University reporter; (Athens) 18??-current, December 20, 1889, Image 19

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University Reporter. 17 which has been the inspiration of heroes and statesmen among us; and which in the day of defeat and adversity has been our only consolation. AN ACROSTIC. THE L. C. I. Tender and heavenly muse on me attend, Here to my weak, your stronger efforts lend; Elevate my thoughts to thy high heavenly place, Low thoughts completely from my mind eiase. Under thy guidance will I place my hand, Come, give me thoughts, I’ll write what you command. Yon pure and snow-capped, towering mountain height, Could be' no purer than the girls of whom I write; On them the Godess Venus truly has spent, But the fairest blessings which in her are pent, But knowledge and wit also fall to their lot; Indeed, there are no blessings, which in them are not. Nought but honor, love and respect should be given Such beauteous women, the blessings of heaven. To them we’re indebted for much in our lives; Inspired by them a true noble man strives To gain such a point ne’er dreamed of before, Ultimately, then, I will say this much more: To all the young ladies, and this, them may please, Each student of the college is a “ fidus acliites.” Est Abditum Conspectu.