University reporter; (Athens) 18??-current, October 13, 1883, Image 1

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-4 IMVKKSITV REPORTER. VOL. IV. li'amsat nlli.ll aijenam. ATHENS, GEOEGIA, SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOI; EE 14, 1883 l-nimsito I’l l S.rSHED EVERY SATURDAY F.VKNING, TERMS: One Dollar per Annum, invariably in Advance. /V.VA'..v? f ,i i/ te Athens! Chronicle OfKc Advertisements ; ‘asonable rates O VSR TJSEUSNTS. be inserted at very' THE Si.JV TWO CENTS STAMPS. I.", new Ivs cent slamp, We’ve been waiting for you sometime; F a- mnv we can buy five slumps, IT, the whole amount of one dime. H. You e col’eye boy's change is scarce, Cun’; afford often, to buy a stamp ; And il was lucky you came along, So as to keep them out of a cramp. Ilf. As for us, we don’t intend to cry, Because the three Cent stamp is dead. .. -■ r «*..»*• ¥•,». 1 • ' ‘- 1 - -e- '.i ,/u.j. Ut For what we can get for two, instead IV. Two cents now brings the checks, Just as well as the good old three; Two cents brings the letter, From the girl we cannot see. IV. So to you, new stamp, I wish Along, happy continued earner, May you bringjoy to many a heart, And drive away many a tear. HYMEN’S CALL. On Tuesday evening last at the chapel of the Lucy Cobb Institute there occurred one of the most bril liant Carriages ever recorded in our city. The contracting parties were Mr. Joshua C. Hutchins and Miss Laura W. Rutherford, the accom plished and beautiful daughter of took the:r respective positions near the organ. Eight here the impress iveness of the occasion began to he noticed. The tones of the organ became over and lower, when there entered 'in the opposite doors with basket i i flowers in their hands, Misses K atie Rutherford and Blanche Lipscom who took their places on thejright and left of the principal arch, m:\ .le with much artistic taste of the rarest and most fragrant flow ers and : Added with lighted waxen candles. The attendants came in and arra’ ted themselves in two col umns on iposite sides of the stage, and per,, ndicular to its front.— They were Mr. II. C. Glenn, Atlanta, and Miss ! essie Rutherford, Athens; Mr. II ok: Amith, Atlanta, and Miss Birdie CY ), Athens; Mr. Andrew Lipscomb nd Miss Julia Cobb, Ath ene; Mr. . G. Woodfin, Jr., Athens, and Miss Annie Lucas, Athens; Mr. Clifton J ines, Atlanta, and Miss Bessie C. itherford, Athens; Mr. George L : is, Athens, and Miss Lu- rene V G^S'jihers: lYtr. James Cobb. Macon, and Miss Lamar C. Euther- ford, Athens; Mr. T. C. Whitner, Atlanta, and Miss Sallie C. Johnson, Atlanta; Mr. J. B. L. Cobb, Athens, and Miss Mary A. Whitner, Atlanta; and Mr. J. C. Cooper, Florida, and Miss Mary Jackson, Atlanta. After the attendants had taken their proper positions, the happy couple entered, and walked with firm and unfaltering step to the center of the stage and stopped. Dr. A. A. Lipscomb, of this city, the minister officiating, then approached them and with his imposing manner and im pressive voice, slowly and distinctly repeated the marriage ceremony | amid the very low but melodious sound of the organ. The silence during the ceremony was almost ter rible, and was only broken by the answers of the bride and groom 7 NO. l of ^ J ^ ^ O wuw m vi ij v/ X 111 v 1UL cl LA vA ^ 1 A #1 /111 ioI. \ illiams Rutherford. As early | which were rendered in a very admi- as seven o’clock the crowd .began to assemble and at half-past eight the chapel was well-nigh full. At fifteen minutes before nine Prof. Muller, of the Lucy Cobb Institute, appeared on the stage and began to play upon the costly organ, given them by G. 1. Seney. While the tones of the or gan were yet being heard to break the otherwise still silence around, the ushers, by pairs, Messrs. J. D. Mell and G. C. Hamilton, II. E. Wilcox and IV. M. Cobb entered by opposite doors, walked out into the middle of the stage, passed each other, and rable and significant manner. After the ceremony^ was complete, the mar ried couple, the attendants, the two fair young damsels, and the ushers all retired as they came. The invited guests then repaired to the residence of Prof. Rutherford, where an elegant reception had been prepared for the newly married couple. The j’ard was brilliantly illumina ted by a great profusion of Chinese lauterns which, with two immense re flectors, situated in opposite sides of the yard, made the blacknt as night yield to the light of day The yard was also plentiful!*., pro vided with rustic benches, s." bigs, chairs, etc., where friends migh find a congenial meetingplace, and .-Ayers, a lovely retreat. The parlors of the house were thrown open for the accomtno ’ .lion of the guests, iu one of which Mr. and Mrs. Hutchins recieved tl joys ous congratulations of their many friends. The bridal presents were nun Tons and handsome in the extreme,'com prising gold and silverware of nany kinds, as well as china of the most delicate cut, and rarest beauty.’ The supper room was in the -parly part of the evening thrown <?pen, that all may have access, as It was impossible for all to partake tog .-ther. The table consisted of four whirs at right angles to each other, b Tides numerous small tables arout.f, the room. In the cen ter of the pi i: Opal table was a 1 oTty pyramid, raa- of a ’:vv t.i :l.v a rr-i rip-pip cut r f fru^jifcV-j'd flowers of all descriptions—tile mils to taiftalize the eager appclit^ ’anS the flowers to charm the attentive eye. On the table were to be seen cakes of all designs, iced with won derful care and perfect success. Be* sides these were meats of all kinds, sandwiches, wafers, salads, jellies, nuts, raisins, creams, sherbets and endless profusion of every tempting- delicacy, as can be vouched for by all those who were fortunate enough to participate in the sumptuous repast. The guests began to leave about 12 o’clock; but still it was not until the hour of two that all had gone—all agreeing that the ceremony was the most impressive they had ever seen ; the reception the most elegant they had ever attended. The bride groom and left the next day for an extended trip North. The Reporter again offers congrat ulations to the happy pair and pre dicts for them a long life of happi ness and prosperity. minutes of ijkmostheman society. The Society* convened in its hall at ten o clock, and was called to order by President Pound. After a permanent organization had been effected, the Society recur red to the head of “Election of New Members,” under which the names of forty applicants were added to the roll. Immediately after, the question as to how long the present corps of officers were to serve. Tne Presi dent insisted that they were eletced, last j ear, to prevent disorder in or ganizing this; and, as many offices were vacant which could only be fill ed by election, an election was or dered. Mr. John Phinizy was chosen Pres ident, and Mr. II. F. Dunwody Vice President. Messrs. Hull and Eerck- niaus were elected Censors. The 1 lesident, after his installation, appointed Messrs. Cary, Wooten and Pottle, respectively, Secretarv The Society then gave notice to Phi-Kappa Society of its desire to hold a joint session. This resulted in the receipt of an invition from the Phi-Kappas to use their hall, which was accepted. On our return, the resolutions looking to the re-establishment of the University Reporter, which were offered in joint session, were agreed to. An election for Business Mana ger and Editors was then held, which resulted in the choice of Mr. Hull, as Business Manager, and Messrs. Hutchison and Pound, by acclama tion, as Editors. No other business appearing, the Society adjourned. John Phinizy, Pres. A. II. Cary, Sec. WATER WORKS. Athens is soon to have wiiat she has long needed. The force on the works are large; working near two hundred hands. The pond is to be 16 feet deep and cover 5 acres. Those students taking the B. E. course might get some practical ideas? bv Astonishing. It is astonishing how much one, even without money, can give! A kind won], a helping hand—the warm sympathy witli those who weep ami are afflicted ! No man is so poor, no woman is so poor, as not to be able to contribute largely to the happi- ness of those about them. Skiff, the jeweler, will try to make every one happy about him, and speak a kind word about jewelry aud the celluloid spectacles—something entirely new. visiting the works. For firm fruit, call on Jester, B- s; taurantor and Fruit Dealer. Don’t forget Brooks & Bush, when you want Fancy Candies, Fruits and Confec tioneries. You shouid go and see Barlow,. Wilson Co’s Jlammolh lliustrils. J*