University reporter; (Athens) 18??-current, December 20, 1889, Image 10

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8 Uniyeesity Repoeteb. young George’s home, so that he had the opportunity and privilege of developing his muscle and brain at the same time. He prosecuted his studies at this school for four successive years, when the death of his father unfortunately made his presence at home necessary, causing him to leave off his stud ies just at the time when he was beginning to show an appre ciation of them. During these four years he had shown a re markable acuteness for study, and had acquired more knowl edge than could have been acquired by an average mind in twice the time. He had a decided taste for the physical scien ces. He had become so attached to his books that it was with reluctance that he laid them aside and started out as sole man ager of his mother’s business. He conducted things very smoothly and successfully until his mother married again. He was just twenty-one then and being a boy of marked in dividuality, began to feel that he was of as much importance as anybody. He soon saw that he and his step-father both could not manage the same business, and accordingly resolved to sell out his interest and start at something alone. He was now con fronted with the question that has puzzled so many young men on being thrown on their own responsibility. What business am I best qualified for? But, unlike most young men, he was better capacitated to answer this question than the majority. For, in tire first place, he was aware that his education was not sufficient to warrant him any success in a litei ary line, and not lacking in energy, nor being at all supercillious, he was willing to work at any thing. It is a little queer that he displayed such peculiar taste in his selection. He moved to the nearest town and established a shoe shop. By his rigid economy he was soon able to lay up about a hundred and fifty dollars. In the mean time a new court house had been erected close to his shop. And one day when the court was in session, he began to hammer away at his business and at the same time, according to his wont, in his jovial mood, he accompanied his hammer with a song. The court was so near that this disturbed its proceedings. The Judge accordingly sent the sheriff to quiet the serenader. But on account of the obstinacy of the shoe maker the sheriff had to be sent a second time, when he fined George five dollars. George immediately threw down his hammer and said he