Newspaper Page Text
Georgia's 88
Southern Counties
Published By The
Catholic Laymen's
Ass'n of Georgia
Vol. 40, No. 5
10c Per Copy — $3 a Year
Savannah Priest, Youth Die In Camping Tragedy
Sixteen Year
Old Loses Life
Seeking Help
SAVANNAH — Heat and ex
haustion claimed the life of
young Walter J. Mahany Jr.,
one of the two youths who ac
companied Father Gavigan on
the cross country camping trip.
Walter and his compan
ion, John Manson Owens,
III both saw the priest
fail from a cliff to the
ground more than 200 feet be
low. Knowing that he was either
dead or seriously injured, the
boys began to call for help.
. r ears tnat their cries might go
unheard led the boys to split up
in an attempt to find aid. But
lack of food and water and the
torrid temperatures of the bar
ren canyon proved too much for
16-year-old Mahany. His body
was discovered by Park Rangers
who had received reports of dis
tress calls from other tourists,
early Sunday. Death had come
quietly on the rock where he lay
down to rest.
Most Rev. Michael J. Keyes, S. M„
Former Bishop Of Savannah, Dies
Young Mahany, who had just
finished his sophomore year at
Benedictine Military School, was
the son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter
J. Mahany Sr. of Coffee Bluff,
Savannah. He was described by
Father Alcuin Baudermann, O.
S. B., as an “Outstanding boy.”
A Requiem Mass was cele
brated on Friday morning, July
31st at St. James Church, Savan
nah, where the boy had been
a parishioner. Celebrant was
Father John D. Toomey, Pastor.
The absolution of the body was
given by His Excellency, Bishop
Thomas J. McDonough. The Rev.
Bede Lightner, O.S.B., principal
of Benedictine Military School,
delivered the sermon. Said he,
“This seemingly drastic way of
calling His life to Himself, is not
the end of life, but the begin
ning. For Christ who called him
said ‘He who believes in Me
shall never die.’ We have the
necessity of accepting these
words and this acceptance will
enable us to transcend the heart
aches of the moment.”
Ten of young Walter’s friends
served as pallbearers while uni
formed classmates formed a
guard of honor. Burial was in
the Greenwich section of Bon-
aventure Cemetery.
Pontifical Requiem was offered
for the Most Rev. Michael J.
Keyes, S.M., at 10 a. m., Tues
day, August 4th, at St. Gabriel’s
Church here. Eisnop Keyes, for
mer Bishop of the Diocese of
Savannah, died July 31st.
Celebrant of the Mass was the
Most Rev. Egidio Vagnozzi,
Apostolic Delegate to the Unit
ed States. His Excellency, the
Most Rev. Philip N. Hannon,
auxiliary-bishop of Washington,
gave the absolution of the body.
A group of lay people and
priests from the Diocese of
Savannah, including Rt. Rev.
Msgrs. Andrew J. McDonald, T.
James McNamara and Thomas
I. Sheehan were led by His Ex
cellency Bisnop McDonough,
When informed of the death
of Bishop Keyes, his predeeces-
sor in the Diocese of Savannah,
Archbishop Gerald P. O’Hara,
Archbishop-Bishop of Savannah
and Apostolic Delegate to Great
Britain, cabled his tribute to
“my revered predecessor” for
his “goodness, kindness, pa
tience, and splendid work for
the Church in Georgia.”
Bishop Keyes’ service to the
Church was predominantly in
pastoral, administrative, and
scholarly lines. After a highly
successful course of teaching in
Ireland, he came to the United
States in 1896. Pursuing his vo
cation as teacher, the future pre
late became a professor at All
Hallows College, Salt Lake City,
Utah, staffed by the Marist Fa
thers. Here he made his first
acquaintance with the Society of
Mary and in 1901 became a
member. His ecclesiastical stud-
Austrian Leader
Pledges Freedom
Of Religion
VIENNA, (NC) — Austrian
Chancellor Julius Raab said
here that Austria’s new govern
ment will “be guided by the
principles of freedom of relig
ion” in its relations with re
ligious denominatons.
In a statement to Parliament,
Chancellor Raab said the gov
ernment would seek “to settle
pending problems” in regard to
its relations with the churches
“without delay.”
Among the questions on
which the government intends
to act soon, he said, are the
reestablishment of a concordat
between Austria and the Holy
See, the establishment of new
legal bases for government re
lations with Protestant sects,
and equitable compensation of
the Jewish community for dam
ages suffered before and during
World War II.
ies were brilliantly made at the
Marist College and the Catholic
University of America in Wash
ington, D. C.
Bishop Keyes was ordained to
the priesthood June 21, 1907, by
the saintly Alfred Curtis, Auxil
iary Bishop of Baltimore. The
theological acumen of the young
priest merited his appointment
as Professor of Moral Theology
and Canon Law at Marist Col
lege in 1909. Because of his
striking abilities in these sub
jects he served as canonist and
theologian to Archbishop (later
Cardinal) John Bonzano, Apos-
tolate Delegate to the United
States. Bishop Keyes served in
these responsible capacities from
1912 to 1922, when ne was nam
ed president of Marist College.
Four months after his appoint
ment to tne presidency of the
College came the announcement
of Bishop Keyes’ elevation to the
hierarchy in 1922, as the Ordi
nary of tne Diocese of Savannah.
On October 18 of the same year
he was consecrated in the Ca
thedral of St. John the Baptist,
Savannah, by Archbishop Mich
ael J. Curley of Baltimore assist
ed by Bishop Dennis J. O’Con
nell of Ricnmond and Bishop
Patrick J. Barry of St. Augus
tine, Florida.
In his episcopal administra
tion, the new ordinary aimed at
substantial and lasting results.
Always enchewing the limelight,
Bishop Keyes did his work
silently and well. Only on very
Bishop McDonough's
“This (finding of John Man-
son Owens III) is certainly a
most wonderful example of the
power of prayers, for without
question the rinding of the boy
is an answer to countless pray
I wish I could personally
thank the Priests, Sisters and
people, Catholic and non-Cath-
olic of the Greater Savannah
area, whose prayers brought
consolation to the parents of
young Walter Mahany, to the
family of Father Gavigan and
to Father Toomey, his pastor
and to me. Needless to say, we
also thank God for the courage
and perseverance of Chief Ran
ger Lynn Coffin and his men
and the Army helicopter pilots,
who daily risked their lives to
find Father Gavigan and John
Owens. And, I am sure, every
one likewise deeply appreciates
the interest and wonderful work
of the newspapers, radio and
TV stations of Savannah in
keeping us all informed of de
rare occasions would he allow
his picture to appear in THE
During his thirteen years as
Bishop of Savannah, Bishop
Keyes supervised the construc
tion of nine churches, four
schools, seven rectories, three
convents and an orphanage.
One of the greatest achieve
ments of the years of Bishop
Keyes in Georgia was the erec
tion of the new St. Joseph’s
Home for Boys at Washington.
Also during this period, St. Jos
eph’s Infirmary was renovated
with the addition of the Chapel.
St. Joseph’s in Savannah saw
great improvements with the
addition of a home for nurses.
Like his . predecessor, Bishop
Benjamin J. Keiley, Bishop
Keyes resigned the see of Sa
vannah. This was in 1935, on
September 23rd of that year he
was appointed Titular Bishop
and on October 8 he was named
to the College of Bishops, Assist
ants at the Pontifical Throne.
Retired from administration,
but not from his first love, teach
ing, Bishop Keyes had been Pro
fessor of Moral Theology at Mar
ist College since 1938.
Session Ends At
Camp Villa Marie
SAVANNAH—O n e hundred
and twenty children have re
turned to their homes in various
areas of rural Georgia after
seventeen fun-packed days of
study and play at Camp Villa
The diocesan camp staff, un
der the direction of Rev. Wil
liam D. Coleman, attempts to
supplement the religious educa
tion of children unable to attend
Catholic schools by conducting
four religion periods daily inter
spersed among recreational ac
tivities. So between softball
games and swimming instruc
tions the children attend special
ized Confraternity of Christian
Doctrine courses conducted by
six seminarians and eight Sis
ters of Mercy of the Province of
Baltimore under the leadership
of Rev. Mr. Eusebius Beltran
and Sister Mary Fidelis, R. S. M.
All sections of Georgia were
represented as many campers
claimed Dublin, Moultrie,
Thomasville, Bainbridge, Al
bany, Cairo, Douglas, and Tifton
as their homesites. Still others
hailed from Ludowici, Pooler,
Camilla, Leslie, St. Mary’s, Nash
ville, and Chula. Jane Austen
and Robert Jackson of Perry,
Caroll McDonald of Braxton,
and Thomas Maley of Baxley re
ceived their First Holy Com
munion as a fitting climax to
the catechetical session.
Father Eugene Gavigan Dies
As Result Of Canyon Fall
SAVANNAH—A camping trip
accident at Grand Canyon, Ari
zona claimed the lives of a Sav
annah priest and one of his two
young companions. The third
member of the trio was found
alive after a six day search by
Park Rangers and Arm;' heli
copter pilots.
Killed in a 200 loot fall was
Father Eugene A. (Father
Stephen O.C.S.O.) Gavigan, as
sistant pastor of St. James
Church, Savannah. One of his
companions, Walter J. Mahany
Jr., of Coffee Bluff, Savannah,
died from heat and exhaustion
in a vain attempt to find help
for the fatally injured Father
Gavigan. The other member of
the camping trip, which was to
take the three to California, is
John Manson Owens III, 15, of
721 E. 51st Street, Savannah.
He was found alive and well
July 31st.
Bulletin To Present
First-Hand Reports On
World Youth Festival
Three first-hand reports on
the World Youth Festival, now
being held in Vienna, Austria,
will appear in THE BULLETIN
beginning next issue. They will-
be written by Vincent J. Giese,
editorial director of Fides Pub
lishers in Chicago and author of
books on Catholic Action.
Held every year since 1947,
the World Youth Festivals are
sponsored by Communist youth
organizations from over 59 coun
tries of the world. This is the
first festival to be held outside
the iron curtain.
Vincent J. Giese, who is in
Vienna to observe the festival
and report on it for THE BUL
LETIN and other Catholic dio
cesan papers, has long been ac
tive in the Young Christian
Workers (YCW) and the Young
Christian Students (YCS), spe
cialized Catholic Action move
ments. He represented the Con
fraternity of Christian Doctrine
in October, 1957, at the Second
World Congress of the Lay
Apostolate in Rome. To date, he
has authored three books on
Catholic Action—The Apostolic
Itch, Patterns for Teenagers, and
Training for Leadership. He is
executive editor of the bi
monthly “Apostolic Perspec
tives,” published by Fides, and
he does free-lance writing for
the Catholic Press.
Giese holds degrees from St.
Joseph's College, Indiana; Mar
quette University; University of
Notre Dame.
Triduum Marks
Death Of St.
John Vianney
(NC) — A triduum ending Aug
ust 4 was the principal event of
this year's celebration of the
100th anniversary of the death
of St. John Vianney, the Cure
The Apostolic Nuncio to
France, Archbishop Paul Marel-
la, opened the three-day cele
bration by offering an open-air
On August 3 a pilgrimage of
priests from France and abroad
honored the saint as the patron
of pastors. In the afternoon Fa
ther Chanel, present pastor of
Ars, offered Mass in the pres
ence of the Nuncio and Bishop
Rene F ouf rey of Belley, in
whose diocese Ars is located.
On August 4, the anniversary
day of St. John Vianney’s death,
His Eminence Maurice Cardi
nal Feltin, Archbishop of Paris,
presided over the day’s cere
monies and celebrated Mass.
Father Gavigan, 30, son of
Patrick J. Gavigan of Racine,
Wisconsin, was born in Dodge-
ville, Wise., May 31, 1929. In
1946 he entered the Monastery
of Our Lady of the Holy Ghost,
Reception To
Honor Jesuits
AUGUSTA — A reception
honoring the Rev. John E. O’-
Donohoe, S.J., „pastor of Sacred
Heart Church, will be held on
the evening of August 13th at
the parish hall. Father O’Dono-
hoe has been transferred to Im
maculate Conception Church,
New Orleans.
Also being honored at the re
ception will be the Rev. Edward
Shields, S.J., newly named pas
tor of Sacred Heart and the
Rev. Peter F. O’Donnell, S.J.,
former pastor at the church. Fa
ther O’Donnell will be in Au
gusta to conduct a retreat.
Father O’Donohoe has been
pastor here since August of last
year. During this time extensive
repairs have been made to the
interior of the church. Also in
stalled during this period were
railings on the side church steps
and one which aides those need
ing assistance in climbing the
steps to the communion rail.
Conyers, Georgia. He was or
dained there in 1954 by the Most
Reverend Archbishop Gerald P.
O’Hara. His name in Religion
was Father Stephen O.C.S.O.
Father Gavigan was granted
an indult to leave the Monastery
on a leave of absence because
of ill . health. He taught in a
seminary in Guatemala for
about six months. He left there
because of continued ill health.
Then about ten months ago he
was assigned as assistant pastor
at St. James, where, in addition
he became very active in youth
About three weeks ago Fath
er Gavigan and his two young
companions set out on a camp
ing trip which was t,o take them
to the home of some of the
priest’s relatives in California.
They stopped at Grand Canyon,
Arizona to explore the scenes of
a similar expedition carried out
by Father Gavigan thirteen
years ago when he was 17. But
there the trip ended in tragedy.
The young priest's body was
discovered about 3:00 p. m. EST
on July 27th and flown out of
the canyon by helicopter short
ly afterwards. Young Mahany’s
body had been discovered by
rangers early July 26th. In
formed of the death of the
Savannah priest, Bishop Thom
as J. McDonough, auxiliary
Bishop of Savannah, said, “The
tragic deaths of Father Eugene
Gavigan and Walter Mahany Jr.
fill us with much sorrow. We are
most grateful to all our devoted
friends, Catholic and non-Cath-
olic, who have offered prayers
and words of consolation while
we anxiously awaited the out
come of this disaster.” The Bish
op then appealed for prayers
“for Manson Owens, who has
yet to be found.”
Funeral services for Father
Gavigan were held August 1st
at the Monastery where he was
ordained. Celebrant of the sol
emn Requiem Mass was Father
M. Patrick O.C.S.O., a brother
of the dead priest. Presiding at
the obsequies was Bishop Mc
Donough, assisted by the Very
Rev. John Toomey, pastor of
St. James, Savannah, and the
Rev. Felix Donnelly, pastor of
Nativity of Our Lord Church,
Thunderbolt, who acted as chap
lains. The absolution of the body
was given by the Right Rever
end Abbot Augustine Moore,
O.C.S.O. Abbot of the Monas
tery of Our Lady of the Holy
Ghost. In attendance were Fath
er Gavigan’s relatives and sev
eral priests from Savannah. Bu
rial was in the Monastery ceme
Besides his father, Father
Gavigan is survived by an aunt,
Mrs. Elizabeth Coffey, of Bloom
ington, Wisconsin, and other rel
A memorial Mass was cele
brated on Monday morning,
August 3rd, at St. James Church.
Celebrant was Bishop McDon
’Cod Kept Him Alive"
SAVANNAH — Harold Estey,
Assistant Chief Ranger at
Grand Canyon, Arizona could
offer no encouragement in an
swering the telephone queries
of a Radio News Director .in
Savannah. They were still look
ing, but there was no news of
young John Manson Owens III,
lost for six days in the rocky
vastness of the trecherous
gorge. Director Cameron Cor
nell of Radio Station WSGA in
Savannah was about to hang up
after thanking Mr. Estey when
the ranger said, “Wait a min
ute! Stand by!” He spoke for
a moment to an Army helicop
ter pilot from Fort Huachuca
and then announced the start
ling news that young Owens
had been found alive and com
paratively well after six days in
the searing 120 degree heat of
the canyon floor.
For almost a week the boy’s
family had waited prayerfully
and fearfully for some news of
their son, strengthened in their
ordeal by the prayers of count
less others, and the presence of
the Rev. Edward Frank, assist
ant Pastor of Blessed Sacrament
Church, who had been with
them almost constantly since
the news of the deaths of Fa
ther Eugene Gavigan and young
Walter J. Mahany Jr- and the
disappearance of their own son
had shocked and saddened the
When they heard that “’Man-
son” was alive and well, fear
fulness gave way to joy, but
prayerfulness remained. They
greeted the news on their
knees, with Father Frank lead
ing them in prayer.
Young “Manson,” 15, had left
almost three weeks before,
bound for California on a camp
ing trip, with Father Eugene
M. A. Gavigan, assistant pastor
of St. James Church, Savannah,
and young Walter J. Mahany Jr.
16, of Coffeee Bluff, a classmate
at Benedictine Military School.
On July 25t,h Father Gavi
gan was fatally injured in a 200
foot fall from a cliff in the
Grand Canyon, which the three
were exploring. Fearing their
cries for help would not be
heard, the boys split up in an
effort to find help. Young Wal
ter succumbed to the terrible
heat. Rangers found his body
early the next day on the rock
where he lay down to rest and
had quietly slipped away from
the rigors of his awful ordeal.
But there was no sign of John
Manson Owens III. The search
continued and so did the pray
ers. Then, on what was to
the last day of the search, a
Ranger and a pilot in an Army
helicopter from Fort Huachuca
spotted him on a sand bar in
the Colorado River.
Among the friends who
quickly filled the house to re
joice with the Owens family
were Mr. and Mrs. Walter J.
Mahanay, who bad just return
ed from the funeral of their
son. Tears of joy and tears of
sorrow mingled. But both well
ed up from hearts which thank
ed God for His goodness. Pres
ent, too, were His Excellency,
Bishop McDonough and Msgr.
Andrew J. McDonald, who like-
be wise had just returned from
young Mahany’s funeral.
As the joyful news quickly
spread sober faced youngsters,
friends of the rescued boy,
spontaneously entered Sacred
Heart Church next to Benedic
tine Military School. They came
alone, in pairs, in quiet groups.
They all offered prayerful
thanks to God who had pre
served the life of their friend.
And as details of “Manson’s”
ordeal became known, these
questions crossed more than one
mind—“What made him choose
to go down the river? In his
weakened state why was he not
drowned when his pitifully in
adequate “raft” broke up in the
wild rapids? How is it that by
this accident at the rapids he
came to a sand bar which pro
vided him with food? Why, on
this last day of search, was the
helicopter searching an area
which had been thoroughly ex
plored day« before?” The an
swer rose quickly to many lips,
“It was only by the design and
the goodness of God.”
Said young “Manson” in a
telephone conversation with his
parents, “I prayed all the time—
I never prayed so much in my
life.” And perhaps his grand
mother summed up the amazing
rescue as well as anyone, “The
prayers of everyone caused a
storm in Heaven. God heard
them and kept him alive.”