Newspaper Page Text
JANUARY 4, 1953.
Continued Red
Persecution —
(Continued From Page Ten)
es — all with the intent of luring
people away from Rome and their
lo3 7 alty to Christ’s Vicar. Twelve
out of 19 Roman Catholic Bish
ops. he wrote, have been interned.
The Czechoslovak communist
government repeatedly calls for
stronger and more efficient edu
cational methods to rid the na
tion’s youth of “superstitious and
reactionary religious principles.”
Commenting on the condition
of the Church in Czechoslovakia,
L’Osservatore Romano. Vatican
City daily, said that the Church is
daily the victim of persecution,
and despite Red claims of reli
gious freedom, the Church renews
the sacrifice of herself to Christ
each day in that country.
Communist government of
ficials in East Germany have long
carried on a struggle to alienate
the youth of the region from their
families and traditions.
Every year, “youth initiation
ceremonies” are publicized as the
“progressive” approach to the
“old” sacrament of Confirmation.
Parents- are told with subtle
threats that it would be better to
have their children indoctrinated
in the “pre-initiation” classes and
allowed to go through the cere
monies, than to participate in a
religious confirmation ceremony.
As part of their widespread and
exhaustive campaign to win the
youth of East Germany, the Reds
have even placed well trained
and loyal party members in kin
dergartens. Thus the children’s
minds are being formed in accord
with communist doctrine from
the very beginning of formal edu
cation. The hours during which
religious instruction can be given
have been so drastically curtailed
and surrounded with restrictions
that it is virtually impossible for
of course, is Cardinal Mindszenty,
still in the refuge of the U. S.
legation in Budapest. Red govern
ment officials have said that if
the Cardinal-Primate were to
leave the legation he would be
arrested and immediately brought
to trial.
Complaints from many parents
about the lack of sufficient re
ligious instruction for children
has brought dubious action from
the Hungarian government. Earl
ier, it had been allowed that, on
the request parents, children j
might be given limited religious
instructions in the schools, pro
vided that the classes be held af-
3087 Old Jonesboro Road, Hapeville, Georgia
Mr. John Delaney of Double
day & Company said on a recent
Catholic Hour broadcast that the
“heavier” Image Books, such as
the Summa Contra Gentiles have
been equal in sales and demand
with the “lighter” types such as
Father Malachy’s Miracle. “Sur-
I , , ,, , , , I prisingly,” he said, “St. Thomas
Each issue of this Book Page whether these books: could _not, J Bru( e MarshallThis
is confided to the patronage of j have been published as tull-
Mary, Mediatrix of All Graces, j length paper-back books at very
with the hope that every read- j little more expense to publisher
er and every contributor may i and reader. Karl Adam’s The Spi
rit of Catholicism was published
as a full-length paper-back and
sold for 75c. In this series we
be specially favored by her
and her Divine Son.
I THE ROOTS OF ¥hE REFOR- : have four chapters from Adams’
school hour,. Tho |“pof^'Lltok, o„ the
latest move called for the mtio- CONFESSION Heenaiv THE rosary and confession, appealing
duction of “ethics and morals £™ F f R %° N Wa * “he DEVIL, only to a C a t h o 1 i c audience,
classes’ into schools where re- Farrell; Can ' terbu ry Books, Sheed mi S ht have such a small sale that
this type of publishing would be
is cheering news and indicates
that Catholic books can find a
market with the non-Catholic
reader when they are good books.
It also indicates that the Catholic
reader may be interested in com
plete books rather than these
truncated editions.
ligious instruction is not possi
ble. It could hardly be surprising
if the “ethics and morals” taught
under the communist regime are
not strictly atheistic and Marxist.
Fortunately, the 36 members of. lssues
and Ward, 75c each).
(Reviewed by Flannery
These five titles are the first
necessary; but for books of in
terest to a wider audience —
books on the Reformation, mar-
series called ri& Se, and the devil
- one won-
JU , Canterbury Books published by ders if lar S er * ales wou,d , not
the former peace priests move- > & Ward The Series is make it possible for the complete
ment. have all, with two notable i. , , , , ,
, ... - . designed for those who want a
exceptions, submitted to their; b , , ,
! rvinumnlolo rruatmpnr nt a
Bishons. Fathers Richard Horvath
and Miklos Bereztoczy both con
tinue as members of the Hungari
an parliament despite a Vatican
decree last summer which for
bade the participation of Hun
garian priests in politics.
The political situation in Po
land and the agreements between
the State and the Church there
have created . the best situation
for Catholics in any of the com-;
cunist countries.
more complete treatment of a
subject than is possible in a pam
phlet but who do not want to
search for it among much else . . .
in a full-length book.” Since these
were all excellent books to begin j
with, the selections from them I
are naturally valuable, but the j
question which comes to the re- I
viewer’s mind is whether the edi- |
tors think the Catholic reader is I
too idiotic to read an index and
find what interests him in a com- I
books to be offered at the same
or slightly higher price.
> plete book; or if he is such a per-
Although the government still son affairs that he has time
impedes the formation of some ^ on jy f or selected aspects of a
kinds of Church societies and re- < su jjj ect a second question is
fuses recognition to some semi-1 '
naries operated by religious or- ]
ders, the people are free to w°r- FOR
ship, no bishops are in prison and : ,
relieion mav be taught in ^ ie ,RflR§« SOUHArj
public schools.
Despite protests from Catholic; SAVANNAH Funeral seiv-
, members of parliament, the gov- j ices for Mrs. Jennie Rose Bouhan.
masses of youngsters to receive S ernrnen t continues its censorship were held Dec. 9th at the Catbed-
any. formal religious training at
The religious situation in Hun
gary is if anything worse than it
Was last year, .despite some ob
vious propaganda moves to make
it appear otherwise on the part
of the ■ government which was
foisted on the Hungarian people
by the Soviet Union when it
smashed the people’s revolution
in November, 1956.
Early this December. Arch
bishop Jozsef Groesz of Kalocsa,
acting head of the Hungarian
Hierarchy, was decorated by
Hungarian President Istvan Dobi.
On the other hand, Msgr. Egon
Turcsanyi, former secretary of
His Eminence Jozsef Cardinal
Mindszenty, Primate of Hungary,
has been reported in a state of
complete mental and physical col
lapse in a Red prison. Msgr. Turc
sanyi was arrested after the So
viet intervention in Hungary last
year and most recent reports
stated that he was being tried for
“looting government offices”
during the revolt. The reports
stated that 15 young Hungarian
priests were also being tried with
Msgr. Turcsanyi. The charge: dis
tributing' the text of a papal
message and other “inciting” leaf
lets during the rebellion.
In September, Bishops Bertalan
Badalik, O.P., of Veszprem and
Jozsef Petery of Vacz were de
posed from fheir. Sees and banish
ed to small villages. It is believed
that four Hungarian Bishops are
kept from the complete exercise
of their functions. One of them,
of the Catholic press as well as j ra ' °f St. John the Baptist,
the press in general. ! Pallbearers were James P.
“PAX", organization of the Houlihan, James J. Brennan. Ed-
now - discredited “progressive ward T. Brennan, William Canty,
Catholics,” is still in operation | Alex Reynolds and Jerry Du-
and in effect controls Caritas. the lohery.
Polish charities organization; Honorary pallbearers w e i e
which was wrested from the John J. Bouhan, Joseph Winders,
Church during the Stalinist hey- j Charles F. Powers, Hugh H. Gra-
dav | dy, John M. Brennan, J. W. Lang,
But His Eminence Stefan James Kraus, Joseph McDonoguh,
Cardinal Wyszynski, Primate of, W. F. Goette, Louis C. Mathews,
Poland, who even before his Dr. J. E. Porter. Julian C. Halli-
three-year detention by the Reds , San and Joseph D. Sheehan,
dared not go to Rome for fear j - —
he would be barred from return- j Battle P. Winters
ing to his fatherland, has travel- c:_ i C - — — L
ed to confer with Pope Pius and Services In Savannah
returned home in triumph. And ! SAVANNAH — Funeral serv-
the Cracow Catholic weekly j ces f 0 r Battie P. Winters were'
which is known to reflect his j le i d December 23rd at the Ca
thedral of St. John the Baptist.
Mr. Winters, a native of Augus
ta, had resided in Savannah for
more than 70 years.
Mr. Winters had executed many
unusual feats with a pen which
gained him recognition from Pope
Pius XII, the late President
views has had forthright praise
for some of the advances made
since Wladyslaw Gomulka took
over the reins of the Polish gov
ernment in October, 1956. “De
fense of the October (revolution)
is defense of reasonable compro
mise,” the paper said recently in
an editorial on the greater free- j Franklin D. Roosevelt and Gene-
dom under Mr. Gomulka’s leader-. j. a j Douglas McArthur.
s ^iP- _ i Survivors are a daughter, Mrs.
Such, then, is the condition of j G j ln q Butler, Jr., of Savannah:
the Church in a tremendously j.
sons, Joseph B. Winters ofi
great part of the world. Though Savannah and Paul Win ters of |
there are some areas where the
persecution has slackenen off,
persecution is still the bitter lot
of millions of Christians.
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