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[Conti sued from Ist page. ]
gracious Spirit with, which the
Lord Jesus was filled, and which
dwelleth in His Apostles, and
dwells in all His children. A per
lon might for a time love the mir
acle working powers of the Holy
Spirit without regeneration, and
might fall away from his profession
of Christ, and thus prove himself
to have been all the time only like
the earth which bears thorns and
briers, rejected, nigh to cursing,
whose end is to be burned; but bet
ter things, and things that accom
pany salvation characterize the
believing and loving and patient
children of God who have fled for
refuge to Jesus, and who shall be
forever preserved in accordance
with the immutable council and
oath of a covenant-keeping God,
their Almighty Father and Ever
lasting Friend (Heb. vi.; Matt. 23;
John x. 27-30; 1 Pet. i. 1-5; Jude
21). Distinguishing the real chil
dren from the merely nominal
people of God, the Apostle Paul,
at the close of this part of his ar
gument in Heb. x., declares: “But
we are not of them who draw back
unto perdition, but of them that
believe to the saving of the soul.”
As a most holy, wise, and lov
ing Father, God chastises His dis
obedient children for their spirit
ual good, that they may be par
takers of His holiness, and live in
deed, and not merely in name,
unto Him (Heb. xh. 4.-13); but
such chastisements are nowhere
in the scriptures called a sacrifice
for sin. As does the Holy Spirit
in the scriptures of eternal truth,
so may He, in each one o£ our
poor hearts, not suffer us to in
dulge in the slightest imagination
that shall take away anything from
the exclusive merit and glory of
the atoneing death of the Son of
God in the everlasting salvation of
all His people from all their sins.
May He keep us from errors of all
kind, both in doctrine and practice,
and guide us, as He alone can do,
into all ’ truth, and preserve us
blameless into His heavenly king
dom, and to the Ever Blessed
Three—-One God shall be’ all the
glory given.
Sylvester Hassell.
Williamston, N. C. June 10,1895.
Gospel Discipline.
Dear brethren and sisters-readers
of the Banner:- I desire to sub
mit for your prayerful considera
tion a few lines in our family pa
per on the above subject.
And as a starting place I refer to
Cor. 17,12 “Wherefore let him that
thinketh he etandeth, take heed
lest he fall.” We, the Primitive
Baptist have subscribed to certain
articles of faith the second of which
redes “We believe the scriptures of
the Old and New Testament are
the word of God and the only rule
of faith and practice. James says
“Show me your faith without your
works, and I will show you my
faith by my works.”
Then the scriptures being our on
ly rule, I ask what is the first step
personally, after becoming a mem
ber of the church? I answer selt
exammation; first cast the beam
out of thine own eye, that thou
mayest see clauly how to pull the
mote out of thy brother’s eye; for
our Master has said “Whosoever
is angry with his brother without
a cause is in danger*of the judge
ment.” for if we are angry with our
brother, we manifest the works of
the flesh. But the fruits of the
spirit is in all goodness and right
eousness and truth. We may have
many ideas as to discipline but let
us «earch and be sure they are in
accordance with the scriptures,our
profesed rule of practice before we
undertake to carry them out. And
if the beam is out of our own eye
we will find the mote so very small
in our brother’s eye that we can
bear with, and forgive him. While
if we cannot forgive him we may
know the beam is still ir» our eyes
and a fleshly spirit is in our heart.
Some think they cannot forgive
unless the offending brother begs
for it. But suppose the Lord had
not forgiven us till we had begged
for it; whit would be our condi-
tion? for was it not while we were
yet sinners that Christ died for
If our brother has indead tres
passed against us, we have the
laws of Christ in the 18 chapter
of Math. *to teach us what to do.
And remember this, that if you
do not obey this law, you become
a transgressor yourself, and a close
self-examination will, or should
convince you that you are led by
the flesh. And if you live after the
flesh ye shall die. Let me say
right here, is it not better, and
more in accordance with the law
and Spirit of Jesus Christ to bear
with, and forgive our brother?
Surely this is better than to thus
destroy the peace of Zion. For if
ye bite and devour one another,
take heed lest ye be consumed
one of another.
If a brother commits a trespass
against me personally, it is my
privilege and duty to bear with it
if possible, in silence, but if I too,
am overcome of the flesh, so as to
raise a fuss about it, I then bring
myself into bondage to sin. It a
brother thus sins against me and
turns seventy times seven times
and says he repents, I am to for
give him.
But if the sin or offense is of
such a nature as that I must
needs go to him,l must go and tell
him his fault between him and me
alone- I must go alone and tell
him alone. But if I have told oth
ers, I have not only a beam In
my eye, but also become a trans
gressor against the law of Christ
which sa id first tell him alone; and
I thus have a greater sin against
Christ than my brother against
me; besides I bring trouble into
the church and may perhaps dis
troy my brother for whom Christ
died, like Cain who was of that
wiekod one, slew his brother
And wnen I have bitter envy
ings and malice in my heart how
can I worship God? for says the
blessed Son of God when ye stand
praying forgive; or shall I ask him
to forgive my sins when I will not
forgive my brother? But when I
have told this, brother his fault
between him and me alone and he
shall neglect to hear me, then shall
I go and tell one or two other breth
ren about It, and thu
their minds against him? Would
they then do for witnesses? I say
not. But if they should testify
through prejudice, their testimony
would be false; and this would not
do,and thusl have added sin to sin
in causing them too to err. But
if I take one or two brethren with
me and go to him again, and state
the facts of grieviances, giving him
a fair hearing before them; then
they are able to judge between us,
and competent to admonish the err
ing one. But if he neglect to hear
them also then I must tell it to
the church; not tell it to everyone
I may meet, but to the church
when met in conference or church
capacity; and let the church judge
between them. And the dicision
is binding and final.
“Leave there thy gift before the
alter.’Tt is admitted by all Baptist
that the ISth chapter of Matthew
is a perfect rule for offended breth
ren We ask is there not also a per
fect rule for the offending brother
to governed by? Yes the scriptures
thoroughly furnishesarule to every
good work. But the offender can
often say If brother B. is offended
with me, it is his duty to come to
m 3 with it,th us he assumes to ki ow
more about his brother’s duty than
his own, and failing to know,or do
his duty makes it a case of ne
cessity on the part of the offended
brother to take the steps taught
in Mat. 18. Now dear children of
God the same law that taught the
offended brother his duty teaches
the offending one. “Therefore if
thou bnngest thy gift to the alter,
and thou remembercst thy brother
hath aught against thee leave there
thy gift before the alter, first go
and be reconciled to thy brother
and then come and offer thy gift.”
A sister once said to me “brother
Stucky, I thought that this script
ure applied only to the preachers
and deacons” I said my sister if
you have no gift you should not
be in the church, has it not been
"■ ■■■—' ■ : ;
given you while sitting unden the
sound of the gospel to understand
rejoice in,and feed upon U|ueh
so that it was a heavenly place?
If so how can you sit and jhear
the glad tidings of your salvation
by grace preached to your joy and
comfort in the presence of an
offended brother with a good con
science towards God? Now dear
brethren such an offering as this
cannot be acceptable to God. If
you do not know your brother is
offended with you till you to
the house of worship and then
you find it out; do not enter into
that day’s service until you afb rec
onciled to your brother. But you
may think he has no ground to be
offended but that does not matter,
it is nevertheless your duty to go
and talk with him in the spirit
of meekness, considering thyself
lest thou also be tempted. Let us
not think more highly of ourselves
than we ought lest we should have
a beam in our eye; for if we care
no more for our brother’s feelings
than to wait till he has forced us
to do our duty according to Mat.
18. where is our love for the child
ren of God? Have we not
comfortedby the consoling thought
“We know we have passed from
death to life because we love the
brethren.” If we love them should
we not manifest it one for pother,
tor love is the fulfilling errthe law.
He that loveth hath fulfilled the
law: And not only so but as the
light of the world we are by 'good
works, by obedience to the law of
Christ to manifest that we are the
children of light, of God; and the
blessed son of God our Savior* has
said by this shall all men know
that ye are my disciples if ye
one another. And how are wd to
know that we love the brethren?
By loving God and keeping* his
But dear brethren, have ye not
often feared that you did not love
God? Well if we keep his command
ments in the love of the brethren,
then do we have fellowship one for
another, and confidence toward
God; in this is love made perfect,
and perfect love out
dear brethren and sisters, children
of God, let us not be stout-hearted
in living after the flesh, but let us
be kind and affectionate one to
ward another, in love preferring
one another, for if we walk other
wise we live after the flesh we shall
in to all the sweet and blejsed
priviliges of fellowship in the
love. And if we know that a bro
ther, or sister is offended or at all
hurt with us,and we go on and (filer
our gifts; will the Lord accept
them or be pleased with us?Nc£in
deed; but on the other hand ; we
become transgressor* of his Ijoly
law and fall short of the glosy of
God and blessings he has promised
the meek and obedient.Troubieand
confussion cannot enter Zion When
love rules in us supremly, there
fore let us provoke one another to
love the good works: let lover be
without dissimulation; abhor that
which is evil; cleave to that which
is good. In Love,
Lewis H. Stuceel’.
Sister Elizabeth Market wife of De
con S. M. Market, and daughter of
Stephen and Eliza Carter, was tyirn
in Talbot Co., Ga., March 23rd 1837,un
ited with the Primitive Baptist church
at Pine Grove, Ala., March 9th 1861.
and died at her home i n BrooksCo^la.,
May 10th 1895. She was the mother
of eight children, four sons, and four
daughters, three sons preceding ’her
to the grave aged two, six, and twen
ty four years.
Sister Market had the good pleasure
of seeing her three single children
take up there cross and follow
in baptism within the last year, and
one was her youngest child and only
son living. |
She only had to suffer about thirty
six hours. The doctor said getting too
warm and drinking so much cold -ya
ter caused her bowels to lock. All was
done for her that a good husband,
children aud kind friends and family
physician could do, but could not stay
the,cold hand of death, and on Friday
about 2p. m. see fell as calmly and
sweetly asleep in Jesus as any one
going off to sleep. We could almosl re
alize that thei 6is no sting in death
for a Christian. |,
She was a good a loving mother ’
and highly esteemed by a large circle
of friends, brethren and sisters who
had so long been seeing her at her
meeting time. She was ever ready to
administer to the sick, poor and dis
tressed in any way. She has been a
great help and comfort lo the unworthy
writer. Many times during my husbands
absence she would come to spend the
day or night with me, and I can truth
fully say and feel that I have lost a
friend indeed. She faithfully discharged
the office of a deaconess,nothing seemed
to give her more pleasure than for the
brethren, sisters and esspecially min
istering in Christ to visit her at her
humble home and sing praise and offer
prayer with them.
She was intered in Harmony church
cemetery, Brooks Co. Ga, May 11. 1895,
in the presence of a large number of
sorrowing brethren, sisters and kind
I wish to say to the grieved hus
band, be resigned to the Lord’s will
, for he is too wise to err, and too good
to do wrong, and while you feel the
stroke so great, remember all her suf
ferings are over, and she is at rest, and
it will not be many years at best, un
till you will hear the call, ‘ Child your
Father calls, come home.”
Dear children, remember the good
instructions your dear mother has giv
en you, and may God keep you all
from the many hurtful things of this
world, and enable you to walk the way
of righteousness as your mother did,
and save you all with an eternal salva
tion is the very hearts desire of your
friend and little sister in hope of life
beyond the grave.
Mas. R. H. Barwick.
Gospel Messenger please copy.
Elder E. D. Ivy ot Dothan Ala. wil
preach D. V. as followers :-
At Harmony church Brooks Co. Ga.
at their regular meeting, the 4th Sat
and Sun. in June: at Bethel Monday
Sardins Tuesday, and Pleasant Grove
Wed. From there he will go down
to the District meeting at Little Floek
Friday Saturday and Sunday the fifth
Sunday in June.
Bethlehem Monday Betheny Tues
day , Lebonan Wednesday.
• Cat Creek Friday Saturdayand Sunday
i Unity Moday July 8
Wayfair Thursday „ 9
Antioch Wednesday ” 10
' Bethel(Fla/Thursday „ 11
Hebron Sat, and Sun. „ 13andl4 i
He will need conveyance.
, R. H. Barwick.
” ** Elder J* G Met) on aid and I. P.
Porter will fill the following ap
. pointnients in the Lower Canoo
i chee Association, the Lord will-
Little Flock, June 15
' Anderson’s, “ 16
Bay Branch, “ 17
Love’s Chapel, 18
Beard’s Creek, “ 19
Bethel, “ 20
Corrith, “ 21
Bellknap, “ 22
Deloach°s, “ £3
Upper Black Creek “ 24
Fellowship, “ 25
Lane’s, 27
Statesboro at night“ ’ “
Bethelehem, “ 28
Lake, “ 29 and 30
Sunlight, July 1
Cedar Creek, “ 2
These brethren will be met
at Collins, on the S. A. M. R. R.
June 14 th.
A. R. Strickland.
In the Upper Cannoochee Associa
Oak Grove, Tuesday June 11,
New Hope Wednesday “ 12
Mt. Zion Thurs. “ 13
Antioch Sat. and Sun. “15 *l6
Bythynia Mon “ 17
Long Creek Tues. “ 18
Hebron Wed. “ 19
Conoochee Thurs. “ 20
Upper Lotts Creek Sat.* Sun. “ 22* 23
Upper Mill Creek Mon. “ 24
Bethlehem Tues. “ 25
Lanes Wed. “ 26
Little Flock, 9 miles
south of Boston Fri;
Sat. and sun. “ 28 29 30
Cat Creek Fri. Sat. & Sun July 5 6 & 7
Ozark Ala Tnes. “ 16
Pilgrims Rest Wed. “ 17
Corinth Fri. “ 19
Bethel Thurs. “ 18
Corinth Fri. “ 19
Pisgah Sat. and Sun. “ 20 &21
Baptist Rest Mon. “ 22
Mt Zion Tues. “ 23
Canaan Wed.| “ 24
Ramah Sat. and Sun. “ 27 and 28
By request of many dear, saines we
have agreed if the Lord wills to fill the
above appoinnmenls. pray for me
dear children of God that I may have
grace to snstain —H.
Valdosta Marble Works.
Manufacturers and Dealers in
Tomb Stones,
Iron Fencing And
Cemetery Goods.
Come to see us, we do fine work, and .
Guarantee Satisfaction. Shops located
on Savannah Avenue in front of S. F.
W.R. R. Depot.
We Want Your
* Printing!
People in Interior Cities and Towns
Want to know
WHERE to send and get a job of printing.
WHERE to send and have it done m first-lass shape.
z WHERE they will have a job done when promised.
WHERE they can get what they wish at a reasonable price.
WHERE?—why, at
The Banner Job Printing Office,
Patterson Street, over Citizens' Bank,
Valdosta, Ga.
We are looking
For just such people.
Teaches us that everyone is looking for the Dollars and
Cents (great things to have around, —mighty handy
Ain’t it? Well, we’ve got to have it, to run our
Business.) We think we can save you some, and get
Some ourselves if we can get a trial order from you.
Now to give you the reason why you should
Patronize us. It is
Everything in onr Establishment is New.
We have an up-to-date outfit.
Our workmen know their business, and we believe if an order is
Worth taking, it is worth doing well.
When we figure on a job we figure on first-class stock, first-class
Ink, first-class workmanship, and satisfaction to the customer.
/IW'Send your orders for the Job Department to
l ime Table No 11
Train Train Train Miles.
, No. 3. No. 5, No. 1. STATIONS.
Log & frt. Passngr. Log & frt.
12 00 p m 2 30 p m 500 a m 2 1-2 Leave Pidcock’
12 10 p m 235 p m 510 a m 4 « / *;; ;; *;Lake Station
12 25 p m 245 p m 525 a m « Spangler
12 35 n m 300 p m 535 am u . , . ........ Ptiob,
12 45 p m 3 10 p m 545 a m i •• • • Barwick
12 52 p m 315 p m 550a ml 2 2-3 “ ...Hollis,
3 25 p m Arrive >
100 p m 340 p m 600a m l 4 j.j Leave (McDonald,
108pm3 47 p m 610 aDi 15 u , Rosier
115 pm 355 p m 615a m lB « ‘ ‘Alderman’s Junction’
4 05 p m 21 “ Crosby
425 p m 2-3 “ Autreyville
4 35 p in u Martins
450 p m 2-3 “ Cooper*
5 10 p m3l “ Moultrie*
Train Train Train .
STATIONS. Fare. No. 2. No. 6. No. 4.
Log & frt. Passngr. Log & frt.
Arrive Pidcock, 0 1115 amlolo a m 6 00pm
“ . Lske Station, 10 1110 amloo2 a m 5 65pm
« Spangler, 16 11 00 a m 952 am 5 45pm
« Phoebe, 32 10 50 am 942 am 535 pm
1 « \ . .Barwick. 38 10 40 a m 930 a m 520 p m
« Hollis 52 1030 am 923 am s':o pm
Leave )
Arrive ( McDonald, 60 1015 am 915 am 5 00pm
“ hosier, 64 10 07 am 907 am 4 52pm
“ . . ...... Alderman’s J udction, 70 10 00am 900 am 445 pm
« Crosby, 84 848 a m
Autreyville, 90 840 a m
“ ....'Martins, 1 00 825 a m
« Cooper, 1 05 8 15 a m
“ Moultrie,! 24 8 00 a m
Dongola, N. C., April 10,1895,
Dr. D. Bartley:
Dear Brother:—My mother-in-law,
who is 76 years old, and has been
afflicted for years with Rheumatism
and whose heart was badly affected
from the effect of the rheumatism in
her chest, was taken down during the
night ot the 6th of February with a
severe case of pneumonia, at a neigh
bor’s house about two miles from home.
The doctor had no hope of her re
covery, and only paid her, one visit
She was very weak, and required the
a°istanca of two persons to turn her
in bed. On the 12th her daughter
sent home for clothes for her to be hur
ried in,expecting her death to occur in
a short time. I went back with the
messenger who came for the clothes,
and found her suffering excruciating
ly, very weak, coughing almost inces
santly, and spitting up much blood. I
did not think she could live but a few
hours, or a day or two at best. I pro
posed to her daughters, that I would
try to borrow an Oxydonor Victory
and put it on her, if they would be will
ing, and they agreed to it, hoping it
aright relieve her of some of her suf
fering. I obtained one and applied it
to her on the 13th. The spitting of
blood stopped almost immediately, and
[ier cough troubled her but little more.
In aboufrfour hours after the instru
ment was applied she iyas able to turn
in bed without assistance, and in 18
hours she was stand up. In 24.
hours I considered her well of pneu.
inonia, and she has not showed any"
ymptoms of it since.
Since then, w henever she feels any.
ymptoms of the»rheumatism, she ap
lies the Oxydonor, and finds relief in
few minutes.
Yours in Gospel bonds/
Eld. D. A. Mewbobn. |
OOOOOOD 00000000000000000000000
We are prepared to print Assoocia
tional Minutes neatly and cheaply.
The Clerks of different associations
will pkase forward manuscript to us
and we will guarantee satisfaction.
Give us a trial. Address
• •••••<•
We will receive orders for Goble’s
Hymn Books, and furnish them to our
brethren at publisher’s prices. The
book contains a choice selection of old
hymns in common-use among the
Baptists of the South with some new
ones added.
Terms: 25 cents for a single copy
or $2.50 per dozen. Leather bound 40
cents, par copy or $3.75 per dozen
Send orders to A. V. Simms, Valdosta
Ga., or Lee Hanks, Boston, Ga.
Dk. H. SanchE.
Dear Sir: We have been using your
‘Oxydonor Victory” in our family
with most wonderful results. Have just •
cured our sister of a severe case of
Bright’s Disease, after the two leading
ana most eminent physicians of our
country pronounced her Incurable. We
think it one of tne greatest discoveries
of the age. Very truly yours.
W. M. Duhdbn & Bro.
General Mdse, and Naval Stores.
Math, Ga, Feb. 26,1895.
( A< v.Simms Valdosta, Ga. and Led
Hanks, Boston, Ga, Agents, and Gen
eral Dealers*