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2 ,
IS, 1^7
Official Ohuak or Cuuxtv
r. U. T.Lit OH y . «.
Tabor <& Ellington,
Editors and Proprietors
Entered at tbe post office at Ellijay,
Ga., as second-class mail matter
euBSCRirrlox rates.
Oae Year.................• # 1.00
Six Monthe —. -........... • 50
Thres Months............. 25
Advertising Rates Very I,dw and
Made known on Application
additional LOULS
Mr. L. Harrison, Pres, of the
Gourgia Carrara Marble Co., of
this piaco, who lives at Wellsboro,
Fa., accompanied by Mr. Vanger
grif:, has been here as the gueats
of Mr. H. A. Field, inspecting
their property at Turniptown.
They have some fine Marble prop¬
erty and wo hope to see it devel¬
oped at an early date.
•;tt '■ ,
A delegation of the Odd Fellows
from EllTjay Lodge went up to
McCays last Saturday night as the
guests of tbo McCay Lodge to help
’’work” a lot of tie v members.
Notwithstanding the fact that
there were thirteen in the party
and they wont on the 13th, of the
-.nouth they all got back safe and
say they had a fine time. They
carried their goat with them.
Mrs. Julia Stancel wife of Mr.
Calvtu Stancel and daughter of
Mr. Alfrad Shepard, died last Sun¬
day, after a lingering illness. This
family has been peculiarly unfor¬
tunate. Some » eeks ago Mr, Stan¬
cel had his foot sawed off in a saw
mill accident, shortly afterward
Mrs. Staucel gave birth to twiu
babies, one of whounjUed, and now,
the mother is gone. \Ye sympa¬
thize with tho bereaved family. •
Letter to M. S. claytoa.
Dear Sir: Every' job Devoe is
db&e with less gallons than ever be
fo re with a ny other paint.
Iudianola. Fla., says:
here are painted Devoe.
K vin S, r other
ay in Uilmer.
Some of our people are making
a great mistake in leaving their
farms, where they are making a
cnmfortsble living, and going to
She factories to work. They make
more mom-y at the factory bnt it
generally takes it all to live on
und then it is an unhealthy busi¬
ness and factory bands are short
lived people at best. The happiest
and most^Uidependent people are
those who live at home and make
their living en the farm.
Like Finding Mosey.
Bearden Bros. & Teem Co. the
popular druggist, arc making an
oiler tliat is just like finding money
for they are selling a regulai 50 cent
bottle of Dr. Howard's celebrated
specific for the cure of constipation
and dyspepsia at half price. In ad
dition to this large discount
agrees to return the money to any
purchaser whom the specific does
It is quite-unuaual *i> be able
buy fifty cent' pieces fir a
but that only recently, through
solicitation of Druggist
Bros. & Teem Co.,. that this medi
cine could be bought .for less -
fifty cents, they urged the
tors to allow them to sell it at
reduced price for a little while
tug to sell a certain amount
result haa justified their good iudge
ybiieul, vbipg’.cwMiikable. for the sale has been souie
Anyone who suffers witli head
ache, dyspepsia, dizziness,
etouiache, specks before the et cs,
uny liver trouble, should take ad
vantage of this opportunity, for
Howard s specific will cute aU
iroubles. But if by any chance
should uot. Bearden Broa, i;
Co, will refund your money.
t&s effect of Scoff Jf ZfrnuLsion on thin,
psli u saQgisaL
it makes them plump, rosy, active, happy.
It contains Cod Liver Oil, Hypophosphites
and Glycerine, to make fat, blood and bone,
and so put together that it is easily digested
by little folk.
kicking mul« that yon road
8 *' ,e “tunny I’iclum?, Lut
Maud our good kiud gentle Jersey
cow, that w« raised from a little
calf, I found her with her math
the woods one snowy evening
*nd .... earned ... her mile u. . my arms
htrd ahe always aeemed like one of
the family. She died last week
and left a baby calf, which
adopted by auother cow, whose
calf bad died.
There is only one consolation
""ken S'oor cow dies, you can soli
hide for enough to pay the
burial expenses. And then it is
refreshing refreshing to to fiu< find how many fiuo
young, four gallon cows then are
left, when you go out to buy au¬
other one.
H. M. E
Mrs. Jno. Huroett is very sick at
ibis writing.
Mr Henry Cochran has been visi
titfg fh this n -ighborbood f-*r the last
few days, •
Messrs. Rufus Swann and Tbos.
Cliaslsin made a business trip to
this place last week.
Mr. J. C Gentry and Miss Millie
Goble we»e happily united in the
holy bunds of wedlock at the home
of ttie bride's parents last Sunday.
We wish them a happy journey
through life.
88th Anniversary of i 0. 0. F. Lodge
Friday 7:30 o'clock P. M. Aprj^
■ 25,1##7 at college Auditorium.
The public is cordiuliy invited.
Opening song by Lodge
Song by choir— «« _
Song by. choir—
\ Ptayer-* .r ' W
Scripture reading amJ talk Rev.
Song by I,odge—"Nearer
God To Thee.”—
Talk by Rev. W. F. Hampton—
Song by choir—"God Be With
The choir is as follows:
Mr and Mrs. H. P Watkins was
visiting in Blue Ridge last week.
Little Jennings Ward is very sick
at this writing.
Alice and Dessie Whitaker visited
Annii Legg Sunday evening.
If von wraut to see N. V. Fain on
business call at Mr. Juc Legg s.
Lee Watkins and Prof. Lawreree
Wurd, were tbe guests of Mr. B. P.
Whitaker Sunday night.
William and Henry Ray were at
White Path Sunday evening for the
first tiino in some time
Mr. aud Mrs. W. M. Holt, of Lit
tietun, Ala., arc v siting their rela
tives here.
Walter Harper and his sister
Miss Ncliie was visiting at Mr. Wes
Legg’s Sunday.
mus Arizouia Cox, of m
J Hill, is visiting horaefolks
Mr. Joe Scott,.gave the
folks a singing Sunday evening
which was very much enjoyed by
Miss Lizzie Pinson, the
daughter of Mr Joe Pinson,;is
again after spending the winter
Blue Ridge.
A Readwi.
Seme Good “Don’ts.”
Don’t smoko cigarettes,
poisou. If you’ve Btarted,
Don’t smoke at all if vou
started. It’s no criminal
bnt wait till you are 25.
Never say "i don’t care
"Don’t cara” is a sure loser ia
game. Don’t never sell your
.corn spottvil ; au long as you keep that
I \ ov.'re sure of a crop.
’f 11 business lies. Truth is
I corner stone ot all success.
is nature's
1 ^
Ih-cuus« things dou’t ootue yoitr
jWa y *t the start. The boat that
wius the race is often the one that
can make tbe best time against the
wiud; it knows how to tack. ;
The slickest track does not make'
the fa8test tilll0 . that .„ frequ „ 1)t ly
j| ! oat motion, them the motorman I
sands his track.
When you find your feet in a
slippery path, just remember thnt’a
the time you need more sand.
Don’t waste time, ^principle
it is almost as bad to steal your
employer's time as hie tnouey.
Have positive likes and dislikes.
Nothing so develops the intellect.
Don’t be on the fence. Have on
opinion of your own, even if you
are sometimes wrong.
Another elmr.ent of success is
cheerfulness. Good humor covers
a multitude of shortcomings,
Roses are an emblem of jov The
earth laughs in flowers.—Ex
Legal Advertisements.
GEORGIA—Gilmer County:
Mrs. Polly Aschenback. widow of
Julius Aschenback, lute of said conn
ty deceased, has applied for a twelve
months support for herself and luiu
or children out of the estate of said
deceased and appraisers appointed
have made their return Ail persons
will Snow cause, if any there be, at
or before the May teim next., of this
court, why sain application should
not he grant'd Witness my official I
signature This April 1st. 1907.
T H. T/.bok. Ordinary.
GEORGIA—Gilmer County:
Gilmer Superior) | Belle Dotson vs
Court October Sam Dotson
Term 1906 ) Divorce.
It appealing to tbe court by this
return of the Sheri!! that the defend
ent does not reside in the connty rtf
Gilmer and it further appearing that
said defendant does not reside in tbe is orderid that
service he perfected by publication as
n such case made and provided.
This Oct, 9 1906.
Geo F Gobek, Judge
Blue Ridge Circuit
were built long years ago by such
riekland, Ed \Viiite, Ofilw Thomas Byrd,. . 1
tts, ftiee femsati^ Frwhi. Jolur
Solomon Fuller, Jitii Collier, Obediali
lor, John Patton, Dave Mahan,
Mose Finley, George Jefferson,
Thomas Hutcherson, John Johnson affd others; These men were em¬ no* v ' llE
igrants from Virginia, the Carolinas and Tennessee. They came in the k
prime of manhood and selected the fertile Salacoa valley as a home for
themselves and their children - .
’ The long-looked for railroad—the I|. & N. line from Atlanta to
Cicipnati, has placed this fertile country, imclose connection with the
outside world, and its now rapid development will far surpass the most
sanguine hopes of these pioneer citizens.
Fairmount, as you see, is located eighteen miles from any other town
or market. The resource of this section which have heretofore helped
to build the surrounding towns, will now be used to develop Fair- .>
mount by giving her such improvements^# waterworks, electric lights,
a splendid market for all products, etc.
Fairmount has at present four hundred inhabi¬
tants, one bank, eight stores, good brick warehouse,
one planing mill, good school with well equipped
buildings, two churches, three rural mail routes etc. d 'Xlton
j Property twelve in this ths, section and has will doubled double in in value value again; in
in fact it is situated in and is the richest country in
North Georgia. Our town is well surveyed and
layed off systematically. *00* TALKING
I will place on sale at auction on
1 the 30th, day of May, 1907, all the
two hundred unsold lots in the JASPER
Town of Fairmount. Terms of
sale: One-fifth cash, balance pay¬
able one to five years at 8 per C *HTo*i
cent, this is no boom business, but.
an opportunity for people to in¬
vest in property that will steadily
advance in-value and give to them
a home in a good mountain town
with splendid business opportuni¬
ty. We will have a free barbecue
on date of sale, May 30th, 1907.
Come and see for yourself.
Yours fif truly,
For Infants and Children,
! The Kind You Have
ANfegetable RrejfMttionforAs- Always Bought
Bears the
I\f IN iN/< Hit DHt.N • !
Promotes DigealionJCheerfut- Signature
ness and Rest.Contains neither of
Opium Nauc .Morphine nor Mineral. . !
wot otic.
fyrf" Jaurf*
Jbc-Saut* • In
Aperfecl Remedy forConsBpa- Use
tlon, Worms Sour .ConVDkions.Fcverish- ^toinach, Diarrhoea For Over
ness and Loss OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature of Thirty Tears
Alb 11 >.o n 1 li s old
Dosis-Ktl IN I s
tmi oemnvm MWWT. era <r*M «n.
Amuiier uoid Mine in Uilmer.
Mr JieDaJis, of near Pisgat ,
this county, was in town re
a idWhnwed a Courier man.
lot of film gold bearing quartz,
which the gold tins si ining. He
has 4 veins showing gold. 290
land, fine water power. He
wants some one with capital to
help develop^, or will sell reason¬
WITH Dr. King’s
New Discovery PRICK
FOR C8S$s H8 Trial 80c Bottle A $m Free
dg Is no Experiment but a tried Success.
It is a plan which enables you to save saccess- €
Jf fu’|y regardless of where you live —
| Maddox-Rucker Banking Co, T
CAPITAL and SURPLUS $700,000.00
TOTAL resources OVER $300,000.oO
A Reputation oT more than a quarter of a Century
for Soundness, Conservatism and .Steady Growth.
Deposits can be sent by Bank A'beeks on Atlanta •>.* New York,
Po3t. Office or Express Money Orders: nr you-cm sewn Current
I WRITE by Registered TO-DAY Letter FOR BOOKLF.IT or Ecprcess. • C." A POSTAL V
DO. ’
Walter Optical Company. Bal
Manufacturing, Dispensing And
Refracting Optician
We Live spent nearly :i quarter '.fa
century in manufacturing optical
^ootls Our plant is the' most conv¬
ict e one in the entire South. Every
nan an expert. . •» »
We mi ke a Far and NkaU seeing jvi„
jn one Iriinie, doing away with two p«i
Referencecnr'fbrmeT }>. ’ *»‘ : fc «* • • ' r ?
of glasses that is a perfect succeaV, patrons and
the leading Oculists of our city .
ATLANTA, GA-, 75 Peachtree St,