University reporter; (Athens) 18??-current, October 13, 1883, Image 4

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of Messrs. Ripley, Blaine and Bishop,! and to draft resolutions to that end.A The following is a copy of the reso-| lutions offered by committee: Whereas, the University opens un der most favorable circumstances and as it appears to be the general desire that we should have some good liter, ary journal. Therefore, be it Resolved, 1st. That the Phi-Kappa and Demosthenian Societies revive the University Reporter. Secondly. That the said Reporter is to be the organ of the two Socie ties in which the minutes of each Society are to be published. Third. That there be elected from each Society two Editors, whose term is to be two months—and whose duties are to furnish reading matter for the said Reporter. H, Fourth. That there also be elected from each Society one Business Man ager, whose term is to be for two months—and whose duties are to at tend to the finance and business aft. fairs of the journal. Fifth. That it is the duties of the Editors to look over the reading matter of each issue, and see what is suitable to be published; and that a majority can prevent the publication of any articles which they deem im proper to appear in print. Sixth. That anything can be pub lished in the said Reporter, which ei ther Society wishes to have publish ed, by order of said Society. ' Seventh. That the said Reporter shall be sent for three weeks to each member of the two Societies, and, if at the expiration of that time, their subscription is unpaid, their paper shall be stopped until paid. Eighth. That the paper shall ap pear October 13th. T. J. Ripi.ey, ) A. F. Bishop, V P. K. S. A. C. Blain, ) J. M. Pound, ) A. H. Carey, V D. S. J. B. Hutcheson,) The resolutions of the joint ses sion were ratified. A committee on query was then appointed and the question for Sat urday, October 20, is, Resolved, That the Crusade were Beneficial to the Civilization of Europe. Society adjourned. J. D. Mell, Pres. A. F. Bishop, Sec. Demosthenian Hall, ) October 13, 1883.) The Society was called to order by the President. The roll was called. The minutes were read and adopted. The following gentlemen were then elected as new members: Paul Che ney, J. M. Fletcher, C. II. Tutt, II. K. Milner, W. A. Kennon and M. II. V. Jones. The question for debate: “Re solved, That it would be expedient for the Georgia Legislature to pass a | Dog Law,” was decided affirmatively. On motion the President appointed a committee of five, consisting of Jno. B. Hutchison, J. M. Pound, John B Gordon, Jr., A. H. Cary and R. L. ( Moye, to look into the matter of re pairing our building. The following resolutions were placed before the house by Mr. Pound, viz: Whereas, The laws governing debate in our Society are very impe - feet, be it resolved, 1st, That the President ’ shall be empowered to appoint three men on each side of a question to act as leading disputants. These members shall be appointed at the meeting previous to the one at which they are expected to speak. 2nd, That no one shall be ap pointed twice in succession; and in case any of the leading disputants fail to respond, without a good excuse, he shall be fined the sum of one dollar. 3rd, That one-half of the roll shall be required to debate alter nately, under penalty of a fine of 25 ceilts. 4th, That any member of the other half of roll shall have the privilege of debating, in case he desires to do so. 5th, That all laws conflicting; with these are hereby annulled, f A. H. Cary, Signed -(John B. Gordon, Jr., ^ (/. M. Pound. On motion, the Society adjourned. John Phinizy, Pres’t. A. II. Cary, Sec’y. Phi Kappa Hall, ) Oct. 13th, 1883.) Society called to order by Pres. Mell. Minutes read and adopted. The question, Resolved that the negro should receive higher educa tion, was debated on the affirmative by Messrs. W. S. Upshaw, W. E. Rambo. And on the negative by Messrs. Young, Willcoxon, Ripley, Walker, Rowland, Mitchell, Kitch ens, Jones, Hollidajq Fain, Conyers and Bishop. Decision in favor of negative. The Resolutions on the death of Bro. W. A. Reid were then adopted. The question for Saturday Oct. 27, was Resolved, that the branch col leges of the University should be abolished. J. D. Mell, Pres, A. F. Bisnor, Sec. OPERA HOUSE. Wednesday. Oct. 17. oxeTTght only BARLOW, WILSON & CO.’S MAMMOTH MIR8TRELS V J. W. & E, W. BURKE, SCRATCH BOOKS, LECTURE BOOKS, RECORDS. Oold X-Vmis PENCILS. FULL LINE OF KNIVES Books and Stationery. M. Myers & Co. COLLEGE AVENUE. Cotliing, Hats, NECKWEAR AXD HOSIERY, AND GHI3T3 Furnish ixrg- GOODS. Also, a full line of Boots and EEaocs- l®"We ask a call. Respectfully, M. MYERS & CO. Brydie & Toliver, Tonsorial Artists, COLLEGE AVENUE, Onl Doors South op Myek Stern. All will find it to their advantage to give us a call. -Y»i».employ none but first class workmen, who are po lite and willing to wait on custo mers at all times. University Jeweler. CHAS. A. SCUDDER. One door below Longtf, Drug Store. Jgg”Makes a specialty of Repairing Fine Watches, Pn-s and Badges, at lowest prices. CALL AND SEE HIM. McQUEEN & DURHAM’S NEW BARBER SHOP, Over Mandeviile’s Jewelry Store, Will be glad lo have you give us a trial, and we know you will be satisfied. BE SURE TO COME. NOTICE, THE FINE Boot and Shoe Makers. N V. HAUDRUP &S0N, Shoes neatly made and repaired. Half soles put on substantially. College boys will do well to call. COLLEGE AVENUE. New Bakery! 1 have just put in a new oven, and am now ’prepared to furnish the public with Bread and Cakes. ALSO, Fine Fancy Candies, Wedding cakes A SPECIALTY. iCor. Clayton St. and College Avenue. O- BODE, Oct 13 Room Requisites. In Great Variery. Lamps, Chimneys^ ~ KZEROSENTB, Cutlery, Tin Sets, Matches. Uniformly low prices and finest goods. C. D. Flanigen, OPPOSITE CAMPUS <>. HAUSER, MANUFACTURER and dealer in Fine CIGARS^ CIGARETTES,' PICES, AND Smokers’ articles, AT LOIVEST PRICES, FOR O YX. SS I f ! Jackson & Brydie, TAILORING DEPARTMENT, We will cut and make suits cheaper than any house in the city. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO Davis & Harris, City Barber Shop, COLLEGE AVENUE. MOST COURTEOUS SHOP IN TOWN. Be sure and give us a call, and we know that you will BE PLEASED WITH OUR WORK. Cleaning and Repairing. Give us a call. No. 53 CLAYTON STREET. AXDEBSOX & JACKSON^ IVI u s ic IX owse AND STATIONERS.