The Ellijay courier. (Ellijay, Ga.) 1???-1915, November 20, 1913, Image 1
VOLUME 38 , tfc' i local aitb personal jy imim •»» »» < » ^ After a rainy Sunday the weather cleared off nice and fine Monday. i Mr Ben Freeman who clerks for Teem Bros, has a fine new boy at his home. 1 Mr Jonas Key, of Route 1, called in Wednesday and renewed his subscription On account of a big run of ad¬ vertising we are giving our read¬ ers an extra sheet of reading matter. Mr. Leonard Smith is now em¬ ployed by the Ellijay Hardware Co. He tried Copperhill but didn’t like it. Mr. John Newberry is exca vating a place for a barn in the j bank near his home opposite the 1 Shippen store J Mrs- Mattie Kelley has been visiting the family of her nephew Ralph Walton, at Thomasville, Ga, tor a few days Parties who bought fruit trees from Mr. P. A. McGill will findj them in charge of H M. Elling-' ton, and will please call and get ; them. Children Cry j j FOR FLETCHER’S CASTORI A T'n’rr the present Postal illations we are compelled to col¬ lect for all due subscriptions at the end of the year Please take notice Mr. J. E. Smith, Warden at j the State Prison Farm, has our' thanks for a check on subscrip-1 tio i Jim is another of our Gil- i mer b >ys tint has made good and j fine position at the etate I •:! Ol We have heard of a number of «-.rn shuciiings around in the 1 country and the report; of the yjeld and the quality of the corn« 1 his year is very encouraging. Gilmer has produced more and better corn this year than any year in its history. i ‘ A recruiting officer of the " ar Department has written Post¬ master Ellington that he templates establishing a Recruit office at Ellijay so as to make it T/ thaTthey or t make the finest diers in the world, the very kind that the U. S. needs Now is the time to haul wood for winter and have you a woodshed built if you hcvn't got one to put your stove wood and kindling under, also get your fodder out of the field Fodder left in the field in the stack through the winter will lose fully one foui th and IS liable to get destroyed by somebody S old hungry cows. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER’S OASTO R \ A State of Ohio, city of Toledo, f ss. Lucas County. ( Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he , senior partner of the tirm ot r, J. is Cheney & Go., doing business in rhe City of Toledo, County and State afore said, and that said firm will pay sum of ON2 HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case oi Catarrh cannot he cured bv the use of CATARRH CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY, 0 Sworn to , , before , me and » , in my presence, this 6th day of ber, A. D., 1886. (Seal) A. W. GLEASON. Notary Public, Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken nally and acts directly upon the and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F.J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all druggists. 75c. Take Hall’s Family Pills tor pation. Advertisement. THE ELLIIAT COURIER. ELL!.IA V, GEORGIA. Till •fSDAY NOV. -20. 1013 Resolutions on the Death of Mrs- Thos- DeFoor. Q n evening of the 18th of October the spirit of Mrs. ^hos DeFoor passed over the j 1 river to its everlasting home Mrs DeFo«.r was truly a good ! woman, in heart, character and j i service. She filled her sphere in life and our Lord’s kingdom in an admirable \ay. She was a member of the Elii jay Baptist church, and was loyal and faithful to its interests. She had great faith in Jod, be¬ lieving that he knew best, and was willing to abide by his will. The death of this good woman has robbed the Woman's Chris Temperance Union of Elli J a .v of one '*- s m0;3t: zealous and useful members Be it therefore resolved, 1st. That tSb'Ugh we realize thefact> that ‘- In the midst of life we are in d^ath.” and that he who creates^all things can do no wrong; yet our hearts are sad over the loss of our friend and co-worker- 2d, That w p will remember her life as an humble,. faithful and it will inspiration to us to go for ward, 3rd- That these resolutions be entered on the Minutes and that they be published in the Ell'jay j papers and a copy be furnished the bereaved‘family. i Mias Mary Tankersley- I Mrs A. H. Burtz C ommittee- ; i »/ • ' i '7 r M +* V# ri «*.*>■ i !Tf 9 Btr Infants: end Children. Sun? Yob Hrve Always Bought ; >.he .o • U)« y/ :uie ct County Surveyor Hyatt was here on business Tuesday. M” jj and Mrs ° Gharlpv Sellers 1 of 0: re in towa la . Jt Sa tur ^ . j Hr. j J. H T«ta*. of Ticka-i netley, was here on, business; Monday . Mr ,, Okla C. „ A. . tIT Worley, , of . ... " auhd-1 , a u, , is another of our new subscribers, ! I We ... learn . of the . Sun- 0 i marnacre The'bride | of Gilmer’s most effi i mt teach-; Jers, while the groom is a success business man of the firm 0 f 1 Osborn Bros, of Dyke, Ga. Rev. VV. J Whitaker performed the | ceremony We extend to them j all the joys ot a happy wedded I life '- A Maker of Health, A good honest medicine like lies. Kidney Mrs. Pills O. gives Palmer, health 635 to Willow many fami-1 St., | Green Bay, Wis., was seriously ill with j I kidney and bladder trouble. Mr, Palm ! er writes: “My wife is rapidly recover ; ing her health and strength due solely to the use of Foley Kidney Pills. ” For sale by all dealers everywhere. (Advertisement.) | Monday morn j nfi r Charley ' Poindexter. T Roy Uobb ,, and j Dr. C. G Cox all went down on Coosawattee river to hunt wild geese. It is fine sport as the geege are ve( .y W ary and hard to ! 8 et . at Every „ . , a , lot . « f ’ them u are to be found m . the u wild : region below the Falls between ° Ellijay . and Carters Quaiter j OH ■ the Coosawattee river. The 1 meat is saio to be excellent. j ____________ BIRMINGHAM, ALA. F. L. Willis, suffered greatly from asthma and bron- 1 chitis. He writes: “I got no relief un ■ til I took Foley’s Honey and Tar Com ! pound, ltentirelyremovedthosechok ing sensations, and never failed to pro ducean easy and comfortable condition 1 of of the the throat throat and and lungs.’’ lungs.” For For sale sale by all dealers everywhere Advt. 1 bqys CORN CLUB. Showing the Bushels Acre and Cost. Name. Busht Is Cantrell 105.71 Jones 99 Simmons 86.93 Legg 82.36 P.ttit 82 Watkins 78 Sharp 76.55 Henson 75.65 - H - Harper 70 65 Keener 70 32 0ob j e 70 Goble 70 Deweese 70 Holt 68.60 Ayers 66.75 ,\, oore 64 Ray 64.50 A. Miller 60.56 Mashburn 60 Parks 59.92 Walker 59.01 Henson 57.66 Holt 56.50 Aaron 54.53 Cloninger 53.07 Davis 51.89 Davis 50.80 Weaver 50 Teague 50 Miller 50 Jones 50.96 Jon s 50 H. Parks 49.20 West 47.43 West 46 Smith 48 Holt 45.50 West 44 Rack ley 43 81 Chadwick 42 81\ Davis 4 3 *18 Simmons 42.60 Collis 39.50 Holt 36 79 Wade fi' cllis 27 Average per acre per bushel last cen- 13.9. Pfiiii la Back and ufce linatism. Torment thousands of people daily, be one qf these sufferers when so little cost you cm, get well rid of good work fiom the very first thf kidneys anil bladder that the and torment of backache, rheuma m ^ nd kidn " y t ™ l ' bl " i8 soon di f el) - - Advertisement. — We learn that Miss Maggie Withrow and Mr. Harley were recently married on taintown. W e wish them much 0 y. Oar „ fnond „ . , Bill Gudger „ , invited . ., , us a corn shacking Wednes y and we regret that a of business prevented us from attending . Mr R. H. Reece.-of this county Who is teaching at Tifton. O '" ANi ^ ED cm.try. at once 600 wed cleaned cane seed. pay P er bushel trade, 7oc. P et ' bushei cash - Teem Bros. Advertisement. Would J ake Them Bttier jf They Could. The makers of Foley Kidney know that they have absolutely the comb nation of curative and medicines for _________^____ kidney and bladder _______ ___ ail mants and urinary irregularities that js possible to produce. That is Foley Kidney Pills are the best cine cine for for the the purpose purpose you you can can buy. buy. sale by all dealers everywhere. (Advertisement.) More Orchards for Gilmer. Mr. Thrasher, Sec. of the lanta Athletic Club, sent an expert np from and set; out 1400 more trees Its place out west of where he had previously set trees. Our people are to realize in a small way the efits to be derived from and are setting out more All the experts who have us declare that we have an country for apples ii developed Wanted to hire woman or to do house work. Wages to $2.50 per week, owing to done. Apply at residence. Martin I. Teem. 3t- Advt. M edal * ontest On Thanksgivifjt Night Nov¬ ember 27th, the T- L. and Band of Mercy wK have a Medal Contest at the £/ E- Church, South. ^ Two beautiful silver medals “c“ have been offered • by the w - „ T TT U.. . by the , twodest . recitations . . on Temperance or^ferev. There are twelve contestants, six boys and six gjhjls. Come out and -ncourage the little folks. Ten. cents admis¬ sion for grown pe . le. Children free. £ promptly Exercises will b^gin at seven o’clock. * A A Consumptive cough, . A cough that bother' you continually is one of the dange. signals which warns of consumptipT Dr. King’s New Discovery stops .^e cough, loos¬ ens the chest, banish t - ver and let you sleep peacefully. The irst dose checks the symptoms and giv?*“ prompt relief. Mrs. A. F. Mertz, of G »n Ellyn, Iowa, writes: "D? King’s ■ ew Discovery cured a stubborn cough if ter six weeks’ doctoring failed to helf*” Try it, as it will do the same for y i. Best medi¬ cine for coughs, colds liroat and lung troubles. Money baev if it fails. Price 50c. and $1.00. druggists, by moil. H. E. Bucklen- K Co., Philadel ph or St. Louis. Advt. The Boys Cot. Clubs. ' The Boys Corn Uub Exhibit last Saturday was a revelation as to what we can do h' rein Gilmer County- The weie fine indeed and r.dect great credit on the Boys ’who raised the corn. Some c < the finest corn we ever saw \ -a exhibited and will go to the State Corn Show at Atlanta a».i: we exoect |t.> see Gilmer win a y 'ize at the j ; State Show in Decen >er. Dr . Bradford gm-j* * enthusi- , astl eally ot tne won-c in; our U» It_ j mer Boys and expects still great -\ er progress in 1914 In another' j 1 column We give the the number of in bushels per acre and Cost this j ears contest. i Lost—A muley steer, two years old ’ color red Wears a common s ’ zed MackediWlth a swa - * ow e ar and over bit ' '^ t ^ . j igardingthe I > garding n r ; the whereabouts °of ot the! tne, steei^wili be rewarded by f 5 . j. M. Akins, ^dvt. ' Roy, Ga. Mure ooilles Sold Each Year I It is,easy to understand why an in , number °f bottI of l i ^easing Honey and lar Compound ^ is sold yeaiiy. s "S2ZZ ^ e qf^ c tive remedy, quickly relieving tickling in the throat, and stopping the cough with no bad after effects.” For sale by all uealers everywhere. Advertisement. A Nervous Woman Finds Relief After Many Years Women who suffer from extreme | ; nervousness, often endure much j suffering before finding any relief. Mrs. Daniel Kintner, of Defiance, u'., had such an experience, regard¬ , ing which she says: j 1 taking Dr. Nervine, end I must say it helped me wonderfully. I have had no severe nerv¬ ousness for several years.” MRS. DAN KINTNER. 1002 Pleasant St.. Dtiiance. O. j Many remedies arc recommended for diseases of the nervous system l ; ut f f to P roda f‘ f esu:K be f“ se trouble. Dr. Mres’ Nervine has proven its value -n such cases so many limes that ‘. is unnecessary to make claims f ar it. Y'ou can prove its merits for yourself by j getting a bottle of your druggist, who will return the price if you receive no benefit. ! MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, !nd. 3 WHOLE ROOT PEDIGREED TREES. The II I. DOVER Nursery, of Route 2, Box 75, Ellijay. Ga., is now ready to offer you fruit trees of the most popular varieties grown in the south. Such as Detrioit Red, Black Ben Davis (or Ragan) Missouri Pippin, Ben Hill, Wolf River, Delicious, John¬ Fine Winter, Grimes Golden, Gol¬ Russet, Mammoth Black Twig, Deieware Winter Red, Royal Limber And in fact any kind of apple you would want. As I carry about fifty apples. Also Peach trees, Pears, Quinces, Grapes, Raspberries, Wimalayaberry, all of which is grafted the Pedigree system, on whole roots, making a tree that will come bearing much sooner, live longer and faster, because the tap root is essential part of all tree growth, the tree the ability to bear an¬ crops of fruit and withstand and wind. All care and expense is put into my trees to make them in every way. I could get a much cheaper tree but I would feel that I was swindling my customer. As it is cheaper to set a good tree once life than a sorry tree twice. So buy trees because they are cheap, but buy the best Whole Rooted trees will grow vigorously and bear annually and last indefinitely. So if are going to buy Nursery Stock at my Nursery or write me or send your order. Ana when your trees reach you examine them and if you find them nice, clean and the best root you ever saw, just return them get your money back. Yours for better fruit and more of it. • H. I. DOVER. Advertisement. Mr- John B DeBorde has gone to Fla for the winter. Mr. H I. Dover the Nusery man was in to see us this week. D^Bordc r .of „ Foi?rv ,r - hill. Term . was down to Ellijay j agt wee ; i Read Prof. Want’s article in this issue on Spraying and the care of orchards Prof. J. F Chastain who is, teaching in South Ga., writes us that he is doing well and having a good time eating fish and kill— ing squirrt Is in the swamps. TO Contractors and Builders Write us for prices on all kinds of Yellow Pine Lumber, House Fram¬ ing, Siding, Ceiling, Flooring, Sheathing, Shingles, and Laths. Mixed car Shipments are our Specialty. Garrant Lumber Co. FITZGERALD, GA. Small Farm lor Sale. Eighty acres, about 20 acres creek bottom, 5 acres upland in cultivation. 2 houses and buildings. Good spring water, - can be , brought . i, to , house , in • pipe. • Nice family orchard, 8 miles west of Ellijay. For prices and terms, address R. Brown, Route 2, Ellijay, Ga. Advertisement. LOUIVILLE & fiASH VILL£ RAILROAD Arriving and Departing Time at Ellijay C a. All Trains Daiiy. Effective Sunday December 8th. i :• . Leave Ar:” Knoxville ami North, ii f5 a m i,14 I- M i Blue Ridge and Mnrpliy 745 pm 618 am Ma-i-tta & Atlanla. I 14 pm is* 5 a m Marietta and Atlanta 6:18 A J.17:45 p M ' (Advertisement) jf. iUiig v s feeovery KILLS THE C0'J8H. cures THE LUNGS- "I had stomach trouble when i was eighteen years old that broke down my health, and for years I suffered with nervousness, headache, indiges¬ tion and nervous spasms. The spasms get so bad I would have them three or four times a week. After try¬ ing nearly every ■emedy recom¬ mended, I began HOME GROWN APPLE TREES NICE LOT OF HOME GROWN Apple Trees, Leading Varieties Suitable to this Section I have for sale this fall a fine lot of fruit trees "rafted from best varietiea that experience hah shown to be suitable for thi Suy your trees at h„ mc a„d save-mo„ey and set B ood stock See me for prices, and book your orders, J. A. WITHROW Ellijay, Ga. FRUIT TREE*-,. SAVE YOUR CUSSIN ’ FRIEND! Do not buy fruit trees from an agent, unless you know him to be reliable, if you do, you may feel like Cussin.’ Some are reliable and others are not. Take no chance, you may lose your time and money, but buy direct from us and you will get large, strong, healthy trees than will bear much fruit. No order for second or third class trees will be accepted for we have none. Our trees are first class- h inehester trees are km wn 11 over the U S. We carry a general line of nursery stock Good agents wanted in every county. . WINCHESTER NURSERY COMPANY. Winchester, Term ’ For Children There is Not bin,' Belter A cough medici e for children must help there cost and colds without ball effects on their little stomachs and bow¬ els. Foley’s Honey and Tar exactly fills this need. No opiates, no sour stomach, no constipation follows its use. Stuffy colds, wheezy breathing, coughs and croup are all quickly helped. For sale by all dealers everywhere. Advertisement. Mr. Wm Ellington attended a cornshucking at Mr. W.' H. Gucigers Wednesday and reports; a fine ^ of corn and good ^ \ , x - ^ ^ 1 N .. TI 1 E To _ my many friends j. . . and , trolls, I will be in Lllii; y dental work each month from the 16th to IMh. You will find me n the Cole Bui ding over the Bank Room 201. B B. Vandecriff. Advertisif.ent. The Rev, Irl R. Hicks 1914 Almanac The Rev. Irl R. Hicks 1914 Al¬ manac is now ready and will be mailed prepaid for only 35c. Professo" Hicks' fine Magazine, Word and Works, for one year, and a copy of this Almanac for only one dollar. The plain les¬ sons on astronomy, and the cor¬ rect forecasts of storms, droughts blizzards anu tornadoes, make these publications a necessity in every home in America. Send to Word and Works' Publishing 3491 Franklin Avenue, St, Louis, Mo. Advt. Nevfius and Sick Headaches Torpid liver, constipated bowels and disordered stomach are the causes of these headaches. Take Dr. King’s New Life Pills, you will be surprised how quickly you will get relief. They stimulat3 thti different organs to their work , properly. No better regu |ator for liver an(i bowe!s . Take 25c . and invest In a box to-day. At ali druggists or by mail. H. E. Bucklen & Co., Philadelphia and £t. Louis. A Jvertisemeji. RHEUMA rtO SUFFERERS SHOULD USE ■AM7UE “S-DPOPS'* raEE ON RECVWT Swrtson Rheumatic Cure Co-, i«.H* A, St,, cm!CA«W( NUMBER 47 v>TOP IN ATLANTA AT HOTEL EMPIRE. Opposite Union Depot on Pry¬ or St. Renovated and refurnish¬ ed throughout. Reservations made cn application. Hot tpid cold water. private baths, electric lights and elevator First class accommodations at. extremely moderate rates. Eu¬ ropean plan 75 cents up John L. Edi.icndsun Preprint' I t \ ;’(? "t. \ IL !>. Ely, '>f Bantam, (!.. suffered from horrible ulcer on his foot for IV-u. years. Docto, advised amputation, but he refusei! aniJ reluct311 ti y tried Bucklen’s Arnica Salve as a last resort, I He then wro e: ‘ I used your salve and ! m y foot was soon Completely cured.” j Be f remedy f ° r burns ’ c,,ts > bfuis< ‘ s and eczema. Get a box to-day. Only ; 25c. All druggists er by mail. H. E. I Bucklen & Co., Philadelphia or t; | Louis. Advt.. HOTEL ANSLEY ATLANTA, CA. ''pen v?an 11 30, !9i3 The South’s finest and most modern hotel. Fireproof. 306 rooms, with running water and Rooms private toilet $1.00 connecting per day. bath Rooms with $1.50 per with day. private bath Rooms v-.vfi per day and up. Finest Rathskellar, Cafe and Private Dining Rooms in th«? South. POUND, Pres. I J. B. | J. F. LETTON, Mgr. Ass’t Mgr. j OH AS G. DAY, sstMtlicinelkad; for Kdneyand Bladdertouiles” FOLEY _ KIDNEY 17 FILLS ill 'I (or ^ 3scki:Ee. I Rheumatism. Kidneys I? .ladder-. ar.d