Atlanta barb (Atlanta, Ga.) 1973-????, July 01, 1974, Image 6

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Atlanta Barb Page 6 I Gay-ing To The Movies With S.W. I TAKE TIME FOR BY. / 9 Sears National Beauty Advisor Is your Crowning Glory all it should be? Treat your self to a new cut..a new look..a new you! It can do wonders for your personality, and your hair. comes involved with Glenda Jackson. She’s living alone in a remote farmhouse, while her husband is held prison er by the Japanese. As their affair gets heavy, Deacon deserts the army to give it his full attention. Ms. Jackson dresses him as a woman and introduces him as her sister, to stifle gossip and protect him from the authorities. The costume is only one aspect of their re lationship that leads to a re-examination of the traditional male/female roles. Complications ensue when Oliver Reed, a horny sergeant, is attracted to the young “woman” and invites “her” to a dance. Natrually, things end in bloodshed. Bloodshed is the sine qua non of Clint Eastwood movies; and his latest, “Thunderbolt and Light- foot,” is no exception. Clint Eastwood, Jeff Bridges In "Thunderbolt And Lightfoot” (It’s at Lenox Square.) But it also features one of those male/male relationships that are so popular in current films, this one between East- wood and Jeff Bridges. Although it’s perfectly innocent, a Zoo World reviewer--who probably has his own hang-ups about Eastwood-, -called it “the most explicit ho mosexual romance ever contrived for a mass A- merican audience.” (If you’re going to read between the lines, there’s a lot more in “The Super Cops,” where Ron Lieb- man can’t keep his hands off David Selby. Besides who ever believed there was nothing between the original “Batman” and “Robin”?) The point is, Thunder bolt and Lightfoot are pul ling off a robbery; and the plan calls for Bridges to get in drag to divert Dne of the men in their way. All things consid- sred, he plays it rather “straight.” Last month saw young Jeff East doing a drag scene as “Huckleberry Finn”; and next month brings a live production by the National Theatre of Great Britain of Shake speare’s “As You Like It,” with an all male cast. The traditionally- uptight Theater of the Stars is ignoring this aspect in their press releases, but it’s been making headlines in other cities. At this rate, “Best- Dressed” lists will soon hae to stop distinguishing between the sexes! An exper'fRair shaping not only removes unsightly split ends, it also makes hair more manageable. When you wash your hair, choose a shampoo that’s especially made for your hair type (whether it’s dry, normal, oily or color- treated) and be sure to use a conditioner once a month. To keep your hair in top shape, follow these do’s and don’ts: DO rinse chlorine and salt water out of hair after swimming, use end papers when setting hair and wear a hat or carry a pretty par asol in the sun. (There’s an extra beauty advantage here: you’ll also protect your com plexion.) DON’T swim with out a cap, overspray your hair or comb through color- treated hair when it’s wet- this stretches it. “BUTCH DRAG” Female imperson ation has long been a staple element of comedy. Comedians have been playing “Charlie’s Aunt” on the American stage and screen since 1893. Milton Berle and Flip Wilson have made “drag” res pectable on television. In a recent year, no less than three films got a laugh from men (including Burt Reynolds!) disguised as nuns. The list goes on and on. But this month there are two movies in town in which men dress as women for serious re asons. They may draw snickers from unsophis ticated audien ces, but that’s not what they’re after. In “Triple Echo” (at the Sandy Springs and Candler Road Mini Cin emas), Brian Deacon plays and English soldier in World War II who be- Brian Deacon, Glenda Jackson In "Triple Echo" Love comes in many disguises... ACADEMY AWARD WINNER Glenda Oliver Jackson Reed and introducing Brian Deacon A strange and bizarre emotional triangle that erupts to a shattering climax- STARTS JULY 10 SANDY SPRINGS R AND R&r Hr /mB&S. V I CHANDLER RD. ip MINI-CINEMAS w ™ >■ * i Elliott Gould And Donald Sutherland In "S-P-Y-S” In Estonia, if two pregnant women sneeze together, they will have girls; if two husbands sneeze, their children will be boys! LOOK FOR NEW NAME-AUGUST ISSUE