Newspaper Page Text
JANUARY 4 1958.
JANUARY 4, 103
Foremost Events Of Church In U.S., Throughout World Reviewed
History, perhaps, will remem
ber 1957 best as the year when I
Hi# Holiness Pope Pius XII drax- |
tieally modified the Eucharist ie ,
fast. In March, when he rele- I
bra ted his 81st birthday and the i
18th anniversaries of his election ,
and coronation as Pope, the Holy
Father decreed a three hour fast |
from solids and alcoholic beve- i
ratios and an hour fast from other
liquids before receiving Holy |
It was the year, too, when:
Three new dioceses — Gary, !
Jnd., Rockville Centre, N. Y., and
New ULm, Minn. were estab- j
lished in the United States. The j
membership of the Sacred Col- |
lege of Cardinals was reduced to j
57 with the deaths of Pedro ,
Cardinal Seguray Saenz, 76, Arch- j
bishop of Seville, Spain; Giovanni .
Cardinal Mercati, 90, Church li
brarian-archivist, and Adeodato j
Cardinal Piazza, secretary of the
Sacred Consistorial Congregation, j
Others for whom death came
included Father Ignatius Smith.
O. P.,70, philosopher and orator
of the Catholic University of
America; Father James M. Gillis,
C. S. P., 80, author, orator and
journalist; Msgr. Ronald A. Knox,
89, British convert, author and
Bible translator; Ramon Magsay-
eay, 49, president of the Ph ill ip-
pines; Carlos Castilla Armas, anti-
•Red President of Guatemala, who
was assissinated. and U. S. Rep.
Augustine B. Kelley of Pennsyl
vania, champion of Federal aid
to education and labor legislation.
It was the year when the Cath
olic Students’ Mission Crusade in
Cincinnati measured the Catholic
population of the world at 496.-
512,000.000, and v/hen the 1957
Official Catholic Directory placed
the U. S. Catholic population at
34,563.851. The University of
Detroit launched successfully a
•project of attending college at
home via television. Soviet Russia
launched “Sputnik,” the first
•world satellite. The U. S. Bishops
1957 statement on “Censorship”
stoutly defended freedom of the
.press, but insisted that public
morals must be safeguarded.
Here are some of 1957’s out
standing events;
The compelling necessity for
(disarmament and the clear pos
sibility of a just defensive war
were accented by His Holiness
Pope Pius XII in his Christmas
message to the world. U. S. Cath
olics closed the year by observing,
«l the bidding of their Bishops, a
day of prayer for the persecuted
of the world.
As cities the nation over
staged welcoming parties for re
settled Hungarian refugees, Balti
more’s Archbishop Francis P.
►Keough, National Catholic Wel
fare Conference administrative
board chairman, reminded all the
faithful that aid to the Hun
garians must continue after their
arrival in new homes. Bishop
^Ambrose Senyshyn, O. S. B. M.,
•former Auxiliary of the Philadel
phia Byzantine Rite diocese, was
installed as first Exarch of the
new Stamford, Conn., Byzantine
Rite diocese. An announcement
<by Secretary of State John Foster
Dulles that the U. S. was consid
ering inviting Yugoslavia’s Mar
shall Tito touched off a nation
wide storm of protests.
Bishops in many U. S. sees
warned their faithful under pain
of sin against seeing the movie
“Baby Doll,” condemned by the
National Legion of Decency. Fa
ther Vincent I. Kennally, S. J.,
Boston native and veteran mis-
tioner, was named Bishop and
Vicar Apostolic of the Caroline-
Marshall Islands.
Other end-of-year events:
Church In Denmark Notable For
Growth In Professional, Youth
Groups In 1956... India’s Voca
tions Steadily Increasing, Report
Shows. . Discovery Of Tombs
Proves Vatican Built On Ruins Of
First Century Cemetery . . . Pol
and’s Cardinal Offers First Christ
mas Midnight Mass In Cathedral
Since 1952.
Pope Pius established the Gary,
Ind., diocese, named Msgr. An
drew G. Grutka its first bishop;
also named Bishop Leo A. Purs-
ley as Bishop of Fort Wayne;
Auxiliary Bishop Justin J.
McCarthy of Newark
as Bishop of Camden, N. J.; Auxi
liary Bishop Robert F. Joyce as
Bishop of Burlington; Auxiliary
Bishop Thomas J. McDonough of
St. Augustine, Fla., as Auxiliary
Bishop of Savannah. Ga., and
Msgr. Hilary J. Hacker of St.
Paul as Bishop of Bismarck, N. D.
The Most Rev. Joseph B. Brunini
was consecrated first Auxiliary
Bishop of Natchez at Jackson,
His Eminence Edward Cardinal
Mooney, Archbishop of Detroit,
pronounced benediction at Presi
dent Eisenhower’s second inaug
ural. Nation-wide protests mount
ed upon disclosure an official in
vitation was extended and accept
ed by Yugoslavia’s Marshall Tito
for a U. S. visit. World-wide Chair
of Unity Octave was observed on
larger scale than ever. His Emin
ence Samuel Cardinal Stritch
officiated at coronation of Our
Lady of Sorrows church, Chicago,
as 11th minor Basilica in U. S.
National Federation of Sodalities
of Our Lady was formed in St.
Louis with Fr. Erwin Juraschek
of San Antonio as first president.
Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court
reiterated ruling state school code
barred carrying non-public school
students in public school busses.
Italy’s Grand Cross of Merit was
awarded Cardinal Stritch. Pope
sent congratulations to Prince
Rainier and Princess Grace (Grace
Kelly) of Monaco on birth of their
first child, Princess Caroline.
Death claimed: Gabriela Mistral
(Lucia Godoy Y Alcayaga), 67,
Nobel prize winning Chilean
poetess, at Hempstead, L.I., Bishop
Robert J. Armstrong, 72, of Sacra
mento, Calif.; Australia’s Presi
dent Theodore Koerner, 83,
in Vienna; Bernard Kelly,
28, Young Christian Work
ers president, in Chicago; Arturo
Toscanini, 89, symphony orchestra
conductor, in New York; Simon
A. Baldus, 84, editor, author,
former Catholic Press Association
president, in Chicago.
Other January headlines; 60 Per
Cent Of Hungarian Refugees
Being Resettled By U. S. Bishops’
Agency... Pope’s 1956 Activities
Termed ‘Astonishing’; Received
Million In Audience.. .80 Catholic
Schools Offer 165 Scholarships
For Hungarian Refugee Students
... 3 Polish Bishops Now At Posts
Were Named By Holy See In 1951,
Secretly Consecrated Later ...
Prelate Says Church Will Lose
South America Unless U. S. Gives
Announcement was made in
Belgrade, Yugoslavia, that “the
time is not ripe” for a visit by
Marshall Tito to the United States.
In a message to Congress, Presi
dent Eisenhower proposed casing
the nation's immigration laws so
as to permit 65,000 more immi
grants to enter the U. S. each year.
In London, Archbishop William
Godfrey, former Apostolic Dele-
! gale to Great Britian, took over
i his duties as Archbishop of West
Bishop Thomas K. Gorman of
Daila>-Fort Worth, Episcopal
chairman of the NCWC Press De
partment, in a Catholic Press
Month statement, said the Cath
olic Press has reached new
heights in its march toward per
fection, but cited some ways it
may be improved. U. S. Supreme
Court invalidated a Michigan law
banning sales of books containing
obscene language, thereby jeopar
dizing similar statutes in 11 other
states, Pope Pius named St. Domi
nic Savio as the patron of choir
boys. Bishop Sidney M. Metzger
of El Paso, was decorated with
the Grand Cross of Alfonso X, the
Wise, and Msgr. Lawrence E.
Graynor of El Paso was made a
Knight Commander of Alfonso X
by the Spanish government.
The following prelates were
consecrated: Bishop Hilary B.
Hacker of Bismarck, N. D., in St.
Paul; Bishop Harry A. Clinch,
first Auxiliary Bishop of Monte-
rey-Fresno, in Fresno; Bishop
Andrew G. Grutka. first Bishop of
Gary, in Gary. Ind., and Mary-
knoll Bishop Charles A. Brown,
Auxiliary Bishop of Santa Cruz,
Bolivia, in New York. Installed
were Bishop Lambert A. Hock of
Sioux Falls. S. D.; Bishop Leo A.
Pursley of Fort Wayne, Ind., and
Bishop Robert F. Joyce of Bur
lington. Vt. The following deaths
occurred: Pedro Marto, 83, father
of Francisco and Jacinta, two of
the three children who witnessed
the apparitions of Our Lady of
Fatima, in a village near Fatima;
Bishop Jules B. Jeanmard, 77, re
tired Bishop of Lafayette, La., in
Lake Charles, La., and Edward
Eugene (Gene) Buck, 71, song
writer and head of the Catholic
Actors Guild, in Manhasset, Long
Other February headlines: 583
Catholic Books Published In 1956,
Survey Shows . . . Archbishop Re
ports Drop In Red Influence In
India; Asks Clergy To Promote
Unionsim... Pope Says Doctor
May Give Pain-Killers To Dying
Even If It Would Shorten Life...
More Than Million Catholics In
Strife-Torn Middle East, Survey
The world paid homage to Pope
Pius XII on his 81st birthday and
18th anniversaries of his papal
election and coronation. Modify
ing Eucharistic fast rules, the
Pontiff decreed a three-hour fast
from solid foods and alcoholic
beverages and a one-hour fast
from other liquids before re
ception of Holy Communion.
Commission for Catholic Mis
sions Among Colored People and
Indians reported half-million of
16 million U. S. Negroes and 110,-
000 of nation's 400,000 Indians are
Catholics. The Pope named: Fa
ther Thomas Reis, 59, pastor of
Detroit’s Chaldean Rite Mother
of God church, Bishop of Zakho,
Iraq; Columban Father Harold W.
Henry, Northfield, Minn., Bishop
to head the newly created
Kwangju, Korea, Vicariate Apos
tolic, and • Tsgr. George J. Biskup,
Dubuque Vicar General, as Auxi
liary Bishop of Dubuque. Bishop
Justin McCarthy, second Camden,
N. J., Ordinary, was installed.
Bishop Vincent I. Kennally, 65»
veteran Jesuit missioner, vi?ar
Apostolic of the Carolina and
Marshall Islands, was consecrated
in New York. Notre Dame U.’s
1957 Laetare Medal went to Clare
Booth Luce, former U. S. Ambas-
His Holiness Pope Pius XII, shown in his official 1957
portrait, was Church ‘Man of the Year,’ when during 1957 he
drastically modified the Eucharistic Fast. In Kerala, India, top
center photo, 100,000 indignant citizens protested Communist
State government’s threatened seizure of private schools. Su
preme Court Justice Earl Warren, honorary doctorate recipient
congratulates Laetare Medalist Clare Boothe Luce, in ceremonies
at University of Notre Dame. Top right, scaffolding removal
reveals first view of National Shrine of Immaculate Conception.
Washington, D. C. From left center, His Holiness Pope Pius
XII received Vice-President Richard Nixon in audience: Presi
dent Eisenhower confers with Hon. Paul Heymans, Commis
sioner General of the Holy See for the Civitas Dei, Vatican
Exhibit at the Brussels International Exposition, 1958; St. Berna
dette Soubirous, who witnessed Lourdes apparitions one cen
tury ago; Bishop-elect Howard J. Carroll, named to Diocese of
Altoona-Johnstown, Pa., retiring as General Secretary, N. C.
W. C.: one of the Vatican Radio’s new towers is in the shape of
a cross; Our Lady of Beauraing, apparitions 25 years ago; from
left, second from bottom row; Their Eminences Edward Cardinal
Mooney, Archbishop of Detroit, gave benediction at Eisenhower
inaugural; Samuel Cardinal Stritch, Archbishop of Chicago, re
ceived Grand Cross of Merit of Republic of Italy; Francis Cardi
nal Spellman, on way to celebrate Mass in Rome for 25th anni
versary of consecration as Bishop; James Francis Cardinal Mc
Intyre, of Los Angeles, continued battle against state tax on
private schools; Margaret Nichols, of Boston, Catholic Youth of
Year, chosen by National Council of Catholic Youth; tear-stained
little refugee, happy at coming to U. S., with help of Catholic
Relief Services-N. C. W. C.; Mrs. Margaret Kueppers, St. Paul,
Minn., chosen National Catholic Mother of Year by National
catholic Family Life Conference; bottom row. from left: Arch
bishop Amleto Giovanni Cicognani consecrated many new U. S.
Bishops; Esperanza Silas, First Communicant, thanks to increas
ed work among Spanish-speaking migrant-farm workers: Stefan
Cardinal Wyszynski, in Rome to receive Red Hat as Cardinal;
one of 50,000 Viennese, praying tor those behind Iron Curtain;
Pope Pius XII, as seen 40 years ago. when consecrated Arch
bishop by Pope Benedict XV; Luke Hart. Supreme Knight. K.
of C., re-elected, as Knights celebrate 75th anniversary; Ngo
Dinh Diem, Vietnamese President, tells Eisenhower of Red men
ace to S. E. Asia; German medal cast in honor of Pope Pius
XII, marking his role as leader for world peace.—(NC Photos).
sador to Italy. Secretary of State
John Foster Dulles reaffirmed
U. S. determination against recog
nition of Red China.
Death claimed: Dominican Fa
ther Ignatius Smith, 70, former
dean of Catholic U.’s school of
philosophy, in Washington; Paul-
ist Father James M. Gillis, 80,
author-orator-journalist, in New
York, and Philippines President
Ramon Magsaysay, 49, in a plane
crash in the Philippines. U. S.
visitors included Robert E. Bris
coe, Jewish Lord Mayor of Dub
lin, Ireland, and Heinrich von
Brentano, German Foreign Minis
ter. After attending celebrations
of independence of Ghana,
Africa’s newest nation, Vice Presi
dent and Mrs. Richard Nixon
went to Rome and were received
by the Po t je at the Vatican. The
Senate confirmed appointment of
U. S. Supreme Court Justus* Wil*
liam J. Brennan, Jr., sixth Cath*
olic to sit on the high tribunal
The 25th National Catholic Fam-
ily Life Convention was held in
Milwaukee. The 11th annual
Bishop’s Fund Appeal to aid
world needy was conducted
throughout the nation on Laetart
Sunday. Msgr. Joseph F. McGe-
ough, New York priest stationed 14
years at the Vatican, was named
charge d’ affairs at the Papal
Nunciature in Addis Ababa,
Other March headlines: New
Malay Constitution Gives Varioui
Religions Free Right, To Operate
Schools... Hong Kong C^gfcolic
Increase More Than 20 Per Cent
In Year.. .Pope Scores Indecent
Books, Movies In Lenton Sermon;
^•rns Against Cooperation With
Communists... Eleven New Dio
ceses Erected In Argentina; Two
Raised To Archdiocese. . . Eamon
De Valera Returned To Power
In Irish Elections.
Dividing Brooklyn diocese ter
ritory, Pope Pius named Bishop
Bryan J. McEntegart, Catholic
University of America rector,
Bishop of Brooklyn, and Bishop
Walter P. KeRenberg of Ogdens-
burg, N. Y., Bishop of the new
Rockville Centre diocese. As 500,-
000 in St. Peter’s Square listened,
the Pope in his Easter message
t*ld the world it must build its
hopes on the Risen Christ.
Knights of Columbus, celebrated
its 75th anniversary, voted $1 mil
lion to erect a bell tower at the
National Shrine of the Immacu
late Conception, Washington, D. C.
U. S. Catholic leaders de
nounced practices of Sunday shop
ping, teen-agers “going steady”
and the “rock-n-roll” dance fad.
At Kielce, Poland, thousands
greeted Bishop Czeslaw Kacz-
marek on his return from seven
years as a communist prisoner.
NCWC Education Department
survey showed 4,875.200 students
enrolled in U. S. Catholic schools,
colleges. U. S. Health, Education
and Welfare Department’s highest
award went to Daughters of
Charity who staff U. S. Public
Health Service leprosarium at
Carvillc, La. Jesuit Father Francis
X Wang, 37, wax reported dead
in Hung Kong from ill treatment
during four years as a Red China
prisoner. Franciscan Father Allan
Woltcr ill St. Honaventure <N Y.)
University was eleeted president
at the American Catholic Philoso
phical Association convention in
Catholic Relief Services
NCWC. U. S Bishops worldwide
relief agency, which resettled 17,-
175 of 30.906 Hungarian refugees
who came to U. S . was disclosed
as lead of all other voluntary U. S
agencies combined in distribution
of U. S. surplus roods to world
needy. Death claimed: His Emin
ence Pedro Cardinal Segura y
Saenz, 76, Archbishop of Seville,
Spain; Gene Lockhart. 66. actor,
at Santa Monica, Calif., and Msgr.
Robert V. Kavanagh, president,
Carroll College, Helena, Mont. In
Iowa’s first double consecration,
Auxiliary Bishops James V. Casey
of Lincoln, Neb., and George J.
Biskup of Dubuque, were conse-
created in Dubuque. Msgr. Glcn-
non P. Flavin of St. Louis, was
named Auxiliary Bishop of St.
Louis. The Pope asked 21 U. S.
newsmen received in audience to
use weight of their own examples
in choking off harm done by “the
scandal press.” Baptisms of 3.200
Chinese converts at Hong Kong
on Easter continued Church’s
greatest modern city-wide con
vert movement where Catholic
population has increased from
10.000 to 104.000 in ten years.
Bishop Matthew F. Brady was
elected president-general at 54th
annual National Catholic Edu
cational Association convention in
Other April headlines: Hungar
ian Reds Launch All-Out Drive
Against Church As Bishops Dis
cuss Church-State Problem With
Regime . . . Holy Week in Jerusa
lem Reflects War Tension Of Mid
dle East.. . Pope Tells Japanese
Envoy He Will Continue To Fight
Evil Uses Of Atomic Energy.
U. S. Catholic population was
reported 34,563,851, year’s in
crease of 989,834, by 1957 Official
Catholic Directory. Death claim
ed Bishop Michael J. Ready, 64, of
Columbus, Ohio; U. S. Sen. Joseph
R. McCarthy, 48, of Wisconsin, in
Washington; Bishop Louis B.
Kurcea, 68, of Lincoln. Neb.; Bis
hop Frank A. Thill, 63, of Salina,
Kan., and Povilas Zadeikus, 70,
Lithuania’s Minister to U. S. for
22 years, in Washington.
Mrs. Fred A. Kueppers of St.
Paul, Minn., who brought five
sons and five daughters into the
world, was named 1957 Catholic
Mother by the National Catholic
Family Life Conference. Msgr.
John S. Randall of Rochester, N.
Y., was reelected president at the
47th annual Catholic Press Asso
ciation convention in St. Louis.
Pope Pius beatified Sister Mary
Of Providence, who a century ago
founded the Helpers of Holy Souls
nuns in Paris. Bishop Harold V.
Henry of Northfield, Minn., was
consecrated Vicar Apostolic of
Kwangju, Korea, in Boston; Auxi
liary Bishop James J. Navagh of
Raliegh. N. C., was named Bishop
of Ogdensburg, N. Y., and Bishop
Walter P. Kollenberg was in
stalled as first head of the new
Rockville Centre N. Y.. diocese.
The following celebrated jubi
lees in the hierarchy: Archbishop
Thomas J. Toolen, Bishop of Mo-
bile-Birmingham, Ala., his 30th;
Maryknoll Bishop James E. Walsh
in far-off Shanghai, his 30th. and
Bishop Stanislaus V. Bona of
Green Bay, Wis., his 25th. Circuit
Court Judge David M. McMillan
of St Louis, was elected president
at the 26th Council of
Catholic Men convention in Cm
cumuli; Fr. Sletu# Madden,
Davenport, Iowa, wa elected
president at the 10th annual
Medal \1 »-r William K McMan-
nus. for 12 years assistant dircc-
loi of tin NCWC Education De-
pailment, was named supci m-
tendent of Chicago arehdioee-aoi
- chools
National Catholic Music Edina
Othei June headlines: Three
tors convention in St Lour and
New Bi-hops Consecrated For
the Catholic Hospital Association
Koia a Pope Warns Against
held its 42nd annual convention
in Cleveland Katharine McKu -
ver, NCWC Feature editor r«
tired after 30 years service. Most
controversial custody case of re
cent times ended in Miami when
Florida’s Gov. Leroy Collins
ruled a Jewish couple, Mr and
Mrs. Melvin Ellis, could keep ms
Adopting Automation Ton Quick-
l> Girls Mainly To Blame For
Teen-Age Going Steady Fail,
Boys’ Conn e|oi Says 60
Fai go, N 1) Nuns Escape Injury
As Tornado Levels Convent
V. S Catholic newspaper and
tody of Hildy McCoy, 6, duughter
of a Catholic mother.
Other May headlines: CRS
NCWC Given Award by New
magazines attained a new eneola-
t ion high of 23.368,348, the 1957
Catholic Press Uireetory diselos-
ed. Pope Pius named Msgr Ed-
York Governor For Refugee Re
settlement Work. . . Sudan's Sei
zure Of Catholic Mission Schools
Latest In Series Of Blows At
Church In Moslem Lands .
Po 1 a n d’s Cardinal Wyszynski
Given Warm Greeting On Arrival
In Rome. . . Germany’s F r i n g s
Gets Red Carpet Welcome In
Japan.. . French President Re
ceives Highest Papal Honor
During State Visit To Vatican. . .
400.000 Catholic Students Esti-
mateed At Non-Catholic U. S
Colleges By Newman Club Head
Spain's Generalissimo Francis
co Franco granted N.C.W.C. News
Service an exclusive interview,
discussing his nation's major I
problems. Methodist Bishop G.
Bromley Oxnam attacked the
Church and Georgetown «J., at 1
ground-breaking rites for a new
foreign service school of Ameri
can U. at Washington. President
Eisenhower, arriving later, laud
ed Georgetown at same general j
The Byzantine Catholic World i
Pittsburgh weekly, reported an j
apparition of the Blessed Mother
occurred in the summer of 1956
in Scredne, Carpalho-Ruthenia, a
part of USSR. Fr. Joseph J.
Mate, 35, Hungarian refugee, was
among 35 Jesuits ordained at
Fordham U. Death claimed:
Bishop Richard T. Guilfoyle, 64.
of Altoona, Pa.; Msgr. Edward F.
Cunnie, 62, veteran convert work-
ei among Negroes, in Philadel
phia; Dennis E. (Denny) Myers,
51, former Boston College foot
ball coach, in his Newton. Mass,
home and John P. (Johnny) Kil-
bane, 68, featherweight boxing
champion from 1912-23. in Cleve
land. Bishop Bryan J. McEntegart
was installed Bishop of Brooklyn;
Auxiliary Bishop Glcnnon P. Fla
vin of St. Louis was consecrated,
and Auxiliary Bishop James V.
Casey was named Bishop of Lin
coln, Neb.
Mrs. Clare Boothe Luce, former
Ambassador to Italy, received the
1957 Laetare Medal at Notre
Dame U.’s commencement cere
monies. In a talk to DePaul U.
graduates in Chicago, AFL-CO
president George Mcany scored
the “disgusting barrage of com
munist double talk” by Russia’s
Communist party boss Nikita |
Khrushchev in TV interview
shown in U. S. U. S. Sen: John
F. Kennedy of Massachusetts,
introduced legislation to admit
89.000 refugees to the U. S. over
a two-year period. At a Berchtes-
gaden, Germany, rally, formation
of the Military Council of Catho
lic Men, affiliate of the National
Council of Catholic Men, got un
derway. Franciscan Fr. Juniper B.
Carol, Mariological Society found
er, was named for the University
of Dayton’s 1957 Marian Library
ward .J Maginn as Auxiliary
Bishop of Albany, N. Y. and
Msgr. Martin W. Stanton. Jersey
City. N. J . and Walter W Cur
tis. Darlington. 74. J . as Auxiliary
Bishops of Newark.
Defying new national segrega
tion laws. South Africa's Catholic
bishops ordered all Catholic
churches to remain open to all
persons. Louisiana's deadliest
Storm in a century, Hurricane
Audrey, left some 300 dead and
untold property damage, includ
ing Church properties.
The Pope in an encyclical to
the French hierarchy condemned
evils leading the world “headlong
to its own destruction," called for
a Christian “renewal of society.”
Italy’s top decoration. Grand Of
ficer of the Order of Merit of the
Italian Republic*, was awarded
Bishop Martin J. O’Connor, rec
tor of the. North American Col
lege in Rome. Climaxing one of
the bitterest custody cases in re
cent years, a Florida judge grant
ed a Jewish couple, Mr. and Mrs.
Melvin Ellis, right to adopt legal
ly Hildy McCoy. 6, daughter of a
Boston Catholic mother.
Maryknoll Fr. John J. Rudin,
Pittsfield. Mass., native, was
named first Bishop of Musoma,
new diocese in Tanganyika. Af
rica. Red purge of George Malen
kov, Vyacheslav Molotov, other
top Soviet brass, did not change
Kremlin policy toward religion,
Fr. Georges Bissonnette, former
Moscow chaplain, said. Death
claimed: Carlos Castillo Armas,
anti-communist President of
Guatemala, assassinated; Herve
J. L'Heurcux. 58, U. S. Consul
General at Montreal and founder
of Prayer for Peace movement, in
Washington, and Curzio Malapar-
te, 59. (Kurt Erich Suckert), for
mer top Italian fascist with two
books on Index, in R o m e. a
month after his conversion to
Catholicism. Comedian Red
Skelton’s son, Richard, 9, leuke
mia victim, was warmly received
in audience by the Pope. Argen
tina's Diligenti quintuplets, three
girls and two boys, marked their
14th birthday in Buenos Aires.
The Pope composed a new prayer
for the fortitude and strength for
the “Church of Silence.”
Other July events: Formosa’s
Supreme Court Justice Is Con
vert To Church . . . Vatican Bars
Priests’ Cooperation With ‘Pax*
Group In Poland . . . U. S. Bish
ops’ Relief Agency Sends First
Salk Vaccine Shipment To Hun
gary To Battle Polio Epidemic . . .
Third Of Faithful In New York
Archdiocese Are Puerto Ricans,
Survey Shows . . . U. S. Army
Chaplains Corps Marks 182nd
An NCWC News Service sur
vey showed nearly 5 million stu-
(Continued on Page Nine)