The Red and Black (Athens, Ga.) 1893-current, November 09, 1928, Image 8
Page Eight T II R R K I) AND BLACK SOUTHERN CONFERENCE FOOTBALL SUMMARY i ONKKRKXCK ST A\ \V. 11. DI.Nfl passes for a gain of thirty-two yards. T. Pet. One of these passes was immediately (XtNFERKNVK GAMKH THIS WEEK Georgia vs. Florida at Savannah. Tech vs. Vanderbilt at Atlanta. Sewanec vs. Tennessee at Knox ville. Alabama vs. Kentucky at Mont gomery. Maryland vs. Yale at New Haven. Virginia vs. V. P. I. at Blacks- burg. Clemson vs. V. M. I. at Lynch burg. Washington Sr Lee vs. Princeton at Princeton. South Carolina vs. North Carolina at Chapel Hill. North Carolina State vs. David son st Greensboro, Auburn vs. Tulune at New Orleans. Mississippi vs. L. S. U. at Baton Rouge. Centenary vs. Mississippi Aggies at Starksvllle. Georgia, 111; Auburn, 0. Georgia Tech, 3-2; Oglethorpe, 7. North Carolina. 6; N. C. State. 6. Mississippi, 26: Clemson, 7. Florida, 71: Sewanee, 6. Virginia, 20; W. & L., 13. Vanderbilt, 14; Kentucky, 7. V. P. I., 9: Mnrylnnd, 6. Wisconsin, 15: Alabama, 0. Mississippi Aggies, 6: Michigan State, 6. Tennessee, 67; Cnruon-Newnan, 0. Tulane, 27: Mlllsaps, 0. Arkansas, 7; L. S. U., 0, V. M. I., 13; Davidson, 0. Citadel, 0; South Carolina, 0. Tech ... 3 0 0 1.000 converted into a touchdown. Au- Tennessee _ _ _3 :i 0 0 1.000 burn’s aerial attack netted them Florida . _ _ _3 3 0 0 1.000 about ten yards on two complete Vanderbilt _ _ .3 ;t 0 0 1.000 passes while ^ix failed bo reach V. I*. I. 2 0 0 1.000 Ihelr receiver. Georgia _ _ _ .2 2 0 0 1.000 Ilerdls McCrary was left In Ath- L. S. U. . .2 2 0 0 1.000 ens because of an Injury as was Joe Clemion _ _ _ .4 s 1 0 .750 Boland. Cree Stelling was also out Alabama _ _ _ -4 :i 1 0 .750 because of a knee injury. South Carolina 3 2 1 0 .667 Joe Martin pluyed Red Smith’s Mississippi _ _ .4 2 2 0 .500 end position and did a good Job of ] Kentucky _ _ _ .2 X 1 0 .500 It. Rothsteln was also effective in V. M. I. .3 1 1 1 .500 the fullback position. North Carolina .4 X 2 1 .3 33 The starting backfield was some- W. & L. _ _ _ .4 1 3 0 .250 what of a surprise to most Georgia Tulane _ 4 1 3 0 .250 followers, Armin Waugh starting at Virginia _ _ _ 4 X 3 0 .250 right half, Bobby Hooks tit left, Sowunoe _ _ _ _2 0 2 0 .000 Johnson at quarter and Rothsteln at Maryland .4 0 3 1 .000 full. N. C. State - - .4 0 3 1 .000 The play of Auburn was featured Miss. A. & M. 3 0 3 0 .000 by the passing, kicking, and running Auburn _ _4 0 4 0 .000 of Tuxworth. He was the brightest star of the Tiger team. BULLDOGS DEFEAT After Georgia’s two scores |the TIGERS' TEAM TN play was rather dul.l the wet field five thousand people but the mediocre team that Auburn is supposed to have, kept the usual interest from l>e : ng manifested in the game. Geor gia's victory Saturday marks the sixth consecutive win over Auburn which is the longest string that has been hung up since the teams start ed playing over thirty years ago. CONFERENCE GAME PI KAPPA PHI PLEDGES THREE Lambda chapter of Pi Kappa Phi announces the pledging of Norton Sanders, Los Angeles, Cal.; Jim Stoinoff, Sanford, Fla.; and Gene Groover, LaGrange. On the same day you have another Photo grapher make your pictures, let us make some. Compare re sults. GATES STUDIO PROOFS FREE HERE (Continued from page 6) face of certain defeat their teams and their student body never quit. The game was played on a muddy field and this in some part accounts for the fumbles that occurred on both sides. The local gridders out-played the ' churn team clearly, mnklng fifteen first downs to ten for the Tigers and completed two out of five forward made flashy football impossible and while Auburn made several good starts they never came close to a i score. Gfeorgia would march the ball down the field only to be held for downs or to fumble. The game was attended by about We liny Old Clothes ATHENS ARMY STORE Opposite Campus )( '.! V. :: )«'«•>('K-ICK !! !! !! !! 1! It 1! a >! K St St St St Si St Bowling Fine Exercise and a Good Game FOR STUDENTS All welcome to enjoy this clean sport. Old Commercial Rank Rldg. Jt’St-Sl St St St St St St St St St St St'St St St 51 St St St St St St St St — \ DRUGS CIGARS Citizen’s Pharmacy Clayton and Jackson Sts. e Athens, Ga. WELCOME! GEORGIA MEN! To Our Store We Solicit Your Trade Phones 1066-1067 We are as near you as your telephone SODAS SANDWICHES Clarke County Fair “For and of Northeastern Georgia” The Best of Agricultural Exhibits—Cotton, Corn, Cattle, Swine, Rabbits, Poultry, Dairy and Garden Products MERCHANTS’ EXHIBITS, FIRE WORKS, FREE ACTS, NOVELTIES Special Review Amusement Features ARMISTICE NIGHT Monday, November 12 Big Special FREE Features ADMISSION MONDAY NITE 10 cts. Georgia State Agri. Exhibit including the famous MODEL ELECTRIC FARM and The Noted Qeorgia State Game and Fish Display Univ. of Ga. Band 50 PIECES Monkey Drill Team, Wall Scaling, Exhibition Drill, Baby Warfare, Other Features GREATER Sheesley Shows On the Midway, 35 cars, 20 shows, 10 rides, 500 people Monday Night, Armistice Night Tuesday, County School Day Wednesday, Visiting Counties’ Day Thursday, Clarke County Day Friday, Athens’ Day Saturday, Grand Baby Day and Finale Admission Day and Nite 25c ONLY 25c FREE ACTS The Famous ERMA BARLOW CIRCUS REVIEW 5 BIG ACTS 5 Music, Clowns, Thrills, Death-Dipping Acts