The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, April 15, 1929, Image 15

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The Southern Israelite Page 15 Random Thoughts (Continued from page 11) WM. H. JAMES & CO. Certified Public Accountants COST AND INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS Candler Building Atlanta, Ga. DINING ROOM IVy 6727 KOSHER STYLE COOKING MRS. NISSENBAUM’S The Final Jewith Cooking 689 Boulevard, N. E. Atlanta, Ga. RADIO HOSPITAL HE. 4780 Efficient Service and Repairs Trouble located In five minute* Repairs properly made Reception improved on any Radio ALL WORK GUARANTEED FULTON TILE COMPANY MANTELS TILE FLOORS AND W ALLS WAlnut 3415 523 Jackson St., N. E. .1. Hope Hollingsworth 30 Year* contracting pai’f.r hanger Wallpapering a Specialty HH Turkic St., N. W. W A. 2450 S T 0 R A G E The most modern warehouse in the South for household goods IONG DISTANCE REMOVALS Cat heart Van & Storage Co. 13 1 Houston St. f N. E. VA. 7721 REAULLIEU& COMPANY Tile Roofing Mortgage Guarantee Building WAlnut 9556 AWNINGS For Home and Business ELDER-RICKS CO. 655 Whitehall St., S. W. Phone MAin 2477 SHANNEN REFRIGERATOR REPAIR CO. Let U» Rebuild Your Old Refrigerator Lika New 1 ou Sate ike Difference 319 Fair St., S. E. MAin 3266 MILLER’S ROOK STORE 61 BROAD ST., N. W'. All the latest current fiction and a most complete line of xtandard books Head current fiction at Ic a day thru MILLER’S LIBRARY Applewhite & Lawler Co. fenestra” Steel Casement Windows “Ludowici Imperial” Roof Tiles Phones W’Alnut 3510 and 9518 Citiaens & Southern Bk. Bldg. Atlanta, Ga. GUN—SAFE—LOCK WORKS The Old Reliable Service That la Guaran- lwd A * Small Coat—32 Years Experience Grinding And Sharpening Of All Kindt C. C. DOWNS 143 Alabama, S. W. WA1. 5237 (of Pennsylvania). Through the columns of the B’nai B’rith News we are making inquiry of the ex istence throughout the United States of additional Jewish chap els in penal institutions.” While it is true that the statement appeared in this column the informa tion came to me from a source that 1 considered reliable. But I am very glad to make the correction in the in terest of the I. 0. B. B. I recently asked the readers of this column who in their judgment should receive the Gottheil Medal for the most distinguished service rendered to Jewish life during the year 1928. The name of Julius Rosemvald has been suggested. And a gentleman by the name of Levinson living in Dor chester, Mass., suggests that “while he is no relative of mine” the name of Salmon 0. Levinson, author of the “Outlawry of War” and the man most responsible for the Kellogg Peace Pact should be named. Then Rabbi Samuel T. Phillips of a Jewish con gregation (I do not know where it is located because the town or city is not mentioned on the letter-head— better call the Secretary’s attention to that omission) urges Nathan Straus as worthy of the honor. He says that Mr. Straus is the “Grand Old Man of Jewry.” So he is. And he is right when he says that his efforts to bring goodwill among Jews and non-Jews is an outstanding achievement. But he believes that “Mr. Straus, last act in sending the Rev. Dr. John Haynes Holmes to dedicate the Straus Health Center in Jerusalem and his mo tive in selecting for that purpose this great liberal Christian should entitle him to the award.” I am sure the members of the Com mittee, who are editors of Jewish newspapers will be pleased to receive these suggestions. I know that I have been influenced and may change my vote before the final ballot is taken. Now that Mrs. Hoover took Mrs. Adolph Ochs for an automobile ride, driving the car herself, there can no longer be any occasion for worry on the part of our sensitive co-religionists that perhaps the President is not friendly to the Jews. Now all that remains for some member of the Hoover family to completely prove its freedom of religious intolerance is to take a Catholic for an outing. It may be interesting to know that Mrs. Ochs, wife of the publisher of the New York “Times” is a daughter of the late Isaac M. Wise, founder of Reform Judaism in this country. Painless dentistry. That’s my con ception of the sympathetic attitude of Reform Judaism towards Zionism. In other words, shrewd Reform leaders have removed the teeth from Zionism as originally promoted by Herzl and continued by later Herblians. When I write this way it is strictly in the role of an observer. Sitting on the side lines and watching the “play” I am more and more impressed with the idea that Reform Jews do not and can not get “warmed up” to Zionism. They are willing to do something—not a whole lot—to make Palestine another avenue of opportunity for the Jew of Europe who hasn’t any other place to go to. Some of them may have a lit tle sentiment for the Holy Land but JEWISI1LY it doesn’t penetrate very deep. In the meantime the Zionists have weakened their position as Zion ists, keeping in mind the original con ception of the movement. I am not saying that the present plan isn’t bet ter from a practical standpoint but it isn’t Zionism. I am reminded of the situation between the Jew and the Gentile. When the Gentile gives the Jew everything he wants and doesn’t discriminate against him or persecute him he encourages him in the direction of assimilation. It is an enervating process, leaving Jewish JEWISHNESS just a little weaker. Likewise with this co-operation between Zionist and non-Zionist. It takes something away from the Zionist but the operation is so pleasant that he likes it. Rabbi Louis Newman of San Francisco, com mented on the fact that the recent conference of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations ignored the Jewish Agency and the entire Zionist question. That isn’t surprising. Most Reform Rabbis and most reform con gregations move in the direction of Palestine, mentally, only when they are prodded. And no one prodded them, therefore, they didn’t move. FUTURE OF PALESTINE DE PENDS ON WORKING OF AGENCY AGREEMENT, ENGLISH VIEW. London, (J. T. A.)—The future of the Jewish National Home in Pales tine depends much on the working out of the temporary agreement between the Zionists and non-Zionists, states an editorial in the “Near East and India Magazine,” said to be well in formed on the opinions of the Colonial Office. Statistics show that the Jew ish immigration to Palestine since 1922 amounted to 79,894, while the Jewish emigration numbered 22,225. Neither the Zionists, the British of ficials nor the Palestinian Arabs ex pected that from fifty to sixty thou sand Jews would be the only result of the Balfour Declaration. Particular surprise was caused when the emigra tion exceeded the immigration in cer tain periods. The position merely proves that the original Zionist dreams were impracticable. This does not, however, destroy the Zionist ideal which has now adopted a more prac ticable scale and is endeavoring to make Palestine a spiritual center for world Jewry. Richardson, Jackson & Davis Certified Public Accountants 1421-25 Atlanta Tru.t Go. III.I*. ATLANTA, GA. UPHOLSTERING United Furniture Repair Shop 525 N. Highland Are., N. E. Tel. WAlnut 6B45 Me Rebuild, Refinlah and Upholder Antique and Office Furniture G. T. McCURDY JEWELER M atrhe*. Diamond*, Jewelry Repairing York Guaranteed WAlnut 6119 93 Hunter St., S. W. Atlanta, Ga. ATLANTA HEMSTITCHING & PLEATING CO. ha< e the lateat and mod modern ■aaekiacn for all kind* mt pleating. 4 thousand different at.rla* PLEATING-—'The Kind That Stay* In Mall Order* Solicited One Day Serrlee 105 Gj M hitehall Street The Green Front WA. 6895 \Y. T. DUNN SHEET METAL WORKS Phone WAlnut 8523 74 Hunter St., S. W, Atlanta, Ga. ANTIQUES To those who love the quaint and beautiful The Little Antique Shoppe offer* a wide selection and a cordial welcome whether you buy or not 556 Spring St., N. W. UE. 8746 Southern Shorthand and Business University L. W. ARNOLD. President 86 Whitehall St., S.W., Atlanta. Ga. Fulton Roof Grafters Co. ASBESTOS, COMPOSITION SHINGLES RE-ROOF NOW Glenn Building IVy 2680 Thompson Window Shade Co. WINDOW SHADES CLEANING REPAIRING Shade• Made Special to Order 334 Tenth St., N. W. HE. 3087 NOW IS THE TIME TO RE-ROOF All tjpes of plain, slate-coated asphalt roofing in rolls, strips and slate coated shingles always in stock. Prompt service and reasonable prices. TEN MONTHS TO PAY W e also maintain an expert repair department. All types of tin, slate or composition roofs efficiently waterproofed. Both large and small jobs acceptable. * THE GARLAND COMPANY 526 Thrower Bldg. IVy 1137 ^ . D A V E Y PLUMBING AND HEATING COMPANY SERVICE AND DEPENDABILITY 137 Cone St., N. W. WAlnut 9800