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The Panther
September 19,1980
Hawks Begin Camp With Problems
The Atlanta Hawks opened
summer training camp recently
with 19 rookies and veterans, in
cluding guard Eddie Johnson
whose summer brush with the
law could cost him his spot on
the 1979-80 Central Division
champion team.
Hawks spokesman Chet
Wright said, however, team of
ficials are optimistic that
Johnson, who faces charges of
cocaine possession, driving
without a license and driving
under the influence, will have his
legal matters settled and remain
an effective force on the squad.
“Until he goes to court on
Sept. 26, he will be in ourtraining
camp," Wright said of the All-
Star player whose skill at guard
helped boost the Hawks to a 50-
32 record last year and the NBA
Central Division title.
Johnson's physician, Dr. Lloyd
T. Baccus, has said the player is
suffering with a manic - depres
sive condition, an ailment which
the doctor says may have caused
his personal problems and
troubles with the law.
Johnson is being treated with
daily dosages of 1,200 milligrams
of lithium for his condition and
Baccus said he is currently on an
even keel with steady im
“We're very optimistic about
Eddie’s chances of getting his
physical problems and legal
problems cleared up,” Wright
As the 1980-81 season ap
proaches, Atlanta also must
contend with the problem of in
juries to three of its key players -
Tom McMillen, Wayne “Tree”
Rollins and Tom Burleson - and
continued contract negotiations
with its No. 1 draft pick Don
Collins' future with the Hawks
had not been decided by the
start of camp.
“I’m sure Don wants to play in
the NBA. Nobody wants to go to
Italy,” Wright said, referring to
reports that the former
Washington State forward had
considered playing in the Italina
league because of dissatisfaction
with the deal offered him by the
Rollins had knee surgery early
this summer Wright said he is
recovering faster than Hawks of-
ficals had expected.
“He (Rollins) may be ready for
the start of the season and he
may even get work in the
exhibition season,” Wright said.
And 7-3 Burleson, who signed
with the Hawks th is summer after
an injury - plagued season with
the Kansas City Kings, is now
recovering from a broken wrist
he suffered in a bicycle accident
in July.
McMillen, signed a new con
tract with theHawks, underwent
knee surgery last Janury but
Hawks officials say he has com
pletely recovered.
Among the new faces will be
second round draft pick Craig
Shelton, a big forward who
averaged 17.3 points during his
senioryearatGeorgetown; small
foward Chrles Hightower, a 7th
round draft choice from Dillard;
Dedrick Refigee, a guard who
played in Portugal last year
where he averaged 32 points a
game; guard Art Collins, who
played with New Jersey last year
and was the fourth leading
scorer in the nation in 1975-76
during his senior year at Bis-
cayne; George Bucci, a guard
who has played in the Italian
league since finishing Manhat
tan in 1975; Tim Claxton, a guard
who finished Temple in 1978 and
has played in the Continental
League for the past two seasons;
and Glenn Hagan, a point guard
who also played in the Con
tinental League last season
where he averaged 23.4 points
per game.
The rest of the Hawks are
seasoned veterans whose com
bined skills made them
significant NBA contenders for
the past few years.
Dan Roundfield is back after a
1979 season that earned him a
place on the NBA's all - defensive
first team and the All - NBA
second team.
Joining Roundfield in the
leading veteran player category
are Johnson; John Drew, the
Hawks’ leading scorer for the
past six seasons; Steve Hawes, a
big guard who is one of the best
long-range shooters among big
men in the league; and point
guards Armond Hill and Charlie
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Preseason Contest
Hawks - 76 'ers
Thurs. 7:35
Dog’s W alker Off
And Running
Panther Sports Editor
Long before Herschel Walker
had played a down of college
football, sports authorities
around the country proclaimed
that he would do for college
football, what Neil Armstrong
did for the space program ... the
Surely enough after his first
two intercollegiate football
games Herschel Walker, the
Georgia Bulldogs freshman sen
sation has lived up to his ad
vanced billing as being a premier
running back. So far this season
the Wrightsville, Georgia native
has lived up to the legend which
he set at Johnson County High
Schoolasan All-American. In ad
dition Walker was selected by
the prestigious Washington
Touchdown Club as the number
one “Prep Player” for 1979.
While at Johnson County High,
Walker rushed for more than 6,-
000 yards and scored some 8 3
So far the herald Walker has
taken up where he left off but in
the Bulldog backfield instead.
He has been instrumental in
Georgia’s 2-0 start, as his
presence has improved the
Dog's running and passing at
tacks. In two tames Walker has
accounted for five touchdowns
while rushing for 229 yards on 44
Walker has also figured in on a
couple of Georgia victories. He
single handed ly rallied the Dog’s
to a 16-15 victory in their opener
against Tennessee, as he scored
two second half touchdowns.
One came on a incredible dis
play of strength duringa 13yeard
run in which he bulled his way
passfivewould be Volunteertac-
In lastweek’sgameagainstthe
Aggies of Texas A&M Herschel
Walker demonstrated two of
Walter Payton’s skills, speed and
power as he ran left of tackle for
a 76 yard touchdown to close the
Georgia scoring.
Now that Walker has carved
himself a national identity, the
media and Georgia fans are
expecting the impossible. But to
Walker and the remaining
Bulldog players and coaches all
that is important now is a
Southeastern Conference
Championship and a trip to the
Sugar Bowl come New Year's
Day. But as fans of Herschel
Walker will be the first to tell you
anything is possible as long as he
is set up in the Bulldog backfied.