University reporter; (Athens) 18??-current, October 13, 1883, Image 2

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Bn*inegs Managers. Phi Kappa: DemoMenian. A. S. BLAIX, A. HULL. Editorial Staff. Phi Kappa. Demostkenian. THOS. J. RIPLEY, J. M. POUND. R. HARVEY JOHNSON. J. B. HUTCHESON. TATE NOTICE. All College papers that receive this issue of the Universisy Reporter, will consider it an offer to exchange. We wojld be glad to welcome to our table affl our old exchanges, as well as man Sy Communicalions, literary contribu tions, etc , from past students and friends, gratefully rece ved. Athens, Georgia. Natiirday, Oct. IS 1883. SALUTATORY. The University Reporter made its first appearance about three years ago, and, notwithstanding many pre dictions to the contrary, it still ex ists; and, once again, after a short suspension of three months, makes its appearance to its many eager readers. We deem it proper, however, to set forth a few of our views as to how we intend to conduct our college journal so as to bring it up to that standard which our illustrious old University so justly merits; and we promise to lose no pains in trying to make it rank among the first journals of the kind. We shall endeavor to use onr pens w 1i OvlCll \>Cf t/UT readers. So understand, kind reader, that it is for you we are writing, and not for our own gratification. We shall try to give such news about college, Athens, and in general, as we deem proper, to appear in onr weekly issues. We intend to indulge in no objectionable personalities, jokes, “cuts,” etc., as are calculated to offend. We trust and know that our rela tions with the two female institutes will be none other than that of the most friendly and pleasant disposi tion. Then judge uot too severely our efforts, we may fail—others have fail ed—and more are coming who will fail. We do not promise you great things, but we do promise you our earnest and strenuous endeavors. To our Literary Societies:—We thank you for the honor conferred in selecting us for your corps of edi tors, and will guard to the best of our ability the trusts. Again wishing each and every reader a happy perusal of our journ al, we make our best bow, and enter upon the discharge of our duties. Most respectfully, Thos. J. Ripley, ) „ K R. Harvey Johnson,) ‘ ‘ ‘ Jerry M. Pound, J. B. Hutchison, Barlow, Wilson & Co. will entertain an Alliens audience on Wednesday, 17th. y new ones. TO WHOM EVER IT 31 IT CONCERN. We ’are very sorry to learn that there is a disposition among the studeiks not ^subscribe for the Re porter. Each student ought to have his name on our roll. How do you expect to support a college paper if you don’t contribute to tire cause?— Do you think it can run without money? I will venture to assert that there is not a student in the Univer sity who does not read the Reporter, and still, you don’t want to help support it; hut you will go to your friend’s room and “ spunge” on him, atid read his paper. Now, let every student take the paper. Pa tronize your own journal—and by so doing, - help to bring it up to the highest standard of college journals. the prospects of the university. Probably at no time within the past 1 years has the University open ed unier more favorable auspices or with more flattering prospects than at the beginning of the present session. Already, within one week of of Hie ICi rr», Vr.o yv; ister stows that 175 students have subscribed their names to the college roll, asd by so doing have pledged themselves to the advancement of their own private interests, as well as the interests of the college at large. Not only is the large number of new students gratifying to those who have an interest in the wellfare of our old institution, hut also the bright faces and the good recommen dations furnished by most of the new hoys speak well for her imme diate future. There is but little doubt in the minds of those persons who have studied the bright and de termined faces of those who now daily gather around the old chapel at the ringing of the morning bell, that the average marks will be much higher this year than for several pre vious ones. In fact, it seems that the branch colleges which have been established throughout the State are just beginning to perform one of the functions for which they were insti tuted. The function in question is that they are to act as feeders, so to speak, of the University. They have sent to us, this year, many; and there are among that nnmbev some who will yet distinguish themselves as possessors of bright intellects. There too, we we welcome among us sevjeral students from Emory col collegj: and Mercer University. We do not mean to say that this fact ar gues id of either of these institu tions. Their reputation for efficiency has already been established upon a firm basis. But we do say that it speaks well for the University of Georgia. We hope, and we are firm ly persuaded that it is au evidenee that the college founded by the State and fostered by her care is taking an onward step; and that she is now about to occupy the station for which she was intended. She was intended to he foremost among our institu tions of learning; and if our old time-honored University continues long under its present management, we believe it will become pre-emi nently so. We trust that the young gentlemen who have entered college this year will consider that not only does their own private reputation sfhd their character depend upon their exer tions, but also the college. If every one accepts this as a correct view of this matter, we believe that the col lege will not only prosper during this 3 r ear, hut will be benefit ted for years to come. There is one other fact which we would like to notice. Nearly all of the new students have been app’i- eants for admission into the Fresh man and Sophomore classes. This, in itself, is no insignificant fact.— Those who enter the higher classes do neither themselves nQj^£ B £oy,ggB., a great amount of good. They are in one year and out the next. They rarely leave records by which the Sophs and Fresh may profit, or mo ney by which the University may in crease its means for aiding those who wish to improve. Now, we do not wish to be misunderstood as depre cating the idea of a short course in college. On the contrary, we ap prove of it in all cases where a two or three years course would be a needless expendation of money. We think all those, however, who con template entering college, should do so as soon as they are prepared to enter the lower classes. The Sopho mores and the Freshmen are the hope of any school, aDd we aie glad to chronicle the fact that all our lower classes are so full of good material. We predict a pleasant and profitable year; and if all our hoys think of what resposibilities they are bearing, we know the present will be a year of unexampled morality and improve ment among the hoys, Boys, think of it. Upon your exertions and your conduct depends not only your own private reputations, but that of the college itself. We do not believe that there is a single one of you so lost to all manly feeling as to have no love for the college you have chosen. As you love it, work for it. The future will certainly bring its reward. For the University Reporter. LUCY COBB DOTS. I. “ Pasticcio” lias departed, And the “Phoenix” has flown, Their loss, I know well, By the Reporter’ll be shown. For who with the ease Of Pasticcio can write ? Who will have, like the Phoenix, Thoughts witty and bright ? Let me tell the Reporter, And remember 1 say, “Between you, I and the gate-post,” This secret must stay. ’Twill not, O Reporter, Twill not be she Whom you have chosen Your writer to be. And now to the task; but Like that ancient couple Of the olden time, I shall have to pause In the midst of mj' rhyme. And ask, “What shall it be, W'bat shall it be,” What, O, Reporter, Shall I tell to thee? 1L \ Tbe Lucy Cobb opened With a full, round number, On that most delightful (?) of days, Tbe 12th of September. “ Quid agis, dulcissime verum ?” Is asked all around. And tbe air with kisses Is heard to resound. But oh, more than a miracle, And of wonders a wonder, All previous relations By the Sophs cut asunder. And in tbe light of the world, Full fledged Juniors they stand, -You-Could hardly, I think, ^ Find a happier band. They giggle and smile, And they laugh all the time, They smile “without reason,” And they laugh “without rhyme.” But listen, I pray you, To the song that they sing, “We have passad, none were left," And they make the air ring. III. Tbe “event of tbe season” We have reached at last, Which like all “events” that have come, Is a “thing of the past.” ’Twas the marriage of one Whom you all know full well, No doubt you know moie Than to you I can tell. There is one thing, however, Which I am sure you don’t know, And that I will forthwith Endeavor to show. ’Tis a thing, should you know it, Would make your heart ache, The girls are all dreaming, On wedding cake! To their dreaming we will leave them And go our way* And tell more of their doings, At some future day. Last Thursday night the alarm of fire was heard, and the ever-efiicient Fire Department of Athens was soon on the spot; but, unfortunately, the distance was so great, that the flames were under headway before the house could be reached. As it was only an old stable, very much dilapidated, the loss was very small, except the loss of a carriage belonging to Maj. Stanley.