The West Georgian. (Carrollton, Ga.) 1933-current, September 01, 1933, Image 2

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©tje Beat (feeucgiau Official organ of West Georgia College, Carrollton, Ga. Editor in-Chtof__ Franklin Dorsey Parker Associate Editor - ---- ---- Doris Wiggins TEMPORARY STAFF Sports Editor Don Barfield Society Editor... ~ Sadie Morrow Humor Editor ! , Kathryn King Managing Editor Edgar Kelley Make-up- Editor „Doria Went Circulation Managers... Ovid Davis, Billy Collier Exchange Editor Le Fincher Jerkins,Jr. Business Manager Raymond Rowe Assistant? Taylor Fisher, J. Borders, Carolynne Morris REPORTERS Plot 'lice Parr, Julian Weiss, David S Walk* 5 , Lee F. Jerkins, Mar garet Cheney, Doris West, Pearl Gober, Martha Hume, Frances Lovvorn, Paul Ariin. Robert. Tillman, Horace Cook, Fielding Towns, Nadine Wii baniGaines ( amp, Evelyn Strickland, Norwood Floyd, Harvey Glaz ier, Don Barfield. SPECIAL WRITERB Ixjuise Tyus, Tom Loftln, Dons West, ! • ■ Phippf*, Carolyn Gear, Gaines Camp, Edwin I jtwrenec. t the b ! >ur. John Mandeville EDITORIAL S I Af r- Manor Cannier, Kathryn Bn Damon Webb, M. L. Fisher, Jr., Sadie Morrow, . Art Editor. —... „ -Angelin* Or FACULTY ADVISORS Professors Gordon Watson, Thomas Hart and Robert Htrozier. Secret,uy-io-Ldllor-in-Chief Julian Weiss DISSENTION OVER EMBLEM ENDS Terminating marked iL nffon and incompatibility, the Student Body. <e:;ojnbled in Chapel, de noun-ed "Hill bilks ’ us unimUgni fled, ami unworthy of being tin; symbol of West Georgia College, ami • ■ toad, selecmd The Hall Pups" to be our emblem. Several animals and ideas were usgpoated lor the emblem, among Uiern Doing "Hill ijillios,’’ “i an thm#, ’ "Owls," "Buffalos,’’ "Bia <l:? and the popular ‘uutl Pupa. ’ ,f 11 Billies" found much support, ! the vote was over wneimiiigly i vor of the “null Pups." y ,bet her we will Do satis led with the "Bull Pup?" or not largely upon me way we Yat It. Now that vve have fra, everyone should he • a/ways ready and j Ji if j Pf will alwayK; i >‘Dre. - thing olse other than it ui recti/ re presents to the eys. fho meaning of toe emde n res.s upon its soi ontiary, ihk its primary, sig nification. The prlmative triou;* had emblems of anLutus and oiru to destlnguish their i* . . > tore was usuaoy a religious meaning carried with their ensign ias. By accident or some great event the comu-uonesi thing grown as a liowt v n leaf, or a plant has t're (.m ni’.v l.een chosen as the na tions is usually a simple symbol, but loyalty and sov t)ii„xuy are represented in them. THE DATING SITUATION Have you been puzzled by the cheerful faces o. the Freshmen! this week? perhaps so, but to ex pi. in the reason of their happi ness lies in these words - two dales a week. Everyone in the dormitory ap preciates this privilege and shall comply with rules that are made, j It may seem that we have every-’ (hiti-, neee.ssar„* with which to en certain our t'rieuas, but there still remains one bit-; problem. Vila, to do for entertainment? So far, U has been supplied mainly with con versa .ion and the playing oi a few games We all would enoy having a date with a well conv s eil person, but as not al of us are alike in that manner we would li tie to have other types of enter tainment. There have been' some suggestions such as having new types of games, some played by a couple and others played in groups, and to have some social activity once a month in the gymnasium. Students Welcome J. L. MATHEWS Fancy Groceries Maple Street PERSONNEL OF THE COLLEGE PAPER -By a popular vote of the atu j.doij-'jt oi s.v. u. C. the following j u ore elected , , permanent ofti ! cers. * L'ditor-in r t, Franklin I). Park : er. j Associate T Alitor, Doris Wiggins On U edi: - day evening, Oct. IX, a group of voimg men and women ruel in L-e chapel of W. G. C. for 1 the pur,*.is of selecting a te.n porarj staff for the school paper. The ir embers of the stall' as se lected *re as follows: Spo! s Editor, William Brown. Edi orial Staff, Manor Caneier, A. ,t. tert .1, Kathryn Bass, Ma im *i V/eoD, AL E. Fisher, ami Sadie Mrii'fcf .Mali X* up-Elnar, DorD West. Exch ' n^e -for, La>e Fincner Jer 1 kins Aj| ;i,, aging Ed. tons, Edgar Kelley,! aid ~ harle Newman. x ayior a-isuer, J. Lordeia. j t arlynne Morris. Circulati;'-:, Managers, Billy Col-; Her, and Ov i * vis. bpecial V- ■ Li mis-' Tyus, Tom luoitjn, a m Fhipps, earoiyi: user, Gaines ( amp, Edwii. Gawrente imi v.,atii enne King. society Edit* Sadie Morrow. Joke Editor, Cutl ng. Reporters, Li u m ,L. Vv tiSS, I .k’.VKi C. iv < - m-.\ ; • ■ iUOOie, juee a. Jerkins, n;-uy-.i < c neney, Loris \v est., rear! Gooe. Martha stone, trances lovvovu, haul Asti n, Rooert Tillman,' Horace t oon, Fielding Towns, isa uine HiJoauhS, Games tamp, Eve lyn Strickland, Norwood Floyd, h. Glacier, and Marie Murphy. Jbacuity Advisors, r rofessprs Watson, Strozler and Hart. i lie aoove apj ; .Ucmeuts are not permanent as loose who contrio ute miming will be discarded, while those who work toward liav ing a good paper w ill oe re.aiue,d. VESPER SERVICE WINS STUDENT'S APPROVALS Vesper services have been in : augurated here on the campus; every .Sunday evening as a com-j jdetion of ih day's devotional sen v ices. Vt e have had programs given us by the 8.Y.1'.L. of the First Bap-, list Church, and by campus talent, , with the promise rhat other organ-' inations would give us programs in the future. The services have been sponsor ed by 1 rofessor Hart, and many ! evidences of the good work that is | being done are prevalent. It gives thse that are unable to attend ser i vices elsewhere, or fail to, the op i porfunity to cultivate the spiritual ! side of their characters. This is a forward move for the : betterment of the student body by 1 the faculty, and we are sure that | the services will accomplish the 1 purpose for which they were in augurat'd, namely to complete the day's devotional services, * ami to give aU a chance to experience Christian fellowship right here on ?he cam ups. . THE WWT GEORGIAN The Absence of Tradition at West Georgiy College Doubtless, one of 'he greatest factors influencing our campus life here at West Goor- ia College is an obvious absence of tradition, and the burden being put on us to formulate our own traditions and ideals. predecessors. It is a privilege for us predecessors. It is a privilege to us to be among the charter members of this great institution. It is we who will hold the reins; check the Hood; and build this insntution in to what it will be and should be. We do not follow the example of others, but use the ideas of our own leaders; . <• are functioning as ex emplars now. No one has been before to what i? now West Oeoigia College, It is our God given duty to set its pace, am; ?o .i hold high the noble aspirations that w now seek. We have a gigantic task before us. We hardly know which way to face, as we are facing problems that have never before n encounered here. We are the masters of this institution's fate, and the captain of Its soul. We hold the torch now, to make our deeds those of honor and no bility, and to set a flame of love for this institution in our heart?, and make our lives here fit exam ples for the oncomi’;. generations to view, ami to consider intelli gently, instead of some petty rule that the student body might make. This is our real task. We are fac ing it with greatest forth mb and interest, and have pledged our selves to do our best. It is a burning desire for us, the first of the first, to set such pre sidents that in after life it can be said that we are a credit to the in stitution, along with tiie institu iior being a credit to us. We shall always count thb fact of our being the pace setters and the tradtion ! makers, ourselves, as one of the j most cherished of our memories. Inspiration At ! West Ge ullage 11 T a, eg” Te7t- Tkta action with inspiration., in this article VVI . v>ou : d ■ i, press noon every student oi tins in solution that. a college claims to give birth to in spiration. B ; iid - the young by its celebrity, kindle* He atieetions of the mi i'Oe; by it beauty and rivets sue fidelity of the old by its associations. It is the seat of wisdom, the light of the world, the alma mater of the rising gee ei at ion. It is this and much more, oid demand* a head and hand foi , red than mine to de ar; -V . all. What poet was able to write lines that blended in harmony who did not have beautiful inspiration in his heart and soul? A college is no: necesarily a birthplace of poets, immortal authors, founders of schools, or conquerors of na , ions; however inspiration has cer i a inly been proved the by-products of succes. Fon t lei someone knock the wind out of your sails, so to speak. Let your sails be so utterly filled with inspiration that the failures | that block your journey will be routed out. Our student body previously has shown outstandingly that it has been inspired. Perhaps each pupil has a definite origin for his i’lspi ration. But may we suggest that! not matter by whom or by wiia iacftHive you have been inspired, let that stand foremost in your character chart forever. It is the .rail that makes you become elo quent and exponent of your art in its most winning form, and give you the means of pouring your work forth with zeal and enthus iasffi. Learn to appreciate your value-. Be inspired by someone or some thing. Do not let any small disap pointment discourage you but keep your ideals. We care nothing for a student that merely resides at an institu tion, yawns and says: “Why should I study?” If there is some one here w ho seems flippant or un fair, his pin o is not at Wes' Geor gia College. We have yet to find a student here of that nature. Was it not David Slarr Jordan who said. M Pe a lift long or short, its i a i let ness depends on what t was lived for?” £^mJ£zmMZ2Zznw Rest Goods at Reasonable Prices, Ladies and Men’s Ready-to- Wear a Specialty. Cor. Maple and Alabama Sts.—Carrollton, Ga. CREPE MYRTLE HOTEL We Extend a Hearty Invitation to bhe Faculty and Student Body to try our Sunday Dinners. CONVENIENT REASONABLE JONES DRUG COMPANY Drugs, Toilet Goods —Soda Fount Specials s£• 2ft College Students Welcome Bank Building :: :: Carrollton, Ga. LET US MAKE YOUR SUIT ¥#*¥¥¥* Suits Made to Measure—Schwartz Quality Cloths. John W. Baskin €■) Public Square :: :: Carrollton, Ga. Comp lime nls of KYTLE & AYCOCK Furniture of Ail Kinds Adamson Square :: Carrollton, Ga. Compliments of T. H. MERRELL COMPANY On The Square Welcome West Georgia College Students Compliments of EXCLUSIVE STYLE SHOPPE HATS—NOVELTIES College Students Welcome ******* 214 First National Bank Bldg.—Carrollton, Ga. Compliments of THE CARROLL THEATRE Remember our Bargain Days— -10 CENTS TO ALL Welcome West Georgia Students