Newspaper Page Text
I hr lird am. Ihurtda), May 3. 1*7*
Men's Corduroy
*5 and $ 15 Orig S18-S60
Fomo'/. maF*?r pouts, roots rjnri vests
at g /*: away prices Pants 32-42,
Coo*' 40-44. Req & long. D. 113.
thursday only 10 am to 11pm
jr’s fashions misses and lingerie home values
29%-58% off
Ladies' Handbags
^1 0- $ 20 Orig. $14-$48
Great assortment ol vinyl and
genome leather Clutches, body bogs,
and shoulder bags 0,112.
Misses Dresses
6 Orig. S22
fantastic value! Group ol long sleeve
100"/. polyestei dresses m exciting
spring shades. Sizes 8-'8. D.53
Savings on
Misses Blouses
Orig. $14-$24
Assortment of solids and orints long
and short sleeve styles Stock up now,
at this bargain price!
40% off
Misses Coordinates
^1 4“ $ 26 Reg $24 $43
fomous maker denim coordinates
Skirts, lockets, vests ond pants in cot
ton denim. Sizes 818. D 85.
Jr. Coordinates ot Real Savings,
group ol |uckets, skirts prints &
tops. D 133. Ong $!8-$45 Sale $5
Big Savings on Jr. Handbags,
ossorted styles of leather
handbags at great prices. Orig.
$ 18-$32 Sale $4-$10
Denim Overalls at Big Savings, 2
styles hi navy denim bill-overalls.
Orig. $22-$24 Sale $5
Save 50% on Wrap Belts, double
wrop leather belts lor jrs. Orig.
$12 $15 Sale $6-$7.50
side door fashions
Save on Jr. Sundresses, exciting
group of sundresses in our best
styles and colors. Sizes 5-15.
D. 314. Special Purchase $15
Save 30% on Wrangler Coor
dinates, Terry Play Wear in rust
and beige. Rompers, shorts, tanks
& "T" s. Reg. $7- $ 12.
D.32I. Sale $4.90-$8.40
Save 25% on Hathaway Classics,
short and long sleeve oxlord cloth
shirts in ass t styles. Sizes 8 6 Reg
$23 $26
D. 63 Sale 17.25-19.50
Save on Gloria Vanderbilt
Blouses, long and short sleeves in
solids and prints Sizes 8-16. D.63.
Ong. $32-$42 Sale $25
Custom Size Coordinates at Big
Savings, assorted broken groups
specially priced. D.l 18.
Orig. $17 $28 Sale $5
Save on Half-Size Separates, print
and solid blouses mix or match
with short and long skirts. D 171
Orig. $ 18-$22 Sale $6
Savings from Our Shoe Dept.,
famous brand wedges in ropes,
canvas and fabrics D.20.
Reg. $20 $28 Sale $9.99
Save 33% on Cotton Panties,
Bikinis or briefs in white and
beige. D.7.
Orig. 1.50 Sale 6 for $6
Save 20% on T Fal Cookware,
oin entire stock ol T-Fal non-stick
on sole Reg $9 $20
D ll. Sale S7.20-S16
20% Savings on Decorative
Wicker, fans, baskets, hampers,
trays, all reduced. D.11.
Reg 125 28 75 Sole$l-$23
Save on Mr Coffee's Royal Ser
vice, features coffee maker, 2
deconters, and a warmer. D.l59.
Reg $45 With rebate Sale *25
Save 20% on Henkels Gourmet
Cutlery, complete line ol knives to
compliment your collection. D.I52.
Reg 9.50-27.50 Sole S7.60-S22
Save 43% on Cassette Recorder,
Mocy's portoble recorder works
on batteries or AC current. D.123.
Reg. $35 Sale $20
Save 50% on Morontz Speakers,
3 models to choose Irom. #308.
310.311. D.I96.
Reg. $160 $320 Sole$80-$160
50% off
Stainless Flatware
Orig. $30
70 pc sets ot stainless tlotware by
Rogers. 4 patterns to choose from.
Only 48 sets to sell! D 131.
Savings on
1 5 Twin, Orig. S30-S45
Full ‘20 Ong $35 $5£ Queen/King
*25 Orig. $45-$85 Good assortment
of solids, stripes, and prints. D.59.
Save 25% on Denim Jeans, our
entire stock of jr. denim is i educed.
D. 321 Sale S10.50-S15
Save 25% on Woven Shirts, our
entire stock of short sleeve wovens
on sale. D.3I5. Reg $8 $14
Sale S6-S10 50
Big Savings on Gauze Tops, long
sleeve cotton gauze shirts in pastel
shades. D.3I5. Orig. $ 14 $ 15
Sale $4
Save 43% on Nylon Bikinis,
assorted prints in easy care nylon
tricot Sizes 5 7. D 7
Orig. 1.75 Sale 6 for $6
Big Savings on Danskins, "free
style" leotards ond skirts in ass't.
styles & colors Ong 8.50-22 00
D 155. Sale S5.99-S12.99
men’s fashions
Save on Men's Belted Chino's,
famous maker pant in poly/cotton.
Khaki, novy, brown. D.l 13.
Orig 22 53 Sale $7
50% off
Springmaid Sheets
2 7.50
for / • w v Twin, Reg. 7.50
Full 2/M 1 Reg $11 Queen 2/*15
Reg $15 Percole sheets in exciting
new geome'r c pattern. Coses ovail.
D 92
Pioneer Receiver
*179 SX590 Reg. $280
5X590 with 20 walts/channel,
GX 790 1 45 watts! Reg $400 Sale
5X8XP60waMsl Reg $500 Sole
limited quantities. 0.296.
misses and lingerie
Save 27% on Dirndl Skirts, 100%
cotton in rose, |ute, or mauve.
Sizes 8-8. D.I09. Reg. $22Sale $16
Save 30% on Misses Shorts,
poly/cotton blend in white, navy,
yellow & khaki. D. 184.
Reg. $10 Sale $7
Save 30% on Career Coor
dinates, exciting qroup in
poly/cotton blend «>l In-,go and
mocha. Reg $I4-$2V
D. 162. Sale S9.80-S20.30
Save 20% on Gant Button Down
Oxford, our best selling dress shirt
in 5 colors. 14'^-I7.
Reg $20 Sale $16
Save on Young Men's Jeans, dress
leons and denim sizes and quan
tities limited D 181
Orig $ 15-$23 Sale $5
Big Savings on Levi Denim
Jackets, 2 styles ol lined iackets.
Put away for next winter.
O-ig 37.50 $41 Sale $10
Save 25% on Davison's Own ”T"
Shirt, bnqhl hislnon colors in
poly/cotton bl< nds D.27.
Orig $4-$7 Sale $3-5.25
Save on Marantz 20 Watt
Receiver, Reg $250 Soie$159
Save on Kenwood 40 Watt
Receiver, Reg $345 Sale $229
Big Savings on Bathroom Rugs,
large assortment of irregular rugs.
D.l20. If perfect, $13-$2I Sale $5
KodaSoft Pillows at a Soft Price,
polyester fiber-fill pillows feel like
down. D 59. Reg. $14 $22.
All Sizes Sale $6
Save on Famous Maker Towels,
Slight irregulars in solid terry. Sav
ings m all sizes. D.9I.
II perlect, 7.50. Bath, Sale $2.99
Save on "Bleached White" Per
cales, solid white, no-iron sheets
with slight imperfections D.92.
II perfect 7 50. Twin, Sole $2.99
Save 40% on Honeycomb
Bedspread, 100% cotton textured
thermal. D.194.
Reg $25 $38 Sale S15-S22.80
Big Savings on Print Towels,
bamboo print m green or brown
All sizes avail. D.9I.
If perfect. 7.00. Bath, Sale 1.99
thursday only 10 am to 11 pm