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(Continued from page 1)
Ku Klux Klan; the New Order Knights (headquartered in
Marietta); and the United Klans of America.
“Klan groups are actively recruiting teenage youths into
the Klan Youth Crops. Students already in the Klan
Youth Corps selectively approach other students, inviting
them to Klan rallies,” notes Ms. Newman.
In Georgia, KKK groups often focus on interracial
families and foreign-born workers. The Klan has been
implicated in at least one murder, several beatings, the
driving of a black youth out of two county school
systems, and threats and harassment of hundreds of
Georgians, according to Ms. Newman.
“A white woman with a racially mixed child in.
Gwinnett County was recently visited by Klansmen who
left a card which read, ‘We’ve paid you a social visit. Next
time it will be a business visit.’ In Haralson County an
interracial couple’s home was broken into, and the black
husband was beaten. Neighborhoods in DeKalb County
have been leafleted by Klansmen. The leaflets read in part,
‘White Man! What does it take to make you fight?” Ms.
Newman said.
Steve Brazen, executive assistant at Catholic Social
Services and a member of the Georgia State Advisory
Committee for the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights,
contends there has been a dramatic increase in violations
of civil rights and acts of intimidation in Georgia in recent
years. Brazen notes, “This activity is directed against
blacks, foreign-bom, and Jews in particular.”
There appears to be a growing sentiment of
anti-Catholicism in parts of the state, evidenced in
distribution of anti-Catholic comic books and sermons of
some ministers. “Latent fears of minorities on the part of
the general population in an area are exacerbated by Klan
activity,” says Brazen.
Members of the National Anti-Klan Network often
confront the KKK where they are most active. The
Network held a press conference recently in Clayton
County at which victims spoke of KKK violence. When
the Klan organized a roadblock at an intersection in
Troup County w’here they tried to collect funds and to
recruit new members, the Network organized volunteers
to pass out literature and talk about the Klan on an
opposite street corner.
Less dramatic, but perhaps more long-lasting, is the
educational work of the Network before Klan activity is
evident in a community. “Alerting people to the threat of
the KKK prepares them to demand that law enforcement
officials act against the Klan,” says Ms. Wells. The
Network provides speakers for church, civic or school
groups. It has literature for distribution and films available
at a nominal rental fee. The Network needs volunteers to
help with office work as well as with direct educational
action. Network staff can be reached by calling
404-221-0025, or writing them at Post Office Box 10500,
Atlanta, Georgia 30310.
“We believe the best method of combatting the Klan is
to build a broad-based response,” notes Lyn Wells.
“Unfortunately, most people won’t do anything until the
Klan is already visible in their own community.”
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PAGE 9—The Georgia Bulletin, August 18,1983
Anti-Klan Network, which has its national office
in Atlanta, monitors activity county by county in
Georgia. At left, the director, Lyn Wells, and at
right Evelyn Newman, office manager. (Photo by
Chris Valley)
Victims Can Call On GBI
If you are a victim of terrorism or harassment
anywhere in Georgia, help is available. The
Anti-Terrorism Task Force of the Georgia Bureau of
Investigation has been established through recent
legislation. The Task Force has full investigatory and
enforcement powers.
In February 1983, Georgia became the fourteenth
state to enact a law to curtail or eliminate
intimidating and violent hate group activity against
racial, ethnic or religious groups. The Georgia law
defines terrorist acts “as illegal acts directed at
persons or their property with the effect of instilling
fear.” These acts include assault, arson, homicide,
kidnapping, threats and trespassing.
Although the Task Force has just begun
functioning, there are several cases under
investigation, according to Darryl Adams, Acting
Squad Commander for the Task Force. “If someone
is having a problem, they should contact their local
police or call us. We will work in conjunction with
local police,” notes Adams.
The GBI’s Anti-Terrorism Task Force is
headquartered in Atlanta. Its telephone number is
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