For Gainesville: 8:0ft A. M. 11:00 A. M. 3:00 P. M. For Augusta: 8:00 A. M. 8:00 P. M. For Elberton: 0:00 A. M. 6:00 P. M. For Anderson, S . C.: 8:00 A. M. 12:00 Noon 6:00 P. M. If fourteen or mor go to Savannah for the Florida- (ieorgia game by bus, make reservations at once; round- trip 87.30. Phone 1(17. PAI LACI E Vitaphone—Second All Talking Picture “THE TERROR” > lONI > A Y -Tit KS1) A Y SPOOKS, THRILLS AND CHILLS