The Georgia bulletin (Atlanta) 1963-current, September 01, 1983, Image 3
AROUND THE ARCHDIOCESE i ON THE FEAST OF THE ASSUMP TION of the Blessed Mother, Archbishop Donnellan accepts the offertory gifts from Terry Finkler and Katherine Brey (standing) during a special liturgy celebrated at Our Lady of the Assumption Church in Atlanta Aug. 15. I Five For Food: The Five for Food program, a service of the archdiocesan St. Vincent de Paul Society which provides direct assistance to hungry families through the distribution of basic food staples, reports donations of over $18,000 since the beginning of the program’s second year. Mrs. Marguerite Oberg, who with her husband, John, coordinates the program, indicates that expenses each month are running close to $2500. Groceries are purchased during the first week of every month at a cost of about $2000. With the donation of a full-size freezer and a refrigerator-freezer, the Obergs have also been able to buy and store about $500 worth of meat each month. Local grocery stores have been cooperative in allowing bulk purchases of meat products and are helpful in packaging the meats for storage. The Obergs feel the program can now provide the makings of complete, nourishing meals. In the future, A Fall Update they hope to add essential non-food items, such as soap and toilet tissue. For now, however, the program still needs support from members of the archdiocese so it can adequately meet the needs of hungry people. The Five for Food’s $2500 monthly outlay means “we are running dangerously close to a zero balance,” Marguerite Oberg said. The supply of food lasts only about three-and-a-half weeks out of each month, which means many are turned away as the month draws to a close. “I feel certain that if more people only knew how much we need that $5 per month or $60 per year there would be a flood of donations,” Mrs. Oberg said. “We all have so much and there are so many who have so little.” Donations to Five for Food may be sent to P.O. Box 10494, Atlanta, Georgia 30310. PAGE 3—The Georgia Bulletin, September 1,1983 Father Bertolucci In Atlanta Sept. 19 A gifted preacher and advisor to the , Catholic charismatic renewal in the United States. Father John P. Bertolucci, will be at the Episcopal Cathedral of St. Philip in Atlanta in September. Father Bertolucci will be the principal speaker during a service of prayer and praise in the Cathedral sanctuary held Monday, Sept. 19, at 7:30 p.m. The Cathedral is at 2744 Peachtree Road, N.W. A priest of the diocese of Albany, N.Y., Father Bertolucci has been actively involved in the Catholic charismatic renewal since 1969. He is a member of the advisory board of the National Service Committee for the U.S. renewal and a contributing editor to ‘‘New Covenant” magazine. He teaches theology at the Franciscan University of Steubenville Fr. John P. Bertolucci in Ohio and is involved in the production of radio and television programs in “The Glory of God” series. He has traveled extensively as a preacher and teacher within the renewal throughout the world, and is known for the evangelistic quality of his preaching. The Monday night service at the Cathedral is open to the public. Scout Retreat Planned The annual scout retreat, co-sponsored by the Catholic Committee on Boy Scouting, will be held at Bert Adams Scout Reservation September 30-October 2. The program for this ecumenical retreat includes joint activities for all participants plus denominational gatherings. Advance registration is advised. For an information package, call the scout office at 577-4810 or Father John Kieran at 478-0178. page of this advertisement Divided 5-Subject Notebook 119 11! 2UU Sheets - -« 3” x 5" Snoopy Pencil Tablets Non-Toxic Snoopy S c ™y° ns is) « QQC of 24 g g notebook paper Camp Wideruled 5-Hole Super Saver Bic Stic Pens . $i PAK | ea.