Southern Baptist messenger. (Covington, Ga.) 1851-1862, September 15, 1860, Page 144, Image 8

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144 **’ - Christ the Chief. To Christ, the Lord, let every tongue Its noblest tribute bring: When he's the subject of the song, Who can refuse to sing ? Survey the beauties of his face, And on his glories dwell.; Think of the wonders of his? grace, And all his triumphs tell. Majestic sweetness sits enthroned Upon his awful brow ; His head with radienfc glories crown'd, Ilis lips with grace o'erflow. -3STo mortal can with him compare Among the sons of men : Fairer he is than all the fair That fill the heavenly train. He saw me plung’d in deep distress, He flew to my relief; For me he bore the shameful cross, And carried all my grief. [llis hand a thousand blessings pours Upon my guilty head ; His presence gilds my darkest hours, v And guards my sleeping bed, To him I owe my life, and breath, And all the joys I K ave.: He makes, me triumpu v?er death, A.nd saves me from the grave.] To lieav’n, the place of his abode, lie brings my weary feet; Shows me the glories of my God, And makes *my joys complete. Since from his bounty I receive Such proofs of love divine, Had Ia thousand hearts to give, Lord, they should all be thine ! Naomi, Walker Cos., Ga., August 5, 18G0. Bnq. Beeue : —As my father is dead, and being compelled to go to Conecuh Cos., Ala., the last of Oct., I have consented .to visit the Conecuh Associa tion, the second Sunday in Oct., on my way. I shall go on from the Yellow River Association. I desire some of the brethren of the Western Association to publish a few appointments for me, commencing on Wednesday after the Yellow lliver, commencing any where on the lino of any of the Rail Roads, and giv ing me conveyance directly to Columbus, Ga., Thurs day night, Oct. 11, so that I can take the train Fri day morning. X will try to preach at Rock Spring, DeKaib Cos., Ga., on Thursday, Sept. 20. Fiat Shoals, Henry Cos., Ga., Friday, Sept. 21. If the brethren will make the appointments, the Lord willing, I will try to fill them. I have given this consent to my dear young brother, Eld. 11. F. Pickett, of Conecuh River Association, of Alabama, who has promised to meet me at Yellow River.— Our enemies say our preachers are old, and will soon be gone—come and see one 20 years preach es sovereign grace. Yours, &c, ILG> FULLER^ SOUTHERN BAPTIST MESSENGER. Bro, 11. G. Fuller will preach at the * following places if the Lord will. Ebenezer, Butler Cos., Ala. Friday, Sept. 26. Elizabeth, ButlewCo., Ala., Saturday, Sept. 29. Antioch,..Conecuh. Cos., Ala. Sunday, Sept. 30. Elizabeth,f(again) Butler Cos., Ala., Saturday Oct. 6. Macedonia, Butler Cos., Ala., Sunday, 0ct.,7. Consolation, Butler Cos., Ala., Monday, Oct. 8. Good.Jlope, Covington Cos., Ala., Tuesday, Oct. .9. New Providence, Pike Cos., Ala., Wednesday, Oct. 10. Elam, Pike Cos., Ala., Tbursday,,oct. ; Xl. Travel to Conecuh River Association, Friday, 0ct.12. Canaan, Pike Cos., Ala., Tuesday, Oct. IG. Friendship, Pike Cos., Ala., Wednesday, Oct. 17. Yours in gospel bonds, 11. F. PICKETT. Slertinp. The Primitive Wester n Association, will be held with the church at Sardis, Harris Cos., Ga., 3J miles north-west of Whitesville, commencing on Saturday Oct. 20, 18G0. Persons coming by Rail Road, will be met at West Point on the Friday evening before, The Ebenezer Baptist Association will be held with the Ebenezer church, Dallas Cos., Ala., on Fri day, Oct. 15. 18G0. The Oconee, Baptist Association, will be held with Big Creek church, (3£ miles east of Barnett's Bridge, on the Oconee River,) Clark Cos., Ga., be ginning Oct. 13, 1860. • NEW HYMN BOOK! ELD. G BEEBE’S NEW HYMN BOOK, prepraed expressly for the use of the Old School or Primitive Baptists, is now ready. It contains ever Thirteen Hundred Hymns, printed on New Stereotyped Plates in the best of workmanship, on first rate paper, and good substantial binding, making a book of 80U pages. Terms : Plain Binding, Single Copy, SI,OO ; or 6 copies, $5,00. Blue Binding, Single Copy, G copies, $5,50; or 1 Dozen Copies for SIO.OO. Blue Binding with Gilt Edges, Single Copy, $1,25; or G copies SG,OO; or 1 Dozen copies, for $ll,OO • Best Quality Binding in Turkey Morocco, Single Copy, $2,00 ; G Copies for $11,00; or 1 Dozen copies, for $21,00. The Cash must accompany the orders in all cases, and the Books will be sent by return mail, postage paid; or by Express at the publisher’s expense. Address orders to WM. L BEEBE Covington, Newton County, Ga., 1 r to Eld. G BEEBE, Middletown, Orange, Cos , N. Y TO JOINT SUBSCRIBERS. The joint subscription arrangement with the Banner of Liberty, is henceforth abolished ; the names of those who have sent to us, however, for the “Banner.” will be sent on to the Editor of that paper; but tt imposes on us too much labor to write on for all those who have been accustomed to order that paper through us. Our patrons will please in future order the “Banner” separately from the Editor of that paper, at Middle town, .N. Y. The Signs of the Times, liov/evea-, will be sent to those ordering it wjth the Messenger at One Dollar and Fifty cents, which mustbe paid invariably in advance. ’ RUSHTON’S LETTERsT • AND THE EVERLASTING TASK There being a great many calls for this very valua ble work which can only be.supplied by the issuing of anew edition we have now republished it in a neat pamphlet form of about 100 pages. To which will be appended The Everlasting Task for Arminians, By Wm Gadsby, late of Manchester England. The whole neatly covered with paper, and sent pre* paid to any Post Office on the following terms. One copy, - - - - ,30 Four copies to one person, - $j 00 Tweu|;y-five copies to ope person, SSOO Address, WM. L. BJSEBE , Ga^ A CIRCULAR TO THE PRIMITIVE BAPTISTS. ’ Dear Brethren—Previous to the death of my ’ husband, Elder Benjamin Lloyd, author of the Prim- ‘ ltive Hymns, he requested that his Ilynui Book bu siness should be carried on fur the accommodation of the Primitive Baptists. His family will carry on the book business just as it was during his lifetime. Wc will continue to have the books published—always keeping a full supply on hand so that our agents aid all others can order them at any time ; and we will be thankful to meet their orders promptly. We. hope that all the brethren and friends who have heretofore been acting as agents for the Hymn Bock, will con tinue to exercise their influence and assistance in cur behalf. Mery Respectfully, NAOMI A. LLOYD. primitive hymns. CASH PRICES. Plain, substantial binding, single copy, 75 cts ; six copies for $4.00, and twelve copies for SB.OO. Blue and Red Morocco binding, plain edges, single ffin 51 ' 00 ’ Six copies for 5 - 00 ’ or twelve copies for Extra Gilt Edge and Gilt covers, elegant style, sin for Sl3 00 51 ' 25, copiesfcr s G * so > or twelve copies At these prices we will send our books by mail rt our own expense, to any Post Office in the Unitea States or Territories. Any person, company, or church, ordering as many as a dozen books, at the above rates, shall have one book extra of the same quality of the dozen so ordered ; or, if a dozen should be nanted embracing some of each qualitv, then the extia nook shall average with the dozen thus ordered, and we will pay the postage on all the books when they are mailed. AV o would return our most sincere thanks to the brethren and friends for the interest they have taken in the sale of our Hymn Books, and we would most respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. All letters and orders for the Primitive Hymns should be addressed to Mrs. N. A. Lloyd, Greenville, Butler county, Ala. Greenville, Alabama, Feb. 21, 18G0, WILLIAM L. BEEBE, Dlsiit, Jfatug im!> ©rnnmtn’tstl BOOK AID JOB PRIMER COVINGTON, GEORGIA, /. Is now prepared to execute nearly every description Printing, at short notice, and in good style, such as CARDS ’ 4 - TICKETS, CIRCULARS, CATALOGUES, LARGE BILLS, LABELS, PROGRAMMES, PAMPHLETS, POSTERS, BOOKS, BILL HEADS, gfe&C LAW BLANKS, BLANK NOTES,DEEDS, &c., &c., &c., Ac. The selection of Type having been carefufty made, and the material being mostly new, he flatlci sYimstlf that he can give sgJisfat tion in every particular. Orders for any tiling in the Printing line is respect fully solicited. Cash is required for all Job Woi k The Tenth Volume of the SOUTHERN BAPTIST MESSENGER W. L. BLEBE, & J. L. PURINGTON, Editors. The Southern Baptist Messenger, devoted tot! a service of the Old School or Primitive Baptists, is published at Covington, Ga., on or aboutthe Ist and Isih of each.month, by - - WILLIAM L. BEEBE, Plotrirtor, T© whom all communications must be addressed Terms. —One Dollar a year, invariably in advanee Six-copies ordered, and,.paid for at one time thirteen copies, $lO. Specimen copies sent free of charge, on applicatv