Newspaper Page Text
A memorial
tonight will
honor those in
the University
community who
have died this
DAY FOUR: 'He is no longer local’
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JAKE DANIELS i The Red & Black
▲ Armed University police officers patrol the area around the Terry College of Business on Monday morning.
Town & Gown lost heart, body and soul’
The Red & Black
On a warm Sunday afternoon,
bouquets and cards blanket the
doorway to the modest white
building the Town & Gown
Players called home for the last 40
Were it not for the events that
transpired underneath its bur
gundy awning the day before, the
flowers might have served a differ
ent purpose congratulatory
gifts for the closing weekend of
the company’s latest play,
“Sherlock Holmes: The Final
Now, they are gestures of con
dolences, mourning and loss.
“Town & Gown lost its heart,
body and soul today; they were
the three most important people
at the theater,” said Patric Ryan, a
senior drama major, on Saturday
Ryan directed “Mother of God
Visits Hell,” a play hosted by Town
& Gown in February. He arrived
at the theater minutes after the
shootings that left Marie Bruce,
Friendly pufferfish recognizes owner’s face
By COURTNEY SMITH they are so intelligent and friendly.” to the side to examine me and look
The Red & Black A part-time fish breeder, at my face,” the 23-year-old from
Fountain said Jackson is the most Vidalia said.
High intelligence, personality personable fish he’s owned. “Most fish just come to the top
and impressive expansion abilities Jackson even can recognize of the tank when a person is out
have catapulted Jackson to being Fountain as his owner when he side because they think they have
the “teacher’s pet” in school— a enters the room, as opposed to food, but lam sure that Jackson
school of fish that is. merely realizing that a human is on really knows that it is me.”
“A lot of people have fish, but the other side of the glass. He even In addition to facial recognition,
you never really hear them call the will come to the surface and let Jackson also is able to
fish pets; it’s always, ‘I have fish,”’ Fountain pet his smooth, spineless
owner Blakely Fountain, a gradu- body on occasion. See PETS, Page 5
ate student in the public health “Whenever I walk into the room, .
school, said. “But, I think that he will be doing whatever and ► Blake Fountain feeds
pufferfish are the one species that swimming, but as soon as he sees crayfish to his pet puffer
can really be called a pet because that it is me, he will stop and come fish, Jackson, on Sunday.
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— PAGE 3
An independent student newspaper serving !lu> I niversilv of oominmiit\"HL . . gj|l ' •‘o^ssßwH£
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DANIELLE MOORE | The Red a Black
A A photograph left at the memorial outside the Athens
Community Theater features Marie Bruce (far right).
-47, Tom Tanner, 40, and Ben
Teague, 63, dead.
Crippled by the loss of three
integral members, the close-knit
theater group is coping with the
The NFL draft ended
Sunday, but four more
Georgia players signed
with teams after it was
over. Page 8.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
support of one another, finding
solace in relationships built
around a shared passion for the
“I’m still processing the unbe-
Today’s special: “Rock Lobster”
. .-MMyii ;
News 2
Variety .*#.,5
Local musicians are
gathering tonight to
help feed area
children. See page 7.
Opinions *... 6
Sports 8
lievable events,” said Justin
Sanders, director of the last main
stage production, “Cabaret.” “We
are trying to be there for their
families and for each other as this
loss will take some time for all of
us to accept.”
Bruce served as the president
on the Town & Gown board of
directors for about a year and
half. The mother of two was
involved in “every capacity at the
theater, artistically and adminis
tratively,” according to Town &
Gown’s Web site.
“Marie was a beautiful and tal
ented woman whose impact at
the theater lasted over 20 years,”
said Lee Wenthe, a former Grady
professor with close ties to Bruce
and the Teagues.
Leara Rhodes, a Grady profes
sor and member of Town & Gown
since 1998, remembers Bruce as a
“one of the best comedy directors
that existed.”
“She herself [was an] amazing
actress,” she said.
Just as Bruce immersed herself
See THEATER, Page 4
RENEE ALYWORTH | The Red a Black
| ■ -r '
Crossword 2
Sudoku 9
Voi.. 116, No. 146 | Athens, Georgia
Audio files of Zinkhan
forced to
find new
The Red & Black
Approximately one-and-a
half hours after neighbors
heard gunshots from the
Athens Community Theater,
students, faculty and employ
ees received text messages
alerting them of the event.
Professor George Zinkhan
was not one pf them.
University Police Chief
Jimmy Williamson said
UGAAlert was delayed 20
minutes because University
police wanted to ensure
Zinkhan would not receive
the message.
“With UGAAlert, we’re try
ing to be prudent,” he said.
“Our fear was
that if he got
the message—
he knows peo
ple know he
did the
crime —but
once the
UGAAlert was
sent out, it
jars his mem
ory that, ‘Oh
now, 40,000
people know I did it,’ and he
may start feeling like he’s
trapped in some way, and do
something that none of us
were prepared for, like take a
Williamson said he was ini
tially unsure if Zinkhan’s
number could be extracted
from the list. Because this
request had never come up
before, developing a strategy
took time.
“We probably could’ve got
it out maybe 20 minutes fast
er. Our biggest concern was,
what if we send this descrip
tion out and he gets it?”
It was discovered later
that Zinkhan’s only regis
tered UGAAlert contact was
a University land line.
Williamson and University
Police have received criticism
that UGAAlert was not dis
patched quickly enough, but
Williamson said there is “a
little bit of an unrealistic
expectation” when it comes
to UGAAlert.
“I don’t think it’s ever
going to be as instantaneous
as people want it to be, just
because information is
See SAFETY, Page 2
Jeff Wallace talks
about the highlights
of his 24 years as
women’s tennis head
coach. Page 9.