The Ellijay courier. (Ellijay, Ga.) 1???-1915, September 04, 1913, Image 1
VOLUME as- ........ *m" *^^*&sz j local anb personal “ , School opened at the Institute Tuesday morning-. Mr Bascom Derden was in to see us this week. The days are still hot but the nights feel like fall would soon be here. Several parties from here went to New Hope to the Baptizing Sunday. Mr Sherman Stegall, of Oak hdl, is another of our new sub¬ scribers. Mr J B. Davis, of Cartecay, sent the Editor a nice watermel¬ on recently. Fall line Hamilton, Brown Shoes arrived. Tankersley Brob. Go. Advertisement. Last Monday was Labor Day and was a Holiday With the Ru¬ ral Mail Carriers. Cdl Burtz has fitted up a nice Law Office in the Telephone Building oil River st The young folks had a pleaseht social gathering at the Hyatt last Monday night. Mr. Steve Clayton one of Gil¬ mer's best farmers of Roy, Ga., Was in t-> see us last week. A complete line furniture See Tankersley Bros. Co. (Advertisement.) Marshal Bramlett with a force of hands has been doing some work oi, the streets this week. New syrup will soon be on market *s we hear ofcomc *•,■»>*jj. j. county. Mr Ed Pinson has moved his ia.nilv back ’to Ellijay. welcome them back lo their °I^ liome town. Some uf the farmers are be¬ ginning (<- pul! fodder and the pi ,-spi ci is good for a- lot of fine Iced til is season. We learn that Mr. Ben Tilly, of Fannin county, has bought the farm of Mr, Rufus Moore in Leaches district. Why buy goods that have been on hand 10 to 20 yeais when can get new stuff from Tankersley Bros. Co Mr. Bill Warlick has been transferred to Jasper to work in the Depot and Clyde Allen takes his place and Max Cobb gets Clydes former job. Roma, the little daughter of Mr. Daley Edmundson, died in Atlanta with typhoid fever and was brought here Sunday and ^aken to 'lickanetley for burial Mr. M. B. Smith, the well known cattle buyer, shipped another fine load of stock from here last Tuesday and another from Jasper Monday the 1st, will be back here Monday the 8th, to buy again Rev. F. L. Cochran, Supt. and Rev- Willard Cochran Pastor of the M E. Church work in this county, passed through here Monday morning en route home from Flint Hill, where they baptized 5 by immersion and 2 by sprinkling Sunday. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars ward for cured any by case Hall’s of Catarrh^that Catarrh can hot be Cure . F. J. CHENEY & CO.,: Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and lieve him perfectly honorable in all iness transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made his firm. NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE, Toledo, O. Ha l’s Catarrh Cure is taken naliy, acting directly upon the and mucous surfaces of the Testimonials sent free. FfiCe 75 per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall’s Family Pills for Advertisement. THE ELLIJAY - Mr. Ab Webb was visiting| home folks here this week. Mr. Leonard Smith is working for Teem Bros, in the store An infant child of Mr. Jim Goble died this week after a long illness. Miss Annie Sellers of this place will return to the Martha Berry school this week. Mr. Brown Osborn of the firm of Osborn B"os. of Dyke, was here on business Tuesday. Our friend Tom Harmon, of Murray county, Was in to see us this week and left us a dollar and said send on the Courier. Sheriff Milton moved his fam¬ ily to Ellijay Monday and Ex Sheriff Penland moved to the Kim Kell house We understand that Mr. Duck Ray, of Fannin county, has con¬ tracted for the Dillingham farm from Dr Tankersley. Mr. John Sharpe recently call ed and replenished our cash ac count ; He is thinking of going wes *- * n Hie near future. We keep c ill line coffins, cas ketsand burial material. Tankersley Bros. Co . Advertisement. Our jolly friend Joe McKinney, of Blue Ridge, was here last week buying . lumbef , fof the~ Blue Ridge Manufacturing Co. I F’r Sale - Agtod sound horse ^ °^on SSS afc Uu; ^ ier . m..,. , . , Th<-> Gilmer County Bank has moved into its handsome new l , ■ o 0 i„ itailrlinrr hi;Ve they a >w 'elegantly ~ " fitted ; Ho business ' up t 0 ! ’ Tbe opening . ceremonies . of the , Ellijay Institute was wel attend ed and appropriate addresses, were made by Dr E. W -Wat¬ kins and Col. Clarke Ray. Mjss Flora Glaze, of Washing -1 (»a., is the new Music 1 each- j Or at the Institute and is now ready lo teach music to those | i who wish to take lessons, j jy[ r Walter Buffington, of I Winterville, in Clarke county. rela-! { with his little son visited rives in tins section last week. TT reports fine _ his; crops in County Mrs- Rose M. Ashby, of Atlan- 1 worthy Gland Matron of 0 , ta, j E. S. of Georgia, visited E’lijay' 1 chapter No. 90 Tuesday P. M., giving a most interesting and instructive address Children Cry FOR FLETCHER’S CA5TO Rl A We hope our subscribers who j owe us will remember that our | folks have got into the habit df eating 3 times a day and our I printer and his family have got | to ea t also. j We are sortv Clifford to learn and of Tom- the recent death of mi,. Hopper, sons of Sanford I | Hopper, * • formerly of this county, -.- | who died at their home in Gordon county with typhoid We learn that when women become members of the legisla ture they will pass a bill to force every married man with children to hire a nurse, and also a bill to force every man tc Change his socks once a week—Pickens ; County Progress, | We are indeed . , , sorry to j I recent! of the death of our old ; and honored friend Hon J. V. [ Smith, of Mineral Bluff, Ga. 1 Mr. Smith was a Christian Gen-* t j eman an( j a pt . orn j nent Odd I bellow tt, n and j Ait Mason aftd . , , had , a host of friends in North Ga., who will moutll his death 1 ELLIJAY GEORGIA, THURSDAY SEPT. 4, 1918 Facts About 0ur Convicts There are in the in Georgia 2897 convicts. ,Of this number 300 are white 2537- are negroes. There are 289 whites who can read and write 17 who can read but can write and 54 illiterates. There are 1537 negroes who can read and wnte. 149 who can read can not write and 857 illiterates. In giving previous occupation i f those who are confined in the pen there are twenty preachers, three printers, one tramp, one vagrant and one distiller, the remainder had various occupa¬ tions, about ninety per cent of whom were common laborers. Over fifty per cent of the con¬ victs are sent up for being blood¬ thirsty. There are 887 in for murder, 416 for manslaughter, 298 for attempt to murder, and 28 for shooting at another. The remainder of the convicts are sent up for various crimes, a majority of which is for burglary, there being 714 m for that offense. — Ex. Don’t Lei Baby Suffer With Eczema And Skin Eruptions. Babies need a perfect skin-covering. Skin Eruptions cause them not only intense suffering, but hinder their growth. Dr. Hobson’s Eczema Oint¬ ment can be relied on for relief and permanent cure of suffering babies whose skin eruptions have made their life miserable. “Our baby was afflict¬ ed with breaking out of the skin all over the face and ca!p. Doctors and skin specialist failed to help. We tried Dr. Hobson’s Eczema Ointment and were overjoyed to see baby completely cured before one box was used” writes Strubler, Dubuque, Iowa. All , p™mffer\?hemic^Aompan Y . AdvertiseSST* - . ^® have heard of a few cattle ln *-his county dying recently with the Texas cattle fever or temper we used to call it, by the ticks It looks like our people would wake up tQ the importance uf getting ri d of the catUe tjckg In Loving Rcmcfnhcrancc of Our Dear -Sister. Arizona England who died at hel home on Talona Sunday evening Aug. 24 - She leaves a husband, four children and many reiatives and friends to mourn her loss. She was str. Ven about three weeks before her death with inflammatory rheumatism. Three ‘ J e3 t o{ thedi3easc could be accotn{)lish . c:ii Ths entire community is saddened by the sudden death of our beloved sister Only those who have drank of this bit ter cup know through what this bereft family i* passing. Just here let ds cal! to this rememberance, that he who f,otes the sparrows fall, sees each fall in£ tear ’ hears caCh broke " 8igh and soothes the broken hearts. Arid this is life eternal that they might know the only true God and Je¬ sus Christ, whom thou hast sent. St, John 17-3. A light is from our household gone A voice we loved is stilled. A place is vacant in our home Which never can be filled. We cannot tell Who next may fall Beneath thy chastening rod. One must be first, but let us all Prepare to meet our God. She united with the baptist church four years ago and was faithful to her masters cause. The remains were interred in Mount Pisgoft Cemetery Monday. Rev. Tay¬ lor Gartrell conducted the funeral ser vice. A large crowd attended the last sad The relatives snd friends extend their greatest sympathy to the bereaved family. . Strengthen Weak Kidneys, Don’t suffer longer with weak kid¬ neys. You can get relief by taking Electric Bitters, that wonderful reme i dy praised by women everywhere, j Start with a bottle today, you will [ soon feel like a new woman with bition to work, without fear of pain. Mr. John Dowling of San Francisco, writes:—“Gratitude for the wonderful effect of Electric Bitters prompts me to write. It cured my wife when all els ® f ^. ’ ’ Good for the liver well. Nothing better tor indigestion i 0 r biliousness. Price 0c. and SI.00 Teem Bros. j Advertisement. Miltoi Elected Sheriff. In ln the the Special Special election election Sheriff cf^his county held day of h i week,Robert L Mil j ton was elected over Joe Ray by j a raa i° n L of 24 votes after a shorC but interesting campaign, Mr-Milton proved himself a Tnodel officer while he was Sheriff for one tt>rm before, and his many friends are congratulating him upon his victory. There were 1.220 votes cast and the vote by Districts is as follows: Milton Ray. Alto' 22 18 Ball Ground 29 36 Boardtown' 13 35 Bucktown 29 2 Cartecay 78 53 Cherry Loj; 10 47 Coosawattee 13 8 Diamond - 36 16 Ellijay 252 235 Leaches 27 24 Mountaintown 36 43 Ridgeway 12 13 Tails Creek, 23 17 Tickanetlet 37 25 Town Creek 12 26 / Total 622 598 Sacred Harp Singers, Prof. J. L. White, of Atlanta, will h* at our i ext Singing Convention, with a class of Sacred Harp, four note singers, who will render some of the old time sonp> In 1844 Mr. B F. White, of Hamilton Ga., wrote published the first Sacred Harp of 4 W pages. Clares were then organized throughout the country and iu 1815 the first Convention was hell at l,ong Cove, Ga. Forty years later hi; sem Prof. J. L. White, of Atlanta, wrote and added 100 pages t> his fathers work. The Sacred Harp is of the 4 nois -ystem and carries the oldest songsii e v istenee. machine See mcHWjr; ch"ap * wanj , Rewin.o H. M. Ellington. Advertisement. _____--- Lo You Fear Consumption? No XT matter .. , how c) , . cough ronic your or how severe your <hroator lung ment is, *Dr. Kin's V New Discovery will surely help you: it may save life. Stillman Green, of Malichite, CoL, writes: ‘ The doctors said I had consumption and sa d r could not live two years. I used Dr. King’s New Discovery and am almc and well. ’ Your money refunded if it fails to ben¬ efit you. The best home remedy for coughs, colds, throat and lung trou¬ bles. Price 50c. and $1.00. Guaranteed by Teem Bros. Advertisement. NOTICE. All persons indebted to me for Blacksmith accounts mus£ settle in the next 10 da\ s or you will find vour accounts in the hands of an officer. I owe money and must collect my debts to pay with- B. G. Logan. Advertisement. * Safest Laxative for Women. Nearly every woman. needs a good dxative. Dr. King’s New Life Pills are good because thei are prompt, safe, and do not cause pain, Mrs. M. ! C. Dunlap of Leadill, Tenn., says: “Dr, King’s New Life Pills helped her [ troubles greatlj.” Ger a box to-day. i Price 25c. Recommended by Teem | Bros. Advertisement. i ; NEW MACHINE QUALITY. 3FWINO th* OF * Under OTHER NAME. SOLD NOf ANY HOME WARRANTED FOR ALL TIME. If you purchase the NEW HOME you wlD have a Ufe asset at the price you pay, and will hot have an endless chain of rejiaits; Quality Considered it is the Cheapest in the end to buy. i j If you want a sewing rc:- hihe. -"rite fof Hr lalest catalogue before y-a purchase. & Home Sewing Mac-iiine ri., Orange, Mas Notice to Cattle Men. I will be back to buy cattle and sheep, Monday 8 e pt 8th. Nobody pays better prices than I do. I have a sprayer which is (cheaper, as good as a dipper, and much to destroy the ticks, Now listen; you know I buy your stock the year around and pay good prices, and have been at it all my life. Now I mean this, if you sell your stock to a strange | man without giving me any chance at them, I will never handle your stock any more You ought to feel under obliga¬ tion to anybody as long as they treat you right. When the strangers are gone I will still be hete to do you right, if you wil] Stick to me. Now bring on your stock on this date and get top of. the market Since writing the above I have been to Atlanta and find many cattle quarantined on account df ticks. You must destroy the ticks on your cattle before bring¬ ing them, by either greasing, dipping or spraying them. M. B. Smith. Advertisement. Fire Insurance* H. M. Ellington, Agent, Ellijay, Ga. «*■ I represent The Security Fire Ins . C 0 . of New Haven, Conn. Th « XT National ,. . TT Union • Fire Jns. , Go. ^ of Pittsburg, Pa. ! The Georgia Fire Ins- Co Cedartown. American Central Ins. Co¬ „ _ LOUIS, . Mo. . . ' These are all leading old line Companies authorized by the State'of Georgia to do business and having made,<V» deposit with the Insurance De of Georgia. Adv Don't wait for your house to burn down before you think Insurance. See me about I represent several old relni ble companies. H M. Ellington, Agt. [Advertisement] Dogwood Timber Wanted. I will commence buying Dog¬ wood timber Sept. 1st. Will pav f rom $6 to $8 per cord, ac cording to grade • Nothing less than 4 inches at the small end. Advt. A. E. Edwards. G, A, R, REUNION. CHAT TANO OGA , T E N N, Sept. 15-20, 1913. 's'-T.V' •* ... VER y LOW RATES VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY P remter Carrier of the South. $3.QO w rwp D $3.O0 ' * V \ > . From ATLANTA Correspondingly low fates frotn other poitits TICKETS ^ ON8ALE: Sept. 12r.h to 19th and for trains scheduled to arrive Chattahooga before noon Sept 20th. FINAL LIMIT- Tickets will be good to return Until Sept- 27th, 1913, with privilege of e* ension until O^tobar 1 7th, 1913, by deposit of tic« 2 c and pa ymentof fifty cents. Stopovers Permitted At All Stations Call .on any Southern Railway Agent tor full information, write or JNO. L. MEEK, R. L. BAYLOR, Asst Gen. Has Acrt. Div, Pas. Agt. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. IS YOUR MONEY SAFE? Ale you perfectly satisfied with it where it is? If y'uii Want to be absolutely guaranteed against loss of anj kind, take or send VoUr funds to CLERMONT BANKING CO:, CLERMONT, GEORGIA, Liberal Interests Paid on Time Deposits. All Deposits Guaranteed Your Business is Solicited; L M. MaYNES, President JOHN D. WALKER. Financial Agent. F; M< JAKRARD, Vice-President HERBERT TABOR. Cashier T. C. Ai (LLISft; Vice-President C. H. KEITH, Assistant. LOUIVILLE & NASH¬ VILLE RAILROAD Arriving and Departing Tiine at Ellijay Ga. All Trains Daily. Effective Sunday December 8tH. HU2. LeaVe Arrive Knoxville and North, IfSfc A M 1 ,14 PM Blue Ridge and Mnfpliy 7:4Spm 7:04 am Marietta & Atlanta, i .14 p m m:?8 a m Marietta and Atlanta 7:(}4 a M 7:46 P M (Advertisement) Town P roperty For SaL, My interest in the old home place at Ellijay, at a very low price My interest is one half of the house and yard, and all of the garden which is about one acre, ' ‘ Just . think ... , about . . such , , beaut- . , a iful lot that nice river ! runs through, it should bo worth big money If any ohe in Ellijay wants this property they had best act q*ic* * fcY it K is L. going UlSHoth tp sell . /> • W iu Cartersville, Ga. Advertisement. --------------- NOTICE • i o my many lurn^ an irons I m l be m El ,jay do ng h ?? 16th to 3 (l th. You will , find me n the Cole Building over the Bank- Roorfi20!. B. B. Vandegripf, Advertisment,_ J I have two nice little farms for sale suitable for apple orchards. H- M. Ellington Advertisement. NUMBER EG ■m HOTEL ANSLEY ATLANTA, OA. Open June <50, 191 The South’s finest and mos| modern hotel. Fireproof, i0o rooms, oms, with ... and Rooms runtling run $1.00 _ water private toilet With connecting per day. bath $lj0 Rooms ^^n^th per day, private bath $2.00 P Finest Rathsktellaf, Cafe and private Dining Rooms in thq South. B. mm Pres. __ Mr. Edley Freeman has moved his family from Chattahooch* e to his farm below Ellijay ar.d will make this his home for >whj|e> w are )ad t0 hatc them back in Gilmer. Notice to Stockmen, j w in be in Ellijay to buy anot her shipment of cattle, sheep, an ^ hogs Friday Sept. 12th. Hring on your stock and I wilj pay you the top of the market for good stuff. W- S- Henson Advertisement,