Newspaper Page Text
PAGE 6—The Southern Cross, January 2, 1964
S (By Rev. Herbert J. Wellmeier)
.eier) §
At the beginning of the New
Year, we want to congratulate
the Southern Cross on its first
anniversary, and wish it suc
cess for the coming twelve
months of 1964. So many read
ers have remarked how attrac
tive is the present format, con
tent, features, and improved at
tractiveness of our diocesan
Also, as we begin the new
year, I feel obliged to ask
for increased cooperation from
our teen-agers in CYO pro
jects. Certainly no one bene
fits from the Catholic Youth
Organization, but the youths
themselves. It represents
a terrific investment of head
aches, worries, embryonic ul
cers, time, perspiration, and
occasionally even some tears
I guess. All this would be worth
while if appreciated, or better,
capitalized upon. But it is a
terrible waste if met with
indifference, rebellion or pas
An example comes readily to
mind. Two weeks ago, the re
quest was made for information
to be forwarded to this office
concerning plans for the dio
cesan convention project. Excu
ses such as lack of time, holi
day confusion, or being too busy
could be advanced. The dead
line for naming the country the
parish unit will present for the
pageant of nations brought only
four responses. Augusta’s St.
Mary’s will present Ireland or
France. Albany’s St. Clare ho
pes to take us to Ethiopia or
Jamaica. Nativity parish of Sa
vannah plans an Italian motif.
St. Theresa’s of Albany has
sent in their decision. All other
parishes have not replied and
the deadline must necessarily
be postponed, if the project is
not to flop. Two other dead
lines are repeated here and
they will be maintained, despite
whatever circumstances occur.
Remember, please, that pa
rish moderators must forward
their nominations for Eagle of
the Cross and Pro Deo
et Juventute medals along with
written citations to the Dean
ery moderators by January
Also, parish moderators
must submit a list of names
along with age or grade
of all who are going to the
Albany convention in need of
hospitality or overnight accom
odations. This list must be
in the hands of Father LeFrois,
Box 1158, Albany, Georgia, by
January 25th. Please, parish
moderators and CYO units,
we urgently need full coopera
tion to insure a successful con
Each parish is to designate
two youths as official dele
gates for the balloting for hono
rary diocesan officers. These
delegates will present their na-
Day or Night Phone
AD 2-1104
925 E. 37th St. Savannah
mes at the time of the closed
session for voting.
These delegates were thought
to need repitition. The sche
dule of the convention is found
in the December 12th issue of
The Southern Cross. It will
be reprinted in the convention
issue of this newspaper.
I’m sure I echo the senti
ments and convictions of every
CYO moderator when I urge
better cooperation on the part
9/lX A*
4f ‘0lAl C0»* tfr
of the high schoolers in all
parish CYO activities. Many a
priest, of large and small pa
rishes, has almost despaired at
the apathy his own enthusiasm
for CYO has met. The best
laid plans can go awry
if stone - cold indifference
thwarts implementation or ful
Sincerest wishes for a
Happy New Year with a pary-
er that your every prayer may
be answered with many bles
Sacred Heart
PCCW Meeting
SAVANNAH — At the meet
ing of the Sacred Heart Parish
Council announcement was
made of the Chair of Unity Oc
tave which is an eight-day per
iod of prayer for the reunion
of Christendom to be observed
January 18-25.
The president, Miss Cassie
White, urged attendance at the
winter meeting of the Savannah
Deanery which will be held at
Statesboro on Sunday, January
12 and asked members to make
reservations by January 1
and asked members to make re
servations by January 8 for the
luncheon with the reservations
chairman, Mrs. A. K. Gannam.
Plans were discussed for the
cake sale for the benefit of St.
Mary’s Home which has been
rescheduled for January 19.
Mrs. H. A. Stamey, chairman,
of Foreign Relief, reported that
ten boxes of clothing had been
shipped as the parish’s contri
bution to the Bishops’ Thanks
giving Clothing Drive.
Rev. Terence Kernan, O.S.B.
pastor, invited the members to
participate in the day of ador
ation which is held on the first
Friday of each month, citing the
spiritual benefit which may be
derived from visits to the Bles
sed Sacrament especially at that
A social hour arranged by
Mrs. Vivian McWatty, Miss El
eanor Collini, and Miss White,
followed the meeting.
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featured speaker at the December meeting of the Home and School Association for
Blessed Sacrament parish. It was at this meeting that His Excellency announced the
appointment of the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Andrew J. McDonald as pastor at Blessed Sacrament.
Picutured above are (1 to r.) Msgr. McDonald; Bishop McDonough; Mrs. Joseph M.
Byrnes, president of the Home and School; Mrs. John McCarthy, Vice President; Mrs.
James Sullivan, secretary; Mrs. Daniel Corcoran, treasurer.—(Carroll Burke Photo)
ST. MARY’S CHORAL GROUP which sang a Christmas Mass at the December meet
ing of St. Mary’s on-the-Hill Home and School Association, Augusta.
SOME OF THE MEMBERS of the Nativity of Our Lord CYO pause for a pose in the midst
of their Christmas party held at the Parish Hall on December 26th. The group started
the party by visiting various houses of the members, and singing carols and wishing all
a Joyous Christmas. All then proceeded to the parish hall where they played games and
danced, and had refreshments.
St. Joseph’s Home And School Ass’n
MACON—St. Joseph Home &
School Association held their
last meeting of 1963 at St.
Joseph School auditorium.
At a short business meeting
it was voted to furnish drapes
for the St. Joseph School aud
St. John’s P.C.C.W.
VALDOSTA—The St. John’s
Catholic Women’s Club, Val
dosta, held their annual Christ
mas Party, Tues., Dec. 17th.,
in St. John’s School auditorium.
This year a potluck dinner was
served, and a variety of salads,
desserts, casseroles, rolls, and
Comm unist
Can Speak
state appeals court here has
upheld the right of a
communist to speak at the state
The Appellate Division for
the Third Judicial Department
unanimously reversed (Dec. 28)
a ruling by the State Supreme
Court, lowest state court in
New York, which barred Her
bert Aptheker from speaking
at the University of Buffalo,
a branch of the State Univer
sity of New York.
Aptheker, a member of the
national committee of the Corn-
chicken and ham was enjoyed by
all. The women agreed that
some of the best cooks in Geor
gia reside in Valdosta.
The St. John’s school choir,
under the direction of Sister
Mary Michael, C.S. J. enter
tained the gathering with
Christmas Carols, including the
favorite, "The Drummer Boy.’’
Father Thomas Payne, Pas
tor of St. John’s, gave a short
talk on ‘Keeping Christ in
The ladies gave a donation
to St. Mary’s Home, Savannah,
in lieu of exchanging Christ
mas gifts.
After the dinner all joined in
singing Christmas carols, ac
companied by Mrs. Ted Meyer
at the piano.
munist party, had been invited
by a student group to speak
in a political lecture series.
William Egan of Ballston, N.Y.
at that time, a candidate for
Congress, filed suit to bar his
appearance at the university.
The sixth grade presented a
play on Advent and the "O
Antiphons’’, and the seventh
grade presented scenes depict
ing "What the Prophets Said”.
Much realism was added to the
program by the outstanding
costumes, scenery and make
The sixth and seventh grades
tied for the attendance prize
which is given for the most
parents present.
After the meeting coffee was
served by fifth and seventh
grade mothers.
Ladybug, Ladybug
Ladies Who Do
Surf Party
America, America
Mail Order Bride
Move Over Darling
Four For Texas
Soldier in the Rain
Viva Las Vegas
An Affair of the Skin
(Continued From Page 5)
sibility, but the lack of a sense
of professional ethics.” The
CIC added that "such an attitude
is simply deplorable in the face
of the efforts of lay and cleri
cal members of the Catholic
Church to labor in the field of
social justice.”
The background for the con
troversy is the opposition of
La Prensa, owned by Pedro Bel
tran, former Prime Minister of
Peru, to the land reform policy
of the recently elected Presi
dent Belaunde. The President
has sworn to speed the just
distribution of land to the coun
try’s millions of landless In
Since Congress has been de
laying the passage of a land
reform law, rural Indians in
various parts of Peru, chiefly
in the Cuzco region, have been
invading private farms and
squatting on them. Some of the
invasions have admittedly been
organized by communist agi
tators. Others have resulted
from the yearning of the In
dians to escape from the bon
dage in which they live. La
Prensa has been urging the
government to send in troops
to stop the invasions by force.
The Peruvian Hierarchy has
repeatedly called for orderly
land reform both in pastoral let
ters and in the series of ser->
mons on Social Justice ordered
to be preached in 1962 by Juan
Cardinal Landazuri Ricketts,
O.F.M., of Lima.
On the other hand, the Peru
vian aristocracy, while paying
lip service to the need for land
reform, claims that the nation’s
production will be irreparably
damaged if the large land hold-
SIGN FOR SAINT CLARE’S—Mr. Robert Lee, one of the
parishioners of St. Clare’s parish in Albany, finishes in
stalling the new sign which the parishioners purchased
with the proceeds from an ice cream social during the
past summer. The sign is made of metal with a maroon
background; the lettering and emblem is in white re-
ings are divided among the In
Father Pardo underlined the
need for land reform in his
ispeech at the Presidential Pal
ace. He declared that he could
[understand how the rural In
dians had grown impatient with
their sorry lot and how they
could be driven to invade the
sprawling farms of absentee
landlords, as the alternative to
starving to death. La Prensa at
tacked Father Pardo on this
point in an effort to stay fur
ther invasions of the vast land
holdings of the small number
of families which control Peru.
The first agricultural exper
iment station in America was
founded in Savannah in 1735.
AM 5-7669
ants • rats • mice. f . .
call roaches
CLASS A — Section I
Raiders, The (Br.)—U-I
Aiakazam, The Great—Am. Inti.
Angel in a Taxi—Magna Films
Assignment Outer Space—Am. Inti.
Black Gold—War.
Boy Who Caught a Crook (Was: Boy Who
Found $100,000)—UA
Brass Bottle—U-I
Captain Sindbad—MGM
Capture That Capsule—UA
Cattle King—MGM
Crimson Blade (Br.)—Col.
Dentist in the Chair, A (Br.)—Ajay Film Co.
Drums of Africa—MGM
SS Days at Peking—AA
First Spaceship to Venus—Pan-World Films
Flight That Disappeared—UA
Francis of Assisi—Fox
Gathering of Eagles—U-I
Gidget Goes to Rome—Col.
Great Escape—UA
Hercules and the Captive Women (Ital.)—
Honeymoon Machine—MGM
CLASS A — Section II
— Morally Unobjectionable for
Three Stooges Go Around
tHow Tk.j West Was Won—MGM
Incredible Mr. Limpet, The—War.
Invasion Quartet—MGM
It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World—UA
Jason and the Argonauts—Col.
King Kong vs. Godzilla—U-I
Lafayette—Maco Filins
Lassie’s Great Adventure—Fox
Lilies of the Field—UA
List of Adrian Messenger—U-I
t Miracle of the White Stallions—Buena Vista
Mouse on the Moon—UA
Murder at the Gallop (Br.)—MGM
My Son, the Hero—UA
Mysterious Island—Col.
Nikki, Wild Dog of the North—Buena Vista
Nutty Professor, The—Para.
Pied Piper of Hamelin—Prod. Unlimited
Pirates of Tortuga—Fox
PT 109—War.
Purple Hills—Fox
Queen of the Pirates—Col.
General Patronage
the World in a Daze, The—Columbia
Raiders of Leyte Gulf—Hemisphere Pictures
Savage Sam—Buena Vista
Sergeant Was a Lady—U-I
Siege of the Saxons (Br.)—Col.
Snake Woman—UA
Summer Magic—Buena Vista
tSword in the Stone—BV
Tarzan’s Three Challenges—MGM
Teenage Millionaire—UA
Thief of Baghdad—MGM
13 Frightened Girls—Col.
30 Years of Fun—Fox
Ticklish Affair, A—MGM
Two Daughters (Indian)—Janus
Ugly American—U-I
Valley of the Dragons—Col.
Varan—The Unbelievable—Pin-World Fikns
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea—Fox
When the Clock Strikes—UA
You Have to Run Fast—UA
Young and the Brave, The—MGM
Young Swingers, The—Fox
Morally Unobjectionable for Adults and Adolescents
Captain Newman, M.D.—U-I Seven Days in May—Paramount
All the Way Home—Para.
Amazons of Rome (was: Virgins of Rome)
Any Number Can Win (Fr.)—MGM
Atlantis, the Lost Continent—MGM
Billy Budd—AA
Birds, The—U-I
Black Fox—Capri Films
Black Zoo—AA
Bridge to the Sun—MGM
Burning Court, The (Fr.)—Trans-Lux
Call Me Bwana—UA
♦Castilian, The—War.
Cat Burglar—UA
Chushingura (Jap.)—Toho Inti.
Come Fly With Me—MGM
Convicts 4 (was Reprieve)—AA
Courtship of Eddie’s Father—MGM
Cow and I, The (Fr.)—Zenith Inti.
Day and the Hour, The—MGM
Devil at 4 O’clock—Col. (Ind.)
Dr. Blood’s Coffin—UA ,
Duel of the Titans—Para.
♦Erik, The Conqueror—Am. Inti.
Family Diary (Ital.)—MGM
Frantic (Fr.)—Times Film Corp.
Fury of the Pagans—Col.
Fury of Smuggler’s Bay (Br.)—Embassy
Gone Are the Days—Hammer Bros.
Good Soldier, Schweik (Ger.)—Lionex
Guns of Darkness—War.
Harbor Lights—Fox
Haunted Palace, The—Am. Inti.
Haunting, The (Br.)—MGM
Hide and Seek (Br.)—U-I
Hootenanny Hoot—MGM
House of the Damned—Fox
Householder, The—Col.
It Happened at the World’s Fair—MGM
Just For Fun—Col.
Kiss of the Vampire—U-I
* Lancelot and Guinevere—U-I
Lawrence of Arabia—Col.
Lazarillo (Spanish)—Union Films
Life in Danger—AA
Lord of the Flies—Walter Reade-Sterling
Mary, Mary—War.
Miracle Worker—UA
Mutiny On the Bounty—MGM
My Name Is Ivan (Russian)—Sig Shore
Naked Edge—UA
Old Dark House, The—Col.
Play It Cool—AA
Pit and the Pendulum—Am. Inti.
Sanjuro (Jap.)—Toho Inti.
Scream of Fear—Col.
Secret of Deep Harbor—UA
Slave, The—MGM
Sound of Trumpets (Ital.)—Janus
Square of Violence—MGM
Stolen Hours—UA
Suitor, The (Fr.)—Atlantic
Terror, The—Am. Inti.
Thrill of It All—U-I
Thunder Island—Fox
Trunk, The—Col.
Twenty Plus Two—AA
Twice Told Tales—UA
Two Nights With Cleopatra—Ultra I
War is Hell—AA
Weekend With Lulu—Col.
Werewolf in a Girls’ Dormitory—MC
Wheeler Dealers—MGM
X—The Man With the X-Ray Eye*
Yellow Canary—Fox
Young Doctors—UA
Young Racers, Tht—Am. Inti.
Man’s Favorite Sport—U-I
CLASS A — Section III — Morally Unobjectionable for Adnlta
Love With the Proper Stranger—Para.
Fun in Acapulco—Para.
Great War, The—Lopert
Gunfight at Comanche Creek—AA
Heavens Above (Br.)—Janus
Hellfire Club—Embassy
Hustler, The—Fox
In the French Style—Col.
Leopard, The—Fox
Magnificent Sinner—Film-Mart, Inc.
Marriage of Figaro (Fr.)—Union Films
Mind Benders, The—Am. Inti.
Money, Money, Money (Fr.)—Times Film
Muriel (Fr.)—UA
Nine Hours to Rama—Fox
One Plus One—Selected Pics.
Panic in Your Zero—Am. Inti.
Passionate Thief (Ital.)—Embassy
Pink Panther—UA
CLASS A—Section IV—Morally Unobjectionable for Adults, with Reservations
(An A-IV Classification is given to certain films which, while not morally offensive in themselves, require caution and some analysis and explanation
as a protection to the uninformed against wrong interpretations and false conclusions.)
Young and the Willing, The (Br.)—U-I
Girl of the Night—War.
Important Man (Mexican)—Lopert
King of Kings—MGM
L-Shaped Room, The Columbia—Davis-Roya!
La Dolce Vita (Ital.)—Astor Pictures, Inc.
Lolita—Seven Arts
Long Day’s Journey Into Night—Embassy
Martin Luther—de Rochemont
Mondo Cane—Times Films
Never Take Candy From a Stranger—Omar
CLASS B — Morally Objectionable in Part for Ail
Angels of Darkness—Thalia Films
Armored Command—AA
Beach Party—Am. Inti.
Big Risk, The (Fr.)—UA
Breakfast At Tiffany’s—Para.
Bye, Bye, Birdie—Col.
Cardinal, The—Col.
California—Am. Inti.
♦Ceremony, The—UA
Claudelle Inglish—War.
Come Blow Your Horn—Para.
Come September—U-I
Condemned of Altona—Fox
Corridors of Blood—MGM
Couch, The—War.
Crooks Anonymous (Br.)—Janus
Day in Court, A (Ital.)—Ultra Films
Dr. Crippen (Br.)—War.
Police Nurse—Fox
Prize, The—MGM
Pyro—Am. Inti.
Rififi in Tokyo—MGM
Rocco and His Brothers (Ital.)—Astor
Running Man, The—Col.
Season of Passion—UA
Summer and Smoke—Para.
Susan Slade—War.
Take Her, She’s Mine—Fox
Three On a Spree—UA
Thunder of Drums—MGM
Town Without Pity—UA
Toys in the Attic—UA
Twilight of Honor—MGM
Two Are Guilty—MGM
Two Women (Ital.)—Embassy
V.I.P.’s, The—MGM
West Side Story—UA
Wrong Arm of the Law (Br.)-
Adam and Eve (Mex.)—Wm. Horne
Advise and Consent—Col.
Anatomy of a Murder—Col.
Case of Dr. Laurent (Fr.)—Trans-Lux
Circle of Deception—Fox
Cleo from S to 7 (Fr.)—Zenith
Crowning Experience—MRA
Devil’s Wanton (Swed.)—Embassy
♦Divorce, Italian Style (Ital.)—Embassy
Eclipse (Ital.)—Times Films
&}A (Ital.)—Embassy
Pressure Point—UA
Sky Above and the Mud Below, The (Fr.) —
Storm Center—Col.
Strangers in the City—Embassy
Suddenly, Last Summer—Col.
This Sporting Life (Br.)—Continental
Tom Jones (Br.)—UA
Too Young to Love—Arthur-Go Pictures, Inc.
Under the Yum Yum Tree—Col.
Victim (Br.)—Pathe-America
Walk On the Wild Side—Col.
Arturo’s Island—(Ital.)—MGM
Back Street—U-I
Candide—(Fr.)—Union Films
♦Conjugal Bed, The (Ital.)—Embassy
Cry of Battle—AA
Dementia 13—Am. Inti.
♦Devil and The Ten Commandments—Union
♦Diamond Head—Col.
Explosive Generation—UA
Follow the Boys—MGM
For Love or Money—U.I.
Free, White and 21—Am. Inti.
Girl Hunters, The—Colorama Features
Goodbye Again—UA
Gun Hawk, The—AA
Head, The—Trans-Lux
House of Fright (was: Two Faces of Dr.
Jekyll)—Amer. Inti.
In the Cool of the Day—MGM
Irma La Douce—UA
Island of Love—War.
Johnny Cool—UA
Joker, The (Fr.)—Lopert
He Rides Tall—U-I
Kind of Loving, A (Br.)—Governor
Lady in the Cage—Para.
Landru (Fr.)—Embassy
La Viaccia (Ital.)—Embassy
Leda (Fr.)—Times
Light Fantastic—Embassy
Love on the Riviera—Ultra Films
Main Attraction—MGM
Man Trap—Para.
Marines Let’s Go—Fox
Mary Had a Little (Br.)—Lopert
New Kind of Love, A—Para.
Night Is My Future (Swed.)—Embassy
No Exit—(Fr.)—Zenith Inti.
Of Love and Desire—Fox
Operation Bikini—Am. Inti.
Palm Springs Weekend—War.
Paris Blues—UA
Peeping Tom—Astor
Private Lives of Adam and Eve—U-I
Purple Noon (Fr.)—Timej
CLASS C — Condemned
♦Shock Corridor—AA
Small World of Sammy Lee, The (Br.)—7 Arts
Sodom and Gomorrah—Fox
Splendor in the Grass—War.
Stripper, The—Fox
That Touch of Mink—U-I
Three Fables of Love (Fr.)—Janus
Temptress and the Monk (Jap.)—Hakim Pro
Time Out For Love (Fr.)—Zenith
Tomorrow Is My Turn (Fr.)—Showeorp.
Two Weeks in Another Town—MGM
Vampire and the Ballerina—UA
Very Private Affair—MGM
Wall of Noise—War.
Waltz of the Toreadors (Br.)—Continental
War Lover, The—Col.
White Slave Ship—Am. Inti.
Who’s Been Sleeping in My Bed—Para.
Wild Harvest—Pathe-Am
Wives And Lovers—Paramount
World by Night—War.
Knife in the Water
And God Created Woman (Fr.)—Kingsley
Baby Doll—War.
Balcony, The—Continental
Bed of Grass (Greek)—Trans-Lux
Bell’Antonio (Ital.)—Embassy Films
Boccaccio 70 (Ital.)—Embassy
Breathless (Fr.)—Films Around World
Cold Wind In August—Aidart
Come Dance With Me (Fr.)—Kingsley-Intl.
During One Night (Br.)—Astor
Expresso Bongo (Br.)—Continental
Pive Day Lover (Fr.)—Kingsley- Inti.
Girl With the Golden Eyes (Fr.)—Union Films
Green Carnation (was: Trials of Oscar Wilde)
(Br.)—Warwick Films
Green Mare (Fr.)—Zenith
Heroes and Sinners (Fr.)—Janus
I Am a Camera—DCA
I Love, You Love (Ital.) : —Davis-Royal
Joan of the Angels?—Polish-Telepix
Jules and Jim (Fr.)—Janus
L'Awentura (Ital.)—Janus
La Notte (Night) (Ital.)—Lopert
Lady Chatterley’s Lover (Fr.)—Kingsley
(Pol.)—Kanawha Films Tiara
Law, The (Fr.)—Embassy
Les Liaisons Dangereuses (Fr.)—Astor Pic
tures, Inc.
Liane, Jungle Goddess—DCA
Love Game (Fr.)—Films Around World
Love Is My Profession (Fr.)—Kingsley-Intl
Lovers, The (Fr.)—Zenith
Mademoiselle Striptease (Fr.)—DCA
Magdalena (Ger.)—Buhawk
Maid in Paris (Fr.)—Bellon-Foulke
Mating Urge—Citation
Miller’s Beautiful Wife (Ital.)—DCA
Mitsou (Fr.)—Zenith Inti.
Mom and Dad (Sideroad)—Hallmark Prod.
Moon Is Blue, The—UA
My Life to Live (Fr.)—Union
Never On Sunday (Greek)—Lopert
Nude Odyssey, The (Ital.)—Davis-Royal
Odd Obsession (Jap.)—Harrison
Oscar Wilde (Br.)—Four City Enterprises
Passionate Summer (Fr.-Ital.)—Kingsley
Phaedra (Gk.)—Lopert
Playgirl After Dark (Br.)—Topaz Films
Tahiti (Br.)—Zenith Inti.
Please, Not Now! (Fr.)—Fox
Port of Desire—Union
Pot Bouille (Lovers of Paris) (Fr.)—
Prime Time—Essanjay Films, Inc.
Private Property—Citation
Question of Adultery—NTA
Saturday Night and Sunday Morning (Br.) —
Savage Eye—Trans-Lux-Kingsley Inti.
Seven Capital Sins (Fr.)—Embassy
Sins of Mona Kent—Astor
Smiles of a Summer Night (Swedish)—Rank
Tales of Paris (Fr.)—Times Films
Temptation (Fr.-Ital.)—Shelton
Third Sex (Ger.)—D. & F. Dist.
Too Young, Too Immoral—Rialto Inti.
Trials of Oscar Wilde (Br.)—Warwick Films
Truth, The (La Verite) (Fr.)—Kingsley Inti.
Viridiana (Sp.)— Kingsley Inti.
Wasted Lives and The Birth of Twins—
K. Gordon Murray Production
Women of the World (Ital.)—Embassy