The Pilgrim's banner. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1893-1918, March 01, 1897, Image 1

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Vol. 4. ' , . Tribulation. '“ln the world ye shall have tribula tion, but be of good cheer I have over come the world.” Jno. 16-33. We see the mourners sitting sad, The tears of sorrow fall, Their hearts within are burdened down, liesuiting from the “call.'’ .We see them seek the alien: grove Down on the bended knee, Their cries go upward to their God, “O Lord remember me.” Their sins become their greatest foe, Their prayers give no relief; Thus tribulation pinch them sore And melts the heart to grief, At length they see their dying ' Lord ' *. Suspended on the tree; And next we And them nursing hope That “Jjeeus died for me.” But io! the tempter comes again And brings theircourage low, And tribulations they meet Where e’re they're called to go. We see them scorned by all the world' Because of faith ic God; They cannot bow to human words But trust in Jesus’ blood. We hear them groaning as they go And sighing by the wav; They find w>tbin an evil law To lead their feet astray, Now faith recedes, and hope grows dim And brmgs'fhem to despair; And here their weary souls are tried In saian’s cruel snare. While thus the tempter holds them last With evil chains are bound; He takes them to the mountain top And shows them all around. They see the glories of the world Through satah’s tempting view; life tells them, bow and “worshipme” “A|| tjiis £ give trials here tfiey’.e called to meet? ' ’ How tempted with the world; How satin’s subtle firey carts Are often at them hurled? The Master bids us all to watch And we should listen well; Give heed to all the blessed truths Which.He was pleased to tell. Now,since we’ve seen these humble souls Their grief and burdens bear; ftofc desire's'ed'the crown Wbich’they must shortly wear. Their Master crowned with pierc ing thorns And wrapped himself m shame; And all togain that lovely crown Os triumph in His name. ||| Bpoy yybjfp grandeur lo! they come All singing to their God; Behold their glittering garments shine. v All whittened in-the blood. All those who love their Lord ap proach No inore;to sorrow here below, All now from bondage free. Pure spotless white—in Jesus name, Here comes the Saviour’s bride In royal beauty—see them come Let all the world exert her might In singing praise to God; Prepared because of Jesus love Saved; b'y the Master’s blood. T. E. Sikks. Cox, Ga. i HOW How shall we counteract the ef fect of the various devices brought to bear upon our.children by other denominations to bring them un der Arminian influences, is a ques tion now agitating the minds of many of our poople, and a very faportant questjop it U. Not on ly is it an important* question in ttselt but the treatment of it is of equal importance. The same skill required to "diagnose a case is nec essary to determine the proper remedy to be applied and the manner of its application. The saying that the devil should be fought with fire is not good theol ogy. It is not to the credit of wis- @ljf Jptlgrim’u fanner. “THOU HAST GIVEN A BANNER TO THEM THAT FEAR THEE, THAT IT MAY BE DISPLAYED BECAUSE OF THE TRUTH.”— Psalms 60: 4. dom for one to bet with a juggler against his own jugglery. It would not be to our advantage to imbibe any of their principles, nor would it be wise in us to adopt any of their devices or attempt to use any of their rods of divination. What the children need and ought to have is good wholesome society, growing out of companion ship which is congepial and enno bling, and I know of no better so-? ciety for them than that which they themselves are capable ot forming or producing. They could have no more congenial and profitable associates than those to be found a inong themselves. The best spec imens of youth are to be found among our people, and among the young men and women exists principles of virtue productive of the best elements of society, and therefore the only thing to be done is to inaugerate and maintain — where it has not been done —the "most feasible scriptural means ot bringing them together that the essential qualities inherent in them for good society, may be cul tivated. There can be no question of the fact that there may be found ameng our people all that is desir able among others, which seems to produce the best results to be de rived from society; therefore we can accept no suggestion intimat ing the slightest necessity for our children going beyond the domain presided over by their own moth ers to obtain that training which readily indicates . the proper ex ercise <j>f the dqnptjop of .goqH , fathers do not fully arm themselves and stand in battle array against, and beat back the attempted encroachments of all evil affecting elements of the world, the flesh and the devil, which are a constant menace to tho maintenance of good, pure, wholesome society, and thus afford the broadest possible latitude and the most free and full opportunity tor the mothers to thoroughly disseminate among the children those ennobling traits of character and to infuse into their hearts an abiding fullness of that pure characterizing virtue of which their very being is a never failing fountain, it is poorly worth their while to place them under the care of others, or to bring to their aid the almeating influence of others, or to adopt the use of any thing not in harmony with those God-given institutions which have ever made home and its influences lasting, wholesome and desirable. There are many elements in what is now termed society by the world which are a$ foreign from the prime elements of society and as unnecessary, and as uncongen ial with them and as repugnant to them as are the need, taste and effect of opium and tobacco with respect to their general use by men and this is not only of the world but is true with respect to much that is called religion by the religious part of the world. Primi tive Baptist should keep their children from these evil influences as much as is possible for them to do, but the question is, how is this to be done? | will by making their homes, apd their church organisations what they have the right to make them, what they can make them, and what they therefore ought to be, where children are so governed and in structed frem the start as that when they grow up to ipen and women they regard the saying that there is—“no place like home” as posessing a meaning deeper Valdosta, Ga., March 1. 1897. DEVOTED TO THEffOSE OF CHRIST.. than mere sentiment. In such a home you may find\nuch, if not all, the elements and auxiliaries essential to a well regulated and happy home. And you will find that there the children love to be, and if there are children of other parents who furnish not these home essentials you will of ten find them there, and if you have neglected your children in not providing them with these things with which to make your home what it should be, you may often find them also at your neigh bor’s house. Now what is true with reference to the home is also largely true with reference to the church. You tell pie of a home ip which there are no books and papers fpli of wholesome literature, no books' for music either with hymns or tunes, no musical instruments of any kind, no pictures on the walls and a like lack of other things which go to make home desirable to the comfort of the children, and I will tell you of a home in which young people do not gatheir. Why Should not the natural home be as dear to the children of men as is the heavenly home to the children of God? Do not the wonderful provisions of our heavenly Fath er beautifully and gloriously por tray the riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus our Lord, and is not the central, the most absorbing, the most inspiring, comforting thought couched in the assurafSte that vyp shall .dwell with Jesup nliH 1 1 *** II| WI of God, the ope whigh comes to us it is our everlasting, eternal and glorious home? Could a father better show his care of his chil dren than by making home home like? Could members of the church make their meetings more desirable for their children than by making them Could paints obtain apd retain the confidence and respect of their children In a better way than by maintaining a tender and faithful regard for them by furnishing comfortable meeting houses and maxing their services desirable by proyidipg plenty of some one of our books from which to sing, and by encouraging the children to go to meeting both Saturday and Sunday, and by hearing them come into the house and sit togeth er and sing? Could there be anything nicer, and could the children do anything to better please their parents, except if they were children of God and engaged in his worship and praise? In this matter we may nqt oply say in deed apd in truth that “we are no better than our fathers,” but with equal truth we may say we are not as good. With the fathers it was the rule to take their children to meeting with them Saturday and Sunday and to tpach them to respect their payepts apd fiopor them and their religion; but with us it is the exception. Tell me of a Primitive Baptist who now makes his Saturday meeting day a holiday for his children and takes them with him to his church meeting and pp Sppday, and I will tell yop of a Pl*P wfio§e children honor him and obey him, and they have confidence in him and his religion, and they respect him and show it by going to meet ings and behaving themselves. These children are friends and helpers to the church. Bpt yop tell me ot a primitive Baptist who does not thus act toward his chil dren, and I will tell you of a man whose children do not respect nor his religion, but are gen jrally very httle different from natural born, full-fledged, mock mg, scoffing Ishmaelities. Patents cannot make Christians <jf their children but they can friends of them, and can liring them up to respect true re- I —and thus respect themsel ves and honor their parents. How Ijttte comfort must parents derive from their children which hkve gone off among other denom ination s and have become asham ed of their parents and, their relig ofa I In maintaining the proper en vfronments for thp development of good character in our our chil dren much depends upon the course pursued by our pastors. Their positions are such that they may gather together or they drive away they may build up and ennoble iDftthe minds of the young people of I the congregation a high regard for the church and the cause, or they may so deport themselves as toJower the standard of religion ;n*he minds of the young people, and cause them to treat it and the church with cold indifference, and in-many instances with utter con tempt. Tell me of a pastor who encourages the young people to come in the house and sing and attention to the preaching, and> addresses them with good wholesome words, di recfcJhg theif minds to a consider* atipn 4 higjhev Mwa and ends Vqj a . and who recognises and thfflr and respect shown to hlin, and the church and the cause, and I will tell you of a model pastor, one who holds his congregation in his heart and has the respect of the people, young and old, one whom the children love and op§ who lives amon" people and in their beartszone in whose congregation you find the old people, the young people, the children and the little babies,and you will find that there they have good order, good sing ing, good preaching, and lack nothing that is good. ’ P. G, L. (Zion’s Landmark.) Experience. Dear Brethren And Sweeps I have 3 desire to write my ex perience and some of my trials and temptations for publication in the Banner. This is the first time I have ever attempted to write anything for publication, though I haye my experience i several times. It seems to me that I have a great many temptations, but it is a comfort to me to re member that our Savior was tempt ed after his baptism, I was born in Echols County Ga. Marph 2Qth My father was William Henry Lofton; and my mother Mary Elizabeth Prine, daughter of Robert Prine of Echols County, My parents had eleven children, but I know of only three living at present. I had one sister, Mary Eliza Lofton, vi ho was adopted small 'by a Mrs. Annie Miley, m Fla; 1 do pot kpow if ghc ig yet living, bpt if she should see this I hope she will write to me. My father moved to Fla. soon after the late war, where my moth er died. She left bright eviden ces of her acceptance with the th? Lord, having a dream oryisiop, before her ip which the angels visited and conversed with her, and promised to come again and take her with them. She instructed father to raisi her children—that they might be honorable men and wom en . I hope you will pardon this digression. After mother’s death we moved to Valdosta, Ga., where I was married Feb, 14th 1872 to Samuel Payne of Savannah. I went to live about seven miles from Sa vannah on the White Bluff road. It was while living there that I first found Jesus precious to my soul and could call him my Sav ior. I felt that I waj a great sin ner. I was taken sick and felt to be one alone. I was far from father, brothers and sisters, and felt were I to die in my sins I could never meet my Savior and my angel mother. I earnestly tried to pray the Lord to hav4 mercy upon me. My husband was gone from home one day and I was alone in my room up-stairs. All at once that burden left me, and I felt very light and perfectly happy. I was shouting and prais ing God, for I felt that he was in the room with me. The man with whom we lived sent for my hus band, for he thought I was dying. When he entered my room he said that I told him not to touch me for there was nothing on earth like Jesus Christ. 0 dear Chris tian friends, I can’t tell bow hap py I was. I can only say that I think it a taste of heaven’s bless ings. I would he glad if we could .all feel as happy as I do some times, At other times I feel like the Savior has gone and left me to *be tempted of satau. Then again I feel th&t God »a with nia. When we left Sa van narrWe went back to Valdosta. There I joined the Missionary Baptist church and was baptized by a preacher named Campbell. I was raised by Methodist parents and my hus band was of that belief, but he did not like it because I joined the Missionary Baptist church, but he said little about it until after my baptism. As we return ed home he would not walk with me but walked behind with his parents- He told his mother that he was going to leave me, lor I had disgraced.him and his family; she told him that she and her hus band were going to join also, I had to go to be jeoeived into the , church, but he would not go with me. He stopped in town, became intoxicated, and when I returned home, called me almost everything except a lady. I grieved all night; and then next morning he told me to pack his trunk, for he was go ing to leave me, he would not live with a woman who had been im mersed. It was a disgrace to them for they looked like wet dogs when they came out of the water, I begged him not to leave me. His mother told me to put my arms 1 around his neck and ask him to i kill me rather than leave me. When I did so, he told me to dry < my tears, that he wonld not leave me. How thankful I felt to hear him say that! I soon noticed ' that he was in trouble, but I said nothing to him about it. When i night came on I felt so relieved j from my recent trouble, that I , soon fell asleen. Ido not know ] what time ot night it was when he awoke me, crying, and asked me to forgive him all he had said to me. I told him I had already < forgiven him; he said fie would I I not beijeye me until I got up and knelt by the trunk which I had ( packed for him the day before, and prayed for him. I did not know what to do, but told him I would pray best I could. I felt that thia Vas the greatest I ( p cross which I had M n st Jesus bear the cross alone, 1 And all the world go free? No! There’s a cross for every one And there’s a cross for me. I knelt down with him, but O dear Christians I cannot tell what I said. I tried to pray for him, but I was so overcome that I can’t tell what I said. I can’t tell my feelings after I had taken up that cross. Our Savior bore his cross, and I feel thankful that I have trials and temptations’ and afflic tions ; it ihakes me feel the need of my Savior the more. I think the Bible tells us, “Take up thy cross and follow after me.” “The consecrated cross I’ll bear, Till death shall set me free; And then go home my crown to wear For (I hope) there’s a crown for me.” Several months after this my husband became very wicked, took to drinking, gambling and using profane .language. He went on this way for several years until God saw fit to stop him. Then I . saw him join the Missionary Bap-., tist church; he was baptized by a preacher Hill, in Madison County ’ Tenn. We had gone to Tenn, and lived there seventeen years. I lived in the Missionary church for twenty-four years. I had nev er heard a Primitive Baptist but twice and that when I was a child. But a little over a year ago I heard Elder R. H. Barwick preach at a school house near my home. His sermon affected me in such away, that I began to feel that I had ting God’s people. I became dis satisfied with the Missionary de nomination ; it caused me a great deal of trouble. I had been with them so long that naturally I hat ed to leave them, for many of my friends are there, But I felt that I never would he satisfied again if I did not discharge what I felt to be my’duty and join the Prim itive Baptists. I was made per fectly willing to give it all up the day that I’joined the church. I joined at Harmony, Brooks Coun ty Ga. July 25,’1896. I was bap tized by brother R. H, Barwick. As I went down into the water I felt that I had never been baptiz ed before. Since then I have felt that I have performed the Lord’s will and discharged my duty and that I shall be better satisfied for the balance of my life. One month after 1 was baptized I was at a yearly meeting where the saints partook of the Lord’s supper and washed each others’ ' feet. It was a happy day with me. I sometimes hope that lam one of God’s elect. The Bible says “There shall be a remnant saved.” I hope that I shall be with that number. The blessed Savior said; “The poor ye have with you always,” and I feel to be one of the poor. Dear brother, if this is not worth a place in your paper, please throw it aside for it is from a poor, uned ucated woman. This is a part my life and experience; and if you think it worth printing, I may write again. I humbly ask God’s children to remember me in their prayers, for we are commanded to pray for one another. I hope I am your sister in Christ. Anna Harden. Pavo, Ga. Nov, Ist 1896. God resisteth the proud, and giveth more grace to the humble. No 5.