The Wolverine observer. (Atlanta, Georgia) 1936-2001, April 20, 1982, Image 6

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    Page 6
The Wolverine Observer
April 20, 1982
Political Perspective
F. Carl Walton
South African
Teach In Comes to MBC
by Claude Barnes, Instructor of Political Science
by Claude Barnes, Jr.
On March 19, more than 400
students, faculty and staff partic-
pated in a Teach - In on South
Africa. The program was the
product of a joint effort by
Morris Brown’s Department of
Political Science and the Atlanta
South Africa Support Com
mittee. Organizers of the event
were pleased with the turn out of
Morris Brown students.
The Teach - In on South Africa
was part of a series of workshops
throughout the Atlanta Universi
ty Center. Programs were at
Clark College, Spelman, and
Morehouse Colleges also. Atlan
ta University also hosted a
The purpose of the programs
was to acquaint students, faculty
and staff in the center with the
critical nature of the South
African problem and to examine
the role of the United States in
this area of the world.
Organizers of the event
pointed out that the Teach - Ins
were part of a larger effort by the
United Nations to educate more
people about the consequences
of United States involvement in
South Africa.
At Morris Brown College the
program consisted of a morning
session and an afternoon session.
Both sessions were hosted by
Morris Brown's Professor T. L.
Muckenge. The morning session
included presentations by
Professor R. S. Mkhize on “The
Nature of the Apartheid State.”
Betty Mokgoatsane spoke on
“Black Resistence in South
Africa,” and Claude Barnes on
“United States Foreign Policy
towards South Africa.”
The afternoon session includ
ed the same persons as the
morning session with the excep
tion that Dr. Mack Jones of
Atlanta University gave the
presentation on U. S. Foreign
Both sessions were well
attended and extensive dialogue
was generated.
Most importantly, organizers
of the event credited with the
success of the Teach - In here at
Morris Brown College to the
cooperation and particpation of
the administration, faculty, and
Political Leadership Institute
How to Track Down People To Hire You
by: Joyce Lain Kennedy
Washington, DC 20006
Category B includes direc
tories with general facts. With
the exception of the first listing,
library hopping is advisable as
these works each cost more than
— Everybody’s Business, the
Irreverent Guide to Corporate
America, by Moskowitz, Katz
and Levering; Harper & Row,
— Directory of Corporate
Affilliations —. Who Owns
Whom; National Register
— Principal International
Businesses — The World
Marketing Director; Dun &
— Standard & Poors Register
of Corporations, Directors and
— Thomas Register of
American manufacturers.
— Moody’s Manuals.
Category C includes direc
tories for a particular state or city.
Local organizations/such as a
chamber of commerce or a
women's group may publish a
roster of employers.
Lowery To Speak
Dear Joyce:
I am trying to get hired by a
corporation. Is there a guide that
lists corporations in America and
Sharpsville, PA
As we approach January,
traditionally a job - change
month, clip and save this list of
directories to help you identify
prospective employers. If you
want one that’s unavailable in
libraries or bookstores, ask a
reference librarian to look up
the publisher's address in Books
in Print, by R. R. Bowier Co.
Category A includes career -
focused references compiled
specifically for job seekers.
— Peterson’s Annual Guide to
Careers and Employment for
Engineers, Computer Scientists,
and physical Scientists; Peter
son’s Guides, $12.
— National Job-Finding
Guide, by Heinz Ulrich and J.
Robert Conner; Doubleday,
College Placement Annual;
College Placement Council,
available in college counseling
— Career Opportunity Index;
multiple editions for Western
and Southwestern states are
published by Career Research
Systems Inc.
— Changing Times Annual
CollegeGradsSurvey; published
each March and available only
by mail for $2.50 from Changing
Times, 1729 H St., NW,
Dr. Joseph Lowery, President
of the Southern Christian
Leadership Conference will be
on campus on April 27. He will be
speaking in Viola Hill
Dr. Keith Winsell, Professor of
History and O. A. Sontonwa,
Political Science major, will be
attending a Black Political Scien
tists Conference at Knoxville
College on May 6-7.
Auditorium at 11:00 a.m. This
program is sponsored by the
Political Science Department
and the Political Leadership In
They will be presenting a
paper on behalf of the Political
Science Department. The topic
of the paper is “Political Parties
are Obsolete in the American
Category D includes direc
tories of employers in a given
industry such as Editor &
Publisher International Year-
If all else fails, thumb through
the Directory of Directories,
edited by James M. Ethridge;
Gale Research Co.
READER NOTE: Job shopping?
Write a great resume, get Joyce
Lain Kennedy’s 28 - page
booklete, “Resumes: The Nitty
Gritty.” It’s available for $2.50
(check or money order, no cash)
plus a long, white self - ad
dressed envelope stamped with
enough postage to cover two
ounces of first - class mail. Order
from: Resumes, Sun Features
Inc., Box 2000C Cardiff, Calif
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This space contributed as a public service
Present Political Paper