The bulletin (Augusta, Ga.) 1920-1957, April 17, 1926, Image 9

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APRIL 17, 1926 THE BULLETIN OF THE CATHOLIC LAV MEN’S ASSOCIATION OF GEORGIA 1 TWO MORE PRIESTS ARE NAVY CHAPLAINS Transfer of Chaplain Duff From IT. S. S. New'York to Parris Island Announced (By X. G. \Y. C.Js’ews Service) New York.—Two Catholic priests, the Rev. Charles T’. Burke of the Archdiocese of New York and the Rev. Raymond B. Drinan of Muske gon, Mich, have been added to 1hc corps of Navy chaplains. The for mer has been assigned to duty aboard the U. S. S. Whitney while the latter has ben detailed to the Mare Island, Cal., navy yard. There is at the same time, a va cancy in the Army chaplaincy, which it is desired to till with a Catholic priest, as the Catholic Church is still below its authorized quota of Appointment# to Ibis corps. Candi dates for the service must be 'citi zens of Ihe United Slates, between the age. limits of 2.'! and 4."> years. Any interfiled priest may obtain in formation by application to the Chaplain Bishop, Ordinariate. 110 Jiasl Twelfth Street. New York City. Meanwhile, the following changes in assignment of the Catholic navy chaplains have been announced: Chaplain E. X. Duff from l’. S. S. New York to Marine Barracks, Par ris Island, S. C.; Chaplain ,Iohu H. Finn from Port au-Prince, Haiti, to Naval Training Station, Hampton Roads, Va ; Chaplain Francis L. 51c- Fadden, from U. S. S. Nevada lo Na val Training Station, San Diego, Cal., and Chaplain Thomas .1. Burke from Naval I raining Slat ion at Great Lakes, 111., to U. S. S. Nevada\on the Pacific Coast. t New Words! New Words! thousands of them spelled, pronounced, and defined in WEBSTER'S NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY They Supreme Authority’ ' Get the Best I A Catholic Paper’s News Sources Director of N. C. W. C. News Service, of Which The Bulle tin Is a Member, Explains Its Working in Radio Talk Here are a few samples: agrimotor soviet hot pursuit cyper Air Council nskari mud gun Ruthene paravane megabar S. P. boat aerial cascade camp-lire girl Is this Storehouse of Information Serving You? sippio sterol shoncen Red Star overhead abreaction rotogravure capital ship mystery ship irredenta Flag Day Estkonia Blue Crosa ( By X. C. W. C. News Srcvicc.) New York.—How the Catholic press of the United States is sup plied with the news of the world was described to the radio audience tonight during the N. C. W. C. Study Club Hour program broadcast from Station WLWL. the Paulist Fathers Station here. The speaker said in part: “The budget of 34,000 words of news sent to ils seventy-seven sub scribing papers last week by the News Service of Catholic papers whs a Chronicle of Catholic events and activities in practically every part of Ihe world. It was a chronicle such as Catholic readers could find in no secular .journal. This news of the Catholic world was gathered and written by capable journalists on Ihe spot it was edited in Washing- Ion bv experts. It was an authen- tft-, accurate and dependable ac count of the week’s Catholic events and affairs at home and abroad. In this budget there was news from London, England; Paris, France, Louvain and Brussels, Belgium; Ma drid, Spain: Vienna, Austria, Kau nas. Lithuania; Prague, Czecho-Slo, vakia; Jerusalem, Palestine, aiJcl Guantanamo, Cuba. Regular corre spondents in all of these places and others, includng Italy, Mexico, Chi na and the Philipines are every week keeping American Catholics informed of (he struggles and suc cesses, the difficulties and defeats of their fellows in many different lands. In their turn, the corre spondents in the United Stales are reporting American Catholic life for the benefit of Europeans and Aus tralians. For Ihe News Service that serves Catholic papers in Ibis coun try has subsecribcrs in Ireland, Eng land, Italy and Australia. “No reader of the secular press of the United Stales or Canada can re ly on their reports of Catholic events and activities. This does not mean that American newspapers are unfriendly or unfair in their alti tude toward Hie Catholic*church. II means only that in respect to the news they publish from many Euro pean and most Latin-American coun tries Ihe newspapers of the United Stales must depend on their dis patches on men and agencies that and unscrupulous in their methods of dealing with Catholic subjects. And there is another difficulty which th secular editor—no matter what his good wiTl is bound to encounter in collecting and publishing news of Ireland Awaits Tourists Expects Another Influx Dur ing Coming Season. 2700 Puget. 6000 HIustrMions 407,000 Word, and Phr •sea Gazetteer and Biographical Dictionary WRITE for a sample page of the New VTortf* • pecimen of Regular and India Papers, FREE G.&;C. Merriam Co.,Springfield, M**».,U.S.A. H. J. Markwalter DEA1ER IN Fancy Groceries, Fruits, Etc. IMPORTED SAUSAGE Foreign nnd Domes'ic Cheese o' All Niticrs. Telephone 1094 1001 Broad St, Augusta. Ga. PLAZA MARKET FISH, MEAT AND GROCERIES Telephone 1845. (12 9th St. Augusta, Ga. Victor Markwalter Certified Public '(ccountant. 911 MARION BUILDING. Phone 377. AUGUSTA, GA. HIGH QUALITY GROCERIES HERMAN’S SELF-SERVICE 1286 BROAD STREET AUGUSTA, GA. the Catholic church. Of all the news that is printed Catholic news is per haps the most technical. Even a rou tine item may—-and often docs—in volve a point of Catholic doctrine or discipline. And Catholic doctrine and discipline may be completely misstated by the addition, the omis sion. or the misuse of a single word. It requires a knowledge of Catholic teaching and practice to give a j trustworthy account of things Cath- i olic. The reporters and correspond- lents of Ihe specular papers of the United States as a rule have no such j background. Whatever, then, may |he their desire to be fair and faith- : ful in (heir reporting of Catholic news they lack the knowledge that jis necessary to Ihe understanding and performance of their task. A Catholic news service for a Catholic press and its Catholic readers is • therefore as necessary and salutary ! as Catholic teachers in Catholic in- ! situations for Catholic youth.” I After referring to and outlining the I principal news stories carried by the X C. W. C. News Service the preced ing week, the speaker continued: i. ‘Along with the budget of news which the Catholic papers received last week there was sent a monthly editorial sheet. This is something more Ilian its name indicates. In j addition to editorials on timely sub- jeets by competent writers there is a ! selection of special articles. There I appeared on the editorial sheet also ja wonderful story of the little babes Of the lepers of Molokai. This told of the way in which these children, i themselves free from the horried dis ease, arc taken as infants from their i leprous parents and cared for by : Catholic nuns. While in the care of 1 ihe Sisters these little ones are tarined in religion and taught t‘o I read and write and perform useful tasks. ' Only once in two years do I they see (heir fathers and mothers. Then they are taken from their own island, of KiJihi to the island of Mo- 'lukui. which we picture as the most | dread spot on earth. Here the chil dren sing and art little play s for ■tljeir parents, who known their own by nuans of numbers which the tots wear for identification. This story is an epic of Christian charity and heroism on the part of the nuns. If ! you haven t read it, you have de prived yourself of information and inspiration. Sketchy as this resume ! of the week’s Catholic news has | been it has served, 1 1 rust,*1 o im press on you the worth of your Catholic paper.” Dublin—Tihe number of American visitors to Ireland this year will be greater than for last summer by all indications. Tire statistics regarding American travelers in Europe in 1924 quite lately made available, show what a huge economic asset 4hey Were to Ihe old world. It is calculat ed that they spent. $000,000,000. Over 300.000 persons left the Slates on holiday Irips and in London alone they disbursed about $100,000,000. The number of Amercian lourists goes up every year. From the begin ning of 1925 up to the close of the summer about 120,000 bad made a stay in England. The proportion coming lo Ireland grows larger each time, and an' appreciable percentage consists of Catholic clergy. Irish hotels and motor-coaching firms are already preparing for another big season. An indull, something granted by favor, is a license or permiscion granted by the Pope, whether to a corporation or to an individual, au thorizing something lo be done which the common law of the Church does not sanction. A famil iar instance is I hat of the. Lenten indulls, by which the Pope author izes the bishops, according to the circumstances of different countries, to dispense more or less with Ihe rigor of the canons as to the quad ragesimal fast. 246 Indians Confirmed By Bishop Gercke In Arizona (By . C. W. C. cws Service.) Phoenix, Ariz.—The hundred and forty-six persons were confirmed by Rt. Rev. Daniel J. Gercke, Bishop of Tucson, at the first congress of Catholic Pima Indians held at S,i- enton recently. Twelve hundred, members of the Pima people were assembled for the religious and civic exercises which marked ihe congress. Governor George \V. P. Hunt of Arizona and Bishop Gercke delivered addresses. Prominent Pi mas dis cussed religious and secular subjects during the two sessions of the con gress. Entertainment was provided by pupils of several Catholic schools. Twenty Franciscans from the various missions of the State were present. The cassock, described as a close- fitting garment reaching to the heels, which is the distictive- dress of clerics, originally was a dress com mon to the laymen. Its use was continued by the clergy, however, af ter the laymen, under the influ ence of Northern peoples, began to wear shorter clothes. The cassock of the simple priest is black; that of the bishop and other prelates, purple; that of cardinals, red, that i of the Pope, white. Catholic News From Abroad By N. C. W. 0. News Service Lyons.—The president of the re public. who has come here to open the International Commercial and Industrial Fair, attended the Mass celebrated in Ihe Basilica of Four- vieres by the Cardinal Archbishop of Lyons. A large number of ex hibitors had asked the Archbishop (o open the' Fair by a religious function. Catholic Lecture Forbidden. Marseilles. Dr. Flaissiores, social ist mayor of Marseilles, lias grant ed the request of I lie “Free-Think ers'’ of the city and has issued an order prohibiting the lecture sched uled lo be given under the aus pices of the Catholic Defense League by Father Doncoeur, S. J.. author of Ihe famous letter to M. Hcrriol: “If you drive us out we shall not leave.” The pretext .given by -the mayor for his order is that the lec ture might cause counter-manifesla- lions amt disorders. Jesuit Pageant Director. London.*—When Leeds celebraies ils tercentenary next July with an historical pageant, the story of Kirkstall Abbey will he told in oue of 10 episodes. A Jesuit priest, Father W. Davis, has been appoint ed director of the scene to repre sent this interesting Catholic inci dent in (lie city’s history. Bishops St. Columba Knights Londrfn.—The Knights of St. Co- iuniba have initiated two more bish ops. The IB. Rev. F. C. Kelley, Bishop of Oklahoma, was initiated (his week as he passed through London. He was already a Ii. C. Msgf. Hanlon, Bishop of Teos, join ed the Blackburn council when il was inaugurated this week. Anglo-Catholfcs Aroused. London.—Ten parish church coun cils in the Anglican Diocese of Bir mingham have pledged themselves lo withdraw ail support from the diocesan board of finance because of Bishop Barno's uncompromising opposition (o the Anglo-Catholic movement. Bishop Barnes is ac cused of refusing to accept for or dination properly prepared Anglo- Catholic candidates and that he has refused lo license curates or give permission to 'them to officiate in churches where “the Holy Sacra ment is publicly reserved.” Church Unity Exemplified. Baris.—A striking, manifestation in favor of church unity was held here on the occasion of Ihe six teenth centennial of the Council of Xicea. services of eight different Christian rites represented here be ing held. These rites were the Ro man; Greco-Melchite, Syrian. Domi nican. Maronile. Roumanian, Armen ian and Pravo-Slav. Prelates of the Oriental rites presided at tlie ser vices. Three Orders in Three Days. London. Don Benedict Seton. O S. B., who was raised to the priest hood recently, enjoys the distinc* lion of having received the three major orders in three days, lie is a Fort Augustus (Scotland) monk, and a member of a family closely connected with Mary Queen of Scots. His elder brother is Sir Bruce Seton, of Edinburgh, and his younger brother, Dr. Walter Seton, of London university. Don Bene dict entered the’ church while serv ing in His Majesty'* forces during the world war. (trad Rabbi Visits Ireland. Dublin. “1 have never gone any where in tile world that I did not find some Jew or Irishman had preceded me,” said Rev. Dr. Hertz, Chief Rabbi of I lie British Empire, when he was publicly entertained in Dublin on the occasion of his mission to (he Jews in Ireland. Rabbi Hertz, the holder of the most exalted position in Israel, paid a tribute, to the Irish, pointing out tile many things they and (he Jews have in common. The Dublin Jews have been educaied in large num bers at tiic Christian Brothers’ schools, and have been prepared there for tlie public examinations connected with Hie professions and civil service, in which so many have been successful. Signs and Outdoor Advertising MILLIGAN ADVERTISING SERVICE " AUGUSTA, GA. ST. LEO ACADEMY Accredited High School Conducted by the Benedictine Fathers. Ideal Location St. Leo, Pasco County Florida WHITNEY-McNEILL ELECTRIC CO. EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL Let Us Light Your Home With Artistic Fixtures 841 Broad Augusta, Ga. Tcleplionj 1310 McDonald and COMPANY GROCERIES The Right Store With the Right Prices. 1130 Broad St. Phone 1183. Augusta, Ga. Jl Specialty Is All You Need CENTRAL U-DKiVE-IT CORF. 648 BROAD ST.—Next to Whaley Bros. AUGUSTA, GA. Southern Finance Corporation REAL ESTATE AND RENTING GENERAL INSURANCE . MORTGAGE BONDS AND LOANS AUTOMOBILE FINANCING Southern Finance Corp. Bldg. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA Irish Tramway Men's Grotto. Dublin. Employees ot tlie Tram way company, . one of (lie largest concerns of its kind in the world, have erected a beautiful grotto near ibis city in honor of Our Lady of Lourdes. Surmounted by a crown of electric light, the figure of Our Lady stands in relief against the shadow of the rescess, while a half- circle of trees gives the scene a fine natural background. There also is a statue of Bernadette. Fa ther Barrett. S. J, spoke at the dedication exercises. THE CITIZENS AND SOUTHERN BANK AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Total Resources Over Sixty-Five Million Dollars. We cater to accounts of thrifty, conservative individuals, firms and corporations. WE PAY INTEREST ON SAVINGS— COMPOUNDED FOUR TIMES A YEAR Open Saturday afternoon from four to seven for, the purpose of receiving Savings Deposits. Williams-Flynt Lumber Co. FORMERLY S. A. WILLIAMS LUMBER CO. Lumber, Millwork, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Roofing and Builders Hardware. Phone Ivy 1093. Atlanta, Ga. 236-250 Elliott St.