The Georgia bulletin (Atlanta) 1963-current, November 21, 1985, Image 16
PAGE 13 — The Georgia Bulletin, November 21,1985 GEORGIA GRAPHICS The FEASTS OF SEVEN TABLES at St. Anthony’s Church will be held Sun., Nov. 24 at 2 p.m. Tickets are $5 for adults and $2.50 for children. Proceeds will be used to pur chase robes for the altar boys. The church is located at 928 Gordon St., S.W., Atlanta. The liturgy for DIVORCED/SEPARATED/WI DOWED will be held Sunday, Dec. 1 at 4 p.m. at St. Jude’s Church, 7171 Glenridge Drive, Sandy Springs, with Archbishop Thomas A. Donnellan as celebrant and Father Ned Hickey from St. Ann’s Church, Marietta, as homilist. A supper reception will follow in the church hall. For more information call Dr. Ellen Musser at 256-9360. The Home and School Association of IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY parish will present a talent show on Fri. and Sat., Nov. 22 and 23 in the school cafeteria at 2855 Briarcliff Rd., N.E., Atlanta. The show on Friday will be preceded by dinner at 6 p.m. For ticket information call Eileen Bellingrath at 938-5237. ***** RETROUVAILLE/REDISCOVERY, a program for couples in troubled marriages, including separated and divorced couples, will be offered in the Archdiocese of Atlanta beginning with the weekend of Dec. 13-15. For more information or to register call 299-2243. The 1986 WEEK OF PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY will be observed from Jan. 18-25. Theme will An ADVENT RETREAT will be held Dec. 13-15 at Ig natius House under the direction of Father Niel Jarreau, S.J. Retreats begin with supper Fri. at 7 p.m. and end with lunch at noon Sun. For reservations call 255-0503 or write Ig natius House, 6700 Riverside Drive, N.W., Atlanta, 30328. ***** Father Bruce Wilkinson will speak on the COMMISSION FOR BLACK CATHOLIC CONCERNS at the meeting of the board of directors of the Atlanta Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women on Mon., Dec. 2 at 7 p.m. in the conference room at the Cathedral of Christ the King. ***** OLA CRAFT FAIR will be held Sun., Nov. 24 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the school hall at Our Lady of the Assumption parish, 1406 Hearst Drive, N.E., Atlanta. Over 200 ex hibitors will display hand knits, wreaths, ornaments, hand painted gifts, stuffed animals and other specialities. Also featured will be Mom’s Bread and other homebaked goods. The youth group will serve Sloppy Joes from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. For more information call Mary Ann Nuetzi at 261-0004. of Christ the King on Sun., Nov. 24 at the 11 a.m. liturgy. The Cathedral choir will be joined by brass players from the Atlanta Symphony for special music. Works by Handel and Purcell will be featured. Arch bishop Thomas Donnellan will be principal celebrant. All are invited to join with the Cathedral in this joyous event. The church is located at 2699 Peachtree Road. A meeting of the Atlanta VOCATION SUPPORT GROUP will be held Sat., Nov. 23 at 12:45 p.m. in the rectory of Sacred Heart Church, 353 Peachtree St., Atlanta. Sister Ellen Curran, S.J.W., from the Sisters of Saint Joseph The Worker in Walton, Ky., will speak on “Women’s Voca tions.” All men and women interested in the priesthood or religious life are invited. For more information call Chris Caracci at 498-8712 or Peggy Grannan at 961-2360. STUDENTS and parents scan materials as alumnae await questions. College Information Night Forty Catholic colleges and universities provided information for the Catholic College Open House sponsored by the youth ministry department at St. Thomas Aquinas parish, Alpharetta. Local alumni shared insights and opinions of their schools with interested high school juniors and seniors and their parents. Dan Duke, college admis sions counselor from Belmont Abby in North Carolina was on hand to answer questions. According to Cheryl FitzGerald, parish youth ministry coordinator, plans are being made to in volve other parishes in next year’s event. Interested youth ministers, pastors, DRE’s and high school students can call her at 475-4508 for more informa tion. be “You Shall Be My Witness.” For more informa tion write Week of Prayer, Graymoor Garrison, New York, 10524, or phone (914) 424-3671. Homemade crafts made by women of the parish will be sold at the Christmas ARTS AND CRAFTS AUCTION to be held Sun., Nov. 24 at 7 p.m. at Transfiguration Church, 1815 Blackwell Road, Marietta. ***** OUR LADY OF LOURDES CHOIR will take part in the fourth annual Gospel Fest on Sat., Nov. 23 from 7 to 10 p.m. at the Atlanta Civic Center. The donation is $5. Proceeds will benefit the Georgia Citizens Coalition on Hunger. ***** American Red Cross blood drives will be held Sun., Nov. 24 in the Fellowship Hall at St. Patrick’s Church, 2140 Beaver Ruin Road, Norcross from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., and in the social hall at All Saints Church, 2443 Mt. Vernon Rd., Dunwoody, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. INVITE an mation call the Atlanta For more infor- with International Sacred Heart of Jesus Church, Hartwell, will hold a COUNTRY HARVEST FAIR on Saturday, Nov. 23 from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. Proceeds will go to the stained glass win dows fund. Handcrafts, a flea market, bake sale, games and refreshments are among the attractions. For more in formation call (404) 376-8510. “THANKS-FOR-GIVING,” an alternative celebration, will be held Fri., Nov. 22 at 7 p.m. at Ebenezer Baptist Church, 407 Auburn Ave., Atlanta. A slide show, “In Defense of Indian Land” will be shown and Larry Ander son, a Navajo activist, will bring a message from the elders of the Hopi people of Big Mountain, Ariz. who are being relocated from the area they have shared with the Dine Navajo people for hundreds of years. The benefit is open to the public. Those attending are asked to bring a covered dish to share. The event is sponsored by the Este-Omzlka Support Chapter for Big Mountain and the Atlanta Chapter of Clergy and Laity Concerned. For information call 377-6516. Conception on Nov. 21, 22 and 24. Fri. will be from 9:30 a.m. to 3:3< 111 a.m. + American Red Cross Blood Services—Atlanta Region ~M *» ■“ M 1 U W St Pius X Catholic High School ARCHDIOCESE OF ATLANTA 2674 Johnson Rd., N.E. Atlanta, Ga. 30345 (404) 636-3023 Located in Christ The King Parish L » f\in.i and llccdlc.s | fflf Ktcration.s Alfredo Avino, Prop. Clerical Garments Alterea & Repaired Also Choir Robes, Confirmation Robes, First Communion Dresses fc Suites 233-6643 Tuxedo Festival Shopping Center 3055 Roswell Rd. Suite 202 GEORGIA BULLETIN Ads Bring Results! OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, NOV. 24 Parents and students interested in knowing more about a Catholic secondary education (grades 9-12) are invited to the St. Pius Open House from 1-4 p.m. Application materials, scholarship applications, information about placement testing, and an over view of the St. Pius approach to academics, spiritual development, sports, the arts, and ex tracurricular programs will be available as well as a tour of our extensive new facilities. For further information call 636-5711. - - “ - ■ - “ “ “ M "What Is Lovely Never Dies, But Passes Into Other Loveliness" Special Pre-Need Offer In Calvary-Catholic Section or New Sunrise Chapel Mausoleum Full Memorial Estate For Information Call: ington^^ lypnorialpark^ Maureen David Or Joe Titus 255-0750 201 Mt. Vernon Rd. N.W., Sandy Springs, Georgia 30328