The Georgia bulletin (Atlanta) 1963-current, December 12, 1968, Image 1

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VOL. 6, NO. 49
One Day Drive Announced
Date Chosen For Charities
And Development Drive
POPE PAUL VI told an audience (Dec. 4) that, in attempts to explain doctrine, "one condi
tion is necessary, .... absolute respect for the integrity of the revealed message^ On this
point the Catholic Church, as you know, is jealous, severe, exacting and dogmatic.'’ The
Holy Father said that doctrine, "deliberately and authoritatively deBned. cannot be aban
doned." On this, he added, “the magisterium of the Church. .... does not budge." (NC
Pope Paid
He called himself a “signum
contradictionis” - a sign of
contestation or contradiction.
The Pope made these
declarations in what the Vatican
City daily L’Osservatore Romano
called a “conversation” with
seminarians from his own region
of Italy, Lombardy. He received
seminarians and superiors of
Rome’s Lombard College in the
so-called Throne Room (Dec. 7).
The account in L’Osservatore
was, for the most part,
apparently a paraphrase. It said
that, after describing himself as a
“sign of contestation,’ the Pope
“The Church finds itself in an
hour of disquiet, of self-criticism,
one might even say of
self-demolition. It is like an
interior upheaval, interior, acute
and complex, that no one had
expected after the (Second
Vatican) Council. It was thought
there would be a flowering, a
serene expansion of the concepts
ripened in the great conciliar
“There is indeed this aspect in
the Church, there is a flowering.
But because ‘bonum ex integra
causa, malum ex quocumque
defectu’ (good stems from a
flawless cause, evil from any
flaw), lately we have noted the
painful aspect more. The Church
almost has come to strike itself.”
tional Federation of Catholic
Physicians' Guilds is Dr.
John M. Malone of Detroit.
(NC Photos)
Sunday, March 9th, 1969 has
been chosen as the Archdiocesan
Charities and Development Drive
Sunday. On that day, the
Archdiocese plans to hold its first
annual one day fund drive.
Throughout the entire North
Georgia area the drive will be
carried to every parish and
mission by the local priests and
their committees.
The receipts will assist the
many Archdiocesan programs in
welfare, education and
missionary development. This
type of drive has become an
annual program in many dioceses
in the Southeast and has become
a necessity in the expanding
North Georgia area.
The drive will assist every area
of the Archdiocese. It will help
the Village, it will provide
subsidies and grants for
missionary parishes, it will
sponsor our inner-city projects
and it will fund the deficit for
Catholic Social Services. All of
these programs are needed in our
growing Archdiocese. The
Charities and Development Drive
will be one of the major keys to
providing better programs.
Meetings have been scheduled
with the priests and their parish
chairmen for the final week in
January. At those meetings goals
for each parish will be discussed.
The meetings will take place in
the following way: The
Northwest Deanery will meet in
Saint Mary’s Parish in Rome on
Monday, January 27 at 8 p.m.
The Northeast Deanery will meet
in Immaculate Heart of Mary
parish on Tuesday, January 28 at
8 p.m. The South Deanery will
meet in Saint John the Evangelist
parish on Wednesday, January 29
at 8 p.m.
Fr. McDonald Named
Archdiocese Establishes New
Department Of Resettlement
Says He Will Not Take
Any Sensational Action
VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope Paul VI has said that although the
Church seems to be demolishing itself, he will not take any
sensational action but will trust to Christ to calm the storm.
Archbishop Thomas A. Donnellan has announced the
establishment of the Department of Resettlement under the direction
of Father Raphael L. McDonald for the Spanish Speaking
Community in the Archdiocese. This new full-time office is a
department of Catholic Social Services. It will give assistance to Latin
Americans who are beginning to settle in great numbers throughout
North Georgia.
Here L’Osservatore
appeared to give an actual
quotation from the Pope: “We
willallow you to read to the very
bottom of our soul and see
therein the two sentiments that
stand in our heart before this
tumult which touches the Church
and, as is natural, beats mainly on
the Pope.” ■
“Many expect from the Pope
sensational gestures, energetic
and decisive interventions. The
Pope does not hold that he must
follow any other line than that of
confidence in Jesus Christ, on
whom more than on any other,
His Church depends. It will be He
who will calm the storm. ”
These emigrants and refugees
come from all parts of South
America and Cuba and have been
served on a part-time basis by
Father McDonald for some years.
Father has been ably assisted by
members of Our Lady of Charity
Conference of the Saint Vincent
de Paul Socaety.
It is planned that Father
McDonald will open his office
soon in downtown Atlanta where
he will give his full attention to
the needs of the Latin Americans
and their families.
Father McDonald will
coordinate all the efforts
presently being made in behalf of
those who have come here from
Latin American countries. Masses
in Spanish will increase, more
classes in English will be provided
and religious instruction will be
organized for the families. The
most important and the most
difficult task of resettlement is,
of course, finding homes and
providing jobs for those who
come to our communities. This is
where the greatest efforts will be
made by Father and his workers.
. Father McDonald is a native
of Pennsylvania. After attending
Notre Dame and Saint
Bonaventure Universities he
entered the Franciscan Order and
was ordained in 1944. He has
served as a Missionary in Mexico,
Puerto Rico and Bolivia. He came
to Atlanta in 1963 and has served
as assistant pastor at the Shrine
of the Immaculate Conception
since that time. His new residence
will be Saint Anthony’s parish.
Father McDonald will be
succeeded at the Shrine by
Father Rayner Dray, O.F.M.
Father Dray had been previously
assigned in Atlanta and comes
now from an assignment in
‘Avant Garde’ Liturgy
Stuns Audience
CHICAGO-An extraordinary 30-minute liturgical service capped a
“Day of Information” on experimental communities sponsored here
by the Chicago Conference of Laymen (CCL).
Over 400 persons, predominantly middle-aged members of the
laity, attended the conference in the grand ballroom of the
Knickerbocker Hotel, which featured three prominent leaders of
experimental communities.
The meeting concluded with
an “avant grade” liturgical service
which stunned several in an
audience that included a
scattering of priests and nuns.
The main speakers in the
earlier part of the program were
(Continued On Page 2)
Fr. Raphael McDonald O.F.M.
Archbishop s Office
1.36 West Wesley Road, N. W.
P. O. Box 12047, Northside Station
ATLANTA, GA. 30305
The following assignemnt has
been announced by Archbishop
Thomas A. Donnellan:
Father Raphael L. McDonald,
O.F.M. from assistant pastor
Shrine of the Immaculate
Conception to full-time
Director, Department of
Resettlement of Catholic Social
Services, withresidence at Saint
Anthony’s parish.
Father Rayner Dray, O.F.M.
to assistant pastor Shrine of the
Immaculate Conception.
The assignments are
effective immediately.