Newspaper Page Text
Urges Test Of
Birth Program
North Carolina Catholic, of
ficial publication of the Raleigh
diocese, featured a "guest edi
torial” by a layman, which
suggested that residents of the
areas involved challenge in a
court test the use of tax money
for birth control programs.
These voluntary programs
are designed to limit the num
ber of children born to parents
on welfare rolls in Johnston,
Robeson and Mecklenburg
Counties. Indigent wives in
these areas can request and
receive contraceptive pills at
county expense and all three
programs are supported with
local tax mone\.
THE NORTH Carolina edi
torial was Signed by Edward
Dergast. Pointing out that wel
fare officials "have contrasted
the small cost of the pills to
the much larger cost of monthly
welfare payments," it stated
that "the question each Catho-
Seirans Discuss
Pacem In Terris
Two SerraClub members have
conducted a series of two dis
cussions on the encyclical Pa
cem in Terris. During the two
meetings the encyclical was
discussed by Atlanta attorney
McCreedy Johnson and bank ex
ecutive Louis Fink, with Mr.
Johnson discussing thefirsttwo
parts and Mr. Fink covering the
last three.
A report on the Serra Club's
international convention, held
recently in San Francisco, was
given by the club chaplain, Fr.
lie in these three counties must
ask himself is whether he is
going to support such a program
with his tax money.”
"To a layman," the editorial
continued, it seems that the
principles recently called into
play in the case of the South
Carolina Seventh-day Adventist
who was denied unemployment
insurance because of her re
fusal to work on Saturday are
violated in the Robeson,
Johnston and Mecklenburg
County birth control program.
"The Supreme Court judged
that the Seventh-day Adventist
was free to refuse work on
Saturday and still qualify for
unemployment benefits because
of a matter of conscience. Would
the same Court judge that a
Catholic is free to refuse to
pay tax support to a program
that violates his conscience?"
TAX MONEY to support a
county birth control program
"is a violation of the same
principle," the editorial de
clared, adding that "it would
seem to be sufficient reason to
bring these counties to court
to challenge their violation of
individual religious liberty in
this matter of tax supported
birth control."
The program is voluntary,
the editorial said, "but only for
those who use it, not those who
support it. Although the case of
the Seventh-day Adventist in
South Carolina and the Catho
lic in Johnston County are far
apart in matter, the principle
which is being violated in each
is the same. No agency of go
vernment has authority to force
an American to violate his con
science in this precious area of
religious freedom."
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NINE PRETTY SENIORS of D*Youville Academy break ground for new classroom building on the
Academy campus. A drive is continuing to raise the necessary funds to complete this addition to
the school, which has grown from its original enrollment to the present 115. Last May’s graduation
was the first in the history of D*Youville.
Much To Be Done Before
The Council Reconvenes
ROME (RNS)--As the torrid
summer heat descends upon
Rome, an immense amount of
preparatory work still remains
to be done for the second ses
sion of the Vatican Council
which reconvenes on Sept. 29.
Indeed, so great is the volume
of work involved, that one hears
talk of another Council session
in Octover, 1964.
AFTER THE close of the first
session on Dec. 8, twelve of a
projected 17 documents —
"schema" — on different the
mes approved by Pope John XX-
III were sent to the bishops
throughout the world in mid-
May for their study and com
ment. In a personal letter to
the bishops on Feb. 2, the Pope
had already asked that in each
diocese a study group on the
themes of the Council be estab
During the last week of the
Council, Giovanni Battista Car
dinal Montini, Archbishop of
Milan — now Pope Paul VI —
reported in Italia, Milan's Ca
tholic daily, that the "material
was immense, excellent but he
terogeneous and uneven." He
complained that it should have
been edited and courageously
re-arranged, that it lacked a
central, archtectonic idea to
give it cohesion and direction.
A MAN in a hurry - pres
sed, perhaps, by a premonition
of his death — Pope John fixed
a date for the resumption of the
Council (Sept. 9) which many
thought did not afford adequate
time for preparation. Several
cardinals urged the new Pope to
postpone the Council to a much
later date, but the suggestion
was quickly rejected. Such a
move would have disappointed
the expectation of many mil
lions of all faitbsrdt would also
have been misinterpreted as a
pause, if not a halt, in the ag-
giornamento, the renewal and
modernization of the Church,
espoused by a universally
mourned pontiff.
However, if the coming ses
sion is to go off with dispatch
and thoroughness, the wisdom
of the Holy Spirit will be need
ed in full abundance, as well
as the assiduity and persis
tence of the new Pope. Neces
sary, too, will be the effective
collaboration of the commis
sions preparing the agenda for
the Council.
BEFORE the close of the first
session, Pope John issued regu
lations for the work to be done
between the sessions. He ap
pointed a Coordinating Com
mission under Amleto Giovanni
Cardinal Cicognani, his Secre
tary of State, composed of seven
cardinals and six archbishops
to supervise the radical revis
ion and reduction of the origi
nal agenda.
Within the Coordinating Com
mission, made up largely of
prelates favoring Pope John's
viewpoint, the areas of discus
sion were divided and assigned
and the Commission has already
met for three sessions of in
tensive work.
In the meantime, the standing
commissions of the Council
have been meeting regularly in
Rome under orders to abbre
viate, re-edit, combine and drop
everything unessential. The
scope of their work is indicat
ed by the fact that the Commis
sion on the Liturgy had 13 sub
commissions aiding it.
Several of the commissions
have had to join forces in re
working themes of common in
terest. Thus when the Council
deadlocked on Nov. 21 on the
discussion entitled "The Sour
ces of Revelation," Pope John
referred the schema to a mix
ed commission composed of the
Theological Commission under
Alfredo Cardinal Ottaviani,
Secretary of the Congregation of
the Holy Office, and the Secre
tariat for Promoting Christian
Unity under Augustin Cardinal
THE LAST of the 17 project
ed schema is entitled "The Pre-
scence and Action of the Church
in the Modern World." Because
it has had so many titles it is
commonly known in Rome as
"Schema 17". It owes its origin
to a strong speech during the
closing days of the first session
in which Cardinal Suenens in
sisted that, at bottom, there is
a single, dominant theme for
the bishops to debate — the
Church "ad intra" and"ad ex
tra" — the Church’s inner life
and how to purify and streng
then it, and the Church’s rela
tions with the world and how to
make these more effective.
The Belgian cardinal was
made responsible for elaborat
ing the vision so magistrally
adumbrated in the encyclical,
Pacem in Terris. The drafting
was assigned to the joint spon
sorship of the Theological Com-
Ernest Oglesby
Mr. Ernest E. Oglesby, of
67 Delmore Dr., NW, was buried
Wednesday in South View Ceme
tery, following a Mass at St.
Paul of the Cross, Atlan^! Fea
ther Banks said the Mass. Mr.
Oglesby is survived by his wife,
Mrs. Annie F. Oglesby, two
sons, Ernest Oglesby, Jr. and
Don K. Oglesby, and a daugh
ter, Mrs. Melvin Griffin, also
several grandchildren.
Mrs* Allgood
Mrs. Paul A. Allgoodj of
3368 Hardee Ave., Chamblee,
died Monday after a short ill
ness. Mrs. Allgood, the former
Mary Louise Rappold, was a
widow. She is survived by three
brothers, Edward S. Rappold
and Carl W. Rappold of De
catur, and Herman R. Rappold
of Atlanta.
Father Richard J. Albert said
the funeral Mass Wednesday at
Our Lady of the Assumption.
Burial was in Crest Lawn
Memorial Park.
mission and that of the Lay
Apostolate assisted by lay spe
In its present 50-mimeo-
graphed page form, Schema 17
has six chapters covering (1)
The Christian conception of man
and the foundation of the moral
order, (2) Man in society, the
problem of authority and free
dom; (3) Marriage and the prob
lems of population; (4) Human
culture and progress, or hu
manism in the atomic age; (5)
Social justice and economic life;
and (6) International order,
peace, disarmament, aid to un
derdeveloped countries, etc.
second session of the Vatican
Council, then, a vast mass of
material has been "bulldozed"
into more compact and logical
form. The instructions of the
Coordinating Commission have
been clear and brutal: only ba
sic principles should be formu
lated, all else being left for de
tailed directives and instruc
tions to be issued later on be
half of (but not with the autho
rity of) the Council, or to be
covered in the revision of the
Code of Canon Law.
This last possibility has oc
casioned some disquietude. At
the conclusion of an article,
"Why a Revision of Canon Law"
in the April 6 issue of Osser-
vatore Romano, Vatican City
newspaper, one reads: "Final
ly, a glance at the list of the
members of the Commission
provides an understanding of the
thought of the Sovereign Pontiff.
The Commission is to translate
into legislation the principles,
the new orientation and the goals
resulting from the Ecumenical
Mrs. Lambert
Father Joseph P. Mullin of
fered Mass on Thursday at
Sacred Heart Church, Atlanta,
for Mrs. Thomas A. Lambert,
of 96 Mount Ferry Dr., NE.
Mrs. Lambert, who died on
Wednesday, Is survived by her
husband, her daughter, Miss
Noel Lambert, her sister, Mrs.
James J. Keiley, Sr. and Mrs.
Mary M. Egart and a brother,
Mr. W. G. Murphy.
Philip A. Keeney
A funeral Mass was said
Friday, in Sacred Heart Church,
for Mr. Phillip A. Keeney of
895 Ponce de Leon Place, NE.
Father James T. Murray offi
ciated. Burial was in Oakland
A native Atlantan, Mr. Keeney
was a veteran of World War I
and was retired after 30 years
service with the Southern
Freight Tariff Bureau. He was
a member of Sacred Heart
Parish and of Elks Lodge No.
78. He is survived by his wife,
the former Sara Watkins and a
sister, Mrs. Raley Ray, of At
Fr. Murphy Of Our Lady
Of The Mount, Memorial
"How beautiful upon the
mountains are the feet of him
that bringeth good tidings, that
publisheth peace."
The folks who live down Look
out Mountain, and around the
Mount Olive community, find in
these words of Isaiah a text
which expresses their feel
ing about Father John Murphy,
of the Redemptorists, who died
several days ago in Florida.
Father Murphy, who called
himself "an old mountainman"
in a Christmas card of several
years ago to Mrs. Eugene Fowl
er, his "coadjutor" in minis
tering to her neighbors down the
mountain, was stationed at the
church of Our Lady of the Mount.
Mrs. Fowler tells this story
of the beginning of the acqua
intance of the priest with her
and her neighbors in the Mount
Olive community:
Some years ago, Mrs. Fowler
had worked to secure food and
clothing for needy families in
the community. The problem
was a large one for folks not
too well blessed with material
things in normal times, and she
had exhausted every source
from which she could expect
help—or thought she had.
Someone suggested she go see
the priest at the Catholic Church
on the mountain. Mrs. Fowler
didn’t even know a Catholic in
those days, much less a priest,
and it was with some trepida
tion she eventually decided to
call on Father Murphy.
She was graciously received.
She explained her miss ion, want
-ed to show her credentials—
but Father Murphy pushed the
papers aside, and got to the point
at once. Result, a small flood
of food and clothing poured out
and Mrs. Fowler saw that they
got into the right hands.
But that was only a begin
ning. In time, the distribution
of food and clothing became a
regular Sunday afternoon event
at the little Mount Olive com
munity church—a memorial it
self to another clergyman, the
Rev. Bartow McFarland, who
is buried in the churchyard.
Later, when Father Murphy's
health failed, the distribution
took place up at Our Lady of
the Mount.
And then, Father Murphy was
Before he left, he had ex
pressed the wish to be buried
in the cemetery adjoining the
church where he had often pre
ached to the mountain folk.
So Mrs. Fowler and her hus
band deeded him a "country-
sized” lot in the cemetery, and
it had been their fond wish that
one day their friend would come
back for his last rest w ith them.
That apparently cannot be.
But so fresh in their minds is
the memory' of Father Murphy,
and so touched have they been
by news of his death, that they
want to do the next best thing
—erect a memorial to him on
his lot in the mountain grave
A proposed design for Father
Murphy's memorial has been
drawn by the Fowlers’daughter,
Miss Vivian Anne Fowler, who
has studied art at the Univer
sity of Chattanooga, and who
continues her studies in medi
cal technology at Erlanger Hos
Anyone who wishes to have
more information about Father
Murphy's memorial project
may write Mrs. Fowler at Look
out Mountain, Tenn., Route 1,
or find her a mile off Georgia
Highway 157, some seven miles
south of the Lookout Mountain
Hotel, on the Mount Olive Road.
There is a sign along the high
way identifying the road.
Georgia Girl Wins
Music Scholarship
Peachtree Road
Pick Up and Delivery
CE 7-6466
4062 Peachtree Rd. Atlanta
A winner of the National Scho
larship Service and Fund for
Negro Students will enroll at
Marymount College this fall.
She is Jane
Walker Street,
Wilburn, 131
Augusta, Ga.
Jane will also receive a $200
Marymount music scholarship
and has chosen music as her
major. NSSFNS scholarships do
not exceed $400.
Jane is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Wilburn. She
is a graduate of Immaculate
Conception high school, Au
gusta, where she excelled in
music, literature, French and
mathematics. She was junior
class president, and president
of the debating society and glee
She is one of 96 American
Negro girls to be awarded a
NSSFNS scholarship Applicants
NSSFNS scholarship. Appli-
Ecuador Students
Visit In Atlanta
Fourteen students from Ecu
ador, accompanied by Father
John Porter, S. D. B., have
been visiting in Atlanta as guest
of members of the Christian
Family Movement (CFM). The
boys and girls, exchange visi
tors with U. S. students from
the Chicago area, are spending
seventy days away from their
homes in Quito, capital city of
Ecuador. TheSalesian Fathers
of Don Bosco, sponsors of the
tour in cooperation with CFM,
expect the visit not only to ce
ment favorable relations bet
ween the two countries, but'to
foster a more practical follow
ing to their faith in the adult
lives of these outstanding stud
The students, and the CFM
families who acted as their
hosts, were: Milagros Alvarez
and Inez Egas (Piper family);
Marla Dolores Gomez de la
Torre (Lewis family); Maria
del Pilar Andrade Orellana
(Kaut family; Sonia Santos
(Murphy family); Adolfo Calle-
jas (Kaporic family); Rodrigo
Cevallos and Alfonso Espinsa
(Drobka family); Jose Marchan
and Roberto Espinosa (Huber
family); Carlos Suarez (Ritter
family); Giovanni Rota (Lee
family); Luis Granga (Johann-
ingmeier family); and Luis
Hidalgo (0*Melia family). Mr.
Paul Traina acted as coordin
ator in the preparatory arran
gements. Father Porter was the
guest of Msgr. Michael Regan,
pastor of Immaculate Heart of
Mary Parish.
cants for NSSFNS awards are
screened throughout the year
by the NSSFNS staff according
to a comprehensive program of
nation-wide "talent hunting”,
counseling and referral.
Jane is a Baptist and has two
brothers and two sisters.
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