The West Georgian. (Carrollton, Ga.) 1933-current, June 05, 1934, Image 1

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YESTERDAY By Barthur Risbane Guess you heard about Grady and Lauef They both invited some body to the dramatic club blow-out. Ho-.rover, wo hear that it is not se rious. Seems that the Kowo family has a wrcat attraction for Cruse. When one leaves, there is a twin to reconcile her. The past elections showed much of “Hooey Long” tactics. We wonder if these budding politicians received their training in the Constitutional conven tion which convened in History 1? Harris says he can tell when Hogue has been to Howell’s class. His suit always looks as if it had been slept in. In days of old when knights were bold And barons held their sway, They took their orders from their wives Like Mr. Roberts does today. Varner informs us that J. P. Mor gan, Sr., is the father of J. P., Jr. Elaine in government during a dis cussion of national elections: “If the Tuesday after first Monday came on Sunday, when would the election be held?” Also heard in this class: “The sec retary of state sits on the president’s right hand.” Air. Watson received a wilted spray of lilacs from a loving student with this card. “Prom your loving pupils.” When you see all these couples moon ing around together and not saying a word, you may be sure that they have have not had a quarrel. They are only contemplating the dreariness of their life after June 6th. WEST GEORGIA’S FIRST ANNUAL A BIG SUCCESS A creditable achievement for the first year of West Georgia to boast of in her first year is the getting out of an annual which would be a credit to any junior college. The Chieftain is a beautiful book and shows much work on the part of the editors, business manager and the staff. Those on the staff were: Editor, Stewart Martin; business manager, Edgar Kelly; associate editor, Hazel Robinson; sophomore editor, Wilton Spence; freshman editor, Robert Till man; art editor, S. IST. Brock, Jr. fea tures editor, Sadie Morrow; photo ed itor, Eleanor Brisendine; assistant, Louise Geer; athletic editor, Mondell Driver; club editor, Doris Wiggins; managing editor, Damon Webb; ad visor, Robert M. Strozier; associate business managers, Manor Cansler, Fran ces Cruse, Luta Herndon, Margaret Cheney, Tom Loftin, Doris West, Lov vorn Gladney. BASEBALL TEAM RECEIVES LETTERS Coach Bonner will award letters to twelve members of the baseball squad for itheir activity on the team during the past season. These letters will be awarded at the freshman-sophomore dance this evening. Coach Bonner expressed his pride in the team that West Georgia College has had this year and appreciation to the men who have worked to make it a succses. Those receiving letters are: Pitchers: Cansler, sophomore; Fields, Parker, Williams. Catcher: Kelly, sophomore, captain. Ist base: Staples, sophomore. 2nd base: Daves. 3rd base: Driver. S.s-: "Webb, sophomore. Outfield: Entrekin, Reaves. Utility; Glazier. Manager: Weaver. VOL. 1 W. G. C. GRADUATES FIRST CLASS jjMF mm Hr\ mmmt Hra • A J mL j mk .... V i ' .'v-A KBBBgjir jam Wsm JMm Ml B t* . .. GOVERNOR EUGENE TALMADGE Governor Talmadgo will deliver the commencement address to the first graduating class of' West. Georgia Col lege. “BLOCK W CLUB” IS ORGANIZED Last Tuesday Coach Bonner called a meeting of all men winning varsity let ters for the purpose of organizing a club. All the men who have Avon let ters in any sport attended this meet ing and upon the suggestion of Coach Bonner, the name “Block W Club’’ was adopted as the official name. The standard varsity letter is car dinal red chenille on a royal blue back ground The letter is a block W. eight incite?? square. ' " ‘ ' The club oleeted Sam Fields, letter man in basketball and baseball, presi dent for next year. The club has also adopted the plan for the letters to be worn on royal blue sweaters for fall and winter sports; and for letters won in tennis, track and baseball to be worn on white sweaters. The charter members of the club are Staples, Drivor, Fields, Hearn, J. Tay lor, N. Taylor, B. Campbell, Glazier, C- Almon, Fred Daves, D. Webb, Kelly, Parker, Cansler, Entrekin, Reaves, Weaver, Upshaw, and Williams. The members of the tennis team and its managers are not included as they haven’t received letters as yet. WOMEN’S GLEE CLUB GIVES CONCERT On last evening' at 8:15 the Wom en’s Glee Club gave their last pro gram of the year in the college audito rium to a large audience- Miss Doro thy St. Clair, director, with the club made a very creditable showing of the vear’s work and the eoncert was well received. The program was as fol -1 loavs : Lullaby (Harker) —Club. Dawn (Saroni) —Club. Bendemeer’s Stream (Irish)—-Sex ette. On Wings of Song (Mendelssohn) Sextette. Echo Song (Harris) —Club. The Elf Man (Wells) Club. Why? (Wells)— Club. Where My Caravan Has Rested (Lohr)—Sextette. The Owl (Wells)— Sextette. Traumerei (Schumann) Nevelle Smith. Souvenir (Irdla) —Nevelle Smith. Twilight (Thome) —dub. Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind (Seargeant) —Club- Rockabye Lady (Prescott) Sex tette. Little Rock (Wells)— Sextette. Two Clocks (Harris) —Sextette. Gloria from 12th Mass (Mozart) — Men’s and Wemen’s Clubs. The West Georgian STUDENT ELECTIONS HELD FOR 1934-35 Student election for student body officers, sophomore class officers, edi tors of the WEST GEORGIAN and CHIEFTAIN, and associate editors of the same were hold on May 18 and 25. Following is the ballot with the winner in each case printed first: Student Body Officers President, Earle Newman, Sam Fields; vice-president, Henry Kitchens, Marga ret Cheney; secretary-treasurer, Nor wood Floyd- Sophomore Class Officers President, Ralph Williamson, Rob ert Tillman; vice-president, Billy Thom as; secretary-treasurer, Harris Hay. Chieftain Editor-in-eliief, Frances Cruse, Doris Wiggins; associate editors, Harvey Gla zier, Billy Thomas- West Georgian Editor-in-chief, Jack Smith; associ ate editors, Leeman Simonton, Doris Wiggins, Gordon Fielding Towns, Es quire. cwpPßtfc phis /. S>. -/W ' iwr * ’ HP JB® m '< : Mi m Ift ? • M m flßßg§s|L mm PRESIDENT I. S. INGRAAt President Ingram has brought West Georgia College to the close of hor first year with great success. President's Reception for Graduates and Faculty Held on Thursday President and Airs. 1. S. Ingram en tertained the June graduates and the summer school graduates, the faculty, and invited guests at a reception at the president’s home on Thursday evening, May 31, from 8:30 until 10:30. In the receiving lino were President and Airs. I. S. Ingram, Dean and Airs. W. F. Gunn, and the officers of the sophomore class, Christine Rogers. Wilton Spence, and Angelyn Griffin- A program was: Violin Solo, Mrs. Frank Kimble, ac companied by Mr. Hollis Gray. Quartet, members of Men’s Glee Club- Duet, Gordon Watson, Robert 1. Strozier. Piano Solo, Miss Alary Alexander. The rooms where the guests were re ceived were decorated with pastel shades of spring flowers- The six high honor students of the freshman class assisted in entertaining. They were: Elizabeth Boyd, Frances Cruse, Kress Entrekin, Helen Harding, Lee Fincher Jerkins and Verdvne McClung. Also assisting in entertaining were Misses Jane Luck, Virginia Webb and Kennon Henderson. The refreshments were lovely green and white reception cakes and green and white cream. Abeut eighty guests were present. TUESDAY, JUNE 5, 1934 ■ 'l® ■ Br s flHfjL. fifl j ‘ : ' v ßL j* B". CHANCELLOR PHILIP WELTNER Chancellor Weltner will deliver the diplomas to the twentv-threo graduates of the college at the exercises on Wed nesday. TWENTY-THREE TO GRADUATE WEDNESDAY The first graduating class of West Georgia College will receive their di plomas on Wednesday, June 6th. The exercises will be held at the city audi torium in Carrollton at 10:30 a. m- Governor Eugene Tamadgo will be the principal speaker and Chaneelor Philip Weltner will deliver the diplomas to the twenty-three graduates. The class will be the first to grad uate 18 um the /unv west Oebrgia Coi lege, it being set np only last, summer as a junior college of the University system in the old plant of the Fourth District A. & M. at Genola, a suburb of Carrollton. No graduates were ex pected this year, but enough students from other schools came in to. make it possible to have a large number to finish in June and in the summer ses sion. The following program will be given Wednesday morning, June 6th: Processional. Invocation—The Rev. 1L P- Bell. Hymn, “America.” “ Gloria”-from the 12th Mass (Mo zart) —By Combined Glee Clubs. Introduction of Speaker. Address ■— Governor Eugene Tal madge* Delivery of Diplomas —Chancellor Philip Weltner. \ Recessional. Those graduating on Juno 6 are: Normals —Zemily Adams, Westminster, S. C., transfer Bowdon State College; Christine Dupree, Powder Springs, transfer Bowdon State College; Ruth ICown, Emerson, transfer Martha Ber ry; Jewell Taylor, Glenloeh, transfer Bowdon State College. Junior College Certificate —Gaines 1 Camp, Villa Rica, transfer Georgia In dustrial College; Manor Cansler, Car rollton, transfer Middle Georgia Col lege; Angelyn Griffin, Carrollton, transfer Bessie Tift; Edgar Kelly* Blakely, transfer Georgia State Col lege; Charles Kinney, Villa Rica; Tom Loftin, Carrollton, transfer North Georgia College; Stewart Martin, Carl rollton, transfer Bowdon State College;? Carlynne Morris, Whiteshurg, transfeij Malrtha Berry College; Hazel Ro&ijij son, LaGrange, transfer LaG range-Col lege for Women; Roy Rodgers, Carroll, ton, transfer Bowdon Stato College; Marian Seagraves, Fayetteville, trans fer Bowdon State College; Wiltoit Spence, Carrollton, transfer Bowdon State College; Don Staples, Roopville, transfer G. I, C.; Martha Stone, (Continued on Page 6) FRESHMEN ENTERTAIN SOPHOMORES AT DANCE The tilst big social of the year will behold tonight in the gymnasium when the freshmen entertain the sophomores, their invited guests, and the faculty and their guests with a dance Iron** eight forty-five until twelve. Tho Georgia Tech Ramblers will furnish the music. In the receiving line will he Presi dent Ingram, officers of the freshman, class, Harvey Glazier, president; Earle Newman, vice-president; Robert Till- Jman, .secretary-treasurer; officers of | the student body, Damon Webb, presi dent; David Walker, vieo-presidottt; Billy Thomas, secretarydreasurer; of i ficers of the sophomore class, Christine ! Rogers, president ; Wilton Spence, vice-’ president; Angelyn Griffin, secretary treasurer. I The hall will be (decorated in an In dian theme, carrying out the Braves' idea, In the corners of tho room, In dian maids and their men will serve punch from the wigwams throughout , the evening- The following program will lie given throughout the dances: Sophomores and their dates. * Dramatic Club and Mu Zeta Alpha and thoir dates. Glee Clubs and thoir dates. ’Social Science Club and Alpha Pal Club , and their dates. Letter Men and Women and thoir dates. Theso dances will be no-breaks an:l only the members of the club or ac tivity on the program with their dates will dance those numbers. During in termission the athletic letters will bo ■ s’. V t—Hi.. Lit / -w: wH* ,1 ttvisj men. About a hundred guests have beeii invited to this last social of the year. Following is a list of those sent invita tions by" the college: Miss Clarice Reaves, Miss Ben L. New, of Carrollton, Miss Mamie Lea Shelton, Miss Mary Smith, of Dallas, Miss. Emma Baggett, of Winston, Miss Futral, M’iss Edna Pulliit. Miss Sara Frances Stanley, of Grif fin, Miss Mary George Poppef, of Turin, Mis,'? Martha Dial, of New nan. Miss Mildred Williamson, of Bremen, Miss Edith Conner, Mrs. J. C. Conner, of Cave Springs, Miss Louiso Webb, of Moreland, Miss Dorothy Holmes, M’iss Virginia Holmes, of Bowdon, Miss Martha ‘Selman, Miss Tillio Huffine, of Douglasville, Miss Margaret Edwards, of Raymond, Miss Lenora Wostbrook, of Trion, Miss Wilf enc Upshaw, of Luthersville. Mrs. Mary Bickford, Mr. and Mrs. Pomp Shaefer, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kimble, Mr. Hollis Gray, Mr. Joe Crews, Mr. Hubert Hendrix, Mr. Nor- Mr. James Bledsoe, Air. Robert P. man Shadinger, Mr. Theron Hubbard, New, -Tr., Mr. Ezra Jones, M’r. A. W. Ford, Jr., Mr. Donald Williamson, Mr. Albert Spence, Mr. Ira Mason, of Car rollton, Mr. Buck Darden, Mr. Welbom Darden, of Mr. Sam Spinks, Mr. Earl Singleterry, Mr. Joe Watson, Air. Thomas Hay, Mr. J. T. Morgan, of Dallas. Air. Dick Verdier, of Plainville, Air. Ben Stuckey, of Experiment, Air. Ren der Caswell, of Athens, Air. Paul Camp, of Whiteshurg, Mr- J. AT. Moore of College Park, Air. J. C. Patrick, Jr., of Griffin, Air- Jim Iladaway, Air. Roy Butler, Air. Luther Wyatt, of La- Grange, Al’r. Callaway Brown, of St. George, Air. Wafsori Noyles, of Bow don, Air. F. D. Cowan, of Rome,- Afr- Robort Jones, of Ringgold, Air. Robert Cannon, of Canton, Air. Herman Can trell, of Bremen, Mr. Clarence A erdel, Mr. Joe Wilson, Mr. Clyde Cole, of Villa Rica. - Air- Edwin Lovett, Luthersville, Mr- Andrew Hemphill, '* of Moreland, Mr. (Continued on Page 6) NUMBER 8