Newspaper Page Text
PAGE 2—The Southern Cross, January 9, 1964
Pope’s Speech In
Old Jerusalem
Following is the text of the
speech prepared by Pope Paul
VI for delivery (Jan. 4) at the
Damascus gate on his entry into
the Old City of Jerusalem:
Mr. Governor, Mr. Mayor,
People of Jerusalem and all of
you who came from far and
near to be with us at this mo
ment: We greet you, and we of
fer you an expression of our joy
and of the happy feeling filling
our heart as we enter this
holy city.
Today sees fulfilled for us
the aim of the desires of so
many men during the period of
patriarchs and prophets, and of
so many pilgrims who for 20
centuries have come here to
visit Christ’s tomb.
Today we can exclaim with the
Holy Writer: “And now we have
set foot within your gates, O
Jerusalem,” and say also in his
words and in all truth: “This is
the day the Lord has made, let
us be glad and rejoice in it.”
From the depths of our heart
we thank Almighty God for hav
ing led us to this place and to
this tour, and we invite you all
to unite yourselves to this
Our thankfulness must be ex
pressed first of all to the
authorities, for the ardent wel-
stance Lee Clements, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. William Riley
Clements, became the bride of
William Neely Boggs, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Judson Neely
Boggs Jr., at St. Francis Xavier
Church December 26th with The
Reverend Paul Burkort, S. M.
performing the ceremony.
SAVANNAH—Miss Patricia
Ann Price and Hugh Grady Ma-
hany were married December
28th at the Sacred HeartChurch
with The Reverend Timothy
Flaherty celebrating the nuptial
mass. The bride is the daughter
of Mrs. Horace L. Price and the
late Mr. Price. The bridegroom
is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan
iel J. Mahany.
SAVANNAH—Miss Jennifer
Lynne Hammock and Stephen
James DeLoach were united in
marriage by The Reverend
Lawrence A. Lucree December
29th in the Cathedral of St.
John the Baptist. The bride is
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Clifford E. Hammock. The
bridegroom is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Hugh DeLoach.
hunter - McLaughlin
SAVANNAH—The marriage
of Miss Patricia Ann McLaugh
lin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert A. McLaughlin, and
Franklin Hunter, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Chester Hunter of Lake-
lane, was solemnized January
4th in the Cathedral of St. John
the Baptist with The Reverend
Leonard O’Brien officiating.
SAVANNAH — Miss Nonie
Marie James and Mr. Lenwood
Michael Page both of Savannah
were united in the Holy Sacra
ment of Matrimony with the
double ring ceremony in the
mist of the beautiful flower and
crib arrangement of Most Pure
Heart of Mary Church. The
Reverend John V. Mulvey,
S.M.A., Pastor, offered the
Nuptial Mass.
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come we have received here.
Then to the inhabitants of Jeru
salem we express our esteem
for their religious spirit, for
their noble traditions of cour
tesy and hospitality toward pil
grims visiting the holy places.
We invite them to raise up to
heaven their hands and hearts
with us, to invoke upon their
holy city an abundance of divine
To our Catholic sons and
daughters, and to all those who
glory in the name of Christians,
we say: Enter with us into the
spirit of this pilgrimage; come
with us to follow in the footsteps
of Christ, to climb with Him to
Mount Calvary, to venerate His
eternally glorious tomb, from
which He rose filled with life
after vanguishing death and re
deeming the world. Come with
us to offer Him His Church in
the various places where He
shed His blood for her.
Let us all together implore
the most desired grace of union
among all the disciplines of the
Gospel. And to all we say: By
your wishes and your prayers,
invoke with us upon this land,
unique in the world, which God
has visited, His graces of con
cord and of peace. Let us here,
all together, implore the grace
of true profound brotherhood
between all men and among all
Jerusalem! As weenterwith-
in your walls it is again the In
spired Writer who supplies his
words to our lips: “May those
who love you prosper! May
peace be within your wallls,
prosperity in your buildings; I
will say. . .peace be within you!
. . .I will pray for your good.”
This invocation, 3,000 years
old, we gladly pronounce again
here and on this day. May God
deign to hearken to it and show
er upon this holy city and all
those who pray herein with us
his most copious benedictions.
Council of Catholic Women of
St. Augustine’s sponsored a hol
iday party for children at the
Coats and Clark Recreation
It was announced at the chil
dren’s party that Les Williams
and Pamela Oldham had placed
first and second, respectively,
in the CYO essay contest.
Mrs. George Herring presen
ted the theme, “The Nativity,”
and the group sang Christmas
carols. Balloon and clothes
pin games were won by Becky
Chastian and Terri Lynn Tay
lor in the pre-school class;
and by Ricky Zaveleta, David
Zavaleta, Jimmy Thomas, Les
Williams and Elaine Peeler in
the 6-12 age group.
Mrs. James Thomas was
chairman of the youth commit
tee in charge of the party, as
sisted by Mrs. Herring, Mrs.
Jimmy Taylor and Mrs. Jimmy
Walker. Mrs. Wilfred Cherry
was head of the social com
mittee which included Mrs. H.C.
Morgan, Mrs. John Riley, Mrs.
John Graham, Mrs. James Row-
ley and Mrs. W. F. Cook.
Sponsors served mints, cook
ies, ice cream, punch, oranges,
apples and tangerines to their
young guests.
The Rev. Fr. Neal P. O’
Brien, OFM, assistant pastor,
was among the guests.
At the Council party at the
Friary Mrs. F. T. Hunter and
Mrs. Rowley were hostesses,
serving homemade pie, as
sorted nuts and coffee.
Gifts were exchanged and the
group voted to send donations
for patients at Milledgeville
State Hospital and to the VA
Domiciliary for their Christ
mas parties.
Committee reports were pre
sented by Mrs. Herring, Mrs.
Rowley, Mrs. Riley and Mrs.
Cherry, and the Rev. Fr. O’ -
Brien gave a talk.
In mountainous Georgia, the
growing season averages 186
days from the last killing frost
in the spring to the first kill
ing frost in thefall. South Geor
gia has about 250 days.
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EXCHANGE THE KISS OF PEACE. Pope Paul VI and Orthodox Patriarch Athenagoras
of Constantinople exchange the kiss of peace at their second meeting (Jan. 6) during the
Pope’s visit to the Holy Land. The Patriarch called on the Pontiff at the Apostolic Dele
gation (Jan. 5) and the Pope returned the visit at the Patriarch’s residence the following
day. This picture was taken on the latter occasion. — (NC Photos)
Patriarch Meet
(Continued from Page 1)
The Pope and the Patriarch
talked privately. Then Pope
Paul presented two members of
the staff of the Vatican Secre
tariat for Promoting Christian
Unity whom the Patriarch had
met earlier—Msgr. Jan G. M.
Willebrands, the secretary, and
Father Pierre Duprey, W. F.,
undersecretary for Orthodox
The Pope in a formal address
in Latin expressed his “great
and profound’ ’ gratitude for the
Patriarch’s coming to Jeru
salem to meet him in this
“truly historic” meeting. He
said that the will 4 'to work to
surmount disunity , to break
down barriers,” is becoming
ever more widespread among
all Christians. And in closing,
he said that “it is not a ‘good
bye’ that we say to you, but,
if you allow us, an ‘au revoir’
based upon the hope of other
fruitful meetings 'in the Name
of the Lord.’ ”
Following the exchange of
formal greetings, the Pope left
the patriarchate on the arm of
the Patriarch, who accompan
ied him out of the building,
downstaris and into the court
yard to his waiting car.
A special communique was
issued stating:
“This meeting cannot be con
sidered otherwise than as a
fraternal gesture inspired by
the charity of Christ, who left
to His disciples the supreme
commandment of loving one
another, of forgiving offenses
until seventy times seven, and
of being united among them
Following this second meet-
SAVANNAH — Plans have
been completed by St. Mary’s
Home Guild for a benefit card
party for St. Mary’s home. The
party will be held at St. Mary’s
Home Auditorium on Friday,
January 17, 1964 from 8 to
1U p.m.
The following committees
have been appointed:
Tickets: Mrs. Cluese Mc-
Elveen, chairman, Miss Cas-
sie White, Mrs. Owen Porter,
Mrs. Leon Blackburn, Mrs.
Francis Canavan, Mrs. John
Ganem and Mrs. Mary Gali-
breth and Mrs. Kathyrn Flow
Door Prizes: Mrs. Anthony
Purdy, Mrs. Lee Howard, Mrs.
Helen Conners, Mrs. Ilka
Properties: Mrs. Clayton
Moore, chairman, Mrs. Wm. J.
Bremer, Jr., Mrs. RichardMc-
Ginn, Mrs. Joseph Burns, Mrs.
Gay Paul.
Table Prizes: Mrs. Rudolph
Heitman, chairman, Mrs.Chas.
McKenzie, Mrs. Wm. H. Mc-
Krell, Mrs . Margaret Collins
Mrs. Wm. P. Schneider and
Mrs. Edmond Anderson, Mrs.
Eugenia Moore, and Mrs. Wal
ter Crawford.
Refreshments: Miss Regenia
ing with Patriarch Athenagoras,
the Pope drove to the residence
of Latin Rite Patriarch Alber
to Gori, O.F.M., of Jerusalem.
The drive took him through the
Dung Gate and the Old City,
Thomas J. MeDonough confirm
ed a class of approximately 40
children and adults recently at
St. Augustine’s Church. Those
confirmed came from Thomas
ville, Camilla and Bainbridge.
Those confirmed were: Tho
masville: Timothy Ashton,
Lloyd Austin, Serena Austin,
Lloydette Austin, John Bacon,
Andrea Batcho, Janet Dewell,
Charlene Cook, Dinah Graham,
Mark Fenlon and Charles God
Clifford Gray, Emma Gray,
Michael Griffin, James Mc
Neil, Anthony McNeil, Theresa
Rome, Cathy Rowland, Frank
Rowland, Carol Thorsby, Ellen
Williams, David Zavaleta, Pa
tricia Miller, Dawn Passmore,
Donna Passmore.
Mrs. D. Hobart, Miss Vea-
trice Miller, Irvin Passmore,
Mrs. Elsie Schulte, and James
Bainbridge: Warren a Ros
ser, Mrs. John Poller, Warren
Rosser, Valerie Whiddon, Earl
Wederbrook, Debra Kelley, Ro
bin Whiddon and Carmen Vel
asco; and Camilla; Peggy Mc
Neill and Vickie Hilliard.
A reception followed the cer-
Lytjen, chairman and Miss
Margaret Spellman, co chair
Publicity: Miss Catherine
Cullum and Miss Johanna Daly.
Tickets may be secured and
reservations made by contact
ing members of the ticket com
mittee or any member of the
various committees.
where he was again greeted by
thousands of cheering people,
the whole city resounding with
drums and bands and cheers as
he proceeded through the nar
row streets.
emony. Mrs. F. T. Hunter pres
ident of the P.C.C.W. headed
arrangements for the recep
Committees included re
freshments: Mrs. Wilfred
Cherry, chairman; Mrs. Wil
lard Cook, Mrs. James Row-
ley, Miss Anna Mitchell, and
Mrs. Maxine Morgan. Serving
will be Mrs. Charles Dewell,
Mrs. John Graham, Mrs. James
F. Evans and Mrs. John Ton
Assisting with serving were
Miss Karyl Chastain, Miss
Martha Moylan and Miss Mar
tha Griffin.
Mrs. John Riley lead the
hospitality committee, com
prised of Mrs. Elsie Schulte,
Mrs. Leon Jones, Mrs. Alvin
Bacon, Miss Tess Coglan, Mrs.
Lillian Gonzalez, Miss Ethel
Gonzales and Mrs. George Her
St. Anne’s
Parents Meeting
COLUMBUS—Rt. Rev. Msgr.
Herman J. Deimel, pastor of
St. Anne’s Church was speak
er at the monthly meeting of
St. Annes PTA.
Msgr. Deimel thanked all the
parents for helping in the
school during the year, and
brought a Christmas message to
the members.
The St. Anne’s band, under
the direction of Mr. Frank A.
Robertson, gave a holiday con
cert. A variety of numbers were
played, ending with the fam
iliar Christmas carols.
Mr. Joseph F. LaHatte pre
sident, announced that Sister
Mary Miguels 8th grade had
reached 100% PTA member
Confirmation At
Saint Augustine’s
Benefit Planned
For St. Mary’s
AUGUSTA—The most Rev.
Thomas J. McDonough, D. D.,
J. C. D., will be the principal
speaker at the midwinter meet
ing of the Augusta Deanery
Council of Catholic Women on
January 15th at the Augusta
Town House. The business
session will be preceded by a
luncheon at 12:30 p.m. in the
French Room of the Town
The program of the deanery’s
annual pre-lenten festivities
will be announced, and the 1964
nominating committee will be
Mrs. Joseph J. Dembowski,
president of the Savannah Dio
cesan Council of Catholic Wo
men will be a guest of honor,
and Mrs. Joseph J. O’Connell,
deanery president, will preside
at the business session.
Reservations should be made
with the parish council
president no later than noon of
presidents not later than noon
of January 13th.
Sr. Patricia
Postulant Of
Little Sisters
SAVANNAH — Sister Patri
cia, Postulant in the Little Sis
ters of the Poor , followed two
other members of her family
into the Religious life in a
simple ceremony conducted at
Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Home for the Aged here last
Monday morning.
She is the third daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Sul
livan of 14 Coleraine Drive
Port Wentworth to enter this
community as a poqtulant. For
the past three years she has
been an Oblate in the Commun
The other two are Sister
Mary Vincent P.S.D.P., pres
ently stationed in Paris, France
and Sister Columba, a Novice
at Queens, New York.
Sister Patricia is a graduate
of Cathedral Day School in Sa
vannah and the Juniorate of the
Little Sisters at Detroit Michi
The Little Sisters of the Poor
are a community of Religious
women dedicated to the service
of the aged poor, who operate
fifty-two Homes throughout the
United States and scores of
others around the world. They
care for all aged poor, regard
less of race, color or creed.
Sister Patricia will remain
at the Home in Savannah until
March, when she will be admit
ted to the Novitiate at Queens,
New York.
Medal Issued
Vatican has coined a medal to
commemorate the pilgrimage of
Pope Paul VI to the Holy Land.
The first casting was presented
to the Pope.
On its face the medal shows
the Pope in the garb of a pil
grim and bears the inscription
“Paulus Sextus Pontifex Maxi
mus Anno I.” The reverse side
shows a ship with the crossed
keys of Peter on the sails and
bears the inscription “Pere-
grinus Apostolicus in Terram
Sanctam A.D. MCMLXIV.”
chats with President Zalman Shazar of Israel during a
ceremony which took place (Jan. 5) at Megiddo, where the
Pope was given an official welcome by the Israeli govern
ment. President Shazar presented the Pontiff with a gold
medallion commemorating his visit, and the Pope gave the
President a pair of silver candlesticks and a silver framed
autographed picture of himself. — (NC Photos)
Pope To Israeli President
MEGIDDO, Israel (NC)—Fol
lowing is the text of the speech
made in French by Pope Paul
VI to President Zalman Shazar
of Israel (Jan. 5):
The deferential and cordial
welcome which Your Excellency
has expressed to us, by coming
in person to meet us, touches
us deeply. We desire to assure
you of our gratitude for this,
as for all the kind attentions
offered us by the authorities
during our journey.
We would have our very first
words give expression to the
emotions we feel at seeing with
our own eyes, and treading with
our feet, this land where once
lived the patriarchs, our fath
ers in the Faith; this land
where down through the cen
turies there resounded the voice
of the prophets speaking in the
name of the God of Abraham,
Isaac and Jacob: this land, fin
ally and especially, which the
presence of Jesus Christ bless
ed and hallowed forever for all
Christians, and, one might say,
for the entire human race.
Your Excellency knows, and
God is our witness, that we are
not inspired during this visit
by any other motive than purely
spiritual ones. We come as a
pilgrim: We come to venerate
the holy places: We come to
From this land, unique in all
the world for the greatness of
the events enacted in it, our
humble supplication is raised
toward God for all men, be
lieving and unbelieving, and we-
happily include the sons of the
“people of the alliance,” whose
part in the religious history of
mankind can never be forgot
A pilgrim of peace, we pray
before all else for the favor of
man’s reconciliation with God,
and that of true profound con
cord among all men and all
May God hear our prayer,
since He has for us, asthepro-
phet proclaims, “thoughts of
peace and not of affliction.”
May He deign to bestow upon
today’s tormented world this in
comparable gift, which echoes
every page of Sacred Scripture,
and in which we are happy to
summarize our greeting, our
prayers and our wishes: “sha- 1
lorn, shalom.”
(Continued from Page 1)
Mummers resisted.
McBride told the court the
suit was filed because ' ‘of the
possibility of widespread dis
order and rioting.”
The parade along a six-mile
route, usually held on New
Year’s Day, was postponed this
year because of a snowstorm.
In issuing the injunction,
Judge Eugene V. Alessandroni J
said “there is a clear and pres
ent danger of violence and pos
sible bloodshed to onlookers and
bystanders because of in
creasing racial threats.”
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