The Georgia bulletin (Atlanta) 1963-current, August 01, 1963, Image 1
PRAY FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY VOL. 1 NO. 30 diocese of Atlanta SERVING GEORGIA'S 71 NORTHERN COUNTIES ATLANTA, GEORGIA THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1963 AT A special audience at the Vatican on July 21, Pope Paul VI received two Japanese Buddhist monks to whom he presented papal coronation medals. Shown with him are Bakuo Seki (center) head of a sect of Zen Buddhists and an unidentified monk, believed to be his secretary. PHIL. AUXILIARY Coadjutor Named For San Diego WASHINGTON, JULY31(NC) —His Holiness Pope Paul VI has made the following appoint ments in the hierarchy of the United States: Auxiliary Bishop Francis J. Furey of Philadelphia becomes Coadjutor Bishop with right of succession to Bishop Charles F. Buddy of San Diego. Msgr. Jerome J. Hastrich, Vicar General of the diocese of Madison, becomes Titular Bis hop of Gurza and Auxiliary to Bishop William P. O’Connor of Madison, Wis. Born in Summit Hill, Pa., in 1905, Bishop Furey attended St. Charles Borromeo Semin ary in Overbrook, Pa., and the Pontifical Roman Seminary. He was ordained in Rome on March 15, 1930, and took doctorates in philosophy and theology there. He was ordained at St. Francis Seminary on Feburary 9, 1941, by Auxiliary Bishop William Griffin of LaCrosse. He made post-ordination stud ies at the Catholic University of America here, specializing in the work of the Cortfraternity POPE PRAYS of Christian Doctrine. His Holiness Pope Paul VI also has divided the Exarchate of Pittsburgh into two juris dictions which will have % the status of eparchies immediate ly subject to the Holy See. One eparchy is located in Pit tsburgh, while the other is in Passaic, N. J. Bishop Nicholas Elko is ele vated to the status of Eparch of Pittsburgh. Bishop Stephen Kocisko becomes Eparch of Passaic. These actions of the Pope wrer announced here by the Apostolic Delegation. To form the Eparch of Pas saic the following territories are detached from the present Exarchate of Plttsubrgh: Maine, New Hampshire, Ver mont, Massachusetts, Rhode Is land, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, Virgi nia, North Carolina, South Car olina, Georgia and Florida. Aid To Victims Of Skoplje Disaster VATICAN CITY, (NC)-Hls Holiness Pope Paul VI prayed for the victims of the Skoplje earthquake when he recited the Angelus during his Sunday noon appearance. An estimated 20,000 stood in St. Peter’s square when the Pope made his customary Sun day appearance (July 28) at the library window on the second floor of the Apostolic Palace. The Pope asked those in the square to recite the Angelus with him for the victims of the earthquake. Meanwhile, In New York a sum of $1,000 was sent to its Trieste office by Catholic Relief Services as soon as news was received of the earthquake that devasted the city of Skoplje in Yugoslavia. The money was earmarked for the purchase of medicines to be shipped Immediately to the disaster zone. (CRS, official re lief agency of American Catho lics, organized a large aid pro gram in Yugoslavia after World War II, but in 1947 it was for ced by the Tito government to quit its operations there.) Subsequently, after being ad vised by its Trieste office, of an urgent need for antibiotics, vaccines, water purifying tab lets and other preventative medicines, CRS contributed another $4,000, The medical supplies, ac cording to information from Trieste, would be distributed by a hastily-organized Catholic committee in Skoplje working in cooperation with the Red Cross. CRS has announced it was flying 600,000 vitamin capsules to Yugoslavia. UNIVERSITIES SET National Survey Set For Parish PRIEST TELLS CONGRESSMEN U.S. Church Nears Total Grade Schools CHICAGO, (NC)—Two major universities have begun an 18- month nationwide survey to measure how parochial school education affects the lives of Catholic adults. The study, launched on Au gust 1, is being made by the National Opinion Research Cen ter of the University of Chicago in cooperation with the Univer sity of Notre Dame. FATHER ANDREW M. Gree ley, a Chicago sociologist who is a member of the research center staff, is directing the study. It is being financed by a $ 136,000 grant from the Car negie Corporation. integration or lack of integra tion into the larger community. PLANS ARE to interview about 2,000 Catholic families and 500 non-Catholic families. The latter will be included, said the university, to measure whe ther the differences between the two groups of Catholics are greater or lesser than differen ces between Catholics and those of other faiths. The study also will contrast Catholics who have sent their children to public schools with those whose children attend pa rochial schools. This is intend ed to determine the meaning of parochial schools to parents, the university said. UNITY GATHERING Integration WASHINGTON (NC) — The Catholic Church in the U. S. has achieved almost a total pat tern of integration, a priest told a House judiciary subcom mittee. Father John F. Cronin, S. S., in response to a question from the subcommittee’s chairman, Rep. Emanuel Celler of New York, said: "Our pattern is al most total integration, except for scattered areas in Alabama, northern Louisiana and Miss issippi." THE ASSISTANT director of the Social Action Department, National Catholic Welfare Con ference, was one of three clergymen who presented a joint statement to the subcommittee in behalf of three major agen cies of the Catholic, Protest ant and Orthodox, and Jewish faiths. The statement backed the ad ministration’s civil rights pro gram and said that churches and synagogues are united in their determination to bring about eq ual opportunity for all people in this country regardless of race. Rep. Celler asked shortly af ter Dr. Blake began reading his statement if discrimination exists in Baptist, Presbyterian, Methodist and Episcopalian congregations in the South. Archbishop Paul J. Hallinan is pictured presenting a Diploma to nurse Mary Nearney at the graduation exercises of St. Joseph’s Infirmary. The University of Chicago said the study is designed pri marily to compare Catholics who attended public schools with Catholics who attended paro chial schools. It is attempting to learn, said the university, what dif ferences qxist between the two groups with respect to reli gious practices, occupational achievement, attitudes toward work and education, attitudes and opinions on representative non-religious public issues and ‘FIRST STEP’ Father Greeley, who has written and spokenwidelyonthe Church and contemporary so ciety, said the survey will test the assumption that there is "a special moral and value flavor” in parochial education which gives its graduates "the proper orientation to life." The University of Chicago said a committee of Catholics and non-Catholics will work on the survey with Father Greeley and Peter H. Rossi, director of the research center. Vatican Daily Hails Nuclear Test Accord VATICAN CITY, (NC)-'nie Vatican City daily has hailed the initialing of the agreement to ban nuclear testing in Moscow as a first step on the road to universal peace and brother hood. The agreement was initialed — a first step toward full rati fication — by the United States, the Soviet Union and Great Bri tain on July 25. L’OSSERVATORE Romano recalled in an editorial (July 26) the recent prayer of His Holiness Pope Paul VI that "men may really be brothers and that Christians may be the first to Invoke the gift of peace from God.” It added: "The Moscow agreement constitutes a first step along this road. ’’This road alone, which is neither easy nor short, opens before the leaders of nations. Only this is in harmony with the profound and universal aspira tions of human beings.”, Retreat On August 12th at 4:00 p.m. an undetermined number of Christian Ministers will gather at Ignatius House, the Jesuit Retreat House, for two and a half days of meditations and discussions on matters Per taining to Christian Unity. In 1959 Pope John XXIII gave a great impetus to Christian Unity in calling the Ecumenical Coun cil. Shortly after calling the Council he set up the Secre tariat on Christian Unity with Augustin Cardinal Bea as its head. Since then the dialogue between Catholic priests and Protestant ministers has taken on new life. With the Council Pope John called for "an open ing of the Church,” "a going out” to our separated brethren. One of the ways in which this is done is to invite Christian ministers to assemble in a re treat house for meditation and discussion on matters pertain ing to Christian Unity. This has been done in Covington, Ken tucky; Faulkner, Maryland; and Albany, New York. Now it is being done in Atlanta, Georgia. IN THE PAST five months there have been three dialogue A NUN of the Franciscan Mission of the Divine Motherhood order, drives a tractor in a wheat field at Godaiming, England. It is one of the many necessary jobs done by the nuns on the 100- acre farm surrounding their training school for mis sionary nurses. The farm supplies food enough for all the order’s members and patients in their nursing home, and some left over ot be sold at market. For Protestant Set For meetings at which individual ministers and priests of var ious denominations were pre sent. These meetings lasted an hour or more and covered mat ters pertaining to the doctrines Novices Help Lutheran Monk OXFORD , MICH., (NC)—A fire that drove the only Lu theran monk in the U.S. from his retreat house near here gave members of a Catholic monastery an opportunity to show their ecumenical spirit. Rev. Arthur Kreinheder was welcomed at the monastery of St. Benedict of Montefano, a novitiate for Catholic students for the priesthood. Atlanta in which we agree and a few in which we disagree. In the middle of June, Father John L. Hein, S. J., Director of Ignatius. House, who had participated in the dialogues, sent invitations to almost 400 Protestant ministers. The in vitation is to spend two and one half days in meditation with five discussion periods on mat ters ecumenical. The response has been gratifying. Although many who responded could not attend, a sincere interest has been expressed in this type of work. Father Harold L. Cooper, S. J„ Professor of Philosophy at Loyola University of New Orleans, will give the retreat meditations. Father John L. Hein, S. J. will act as chair man of the discussions. Last Thoughts On Georgia The following art excerpt* from a letter written by Phinlzy Spalding from London, England, on Thursday, July 18, 1963, to his partnta, Mr. and Mrs. Hughes Spalding, in Atlanta, Georgia, concerning death of Archbishop O’Hara. 'W» h»« • fruitful convention with Kelher Canon who told u. the hiahop'a Uat hour., Than wtt no pom at ait toward the end, only a gradual w»ih»nlni, Hut tha moat (mating thing about hla la»t day. 1 will relate below. "He had hit aavar* heart attaab on a Friday and waa da a pa rata ty III, but rallied nightly ieturday, In fact, he called hie aecretary to hi a tide and began, ot all things, to dictate a letter to me welcoming the three of ua to thgland, and raying that though he waa not well enough to entertain ue hlmeelf he hoped we would come to the delegation where we would be euitably entertained, Alee, he waa anaioue leet we not receive our Moaart ticket*, and rather Careen had to acaure him that he would tea that we got them, "He aleo aaked, I preeume in the projected letter, that he be remembered to the two of you. Kather Careen eald the letter wae never typed up beeauee It waa in bite and anatchaa, and that at any rate he wae never itrong enough to etgn It, "ihortly after hie dictation, I gather, he euffered a relapee and never regained conetioueneae, So, aa rather Careen eald, the Blehop'e leet real thoughte were of Ocorgta and qeergiana which, Caraon aald, waa only appropriate bacauae he loved Georgia above all placed he had been. "1 aleo met the Blehop'e brother, Edward O’Hara, at the Delegation, Ha turned out to be a hlg, hearty, pleaeant and exceedingly eaey to talk to. He remembered father well, and repeated Careen e remark that the niehop'e favorite .pot wae Georgia, "Aleo, one of the firet thinge Mr. O'Hara eald to me wae that he had received a touching cable of eympathy from Ralph McGill, "l know all of thie ie terribly ead for both of you, but 1 am certain you wanted to know about it, rather Caraon aleo requeetrd that people at home be told that the Biehop e loot thoughte were with Qeergia and Atlanta," DR. BLAKE replied: "All of us share in the discrimina tion. . . About 15 per cent (of the congregations) are dese gregated on Sunday morning.” He also said: "We come here not lecturing Congress, but con fessing that none have done the job we ought to do.” Dr. Blake said that in the past six months the effort for ra cial justice has moved "from passive resolutions to action,” and that whites, instead of Ne groes only, are taking action to combat discrimination. SEN. COTTON asked Father Cronin how he would distingu ish whether a facility is public or private. "I do feel that when a per son offers facilities for public used, this becomes a matter of public life," Father Cronin said. He also said that "once a facility is open to the public the government has the right to insist that it be open to all of the public without discriminat ion.” Sen, Philip A, Hart of Michi gan said; "Father Cronin, 1 will send to Gov. Wallace of Alabama a printed copy of your testimony with my compli ments.” After Rabbi Blank read the joint statement to the Senate subcommittee, Sen. Joseph S. Clark of Pennsylvania, the ch airman, said: "This united front is bound to have an Important impact on the thinking of the subcommittee! and, I hope, on Congress.” He also said that "Themoral issue of the (racial) problem needs to be stressed.” Clergy Urges Ban On Bomb CHICAGO (NC) — U. S. Senate ratification of the nuclear test ban treaty was urged in a state ment issued by Chicago relig ious leaders. Signers of the statement in cluded Msgr. Daniel M. Cant well, chaplain for the Catholic Council on Working Life and for adult education centers and Father Gerard S. Grant, S. J. of Loyola University here. "This treaty, as President Kennedy has pointed out, may signal an historic point in the cold war," the statement said.