The Georgia bulletin (Atlanta) 1963-current, August 22, 1968, Image 2
2 GEORGIA BULLETIN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 1968 YANKEE TRADER CARDS-GIFTS WE SPECIALIZE IN WEDDING INVITATIONS, ANNOUNCEMENTS, ETC. C & S CHARGE CARD 2 Convenient Locations - Columbia Mall ■ Decatur Pinetree Plaza - Doravilie (2 Doors From A&P) 4S7-3601 288-2848 ST. JOSEPH’S INFIRMARY SODA FOUNTAIN COFFEE SHOP AND RESTAURANT LOCATED NEXT TO GIFT SHOP ON MAIN FLOOR IN NEW BUILDING Ralph’s Cleaners & Laundry PICK-UP AND DELIVERY ***«•■ view and Lake City JIMMYHEAD, O.wner. Fine Shirts a Specialty. Alterations. WE GIVE S&H GREEN STAMPS 1006 Main. Forest Park — .366-6286, VOTE FOR t HfCT E.D.“DENNY" BURNLEY SHERIFF CLAVTOM COUNTY The Man You Can Talk To Democratic Primary September 11,1968 Resident of Clayton County 14 years. HOUSE OF PETS COMPLETE LINE OF BIRD SUPPLIES & LINE OF AQUARIUM SUPPLIES MYNAH BIRDS - PARAKEETS 451-9057 5201 Buford Hwy. Doravilie, Ga. Pinetree Plaza CLARK HARRISON Believes: ■ That the DeKalb County Commission Chairman should cooperate with all communities and their leaders, not just a select lew. ■ That the County Commission Chairman should so conduct himself in office that he would have no reason to hide his personal affairs from the public. He believes that so strongly that he has committed himself to the Grand Jurors of DeKalb County to furnish them a certified statement of his finances at the close of each year. ■ That the fiscal jabberwocky must end and that the County's finances must be an open book available to all people all the time. ■ That a professional attitude and a close working relationship must be built between the Chairman and the County employees, one where mutual respect is evident. ■ That a master plan for future uses of the land in DeKalb County must be drawn, and that competent, impartial professionals need to be consulted for their recommendations. ■ That the County Commission Chairman has an obligation to recoup our tai dollars from the state and national governments to purchase benefits for DeKalb County. vole lor Clark Harrison. The Man Whowonl Forget Chairman, DeKalb County Commission September 11, Democratic Primary Paid for by supporters of Clark Harrison K Of C Leader Supports Pope’s Teaching Voice ANAHEIM, Calif. (RNS) - The top leader of the Knights of Columbus placed that Roman Catholic fraternal order’s more than 1 million members firmly in support of the Pope as the supreme teaching authority in the Church. ' “We embrace the basic tenet,” said John W. McDevitt, “that the supreme pontiff is divinely charged with forming not just his own conscience but with guiding the consciences of all members of Christ’s Church.” FATHER Thomas A. Roshetko S.M., standing, pastor of Our Lady of the Assumption, admires an engraved gold watch presented to Archbishop Thomas A. Donnellan by the parish Altar Society which honored the archbishop at a luncheon at the Cherokee Town and Country Club. At left is Mrs. William Dawson Jr., luncheon chairman. Mrs. Robert L. McGowan is society president. The luncheon was held on the Feast of the Assumption. The supreme knight of the K of C made his declaration in a speech at the 86th annual meeting of the society’s Supreme Council, or top policy unit, here. The three-day gathering attracted almost 400 delegates from the United States, Canada, Mexico, the Philippines, Puerto Rico, Cuba, the Panama Canal Zone, Guam and Guatemala. Nowhere in his speech did McDevitt make reference to Pope Paul Vi’s recent encyclical on birth control or the resultant furore it has created throughout the world. Petition (Continued From Page 1) hierarchy, but by the entire body of the faithful.” Signed: Dennis A. Henry, Alice L. Henry, Mary Ann Clark, Michael Accettura, N. R. Frank, Rosaleen R. Magner, Edward T. Magner, Gerald P. Fries, Mary Ellen Fries, Mary Ann Fries, Carroll J. Corbett, Paul Scofield, Walter E. Kahnle, Pat Kahnle, Lil Corrigan, John M elder, Mary Ellen Melder, Barbara Brozik, O.S.F., Ross Brackney, Sandra Paige, Pat Rouse, Robert Whittemore, Anna May Whittemore, Jerry O’Reilly, Frances O’Reilly, Janet Rogan, S. G. (Kit) Lawrence, Rita Taperek, Martha S. Clarke, Ann I. Miles, Martha E. Williams, Wolfe, O.S.F., James Brown, Lana Moody, Diane De Maria, Joanna Parrish, Joseph Angelo Caricari, Danny Tidwell, Maria G. Jones, Frank Fenlon. McDevitt termed present-day society as one “which prefers vice to virtue, seeks pleasure instead of prayer and substitutes whoopee for worship.” He said the current needs of modern society were “inspiration and direction.” "PET^yoii bet!” PET MUM COMPANY DAIRY DIVISION For Convenfvnl Horn Dolivory In Atlanta Call 636-8677 Henry de Give, Elena de Give, Ann McWalter, Frank Waiter, Mary Ann Walter, Hugh O’Donnell, Suzanne O’Donnell, Frank Manley, Carolyn Manley, Joah Rubesch, Beth C. Lawrence, Jack Oushak, Anita D. Simms, Jean Biehi, J. Douglas Ridl, Michael Sweeney, Hilda Bell, Michael Humphries, Dottie Maloney, Felix Mitchell, Leonard Garcar, Mrs. Leonard Garcar, Frank Fitzpatrick, Pamela W. Lawrenqp, Leslie Talbot, Mary Jo Rowell, Jane Campion, O.S.F., Carolyn G. Cornelius, Conald Foust, Armour Scherrer, Mrs. Armour Scherrer, J. S. Pumphreys, Eileen Reich, Molly O. G. Lawrence, Mary Manning, Lee F. Golden, Jackie Golden, Kathleen Goedecke, William F. Goedecke, Randy Rauton, Jr., Eleanor Bockman, Mimi Fenlon, Caelan Your vote and Elect W. LOY DICKSON For SHERIFF OF CLAYTON COUNTY WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER II. 1968 influence will be appreciated Your friend at all times, not just at election time. SPECIAL NOTICE TO NEW VOTERS ASK SOMEONE WHO KNOWS 'A' For Courteous - Efficient Service A" A man's record speaks for itself. ★ Sheriff for over 20 years. Select the man with the experience and qualifications It cost you less taxes.