Newspaper Page Text
The Kt'd and Black. Thursday, May 3, 1979
Ra never had it so good, as
ranks of student sun-
worshippers soak up his
benevolent rays all over
campus Tanning is serious
business on the University
in spring, with such famous
locations as Brumby Beach
and Legion Pool drawing
hundreds of tanners At left.
Hillary Abrams relaxes in
the traditional tanner's uni
Staff photo
r Talbot Nunnally III
Mav 7 at 8:00 pm, University Coliseum. Student tickets $3.00
with valid UG A ID and fee card General admission $6.00
at Memorial Hall Business Office, Chapter 3 Records, and
Custom Sound.
Khaki's and Jeans
22N KaU t la > Ion Sir ret
"Downtown" Athenv t-rorgu
581S. Harris
$i.oo :
^ 910 pm j
Shop Davison’s Thursday 10 am till 11 pm
Mirrors show where to find ideas
\ xurpri'inj; fa11 Icjnwil
JunI jNhii c»Ct> lifeguard
\14i ve ever wvn hj» had Red
%4fet\ training K'daU-
Ki-d( ni» hj* i«w>l »ncr
M mllum »w miming ami hie
-aving kCltilK Jle'
Then*' rim no telling h.»w I
nun> li\C' sited th**" 1 hard
earned water %ulet\ eeriilkale>
Vt impurtanl a% litC'J, mg
i«, n\ iuMiW wa> Red I n*"
K-nciivr hmn
In u*w n, and ente* a r«*«
ifn nation. Red( riM(vrt.irni.
H >«n ditterem M.*r\Ktf'
In wmie pljkCv Red Co*" p»o
vnk-s home health ean* M
wrnnu citizen' Inmanc plat'
ihey teaeh preparalion he par
enth*■<d Red Cro" help, peo
pie rchnate after fire, krachec
health vilety.firM aid Bein'
veteran' In f«l. if n need'lo
he d.Hie. chance' art Red Cn»"
i' doing it right mm
And Red Cro%' c.mld wire
use your help in t*mnn it d««ne
Call )«nir Red C rocs chapter
today - if you re ready l«» help
hwp Red C rw* rvadv
1/2 gallc
gallon pitcher
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All bar brands 75*
If vou were Lorn Lefore
May 3, 1954, tk is is vour night*
Proof of age required.
50’ s an d 60’ s music
. dqyison’s
thursday only 10 am to 11 pm
an exhibit of on-site installa
tions made with used furniture
and mirrors on display at the
Georgia Museum of Art until
May 13, is the third portion of
a 1979-81 tour by Italian artist
Michelangelo Pistoletto.
"My idea is to show people
that even very familiar things
can be used to stimulate the
imagination," Pisteletto said
"My work is not just a product
but more of an instrument to
extend one’s self through
experiencing different perspec
For example, mirrored
chairs are extended on sap
lings to represent the mental
relationship one has with the
physical As Pistoletto said.
"The furniture becomes sym
bolic It is a way to show, with
a kind of humor, where you
can find ideas
"I decided to turn the
furniture in order to make the
mirrors visible. Turning the
furniture changes the normal
aspect of moving in the space
and the mirror takes away the
weight, reflects the light and
images, and sometimes seems
to make a hole."
Pistoletto's mirror paintings
directly involve the spectator
in their myriad images.
"Reflection is an extension of
our physical faculty of looking
and thinking."
Pistoletto’s development of
the mirror-paintings began in
the mid-50's with mirrors
beside his self-portraits. "The
problem was to put reality to
canvas through the mirror
A painted black varnished
canvas enabled me to paint the
image directly on canvas."
Mirror sculptures change the
environment for the spectator.
"When you divide the mirror
and place the parts to make a
square angle then you see four
rooms." Pistoletto said
"An object is not art The
idea of the same object can be
The series opened with
"Mirror W"*!cr’’ al Rice
University in Houston and
continued in Atlanta, where
Pistoletto collaborated with
other artists in "Creative
Collaborations.' The latter
exhibit involved "different
energy of different people with
different art at different
levels." Pistoletto said
Clark Howell renovations to end
Delayed renovations on Clark Howell Hall
will be finished by the extended completion
date of June. 1979. according to Physical Plant
Director Ken Jordan
Delays in shipment of equipment and
changes in plans caused the delay of original
completion date, which was set for September
1978. Jordan said.
No deadline was made for completion of the
project, but certain phases had to be done on a
priority basis in terms of relative occupancy,
he said
The renovation, designed to accomodate
testing and counseling offices presently located
in the Academic Building, will cost $145,000.
according to Jordan
The renovations involved "major tear outs
and restructuring of office spaces as well as
adding central heating and air conditioning
units, new lighting, new ceiling and floor,
plumbing, an elevator and new entrances."
Jordan said
The University Police Academy, presently
located in Clark Howell, will move its.offices to
1200 South Lumpkin
the name of
the game
is savings
at our side
door store
reg. 3.50 to $4 each
Tennis, jogging, sailing,
sunning , our super sport
separates are set for
summertime fun. Sporty
tank top with bold racing
stripe is 100 percent cotton
in white with red, navy,
green or yellow stripe. Or
try our cotton t-shirt with
round neckline and cap sleeves
in bright summer shades Both
tops look fantastic with our twill
sport shorts. Elastic waist with
contrasting piping in polyester-
cotton. Red, navy, green and tan
D. 312-315. davison’s side door.