Bulletin (Monroe, Ga.) 1958-1962, May 27, 1961, Image 6
t PAGE 6—’THE BULLETIN, May 27, 1961 OBITUARIES Three Student Nurses Killed In Accident SAVANNAH — Funeral services for three Student Nurses were held Tuesday May 16th at the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist. Dead as a result of a high way accident near Chester, S. C., Saturday, May 13, are Miss Theresa Blance Roughen, Miss Linda Marie Palmer and Miss Virginia Smith. All three girls were freshmen at St. Jos eph’s Hospital School of Nurs ing. Funeral services for Miss Palmer and Miss Smith were conducted at the Cathedral at 11:30 a. m. on May 16th. Bur ial was in Catholic Cemetery. Funeral services for Miss Roughen were conducted at the Cathedral at 9:30 a. m. on May 16th. Burial was in Bona- venture Cemetery. Miss Palmer is the daughter of Mrs. Frances G. Palmer of 305 E. 51st. Also surviving are a sister, Jean Frances Palmer; POTMAN - RAWLS FUNERAL HOME Owned and Operated by James W. Rawls Griffin, Ga. W. B. Warnell, President Established 1904 THE SOUTHERN STATES PRINTING CO. Manufacturing Stationers Bank and Office Outfitters Book Store OVER 31 YEARS AT 120 E. TAYLOR ST. GRIFFIN, GA. and maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gallettini of Wilmington Island. Miss Roughen’s survivors are her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pat rick H. Roughen; three sisters, Miss Mary Elizabeth Roughen, who was seriously injured in the fatal accident, Mrs. Fred Molkly of New Jersey and Mrs. Arthur Moye of Savan nah; two brothers, Captain Albert H. Roughen of the U.S. Marine Corps in Korea and Patrick F. Roughen of Savan nah. Miss Smith is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eu gene J. Smith; a sister, Suz anne Smith of Savannah; and her maternal grandmother Mrs. Agnes McGowan of Brentwood, Long Island, N. Y * * * James A. O'Leary DECATUR — Funeral serv ices for James A. O’Leary were held Wednesday, May 17th at St. Thomas More Church, Rt. Rev. Msgr. P. J O’Connor officiating. Survivors include his wife; a daughter, Miss Linda O’ Leary; a son, David O’Leary; four brothers, Neil O’Leary all of Atlanta; Bert and Dan O’Leary, Dublin, Ireland; and Patrick O’Leary of Cork, Ire land. * * * Laurence E. Gibbs ATLANTA — Funeral serv ices for Laurence E. Gibbs were held at the Cathedral of Christ the King. Father Allen Dillman officiating. Survivors are his wife; Miss Beverly Gibbs and Miss Mary Elaine Gibbs, Atlanta; Miss Lois Gibbs, Sioux City, Iowa; Melvin J. Gibbs, Custer, S. D.; Donald S. Gibbs, Topeka, Kan. Honorary Degree The motorist’s day in court largely determines the effec tiveness of law enforcement, according to A. E. Spottke, vice president of Allstate In surance Companies. Whether or not our traffic courts have dignity and integrity determ ines the attitude of millions of people toward our entire sys tem of justice. LYMBURNER'S NURSERY Complete line of Garden Tools Insecticides, Seeds & Fertilizers Chamblee-Tucker Rd. & Buford Hwy. , GL. 7-4417 Chamblee, Georgia McDonald FUNERAL HOME WHITE COLUMNS ON HILL STREET Phone 5532 452 North Hill Street Griffin, Georgia Dag Hammarskjold, Secre tary General of the United Nations, will be the principal speaker at the University of Notre Dame’s 116th com mencement, June 4, and will be awarded a honorary doc torate by Father Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., univer sity president. Also being honored are Laurian Car dinal Rugambwa, Bishop of Bukoba, Tanganyika, and Aloisius Cardinal Muench, a member of the Romas Curia and former Bishop of Fargo, • N. D. (NC Photos) MARRIAGES O O LYONS-DOGLEY | O O SAVANNAH — Miss Mar garet Mary Dooley, daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Tho mas Dooley, and Eugene Ed ward Lyons, son of Mrs. Pat rick Lyons, of Wilmington Is land, were married May 13th at the Sacred Heart Church, Father Terrence Kernan, O.S.B., officiating. O O MANUCY-McMILLIAN O- -O SAVANNAH — Miss Nancy Davis McMillan, daughter, of Mrs. W. D. McMillan and the late Mr. McMillan, and James Edward Manucy, son of Mrs. Julius A. Meyers, and the late Mr. Manucy were married May 13th at the Sacred Heart Church, Father Terrence Ker nan, O.S|B., officiating. O : O JOHANSEN-RHODES O- -O SAVANNAH — Miss Esther Parrish Rhode's, daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. Truman E. Rhodes and Thor M. Johansen, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Joe Johansen, were married at the Church of the Nativity of Our Lord, May 6th, Rt. Rev. Msgr. T. James McNamara officiat ing. O O MADDEN-SMITH O- -O VALDOSTA — Miss Angela Smith, daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Smith, and Peter Madden, son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Madden of Cin cinnati, Ohio, were married May 13th at St. John the Evangelist Church. O- O SCHRENK-LOGAN O- SAVANNAH O Miss Kath- Catholic Press Should Reflect Mind Of Church’ VANCOUVER, B. C. (NC) Catholic publications should reflect not just the image of the Church, but the mind of the Church, a Catholic lay edi tor told fellow journalists here John G. Deedy, Jr., editor of the Pittsburgh Catholic, newspaper of that Pennsyl vania diocese, said his per sonal view of the Church’s mind is embodied in the pon tificates of Popes Pius XII and John XXIII. “It is a happy blending of the urbanity, the intelligence, the broadness of vision of Pius XII, with the humility, the simple piety, the Christlike concern and charity of John XXIII,” he said. The two Popes, he said, re flect tone involvement in man kind. “Here are men concern ed not merely with individu als saving their souls, but in dividuals helping to save the souls of neighbors; men anx ious that not just Catholics, but that Catholics, Protestants, Jews, Mohammedans and all others live at peace and har mony with one another . . Mr. Deedy spoke during a panel discussion at the 51st annual Catholic Press Associ ation convention here. The topic was: “The Philosophy of the Catholic Press.” At the same session, Father Hugh Morley, O.F.M. Cap., ed itor and business manager of View, a monthly published in Yonkers, N. Y., said the Cath olic press must give the reader “what he needs for his spiritu al and intellectual growth.” To do this, he continued, it “must present current events in the light of the teachings of the Church and must examine modern thought against background of supernatural values.” “Daily happenings cannot be viewed in a moral vac uum,” he said. “To be under stood, events must be evalu ated as well as reported . . . ‘In short, it is the job of the Catholic press to guide, to in struct, to educate readers, to enable them to look at the passing scene through the eyes of the Church, to make them conscious of the Church’s mis sion in the world — the sal vation of mankind.” erine Kerr Logan, daughter, of Mrs. Malcolm Logan, and the late Mr. Logan, and Wil liam Joseph Schrenk, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. William Jos eph Schrenk of Sandusky, Ohio, were married at the Ca thedral of St. John the Baptist May ,14th, Rt. Rev. Msgr. T. James McNamara officiating. O O o- SHEEHAN-KLETT O AUGUSTA — Miss Mary Klett, daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Klett, and John Edward Sheehan, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Edward Shee han, Jr., were married May 6th at St. Mary’s-on-the-Hill, Rt. Rev. Msgr. Thomas A. Brennan of Savannah officiat ing. Strike out on your own—it is up to you to make your own mark in the world. Home Designs of Distinction BUCKHEAD HOME PLAN SERVICE 3182 Peachtree Rd., N. E., Atlanta, Ga. CE. 7-0432 CUSTOM DESIGN — STOCK PLANS DUNDEE MILLS INCORPORATED GRIFFIN, GEORGIA Fr. O'Brien (Continued from Page 4) talking, no laughing and few smiles. They were there to worship God and they knew He was present on the altar and they acted accordingly. Here all was unity in faith and practice: no feuds, no dis sension. The priest called the shots; he took orders in spirit ual matters from no parishion er. I liked that. He spoke with authority. “Gradually I came to per ceive that it was the authority which Christ bestowed upon the Church which enabled it to have such marvelous unity nd to secure such obedience from its members. To His first bishops and priests Jesus said: “Go, therefore, and make dis ciples of all nations . . .” (Matt. 28:19) . . . preach the gospel to every creature . . .” (Mark 16:15). “He who hears you, hears me; and he who re jects you, rejects me” (Luke 10:16). Here was the divine basis of the Church’s author ity and the guarantee of her unity. “I took a course of instruc tion from Father Louis Janes- ko at St. Edward’s Church, Texarkana, and was received into the Church, founded by Our Lord for the salvation of all men. My holy Faith helps me to grow daily in the love of God and neighbor. God has privileged me to help one per son into the fold as a thanks offering. Charlene McDaniel had begun a course, dropped out, and was ashamed to go back. I lent her a little hand, and now she too is a devout Catholic.” Father O’Brien will be glad to have converts send their names and address to him at Notre Dame University, Notre Dame, Indiana, so he may write up their conversion stories. Question Box (Continued from Page 4) tion ‘What are you?’ — for na ture decides what a person is. By the one nature he could do all that goes with being God — he could read the heart of man, for instance,- he could raise Lazarus to life; by the other he could do all that goes with being man — he could be born of a mother, could hun ger and thirst, could suffer, could die. ALL THE foregoing argu mentation is summarized in this classic syllogism: Mary is the mother of Christ. But Christ is God. Therefore, Mary can properly be called the Mo ther of God. * * * Q. The current "Look" magazine's story about Gheel — the famed Belgian refuge for ihe menially ill — nalurally meniions ihe legend of St. Dympna, a pa troness of ihe mentally dis turbed, who was supposedly martyred at the site of the preseni town. What I would like to know is this: Is her legend true? A. The St. Dympna (or Dymphna) legend is excellent ly characterized in the words of one of the physicians inter viewed at Gheel by ‘Look’ for its article: “It is over 1,300 years since her death, and we really don’t know how much of the Dymp na legend is factual. But one thing we do know. Thanks to St. Dympna, something hap pened in Gheel and that some thing started what you see to day. It is unique on earth. Our written records of cases receiv ed and treated go back over 500 years and the Gheel sys tem was in'effect for centuries before that. I can’t believe that such a work for good can halt.” THE POINT is that the memory of a martyr who is popularly venerated as St. Dympna, and concerning whom all historical details have probably been lost, has become the inspiration for ex traordinary works of ture charity. Saints, after all, are honored only because they are close to God, whose glory they reflect, and who can, conse quently, bring our petitions to his knowledge in a special way. Even if St. Dympna’s legend is not objectively true, it is obvious that God has blessed the work accomplished for mentally ill persons in her name. The divine benediction is not thwarted by human er ror. It Seems (Continued from Page 4) men to return to the iniquitous and insulting “count and dis count them” maneuver? And why is he deaf to our en treaties for our children? He talks about separation of church and state; but he knows there are constitutional ways of insuring reasonable educational equity. Therefore, I ask again: “Mr. Kennedy, why do you ignore us so stu diously?” And I await an an swer. Teresa Leroy Rose McDonald little new yorker shop "A LITTLE BIT OF NEW YORK IN DIXIE" Dixie Hunt Arcade Gainesville, Ga. mmm he use WL, Rides! Birthday House for Parties! New Children's Merry-Go-Round Open Day, Night and Sunday! i£ft 2581 Piedmont Rd. TR. 2-3567 R, Preston Bunn, President A. F. Bunn, Secty. & Treas. BUNN'S LAUNDERERS AND CLEANERS 224 SOUTH HILL ST. GRIFFIN, GA. SEE THE ENTIRELY NEW ar crest cn /j 1600 Briarcliff Road, N. E. CHILDREN WELCOME! You Will Enjoy Gracious Living With These Luxurious Features: ® Modern, Spacious, Garden-Type Apartments ® 44 Units, all with Bath and a Half • Separate dining rooms 9 Wall- to-wall carpeting @ Private Patios for outdoor living © Swimming Pool © Basement Storage Facilities © Indi vidual heating and air conditioning © Over 1,100 Square Feet of living area © Ample Parking ® G-E Color Kitchens with 30" Range, 11.8 Cubic Foot Refrigerator and featuring Mobile Maid Dishwashers in every apartment. • Launderette 2-Bedroom, $137.50 3-Bedroom, $155 Convenient to Emory, Schools, Shopping, DeKalb Medical Center, Expressway. See or Call Ernest H. Scruggs. TR. 4-6780 or DR. 3-8454 DELTA REALTY CO. COPELAND COMPANY CONTRACTORS Hearing, Plumbing, Air Conditioning, and Electrical Work Sheet Metal Fabrication Day Phone 9441 Night Phone 3529 342 W. SOLOMON STREET GRIFFIN, GEORGIA WWW M.OWWW OF VALUES Pilgrim - Estes Furniture Company ★ Complete Home Furnishings PHONE LE. 4-5388 131-135 NORTH BRADFORD STREET GAINESVILLE, GEORGIA