The Georgia bulletin (Atlanta) 1963-current, August 01, 1963, Image 7

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r BISHOP HYLAND’S EULOGY THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1963 GEORGIA BULLETIN Archbishop O’Hara Hailed For Intense Love Of Church Following is the text of the sermon by Bishop Francis E. Hyland at the pontifical requiem Mass on Wednesday in the Cathedral for Archbishop Gerald P. O’Hara, Apos tolic Delegate to Great Britain and former Auxiliary Bishop of Philadelphia: "I will most gladiy spend and be spent myself for your souls.” (II Cor. 12, 15). In the year 1S29, when Gerald Patrick O’Har.i, at the early age of 34 years, was elevated to the office and dig- n'ty of B shop, having in mind the quoted text of St. Paul, he chose as his episcopal motto “YLtam im- pendere Christo” — to de vote one’s l'fc to Christ; or as the Archbishop h’mself understood his motto — and of course it is the same th'ng — to devote one’s 1 fe to the cause of Christ’s Church. I venture to say it would not be easy to find another whose entire ecclesiast'cal The all-new, all-transistorized f/ore/co'’ Dictating/Transcribing Machine featuring lifetime magnetic tape with automatic loading ...only $249.50* HYN1S COMPANY 172 WHITEHALL STREET. S W. ATLANTA GEORGIA RHONE - 525-4417 life and career corresponded so literally to his motto. We all love the Church: "Holy Mother,” wo call her with fil'al affection. But with Archbishop O’Hara love of the Church was a veritable passion, and he could never really be at ease as long as there was someth ng wh'ch he person ally could accomplish for the Church, or for the souls com mitted to his charge as pas tor and Bishop, or for the members of the hierarchies of the three countries in which he was privileged and honored to serve as the per sonal representative of the Supreme Pontiff. The Archb'shop was k'nd and generous to a fault; kind and generous of his t'me and his many talents; kind and generous indeed of h ! s mea ger material means. He was a man who was thoughtful of everyone, except h'mself. The Archb'shop would bo the very last to think of him self as a martyr even in the sense of a martyr to duty. But those of us who were privileged to know h'm well during the last 10 or 12 years of h's life knew that his health was poor, to say the least, and that physical pain was almost his daily com- pan'on. Yet unt'l a few days ago, when death stilled his zealous labors, he carried on h’s arduous dut'os in behalf of the Church and the Supreme Pontiff, it was of course his intense love of the Church wh ch urged h'm on and sub stituted, as it were, for the phys'cal stam’na which he no longer possessed. IGNATIUS HOUSE RETREATS Schedule for next six .weeks August 15-18 Men August 22-25 Men August 30- September 2- Women September 5-8 Men September 12-15 Women September 19-22 Men frhone 255-0503 or Write 6700 Riverside Dr. N. .'.’. Atlanta 5, Ga. “PET.,you betl” PET MHKCOMMMY DAIRY DIVISION For Convenient Home Delivery In Atanta Call 636-8677 SUBSCRIBE TO THE GEORGIA BULLETIN *5.00 PER YEAR Mail lo P. O. Box 11667 Northside Station Atlanta 5, Georgia Name Address City State When one speaks or thinks of Archb'shop O’Hara he al ways returns to the theme of love of the Church. But there was also something else. The Archb'shop was endowed an unusual ability, a truly remarkable facility of being able to rise magnificently to an occasion or a challenge. When he returned to Savan nah in the early fall of 1950 after his expulsion from Ro mania, h's health and his nerves were shattered. In the opinion of a physician-friend, he was 1 ke a soldier who had just returned from the battle front. During those months he was usually tired and weary because of h's in ability to rest properly; he was nervous; at times ho was eas'ly disturbed and up set; at t'mes he found it dif ficult to concentrate upon his work. But on the occasion of a function or a ceremony, he would suddenly spring back to life; he would become al most an entirely new per son; he would be totally ob* 1 vious of his physical ail ments and his mental dis tress. More often than not on those occasions, his sermon or address, as the case may have been, would be an elo quent performance, and al ways on those occasions, aft er the ceremony or the func tion, as ho moved among priests and people — “my priests and my people” he called them with affection, he would be graciousness person'fled, communicating to all the innate charm and warmth of his personality. I have referred to the men tal distress which the Arch bishop endured for a time after his experiences in Romania. “Distress” is the word he himself used when he spoke of those experi ences. On a number of occa sions as wc chatted briefly of an even'ng, the Archb shop, striking the arm of h's chair or the top of his desk for emphasis, would say: “Believe me, I would glad ly return to Romania tomor row if I could. Oh, it would not bo easy,” lie would add, “and perhaps I could ac complish very l.ttle for the Church at large in a Commu nist land. But think of the many acts of kindness and char.ty I could perform in the name of the Holy Father for individual bishops, priests and laity, to reassure those unhappy people of the pa ternal concern and love of the Vicar of Christ. It distresses me and distresses me greatly that now there is no one in Romania to do these things in the name of our Holy Father.” Vitam impendere Christo. The dstress which the Arch b'shop endured during those months was surely a re-echo of those other words of the great Apostle of the Gentiles: BISHOP HYLAND former bishop of Atlanta (in raised pulpit) preaches at pontifical requiem Mass for Archbishop Gerald P. O'Hara, Apostolic Delegate to Great Britain and former bishop of Sa- vannah-Atlanta. Archbishop Egidio Vagnozzi, Apostolic Delegate to the U. S. offered the Mass. The charity of Christ presses upon me. The highlights of the career of Archbishop O’Hara are well known to all of you. It was an unusual and a varied career, one that is unparal leled in the annals of the American H erarchy. It was a career which took him to Georgia in our own South land, to Romania in Eastern Europe, to the Emerald Isle from which his own fore bears came, and finally to Great Britain from which we have derived so much of our basic customs and culture. We of the Archdiocese of Phladelph’a are justifiably proud that Holy Mother Church should have reposed so much confidence in one of our own, and, prouder still that the confidence was never misplaced. May I strike a personal note here to say that I share this pride with Philadelphia in a special way, because I was privileged to be the Archbishop’s Auxiliary for seven years in the Diocese of Savannah-Atlanta, and be cause as the first Bishop of Atlanta I was the beneficiary in so many ways of the apostolic zeal of Archbishop O’Hara, who was (he chief shepherd of the Church in the entire State of Georgia for two score years. The Archbishop brought to the various offices which he occupied in the Church per sonal talents and abilities of a high order, a stern sense of duty, an intense love of the Church, a willingness and readiness to serve the Church in any capacity and an un failing loyalty and fidelity to the Sec of Peter. As we look back over the early life of Gerald Patrick O’Hara and consider the cir cumstances which combined to form his priestly and epis copal character and to devel op the outstanding qualities which I have mentioned, we recall most readily the ster ling Catholicity of the fam ily and the home in which he was born and reared, his thorougli Catholic education as a boy and youth and his seminary and ecclesiastical training at Overbrook and at the center of our Holy Faith in Rome. But there was another pe riod of training which Arch b'shop O’Hara underwent which helped considerably to form and develop his priest ly and episcopal character and enhanced the qualities which were his by nature and grace. I refer to the training which the Archbishop re ceived as a young priest and bishop under the tutelage of His Eminence Dennis Cardi nal Dougherty. BLACK MAGIC I am quite certain the Archbishop would never for give me were I to fail to men- t'on today this period of his life. It was a period of train ing which I am sure was by r.o means easy. The Cardinal could be a stern though just superior: he was a man in whose life sentiment seemed to play little part, at least on the surface. Yet between these two men, apparently of such diverse character, there was an affectionate re lationship which endured as long as life itself. The rela tionship between them was that of spiritual father and son. I recall a day in Harris burg, in November, 1935, when the then Apostolic Delegate informed Cardinal Dougherty that his Auxiliary Bishop Gerald Patrick O’Hara was to become the Bishop of Savannah, Ga. The Cardinal was visibly moved by the announcement, and the few words he said in reply to the Delegate were uttered with a quiver in his voice. “Your Excellency,” Odd Thefts From English Churches LANCASTER, England, July 13 (NC)—-Members of perverted religious cults may be respon sible for a series of thefts from Catholic and Anglican churches POPE PAUL SAYS Church Needs Laymen Of ‘Thought And Action’ VATICAN CITY (NC) — His Holiness Pope Paul VI said here that Catholic Action needs “men and women of thought and of act ion" who want to Christianize modern society. The Pope spoke at a special general audience (July 25) In the Vatican's San Damaso Co urtyard to a Catholic Action group— 300 priest-moderators of Italian Catholic Action and boy scouts on their way to Greece for an international jamboree August 1 to 11. POPE PAUL told the priest- moderators that Catholic Action will keep its present structure and function. He told the scouts he is send ing a special letter to them at their jamboree. In what amounted to a major speech on Catholic Action, the Pope said: "We will say immediately that it is Our wish that Ca tholic Action should remain substantially as outlined by the authority and wisdom of Our venerable predecessors of re cent decades. IT IS now part of the const itutional design of the Church. Its form varies according to dif ferent countries; its traditions, requirements and development vary. But its definition as coop eration of the laity in the hier archical apostolate of the Ch urch remains. . . "It remains as a duty for who ever is responsible for promot ing the pastoral care and edu cation of laymen in the aposto lic activity of the Church. It remains above all as a vocat ion which is offered to laymen. It enables the latter to pass from an inert and paisive concept of Christian life to a conscious and ANSWER TO LAST WEEK'S PUZZLE active one, to pass from a state of being Christian in name ra ther than in fact—foreign to un derstanding and participating in the problems of the Church— to a state of being convinced faithful who can and must share the Church's completeness as a community and its active re sponsibility. "WE WILL say more: it is Our wish that Catholic Action should recover its strength and acquire new skill in attracting to itself generous souls, youth ful and strong minds, men and women of thought and of action. Catholics who wish to be heard and used for instilling Christian life in modem society. "We ask you above all to have confidence in this form of apos tolate in the Church. . .and to seek out the new resources it needs to remain alive and ef fective in its profound immers ion in the fonts of truth, lit urgy and grace, in its close adherence to the hierarchy. . , "The second suggestion con cerns more the laity than the clergy who direct and assist Catholic Action; namely, that laymen may consider Catholic Action as their own work, here, in which sacred objects have been stolen while articles having monetary value were ignored. A Lourdes shrine has been taken from the Lancaster cathe dral, and two altar candlesticks and rolls of carpet have been stolen from another Catholic church. Anglican churches have lost several chalices, a boy's cassock ami a bier cover. FATHER Joseph Bilsborrow of SS. Thomas and Elizabeth church here, victim of one of the thefts, commented: "It might be people practicing one of those strange cults, because 1 can't see the articles being stolen for sale to antique dealers." Anglican Vicar J. R. Haslam, who lost the chalices, said: "It seems obvious they were after particular objects of Christian significance. The only explanation I can think of is that it is fiie work of a black magic organization.” Montessori Aide Speaks At Emory T Miss Margaret Stephenson, well-known teacher-member of the International Montessori Association, is visiting Atlanta to assist in preplanning and stu dent selectionfor Atlanta's first Montessori class ( to be in session this Fall at Pace Aca demy). Miss Stephenson will speak tonight (Thursday) at Emory University, in the As sembly Room of the Church School. The Montessori Method stresses education by doing, ra ther than by learning by rote. he said, “I am sorry to lose Bishop O’Hara because I love him as a son.” The Archbish op on his part revered and loved the Cardinal as a fa ther. I recall the day of May 31, 1951. The Archbishop came into my room at the Cathe dral rectory in Savannah. “The Cardinal is dead,” he said, and he dropped into a chair and wept as a child. The ecclesiastical career of Archbishop O’Hara ended in Philadelphia as long ago as January of 1936, and sub sequently took him to places far distant from this city. But how eminently appro priate it is that his mortal remains should be borne back to this Cathedral Church of Philadelphia, to which he so often came in the com pany of Cardinal Dougherty, and that they should be in terred in the Cathedral crypt close to the mortal remains of the man who was his men tor and, above all, his father in Christ. To the brothers of Arch bishop O’Hara, to his nieces and nephews and other members of the family, I extend heartfelt sympathy. We share your sorrow, your grief, your sense of loss. I speak in behalf of all present here today who were privi leged to know the Archbish op, because to know him was to love him, and all who loved him are going to miss him, even as you will miss him from the family circle. But I speak especially this mornihg in the name of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia which mourns the departure of an outstanding prelate of the Church who rose from among the ranks of her cler gy, and in behalf of the Church in Georgia which laments the demise of a for mer father in Christ whose name will ever be held in benediction in the Empire State of the South. My dear people, in this hour of sorrow and bereave ment, you will derive comfort and consolation in the blessed and enduring memory of a dear one, who, in the words of his episcopal motto, de voted his life to the service of Christ’s Church; in the memory of one who spent himself unto death in the cause of Christ Jesus our Lord. Certainly during these 43 years as priest and prelate, the Archbishop has stored up for himself abundant treas ures in heaven. But we mem bers of the clergy bear the great priesthood of Jesus Christ in the fragile, earthen vessels of fallen human na ture. We pledge ourselves, therefore, my dear people, to unite with you in prayer, oven as we have this morn ing through the Holy Sacri fice of the Mass, that Al mighty God in His infinite goodness may have mercy on this faithful servant of His and grant eternal rest to his noble soul. CLASSIFIEDS BUSINESS., SERVICES PIANOS TUNED, REBUILT 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE PHONE: Me 6-S201 WANTED TO RENT Decatur or near by clean, dry garage for permanent dead sto rage. Evenings DR 8-4224. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE cbftfPANION - Will Take care of elderly person weekends. References. Phone: 457-6917 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ST. THOMAS MORE PARISH 503 Superior Ave., - City of Decatur. 3 or 4 bedroom, 2 bath, painted brick - with ex tras. Large beautiful corner lot - fenced yard. $ 17,900. To tal $2,400 to assume FHA loan no closing cost - no require ments. Owner DR 3-8971. USE YOUR CLASSIFIED SECTION SAINTS PETER & PAUL PARISH Gresham Park - 2 bedroom, panelled den, large kitchen. Near shopping center and Expressway. $13,250. By owner. 2904 Cloverleaf Dr., S. E. Phone DR 8-8332. GARDEN HILLS Convenient to Christ the King & Garden Hills Schools. Large modern ranch type brick home. 4 bedroom, living room, dining room, panelled den, kitchen with dishwasher, 2 1/2 bath, double carport plus area suitable for 5th bedroom. Large open area for playroom-recreation room. Wall to wall carpet in living room, dining room and hall. Drapes in living room, dining room and den. Excellent neighborhood and location for children. Price in low thirties. MRS. STOUGHTON NELSON REALTY CO., INC 255-1193 CE 3-4451 Send or Phone Your Classified Advertising To The Georgia Bulletin P.O. Box 11667-Northside Station Atlanta 5, Georgia Phone: 231-1281 Ads accepted by phone, mail and at the office up to Monday, 5 p.m 3 line MINIMUM' CHARGE Count 5 Average Words to a Line RATES 1 Time ••••-••••••••••••• 25£ per line 4 Consecutive times with no copy change . , . 23£ per line .DISPLAY CLASSIFIED (WITH BORDER) $1.00 PER INCH Legal. Notices 50? Deaths In.Jvfemoriam Acknowledgment 50£ PUBLISHED WEEKLY Print your classified ad on this form. 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