The Panther. (Atlanta, Georgia) 19??-1989, December 01, 1944, Image 1

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CULTURE FOR SERVICE COMING "Meet the Husband" January 19-20 A JOURNAL OF NEGRO COLLEGE LIFE VOL. I CLARK COLLEGE, ATLANTA, GA., DECEMBER, 1944 NO. 3 Lord’s Prayer Presented By Playhouse The Clark College Playhouse pre sented Sunday aiternoon, XNovember 5th, THE LORD'S PRAYER, a re ligious play, by Francois Loppee, which depicted Fans at tne time oi the French Commune, The presenta tion was gripping and soul-stirring. The stellar role, MADEMOISELLE ROSE, was played by Miss nernice Hankerson of Atlanta, tier acting was outstanding and gave evidence of talent which, when developed, might lead to a professional career in dramatics. Sire was supported by a well-trained cast which included ZELee, tne maid, played by Miss Ora \villiams of Detroit; MErtn BLANCHE, played by Mrs. 0±a vv. Bohannon of Atlanta; the CURE, played by Mason Wilkes of Chicago. Mention should be made here of the masterrul way in which Mr. Wilkes played his role. As a priest he was quite appealing and convincing. We should like to see Mr. Wilkes in other roles, to which we feel he would bring the same understanding and able acting. Other members of tne cast were JACQUES LE ROUX, a refugee, played by Calvin Johnson of Gadsden, Alabama, and a French Soldier, played by Johnny Colquitt of Gary, Indiana. The Clark College Playhouse has done an efficient job, having been or ganized late in September of this year. THE LORD’S PRAYER was its second production. The organiza tion, under the direction of Mrs. Nor ma Hull Bland, is headed by the fol lowing officers. Mrs. Maxine Webb, President; Miss Katherine Johnson, Vice-President; Miss Katie L. Mc Kinney, Secretary; Miss Ora Wil liams, Assistant Secretary, and 'Miss Carrie Jefferies, Treasurer. The pro duction staff for THE LORD’S PRAYER was headed by Mrs. Ora Bohannon, who was stage manager. Miss Inell Brown, Assistant Stage Manager; Misses Williametta Beas ley, Mary Rowe, and Messrs. William Thompson and Clarence Lovick, Com mittee members for Stage Mana Misses Ruperla Samuel and Annette Johnson, Costume Committee; Misses Dorothy Elliott, Marylyn Gairett and Maxine Webb, Make-up Committee; Misses Josephine Washington and Lency Lee Waters, Property Commit tee. These members of the Production Staff are to be commended for the atmosphere created by stage decor., tion, setting, and costuming. Miss Cleo Parker of Cincinnati read the prologue and Miss Marilyn East erling led the devotional meditation, which preceded the play. Misses Alva Lindsay, Maurice Downs, Lena Dean and Mary Green served as ushers. We anticipate with much pleasure the production of MEET THE HUS BANDS, by Robert Hilton, which will be the next feature presentation of the Clark College Playhouse. The date for this presentation will be Jan uary 19 and 20. Genevieve K. Ferguson Appointed Secretary to Dr. Haywood Miss Genevieve K. Ferguson, Lit erary Editor of the Panther, has been appointed secretary to Dr. John W. Haywood, nresident of Gammon Theological Seminary. Miss Fergu son is a junior and the recipient of the Edgar F. Lennon, Jr., Memorial Scholarship Award. She was recently elected a member of Alpha Kappa Nu Honorary Society. Apart from being active in many of the campus organizations, she is a member of the Philharmonic Society, Y. W. C. A., and Delta Sigma Theta Sorority. The Staff and student body con gratulate Miss Ferguson upon her recent achievement. vvvvv *> ♦> ♦> *> ♦> ♦> CkrijtrnaA, Tike TAorld, and ZJke %Var Ruth Jones ’48 Everyone thinks of Christmas, the world, and the war individually, but few of us really realize the relation ship between the three. Even though ithe world is in a state of chaos, torn and utterly confused, the Christmas spirit dominates and prevails in the hearts i of all men. This great occasion is acknowledged by all mankind all over the world. People who know what Christmas is in the fullest sense of the word are those who help make it happy for others. They are the ones who realize! what a few kind words or some small gift can do for a weary soul on Christ mas. There are many disadvantages that the war has on our present Christmas season. There are many homes that v/ould be brighter with the presence !of loved ones who are away were it not for the war. There are many lonely men who would give a limb to share; Christmas with those they love. When one thinks he is having a poor Christmas, he should think of those conditions that others are facing. This brings him to the realization of the fact that he is indeed blessed. Christmas is not the time of merry making or boisterous celebration, but it is the acknowledgment of the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Christmas is to be ob served reverently—we should hold these facts in mind till there be no war—only Christmas and the world. May the true spirit of Christ dwell within your hearts throughout this Yhletide Season, and may the New Year bring that peace and good-will as proclaimed by the angels. Echoes from the Sixth Annual Youth Confer ence of the N.A.A.C.P. By Sadie Clarke On November 17, 18, and 19, the member of the Sixth Annual Youth Conference of the N. A. A. C. P. assembled together at Virginia Union University, Richmond, Virginia, to focus their attention on the theme, ■ Building for Total Democracy.” With two hundred and fifty delegates from various sections of the United States, the sessions began with dis cussion groups for all. The Conrer- ence was honored by having such well- versed speakers as Dr. Adam Clay- con Bowell, who opened the meeting with the subject, “Between Two Worlds.” Dr. Powell said that Ne groes have been divided during four major crises, but he is hoping that this war, that is either to end all wars or bring disaster, will serve a. a drawstring to gather us all togeth er to fight for the advancement of all common people. “No great power,” said Dr. Powell, “can stand up against the unity of a marching people.” “Recruit ing for the N. A. A. C. P.” was the topic so well discussed by Mrs. Ella J. Baker, Secretary of the Branches of the N. A. A. C. P. Mrs. Baker said that “Mass Organization is de signed to obtain equal justice unu. law; to benefit a various number of groups and is interested in training individuals to work for themselves. Mass organization wants to make them conscious of the conditions un der which they labor and tell them that we can never remedy a condi- cion individually, but only as a co hesive, hard-working mass’. “Pressure Techniques” are essen tial, said Mr. Gloster Current, Exec utive Secretary of the Detroit Branch of N. A. A. C. P. There are various means of execution and we must fa miliarize ourselves with them. Al ways remember, he said, that the lack of understanding lies in keep ing apart. “Relationships” both internal and external exist in all groups and in all minority problems, said Rabbi Klein of New York City and Mr. Azizi Pabani, a student of Ben * . India, as they discussed the Relation ships of National and International Minority Problems. No group can ever hone to solve its problem as an isolated one and, above all, there should be some form of delegation in all groups. Before one can ever hope to find the solution to the problems of others, he must first know his “We are young people in an adult world,” said Rev. James Robinson, Moderator of the Conference. Every past is the prelude to every future and although the past may hold its ties, we must fight on for what the future holds. “No man can consider himself free,” said Rev. Robinson, “un til every man, regardless of race, creed, or color, can walk ’-dth th dignity of a free man and be re leased of his limitations.” “Ye are the Light of the World” was the challenge given to vouth o' today by Miss Marjorie Penny, Exec utive of the Fellowship House in Philadelphia. As long as we n-e ■ prepared, there’ll be no light, and as long as we are bogged in de f ' -u and despair, there’ll be no light. We must familiarize ourselves with the light of facts given to us by his f o>->- and thus focus our light into other groups. Ye have the light, said Miss Penny, but are inclined to be “inac tive.” Avail yourselves and let that light shine. Ye are the makings of tomorrow’s world; its call to you is urgent and your contribution to it determines the greatness of it all. Religious Conference Attended by Clark Students On November 11, three student representatives attended the Socio- Religious Conference at Paine Col lege, Augusta, Georgia. The repre sentatives were Miss Thelma Barn hart, Ogust Delaney and Mr. Ben jamin F. Bradford. The representa tives reported in chapel Wednesday, November 22, the happenings at the conference. The general theme was “Imple menting Democracy” in five major ways: Social Action Necessary to Implement Democracy; Political Ac tion Necessary to Implement Democ racy; International Agreement Nec essary to Implement Democracy; Ed ucation Necessary; Church Action, and Economic Action Necessary to Implement Democracy. Miss Delaney gave some of the highlights of the discussion: “Educa tion as an Implement to Democracy.” Democracy was defined as an ideal and an attitude as seen in a repre sentative form of government. Goals of education: (1) develop whole per sonality; (2) develop basic attitudes; (3) develop ability to get job and maintain it; (4) develop knowledge of other people and their problems. Methods of Aiding Education: fl) Federal aid (especially in south); (2) personal attitudes; (.3) personal contract of educational leaders; (4) education for masses as seen through adult education. Sgt. W. L. Graham, Negro instruc tor at Fort Benning, outlined the aims of this training unit. His dis cussion added much color and varie ty to the group. The conference was ended with a fellowship hour shared between the racial groups of the country. Philharmonic News The Philharmonic Society, under the direction of Professor J. De- Koven Killingsworth, rendered a pro gram November 19 at the Centenary Methodist Church. It was the choir’s first public appearance of the season. The program was as follows: 1. Sanctus—Schubert. The Lord’s Prayer—Kraft For syth. 3. Cherubim Song—Bortnyanski. All Hail the Power—Galbrith. 4. Clarinet Solo—Mr. Borah Wal ton, Jr. 5. 0 Lord Most Holy—Franck. Hear My Prayer—Will James. 7. Duet: Love Divine—Miss Beas ley and Mr. Brown. 8. Deep River—Burleigh. 9. Good News—Traditional. Plenty Good Room—Traditional. 10. Remarks. Alma Mater. Officers 1944-45: President, Mae V. Simpson; Vice- President, Sarah Gannaway; Corre sponding Secretary, Eura Lee Grimes; Reporter, Ogust M. Delaney: Librarians, Genevieve Ferguson, and Carolyn Smith. —Ogust Delaney, Reporter.. Clark Alumnus Heads Howard Jr. High Mr. Charles L. Gideon, former prin cipal of Booker T. Washington Eve ning High, was elected to head the David T. Howard Junior High School. Mr. Gideon is a member of many of the local civic organizations of Atlanta and a member of Allen A. M. E. Church. Mr. Gideon is to be congratulated upon his achieve ment. Or. Mary McCleod Bethume Speaks to Clark Students Acclaimed by millions as the “first lady” of the American Negro Race, Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune was the honored guest at the regular chapel exercises December 1st, at which time the student body was celebrating their victory over the Morris Brown W olverines. Dr. Bethune spoke to the students first of their administration and their present surroundings. Mrs. Be thune traced in part her early work as the founder and first president of Bethune-Cookman College. In her •‘fireside chat” she reminded the stu dents that “They will be held respon sible by their Creator if they do not do their part in helping the under privileged.” Throughout her speech Dr. Bethune was the graceful recipient of gener ous applause. As one final gesture of appreciation to the one who had chal lenged them “To prepare,” one who has fought so untiringly for equal ity, justice and recognition the stu dent body rose gently from theii seats to acclaim their dynamic lead er. I >r. Bethune was guest at a re ception held in her honor in Annie Merner Hall. Mr. Garfield D. Merner Visits Campus Mr. Garfield D. Merner, nephew of Mrs. Henry Pfeiffer, was the cam pus visitor on Sunday, November 12, 1944. In his remarks to the students at the regular Vesper Hour—Mr. Mer ner congratulated the administration upon its excellent leadership. After relating a few incidents of the late Mr. Henry Pfeiffer, he reminded the students that they must begin now “to make individual decisions.” Dean Ethna B. Winston was guest speaker Wednesday, November 29th, at the Atlanta Metropolitan Council of Negro Women’s annual meeting. The subject of Dr. Winston’s address was, “The Guidance Phase of the Child Labor Situation.” Vesper Speakers 1. I)r. Frank W. Clelland, Gammon Theological Seminary. 2. Miss Ruth Taylor, Stetzle Foundation, New York, N. Y. 3. Dr. Witherspoon Dodge, South ern Regional Director, F. E. P. C. 4. Dr. C. A. Talbert, Church His tory Department, Gammon Theologi cal Seminary. Miss Ruth Taylor Speaks At Vesper “Where there is no vision, the peo ple perish,” quoted Miss Ruth Tay lor of the Stelzle Foundation, as she began her sound and philosophic ad dress to the Clark College Vesper As sembly Sunday afternoon, November 12th. Miss Taylor continued by point ing out that the young Americans on the battle-fronts of the world have caught the vision of the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man. For this ideal they are making the supreme sacrifice. It is ours to re solve that their sacrifice will not have been in vain in the difficult years aft er the conflict. It is ours to plan and work to the end that the vision ol the world they hope to see may come to pass. To carry through our resolution to attain world brotherhood, Miss Taylor pointed out that we should: face realities without bias; pray fo- vision to think clearly; pray for vi sion to see with discernment, to judge carefully; pray for vision to see with understanding, to see kindly; pray for vision to see with inspiration. We should earnestly want and strive to rise to the demands made upon us. Miss Taylor continued, “What hap pens to us as individuals is not : m- portant.” We should highly resolve to make the world a better place be cause we, as individuals, a,e in it. “The world,” Miss Taylor pointed out, “will be just what we make of it.” She went on to express a great admiration for the dreamers of th world. Realism, she thinks, in far too many instances, means stooping. Great things are done by dreamers. It is quite sound to build castles in the air if we put foundations under them. The dreamers who hold that the world should be a place where all individuals will and can realize each other’s rights; where all men live together in trust and broHie-- hood, must see their dreams fulfilled These are the air castles under which the dreamer builds the following foun dation: absolute justice towards all: freedom from want; privilege f o. each to worship in his own wav- re spect for individual worth. “Now is the time,” Miss Taylor believes, “fo all who dream to get together and work to put a firm foundation under theii- dreams.” One of the virtues to be added to those who have caught the vision of the new world order is patience Miss Tavlor defined patience as “self-con trol with a firm faith.” Patience does not mean sitting and waiting. It means working sincerely at dail- tasks. Here Miss Taylor contrasted the misconception of the meaning of reform with what reform really means. She pointed out that there is (Continued on page two) Our American Colleges and Uni versities, at least since their inaugu ration of the popular sport football, have chosen three periods during the school year to place special stress upon loyalty to the ideals of the In stitution. These occasions might well be designated as Homecoming, Found er’s Day, and Commencement. We celebrated Homecoming the week of October 30 to November 4. I think it was one of the best cele brations during my tenure at Clark College. This is so because an effort was made by all to put first things first; that is, the football game and the Homecoming dance were only two activities of a much broader and more comprehensive program dealing with the college as an institution for the complete development of men and women. When we view Homecoming in light of this broad concept, I think it was a rich educational experience for Alumni and friends, as well as the students comprising our present student body. It was an occasion to long be re membered because we have a good football team. It is customary for one to refer to a team as good or bad in light of the number of games won. I am referring to our team as being good because of the fine traits which they have manifested individually and collectively. I congratulate the men comprising our good team and I trust that the true spirit of Homecoming will con tinue to exist in the future as has been the case in the past. <2. "hr'