The Ellijay courier. (Ellijay, Ga.) 1???-1915, May 15, 1913, Image 1
ELLIJ COURIER VOLI1M, >oncu $ J r Next Week is Court week. Mr Charley Holt called on the Coi-rier Monday. Miss Inez McKinney was visit¬ ing friends in EUijay last week. Monroe Bramlett and son Rob* ert, visited his mother at Canton last .Sunday. addition. Mr Harvey Kiker, of Copper hill, Tenr,.. was at the Conven¬ tion here Sunday. The Holiness people had a baptizing at the railroad bridge last Sunday evening. Miss Kate Simmons, of Jasper, was visiting Miss Ethel Cobb at the Singing Convention Mrs. J. R McKinney and son Were visiting the family of Mrs. Harriett Fraday Sunday. The north bound Accommoda tion train Sunday night was ly crowded with Convention ltors Mrs Charley Foote and dren, of Ranger, N- C , are vis iting the family of Mrs, E. T. Fuote Singing Convention at Jasper, Ga., next Sunday week and a big crowd is expected to be present A large crowd of people Conpeflii’d were here Sunday taking in the big s mgmg Con Vthtkjn v, and , TT II. iVi. ,, E.imgton , - t,:. bought the Jmi •I'ohnson farm on Owlfpfrn where Mr. Wm. StilL ^<n' lit f ' • The Misse« Wishon, Emma Ellington a:vl Yernie Biiant Sunday at the Singing. Prof. Hendersons Norma 1 Class began last Monday and he has a nice crowd of Teachers and Prospective Teachers. Ben Akins, Ben Ralston and Ben Weaver, all cousins, and all from Eastern Gilmer, were visi¬ tors at the Convention Sunday. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER’S OASTO R i A Rev. A S Tatum, of Miami, Fla , who always spends his summers in this county, arrived here recently for the hot season Plant a big watermelon patch and buy your seed at the Courier office 5c. an ounce Kleckley Sweet and Florida Favorite in stock. Affv. Judging from the amount of water-melon seed We have sold, there will be a record crop of melons raised in this section next summer /> Postmaster Wilson, Dept. Alarshal Woody and daughters. P-Jof. Joe Jenkins and many oth¬ ers from Blue Ridge, were here Sunday at the Singing. Wm. Ellington, accompanied by young Frank Ellington. IkYt Monday for a prospecting trip out into the Frog Mountains to be gone a week or ten days How’c This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re¬ ward for any case of-Catarrh that’ean tiot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO. Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. ’Cheney for the last 15 years, and be¬ lieve him pel-fectiy honorable in all business transactions and financially abld to carry out any obligations made by his firm. NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE, Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken nally, acting diretly upon the blood and nucous surfaces of the system. Inonials sent free. Price 75 cents pottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall’s Family Pills for Jation. Advertisement. 'From Judge Patter¬ son. Pat ter ‘!° n re< ; ently wr0 ^ e the , Editor the , following: , ; Cummins, Ga., 5-10-13. i Dear Sir: If you wish you may state as a matter of news' in your columns, that one • of the; the bar, will be held by r in | me the court house at Marietta, on i ^ ednesday June 11, commencing at 8 o’clock, a. m ' Yours v$ry truly, H. L. Patterson; JudgeS. C.. B R. Circuit. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER’S bastoria See the Court Calendar in this issue of the Courier • Mr. Jim Henning, of Jasper, was here this week, Mr Ben Wa]keri of AtIanta) came up to the Singing Conven Mr. Fletcher Pettit, of Carte cay, was in town on business Monday. j Quiteacrowd of our Pickens i county friends were here Sunday j takingin the Singing. | Jack Pinson, of White Path, I wa8 herp Tuesday and said he was dona pi anting ~onv i tester Rcgcc wss ncro tiiio | on business and left the j Editor a dollar for the Courier, j Go ri Simmons. ,Ji.. yvho V w*. iVUhbof ’at .Atlanta. ha§ been home for a few days visit. B1 i Defoor is back home quite : again. | p o.ot o e>nps. r>,. j i Call on me for potato slips, ' grown at home. Boons and Yams, J. T. McHAN j —— ---- j We understand that Charley Defoor who was severely hurt at j Copperhil 1 , is getting along very well. He had his skull fractured The Marshal pulled a few drunks Sunday and put them ! safely in the jail which no doubt caused times to be quieter at the ‘ Singing Conven t ion. Mr. Malcolm Clayton, of Ro; * recently graduated in Medicine and stood a fine examination be fore the State Board. Our Gil mer boys nearly always make good in what they undertake. The many letters and tcle grams of sympathy sent us since our recent bereavement have our i iieartfelt appreciation. Human j sympathy in our misfortune is an achor against the tides of despair. When you come to Court next week it would be a mighty fine thing for you to remember the Editor in a financial way while Ifere. Small favors thankfully received and ! argcr ones in pro j P° rt * on - —_ A petition has been emulated among our people asking for the return of the facility of the In-! stitute for another term. Their 1 work has been so satisfactory to the people that we hope to see them accept another term A mass meeting of Citizens assembled in the Court House Monday uight to discuss school matters. Prof. Henderson had a better offer elsewhere, but our people are not willing to give him up and so a number < f lead¬ ing citizens met and guaranteed his salary for next term and he agreed to stay. This is the only way to have a good school—get a good teacher and keep tem and Support him and stand by him. ELLLJA^ GEORGIA, THURSDAY MAY 15 . 1913 h. M. Ellington Passed Av/ay. Mrs. *K. M. Ellington died at her home or. River street early Monday morning after a few hours illness of Uremia. Mrs. Ellington had not been well for sometime but nothing serious was apprehended. Sunday morning she almost suddenly lapsed into an unconscious state w hich lasted j to the end. All the were summoned but no of the disease could he ac -j The entire ccmmu _____ ^ ________^ "teachig _______ daughter, was at Harris. Frank, the eldest ! was in school at Dahlonega, reaching home until the grim reaper had stilled voice that would have wel them so lovingly, so ten¬ and so gladly. Beside the six children are left, of whom are too small to what this sad hour means the household. Only those have drank of this bitter know, through what this family is passing., Just let us call to thei r remem th»t He who notes the fall, sees each falling hears each broken sigh, and the broken heart She with the Methodist church early life and was faithful to Master’s cause. ' The remains interred in Oak Hill ceme Tuesday. Rev. C. W. Hen conducted the funeral ser A large crowd attended 1 *' ' as t sa d rites and the noral s,gns were beautiful The extends sympathy to the far.i ly —EUijay Times. Oii.ildren Cry FOjJ FLF Tf i a^toria __________ V Another Brick Building. to pot up a 2 story ad to tae C»!o Drag store on east sidt ti.cover the space occupied by the little building that was burned, Work has commenced and it will J pushed to completion and will be occupied by the ^ank ‘ ‘ Mr P. G. Hyatt was in to see us Tuesday. Mr Aliley DeBorde and Mr. Alonzo DeBorde each have our thanks for some of the needful this week. Mr. Earnest Hudson was taken suddenly very ill Alonday night at the Hotel. Mr. B S, Holden took his place in the Bank. We hone to see him out again soon, Dr. Bradford to Speak. We are requested to announce t |ia t Dr. Bradford, t e Corn Elub Agent, will be here to ad Ores; the farmers Tuesday of Court week. AH Corn Club Boys especially invi’ed. Eliijav can boast a regular city dental office—and Dr Stocks is still spending all of his time here. Take the advantage of this rea | opportunity and have your den-; tal work done. Adv. The indications are that we will have a fair crop of both ap¬ ples and peaches, and the farm* ers are planting more corn and buying more fertilizers and have their lands better prepared than usual. All of which is a good sign of the times. If we make plenty to eat at home the Tariff wont make so much difference to us. Monroe Bramlett and his out on the Ellington farm, ly caught 32 opossums in a week, 3 old ones and 23 young ones. Miss Bernice Teem gave social last Monday night compli mentary to the Misses Wo«!y, of Blue Ridge, wmch was enjoyed by the young people The SingrfS* Convention. The Serai-anr ai meeting of Gilmer County Singing tion met at t}.~ Auditorium EUijay Sunday. The day wYs fine and weather idejT^d—rery early people from 1four tvfour quarters quarters the earth beg ir to come to in buggies and ’agorts and hacks and on horseb\<. c and mule back and a-foot. A vast crow,, assembled in the building and ^T.ers were on outside looking n that could not _ ___________________ There were 6 i-r 1200 people in the huilding. ' *<i* singing was and in the contest for the silk^Kasner, the ant Valley class won the prize and carried the manner off with them. It was a mosC pleasant occa¬ sion and the great crowd was orderly and wen behaved for the most part and tiTre was a mark¬ ed absence of J hn Barleycorn which accounts : >r the good be¬ havior of the vi ; ors Among those present from a distance was Pre ’dent Henson, of the Gordon Co. nty Convention and President v>*£b ura Tanker sley, of the Y litfield County Convention, wtinvited the sir gers to DaltoT next June to the Seventh DisCi.J Convention ; For the Weak ;.ki Nervous, Tired-out,JJweak, 4* j-vous men and would feel srn’’ itious, energetic, full of life and alwav have a good ap _ if they won', do the sensible fcfr health—tak' Electric Bitters, Nothing better for t.. stomach, liver cidneys. Thousc .W^ay they owe their' lives to this wepurful home Mrs. O. RhtYK! of Ce’-.iec, N. Y., says: *‘ T regard Electric me ’ Uei ,1 bottle yourself and see what a difference it will make in your health. Only 50c and $ 1 . 00 . Recom mended by Teem Bros. Adv . Mr . Hudsons lace in the Bi . lk mtn he u hcUer . Air Ernest Hudson who took suddenly ill the first of the week, was taken to Atlanta Wednesday aa operation -V- for appendicitis. Mar ried—-Searcey— DeBorde. Wednesday morning at 9 o’clock at the residence of Mr. Glint Cole, Miss Lorena Searcey was united in marriage to Mr. Alonzo DeBorde, Rev. Arthur M lines performing the ceremony, The bride is an accomplished young lady teacher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Searcey. of Cherry Log. The groom is a popular young business man who has many friends- Ye wish them a happy fife. Wliole Family Benefited By Wonderful Remedy There are many li.;!e things to annoy us, under present conditions of life. The hurry, hard work, noise and strain all tell on us and tend to provoke nervousness and irritability.. We are frequently so worn out we can neither eat, sleep nor work with any comfort. We are out of line with ourselves and others as well, A good thing to do under such circumstances is to take something like Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills to relieve the strain on the nerves, Mrs. J. B. Hartsfield, 33 Corput St., Atlanta Ga., writes: *T have on several occasions been vastly relieved by the use of your med¬ icines, especially the Anti-Pain Pills, which I keep constantly on hand for the use of myself, husband and two sons. Nothing in the world equals them as a headache remedy. Often I am enabled by the use of one or two of the Pills to continue my housework when otherwise I v/ould be in bed. My husband joins me in my praise of the Anti-Pain Pills and Nervine.’* Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills are relied upon to relieve pain, nervousness and irritability in thou¬ sands of households. Of proven merit after twenty years’ use, you Can have no reason for being longer without them. At all Brugglsts, 25 doses 25 cents. medical do.. ,, Court Calendar, ^May Term j j 1913, Gilmer Superior Court ‘ i ---- ; MONDAY. MAY 19th. No. 933 Thomas vs. Thomas | 991 Bivins vs. Bivins 1001 Glover Machine Works vs Tioga Iron Company ] 018 Watkins vs. Holt 1019 Watkins vs. Gibson Admx., and M. .1. Webb & To. 1931 Howard Lumber C o. vs * H Suddeth 1048 Knowles vs. Knowles 1070 Tatum vs. Tatum 10 72 Nicholson vs. Nicholson 1 1073 Boatner vs. Boatner 1076 Fossett vs Reece 1090 Brook & Vestal vs. Hunt ! & Potter 1094 Plemmons vs. Brown 1097 Dover vs. Dover 1101 Hill vs Slodn TUESDAY, MAY 20th. No. 939 Shippen Bros, Lumber Co., vs. Jones 951 Holden vs. G i b s o n & Chastain 1010 Sloan vs. Tioga Iron Co 1011 Sloan & Co., vs. Tioga Iron Co. 1017 Field vs. Tioga Iron Co. 1020 Shippen Bros., Lumber Co , vs. L. & N. Railroad Co. 1042 Shippen Bros-, Lumber Co., vs. Brown et al 1069 Shippen Bros., Lumber . j Co-, VS- Wolcott j WEDNESDAY, MAY 21st r ' 1041 iayior VS. luck « Gravitt 1057 Waters vs- Teem 1058 Waters vs. Teem I 1075 Edmondson Weaver vs. -:.v •>.. ft AC. Railroad Co. I 1078 Ledford VS- k & N Railroad Co 1089 Harper vs. Harper et al 1085 Avery & Co,, vs. Reece e Co., vs. Henson 1091 Gilmer County Bank vs. Teem & Hyatt Hotel Co. 1092 Parks vs. Fore 1093 Goble vs. Goble & Wood¬ ward, Executors 1095 Dover vs. Dover 1096 Phillips vs. Long 1099 Evans & Ray vs- Har¬ mon 1100 Teem vs. McHan 1103 Shippen Bros., Lumber Co . vs Western Miller 1104 Shippen Bros., Lumber Co., vs. Lee Hamby. Nice young yoke of oxen, 5 Y ears °M for sale, | Adv. J. S. Hudson* We understand that Mr. Kim zey Reece has bought out his partner, Mr. V. A Trammell, in the firm of Reece & Trammell, who have been doing a fine lum ! ber and feed business near the station | Wonderful Skin Salve. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve is known everywhere as the best remedy made for all diseases of the skin, and also for biirns, bruises and boils. Re¬ duces inflammation and is soothing and healing. J. T. Sossaman, publisher of News, of Cornelius, N. C., writes that one box helped his serious skin ‘ailment after other remedies failed. Only 25c. i Recommended by Teem Bros. j Advertisement. j Telephones. All parties having private lel ephenes ! must retQrn same Tax Receiver . as personal prop erty. Adv - J. H. Ray, T. R. constipation Cured. Dr. King’s New Life Pills will re¬ lieve constipation promply and get your bowels in healthy condition again. John Supsic, of Sanburv. Pa., says: “They are the best pills t ever used, and I advise everyone to use them for j Donstipation, indigestion hip and liver com |L*»m<rfei will p™. 26. hvT.,„ Br«. ' A'T r «riif e.-nen ?,) GO TO J. L. WEAVER, ELLIJAY DEPOT. For Your Fertilizers. The Celebrated OX BRAND and FOX BRAND. Also he keeps a well selected stock of General Merchandise l : Clothing', NotioilS, Siloes, Famiel'S Slip , - , Also has Big Warehouse right the j a on Railroad to handle Fertilizers and feed and heavy groceries and Produce. I (** \\ J D v>a,ll iHu CX^lTlillC • tllC Dig h33.rg3.UlS « i he * IS j offering. FRUIT TREES. SAVE YOUR cussin/ FRIEND! Do not buy fruit trees from an agent, unless you know him t be reliable, if you do, you may feel like Cussin.’ Some are reliable and others are not. Take no chance, you may lose your time and money, but buy direct from us and you will get large, strong, healthy tx<s>»* •'Shan will bear much fruit. A *■' No order for second or third class trees will be accepted for wo have none. Our trees are first-class. M inchester trees are knowk all over the U S. We carry a general line of nursery stoc Good agents wanted in every county. WINCHESTER NURSERY COMPANY,'Winchester, Term CHARLIE RED-WING'S GREAT INDIAN HERBS OF LIFE ■ ■ mr * ;r- r v^- 1 - .....---r- 1 .. This Medicine is composed of pure, sweet fresh Roots, Herbs Berries and Barks, gathered, dried and mixed at the proper season of the year, My formula contains no vile opiates or poisonous min* erals. Recommcnde d for the cure of ACUTE, CHRONIC OR IN FLAMATORY RHEUMATISM, CATARRH, LIVER AND KII^ NEY DISEASES: SCROFULA, ECZEMA, BLOOD POISON, UL¬ CERS, I SOILS. SORES AND ALL OTHER ILLS ARISING FROM IMPURE BLOOD. A GOD SEND FOR WOMEN SUFFERING WITH FEMALE TROUBLE, REFRESHES THE TIRED BLOO D. SHARPENS THE DUELED Ay PETITE A complete 25 (days treatment. PRICE* 1.00. See directions inside on small envelopes Guaranteed by Charlie A. Iiiedell under the Pure Food and Drugs Act June 30, 190G, Serial No. 46240. ' See lis fat Free Show In front of Court House, Eilijay. Daily 12 to 1 week of May 19. Court Week. Medicines for sale at HYATT HOTEL EUijay DO YOU WANT BIGGER PAY? If .\ou Wan P " j ces or to stop the leaks in ■ your r busi busi ness, , "or ^ to*"be/ a successful - business j man or woman, take the Draughon; Training. For prices on lessons BY | V.AIL, address JMO. F. DRAUGHON, President, Nashville, Tenn. Por cat-' aloguc on courses AT COLLEGE, ad¬ dress Draughon’s Practical Business College, Atlanta, Ga., or Jacksonville, Fla., or Nashville, Tenn. Advertisement, JMIY'SXMEYPDJS dT*>k 1 /A v.- TV «; .MiyrtM- NUMBER 20 Picture Work. I will be at EUijay during court week to do Photo work of all kiftds, from Post cards up. Samples sent on request. 1 am prepared to enlarge pictures and w jj] gj ve S pecial Prices this week. GcRuine *^93 crayon Work f or $1 48. Other prices in propor¬ tion. Cut prices on frames. C. R. Hix, EUijay, Ga. Advertisement, •*md uiBd-UUV .B«|*re J<j paASliaJ BU|Vd uilvum^qa fr./ best tbirs V take for btUousn«*i Or ....... l.lldefe .