Newspaper Page Text
Horace M. Ellington,
Editor and Proprietor ,
Entered at me post ufttce at F.ilijay 1
Ga., as oecond-class mail matter
, lu i ■■ ■ ' ■—
Year...................$1 00
•Six Months...
Three Mon Mis.
Advertising Rirtes Very Low and
Made Known on Application
... i . — ..... — —
THURSDAY, FEPT. 4th-1913
Iti the recent trial of John H.
Carter, in the federal Court at
Asheville, N, C.. his lawyers
Slicceeded, it is said, in having
12 ^ of the most important counts
m the indictment knocked out,
and the district attorney gives
notice that he will appeal the
case to the supreme court of the
United State,
State Pension Commissioner,
Lindsey advises the ordinaries of
Che state that the legislature
lacked 185,000 making appropri¬
ation enough to pay the pension¬
ers now on the roll and that
many of them will have to wait
until November or December,
1914, before they get their money.
— Blue Ridge Summit.
A young man smoking a cigar
ette recently walked into a gaso
U„e warehouse- Poor fellow, his
SOUl IS now m the unknown
world with Casey Jones and
steamboat Bill—and the ware¬
house is not where it used to be.
Each man in this country the
past twelve months, according to
statistics, drank seven gallons of
whiskey and nearly four barrels
pf beer- While we can prove
statistics are not accurate,, yet
they show that there are a lot of
human ‘‘hogs.” for some of
these rascals got nearly all of
our part of that booze!
Two broke jail • l at
Humming last week and had not
been captured, at last repor S.
It is thought they were very
much dissatisfied with their new
home, and that they were rea
sonably sure that they would not
enjoy some of the court proceed
ings at Gumming this week, in
which they invited to take part.
So they took French leave, and
silently went away!—Milton Co
Sounds Like Lodge Doings.
Parties wishing to enter this
©fiice at this seast n, should be
governed by the following rules:
Advance to the inner door and
give three distinct raps or kick
the door down. The “devil
will attend to the alarm. You
will then give him your name,
postoffice address and the num¬
ber of years you are owing for
the paper You will advance to
the center of the room and ad¬
dress the editor with the follow¬
ing countersign: Extend the
right hand about two feet from
She body, with the thumb and
index finger pointing to a ten
dollar bill which drops into the
extended hand of the editor, at
She-sauoe time saying: ‘‘Were
you looking for me?'’ The editor
will grasp your hand and the bill
and pressing it will say, “You
bet.” After giving the news of
your locality you will be permit
tied to retire with a receipt for an
obligation properly discharged. —
The Texas Wonder cures kidt.ey and
bladder trouble, removing gravel cures
diabetes, matism, and weak all and irregularities lame backs, 0 ^hen
kidneys and bladder in both men and
women. Regulates bladder troubles in
ahildren. If not sold by your
will be sent by mail on receipt of $1.00.
One small bottle is two months
ment, and seldom fails to pel l'ect a
eure. Send for testimonials from
and other states. Dr. E. W. Hall
2926 O.ive Street, St. Louis, Mo. Sold
by druggist. Adv.
Aik yonr HpimIA for CHI-CHES-TKR S
OotD Metallic boxes, sealed with ?mt\y Bluet
Ribbon. Take no other. Rnjr of v
nmaslrt sw ut far CHI-CUES.Tta twentr-fiae S
R«ars tegardedn# Best, Safest, Always Reliable.
Why An Editor Grows Gray,
It is not from age. Oh, no! Here
is what happened to a country editor:
The bridegroom was a man by the
name of Gunn, whose father, Abraham
gunn, was a leading citizen. The
editor wanted to give the young couple
a good send off, but turned in the copy
and trusted to a drunken printer to see
that it got into toe paper allright. The
next morning he read this announce
ment, headed “Gunsmith.’ The girl s
name was Smith.
• The notice went on to say the blush
! ing bride was becoming arrayed in a
dress of “white mule” instead of white
I mull, and that she carried a large red
| “nose” instead of rose.
lie had written in regard to the
groom that he was the well-liked son
i of A. Gunn. The compositor set it up
“the wall eyed son of a gun.” The
, he
e ' litor f ' rcii thc compositor, but nev
er w« able to square it with the bride
t the groom or old man Gunn,—
j Gaincsvi i, e Eagle .
_ ___
; Cost of An«hilaticn of Pest
Doubled By Increased
Value of Hides.
According to figures gathered by one
I of the of veterinary inspectors of the Bu¬
reau Animal Industry the presence
of the tick among the cattle of the
South not eniy lessens the value of the
cattle on the hoof out causes the gra¬
dings of the hides that have been in¬
fested with ticks as No. 4 quality.
The same hide, if free from tick
marks - wouId £ rade N °- 2. The differ
hj ( i e 0 f Southern steers weighs 42
pounds, the presence of the tick in the
hide causes a loss in the hide alone of
more than $1.26 per hide. Government
specialists point out that the cost of
tick eradication is only about 50 cents
per head, so that if the counties make
a systematic campaign to eradicate the
tick the increase in value of the hide
alone would pay for the cost of tick
eradication and leave the farmer a net
profit of about 76 cents per hide,
Tennessee will probably be the first
state to be entirely free from quaran¬
tine for ticks. It alredy has eradicated
the tick in 51 counties and all that now
remain under quarantine are parts cf
Marion, Wayne, Hardeman, McNairy
and Decatur counties and all of Hardin,
Henderson and Chester counties. It is
hoped by Sept. 1, these counties will
b e f ree from ticks and the entire state
out of quarantine,
According to the specialists' of the
Department of Agricultu e, it has cost
less than 50 cents per head to eradicate
the tick in Tennessee, and the cattle
owners as a result have gained not Jess
than $7.00 per head, thus adding to the
value of their stock. There are some
500,000 cattle in the counties already
free from ticks, and the immediate
benefit to these owners has been not
Jess than $3,500,000. The cost of tick
eradication has been only $250,000, s >
that the investment paid, for itseir
nearly 14 times over in a very short
time. This does not include the addi¬
tional profits which come from the fact
that now that the cultivated fields are
made more productive by ihe increasa
of the amount of fertilizer now availa
ble. — Marietta Journal.
Great Popularity of Plan to Sell Midi
cine at tkif Price and Guarantee a
Teem Bros, the enterprising
merchants, rather than await the
ordinary methods of introduc¬
tion, urged the Dr Howard t'o.,’
to secure a quick sale for their
celebrated specific for the cure
of constipation and dyspepsia by
offering the regular 50c. boti le at
half price.
The wonderful success of this
j plan was a great surprise even
to Teem Bros., and today ccores
of people here in Eilijay
using and praising this
ble remedy.
j jhottleof In addition Dr to Howard’s selling a
j for 25c. Teem Bros, have so much
faith in the remedy that
will refund the money to anyone
w h om does not cure.
U’hen yoirhead aches your
stomach does not digest food
easily and naturally when
is constipation, specks before the
eyes, tired feeling, giddiness,
j taste in the mouth, coated ton
{ gue. heart burn, sour Stomach. ,
l roaring or ringing in the ears,
j melancholy -iiiid liver troubles
j Dr. Howard'a specific will
j you. If it does will not
' cent.
cost you a
! This latest achievement of
j science is of great value in curing
I sick headache. Thousands of
! women are (<> day free from that
■ painful disease solely through
I the use of this specific
i Cliildren Cry
j |
CASTOR Mm ■ " IA ™
The Kind Yon Have Always Bought, and which has been,
in nse for over GO years, has borne the signature of I
asul has been made under bis per¬
sonal supervision since its infancy.
Allow no one to deceive yon in this.
AH Counterfeits, Imitations and “«Tust-*s-good” are but
Experiments that trirte with end endanger *he health of
Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment.
What is CASTOR!A
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castbv Oil, Pare¬
goric, Props and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morph rno no- other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. -
The Children's Panacea,—The Mother’s Friend.
Bears tlie Signature of
The Kind You Ha?e Always Bought
*ln Use For Over 30 Years.
Winning Against The Soil
Out in the northwest, at every pub
lie gathering of farmers, the subject 1
of “mining” the land comes up for
serious mid lengthy discussior, and the
p ac he is not only earnestly discoura
ged, it is vigorously condemned. ,
“Mining” the land means, primarily
digging out of the soil all the substance,
there is in it, without giving it any-;
thing in return. That is cultivating “
the ., land , , regularly, , , without ...
J every J year, J ’
. . .
er i izing \ .
A secondary ... of ‘minirg
J meaning b
the land, is cultivating the same crop
on it legularly, every year, either
without fertilizing it, or without allow¬
ing it to improve its own condition by
variation—diversity of crops. What
President Williams of the Georgia Ag¬
ricultural association had to say of this j
subject, at Cuthbert, recently, is wor¬
thy of tho careful attention of i
. Georgia who gets living for
nun m r. a
nimseir ,. and , n:s fanuiy _ out t of the sod.
* ! ,
0 Sterile or . barren land , none . of _ the „ *
penalties the sinner against, the soil , has
to sutler, but there is another penalty,
which ... occasionally . .. to . . large
* comes
tions ot e ^ the country arid 1 wh , ch . virtually A ,,
amounts to capital punishment.
Take, for example, the Florida freeze
in 1895. The agriculturists of
state had not “minded” their land in
the sense of cultivating without
li .Jig it. They had come to
c op-oranges with practica'ly no di
versification, and when vast groves
were trezeii to the stump, old men
the labor of a lifetime in a single night,
Those who had the heart to try ag. in,
a id others who had not lost faith, have
since made comfortable livings thue -
sonje of them fortunes—from diversi¬
fied crops
Tltere is more corn being raised in
Georgia this year than ever before but,
even now, suppose our cotton
should fare as the corn c.op in some
parts of the west has done, wcuid it
r.ot be a distressingly lean year for us?
The bo’.l ueuvil has played havoc
with the cotton inuustry in some of our
sister states. The picket line of the
See us or Job Printing
Now is the time to
scribe for the Courier.
Read Our Clubbing Offer.
, Nat T “TH Er
I [ ional Conservation
j Exposition
| Knoxville. Tbnn.SepU - to Nov.l^IJI)
i* “
( You Cannot ATord to NTs the Crosier-;, ike
J ! Bess the Most Cnrr.prr! rsTvo 1 Fj;-'•—i
1 tion T ver He -d fSe 5ri;t h
Exhibits cover every line cf industry ar.d every
branch of education. Corsrrvatiefi features embrace
soils, waters, minerals, for; sis, health, child welfare,
etc. Amusements of a high class shown only at
j national expositions.
Will Hav; Tax Assessors.
The fill providing for it x as¬
fot each county Was pas¬
by the legislature and has
signed oy til t Governor
The law will provide for three
for each county to
terms of six yenrr, and to
be a * pain ted by the ordinary or
county commissioners.
Under this law the tax books
will >e open from February 1 to
May i. And within twenty days
after the books close the assess¬
ors will take them up with a
view to jacking up those fellows
that give in r ch. level - farming
land at three dollars an acre,
There is provision for arbitra¬
tion with those who think their
property is assessed too bigli.
The law provides for a smelling!
committee will be of one hunt whose pleasant those, j
job it to up
tracts of land that: have been 1
lost, strayed or stolen, and have] to ]
inflate those tracts that
shrunken ta one-third their frigi-j
nal’size- He is to get )0 per cent,
of all taxes thus recover d !
to the county.
This is a good law and should
have been passed fifty Solons’ years
age. but our distinguished
of the lower house, with the
j Governor behind them persist
prodding with a. hot poker,
I only passed with the Speakers
j vote to break a tie. -Pickens
j County Progress.
pert is within thirty miles of our bor¬
The thing for us to do is to keep in
m j n( ] that the boll weevil does not at
tack corn, oats, and catt'e. Let crops
[jg so diversified that a band of insects
cannot bankrupt us. Let us feed the
land by profier fertilization and then 1
further sifying help crops.---Ex, it and ourselves by diver- j
____1... _______
Some ~ of the country „ merchants , . , keep
, the manufacture . . of , stills ....
copper lor
and buy and sell meal for the purpose
. making .. liquor. .. Now they ,, make . a
l'ttle money at this, but the devilment!
it does causes them to lose in the long
by creating business for the;
courts, some tim 3 (au ing murders. 1
It' id I these me ret a its would discourage
th.s 1 [io-bu. n ss it would bring about
better timss. i‘hey could do it easily
by pointing out the trouble it always
causes, and it teaFrres their wives ard
crildien , ... to toil * , ta^ehoods , , , , when , ttran- ,
gens corne , and . inquire . where , the m; n
. the at. When following
nome :s
some legal , , business , ,hjy , could , , . be tola . .
exactly , where , . he at . and , what , , he .
doing . . ft of _ being , . out ...
was in ;au nunt
. shee - , ho£
,ng P or ' 3 '
Mrs. Ihorntun and Mr s. Flynn, two
of the bank robbers wives, have beer,
on a visit to their h sbands here in
jail within the ps>t few days. Mis.
Flynn left here lael. Sunday, instructed
to go to Atlanta, procure some money
and employ new lawyers., the best tin t
could be obtained, A bill of exception
h .s been filed be fere (he court of a, -
peals to reopen, the case, but it is a rave
thing for such.,a court to do a thing as
this, because a court generally under¬
stands the case before passing upon it.
—Dnhloncga Nugget,
CASTOR! Tor Infants and Children. A
The Kind You Have Always Bough!
Bears the
Signature of
Succeed when everything else fails.
In nervous prostration and female
weaknesses they are the supreme
remedy, as thousands have testified.
it is the best medicine ever sold
i-ve* a druggist s counter.
Children Cry
£ 01«lb .1. *> Jblf POLL*?
fbli KltHLVj an*
Ha-de an A.ttracit'Oe
h<.ome ivith
VOU can harclly realize how Mastic Point will improve the appearance of yotif ktWfie—and
1 more, too. It adds years to the life of your property and enhances its value.
Let us help you select an artistic color combination, and prove to you how
little it really posts to have an attractive looking home.
,s ‘ \
Mastic Paint —"The Kind That Lasts"—is guaranteed by
the manufacturers, Peaslee-Gaulbert Co.. Louisville, Ky.
ITT} f ET Ask for beautifully illustrated book “Homes and HoW
T «v 1 .« j To Paint Them/' also Color Card.
w*'' 1
Rapid VacuaiB Wa&Iier
MLi _______ i m 1 " ifw i 'p i r —T ~i " i riwi
Delivered TrcpuM at Your Door
TRI-WEEKLY CONSTITUTION, Tuesday, Thursday and Sat- <£» 1 AA
urday, 3 times every week, one full year.......A *V7 Vr
THE RAPID VACUUM WASHER, one of the Rest Devices (ot AA
Washing Clothes. Simply Perfect, Perfectly Simple . . . . ■ VO’OO
ALL FOR ONLY $2.27 p rt « $4.00
Or Absolalely Free (a You lor a Ciob ol Five Yearly Sabscriplions with $5.00 Keciiliance
------ \
The Rapid Vacuum Washer vvashTng^Sine
Perfect in Merits, Perfect in Price Any Woman, or Evrn «
Child Can Operate Thu
This Machine Is guaranteed to give as mod satis- u a shcr.
faction as any hand power machine on the market as the impro’ ▼prf l^vrr afc
__rcgardlcsis of price- Delivered at your door Jcr^2.iI7. tafhinfnt reduevs a fh«* opvP
< ntimr pov. er lYquirud to the
air valve Parcel postage prepaid. minic
This cut shows the washer complete ready to be attached to
am- tub or wash boiler. It is beyondall question the greatest suc¬
cess of any invention in the form of washing machines. A ith this
washer the work is done bv vacuum watertorcc—the water and
soap beingforcedthroughthegoods by compressed airandsuction.
Tb;j machine docs (he work ia less time than the most expensive machine I
oa the market—is easier operated aud costs bat one-fourth that of average
i -He -rf pin 1 eestiv be d >ra< hrd from iever pouud3.aadH end used in a beeasliy nail or other .otued small un vessel aud put foi■ washing out of the solidlar wav Thin cat riiow* tfu- Washer
e -mure o'. -,Lc -isasLe: is lour can t’U»
i V.'- r ia j.iac.- on a y oa may
V --nt TRI-WEEKLY ONE YEAR ace Jtiat hV»w It oporat^n. 1 he
yct'W jr is NOVV.k-LT? FCS THE RAPID VACUUM WASHES A\B tub and -tan-1 arv not * r**rt
“ ir V\1 y-'-y ■ : n-.-l • end r. Club of Five Subscribers frart *5.00 «« will seau them i f th i iT r. only th R*p-,i
.\<p •* : \ I * VHI ot-'Vl'il'fl'Free. Y».r a've scbscriiersinay take -...vahtaire of any?: Yne.lftf. imw v.,o. '• * ■ .r {.hat tP alio^ M
* t-‘ tv |>«*7 ■>'.-? ?•* i .‘lla, hlif L).:; i, *Uey p»y Si** efim Sl.W. Addressa:: orders and ranutUsses to a.-l:-d t* 'be tat,
_ci inn*. • or t_ .a Vi Cii ■ .. r
Tanxx^ 3g»Cr-u t .ii ^ ~ TKV ia nM -
_____-——---- --
There is no ether t\ i.y sc gred as a practical test
for lea rning the many advantages, of a c-heek account
at a reliable and carefully managed bark. No mat¬
ter how smail your present income a check account at
this Bank will demonstrate its usefulness to YOU io
less than a year.
When, from your own personal experience, you
realize how nicely this check account systematizes your
business affairs arid that yon really gai.i, in the dollar
and cents point of view, as well as in the greater
convenience in handling financial matters; in the '
actual safety afforded your money, you will thank us
for calling your attention to this—the right w: y of
doing business. There is no expanse—the trial is
easy to make. Try it.
Sam Tate, President. W, A. Allen, Vice-President.
E. T. Hudson, Cashier.
The Gilmer County Bank,
Do not buy fruit trees from an agent, unless you know him to
be reliable, if you do, you may feel like Cussin.’
Some reliable and others are not.
Take no chance, you may lose your time and money, but buy
direct from us and you will get , . large, strong, . healthy , trees than _
will bear much fruit.
No order for second or third class trees will he accepted for we
have none. Our trees are first class W inchester trees are known
11 over the U S. We carry a general line of nursery stock
Good agents wanted in every county.
ICall at this
office for Le¬ ImMMtm 1
gal Blanks ot
all kinds. |w Rfrfff m wm 7 ? jjbd
tr.-Tmerriw.* «v*, •>»*« '
I K crows C
MONtr*wen*'* 0 to.
ASilSwi nnHif/ *>AI IIP