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Eric Carter, former SC A President.
Clark Dooley, new SCA President, (photo by L.F.)
by Ronald D,
Eric Carter, Student Govern
ment Association President, has
officially resigned his office in a
letter of resignation to the Stu
dent Affairs office, and Vice -
President Clark Dooley is now
the new Student Government
When asked the reasons for
resigning as Student Govern
ment President, Carter said,
“Well, the real reason I guess is in
doing some soul - searching. I
was looking at the S.G.A. as a
stepping stone from A to B, but
after getting the office I did not
want to go from B to C.”
Eric also stated that he did not
really want to become a politi
cian. “This is how I think now,
next week 1 could think
differently,” commented Carter.
Carter went on to say that his
resignation is also caused by a
lack of interest. “My energy is
not here, not to go to school, and
I can not think this way and serve
as SGA President,” explained
“Earlier in the semester I
became so involved in SGA that I
found myself drained,” he con
Carter admits that being so
involved and always out and
doing something took him away
from the classroom scene.
Traditionally, when the Presi
dent is no longer serving his term
then the Vice - President takes
As in the case with Student
Government, Clark Dooley, a
native of Columbus, Georgia,
and SGA’s Vice President who
ran on the ticketwith EricCarter,
against the incumbent SGA
President Michael Bouie and his
running - mate Arthur Knight
during the 1980 - 81 SGA elec
tions, will be serving the
remainder of the school year as
Student Government President.
Carter comments that, “For
tunately, I think SGA will con
tinue to go on. The students have
good men in both Clark Dooley
and Business Manager Bernard
Ghant, the next two in charge. It
won’t be something that will die.
They will be able to hold things
When asked how he felt about
the student body during his
tenure and now after his resigna
tion Carter replied, “Overall, the
students have potential to do as
much as any other student here
in the Atlanta University Center,
and better yet, any college or
university.” EHowever, Carter
continued, “Students here lack
organizational skills, but the
potential is there. We have a
tendency to not look atthingson
a whole politically, academically,
socially and intellectually.
Somewhere down the line
students will have to learn
organizational skills.”
We asked Eric if pressure from
the faculty, administration, or
staff were factors in his resigning,
but according to the former SGA
President his resignation had
nothing to do with any faculty,
staff or administrative person.
Eric’s resignation was his own
ultimate decision.
In his last words to the student
body Eric wishes to thank all the
students who afforded him the
leadership as S.G.A. President.
“I’d like to say that it was quite
cont. on pg. 3
Carter Resigns;
Dooley Takes Office
As SGA President
Telling It Like It Is!
^Volume 50, Number 5 Atlanta, Georgia January/February 1982 ^
Jordan-Thomas Library to Convert
To Learning Resource Center
by Pedro A. Bryant
With the opening of the newly
constructed Robert W.
Woodruff Library, Morris Brown,
along with other A.U. Center
institutions experienced the loss
of their home libraries.
The Jordan - Thomas Library,
located on Morris Brown’s cam
pus is being converted into a
Learning Resource Center.
The center will provide a
centralized location for
laboratory experiences as well as
meet the needs of students who
have deficiencies in reading,
writing, speech and
Through the coordination of
the Basic Skills Development, the
Counseling and Testing
Program, and the Audio - Visual
Services Program, the student
who attends labs in the center
will benefit immensely.
One of the services offered by
the Basic Skills Development
Program is that of a tutorial and
laboratory experience for
students who need addtional
academic assistance. The present
spatial arrangements of these
learning labs are inaccessible to
the students and skills faculty.
Each lab is situated in a different
building and or location. In
centralizing the existing labs into
an accessible location the
program director will then be
able to better coordinate the
four skills areas: Reading,
English, Mathematics and
The Counseling and Testing
'Program will provide group
counseling for the under
prepared student. The program
will provide a wide range of
services to the college communi
ty in areas of counseling and
testing. It will consolidate testing
activities that are currently con
ducted in various departments
and programs throughout the
college into a centralized and
comprehensive program.
The Audio - Visual Services
Program will provide audio -
visual equipment and software
to the Morris Brown faculty, staff
and students. The program is
responsible for inventory, per
manent loan equipment, long
and short term loan and care for
all equipment housed in the
The organizational phase of
the Learning Resource Center
will include major components
of operation, services to be
rendered, staffing needs,
assessments, and evaluation of
each of the programs. There is a
lot of work to be completed for
cont. on pg. 3
Students, Faculty, And Staff Attend
NAB Conference Held In Norfolk
The National Alliance of
Business (NAB) 14th Annual
College/ Industry Relations
Cluster Conference was held
January 24-26, 1982 in Norfolk,
Virginia at the Omni Inter
national Hotel. The theme for
this conference was: "Cluster”
How To Add To Your Bottom
Line.” The purpose of the cluster
is to initiate programs designed
to accelerate the capability of
minority colleges and univer
sities to produce graduates ready
to assume professional positions
in the public and private sector.
The cluster also provides
programs which focus on shap
ing college students to meet the
management and technical re
quirements of the business com
munity and programs which
allow close interaction between
the academic community and
corporate world.
The success of a cluster
program depends on individuals
like Dr. Bernard Smith, Assistant
to the President of Morris
Brown, Dr. Harold Treadwell,
Cluster Coordinator and
Devedlopment Officer at Morris
Brown, Mr. Ted Snider of
Prudential Insurance Company
who donated transportation to
the conference, and other
educators and business people
working together with commit-
cont. on pg. 3