The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, April 15, 1929, Image 20

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Page 20 The Southern Israelite nrrm ....... Compliment* and 1lv*t W ishrs of James Allan & Co. JEWELERS FOR 74 YEARS 285 King Street CHARLESTON, S. C GARDEN THEATRE CHARLESTON, S. C. Now Showing VITAPHONE TALKING PICTURES I’OI’l'LAIt rRICES (lontinuoiiH from I I :30 A. M. ^ 11 ITS HOUSE OF BETTER VALUES* sniremr King at Warren Streets A COMPLETE DEPARTMENT STORE With A FREE Auto Parking C'onneeted \\ ith I lie Store This Srrvire is for tour fiHivrniciuT AIL I) VY—ALL NIGHT CHARLESTON, S. C. “I know," said Reb Benzion, "that you know how to get out of difficult ies." "Not for myself, only for the glory of Cod and the good of the commu nity,” said "Piety" softly, as he rais ed his hunched shoulder, and add : ng: "May God give you a good day,” he left the room. (Continued in our next issue) A STRANGE DRAMA (Continued from page 5) for trouble. On the 23rd of May, after they had finished their drills, an ox was killed, and their swords and assegais were dipped in the blood. Most of them were in white uniform. They numbered approximately 500 or 000. Very few of them had firearms. Fighting did not last long. The police opened fire and on the natives attacking, the deadly mach : ne guns were turned on them. The white-clad fanatics rushed till they dropped. The Israelites lost approximately 16.3’killed and 12!) wounded eases were attended to bv Sureeon-Maior Welch and his staff. The police casualties were practically nil. The ringleaders were each sentenced to long terms of imnrisonment, and the smaller frv received lighter sen tences. The village was then broken tip hv the police. The sect is now practically non-existent. Reports of the Native \(fairs ('ommission In the Interim and Final Reports of the Native Affairs Commission, laid upon the Table of the House of Assembly on the 30th of May, 1921, it was stated that: The Israelites are an offshoot of an American negro religious organi zation known as the Church of God and Saints of Christ, which adopts a mixture of Jewish and Christian rit ual, conforms to the Jewish calendar, regards Saturday as the Sabbath, ob serves the feast of the Passover, and credits its leader with the gift of pro phecy. Allegations were made to the Gov ernment that a political object was behind the movement, and such an inference might be drawn from the ambiguous utterances of its preachers, hut evidence failed to materialize to support any charge of sedition. The new religion captured the ima gination of the women folk, with its procedure of baptism by total immer sion at midnight, its "kiss of peace," and its "Sabbath Day", while the younger men did not look askance on it because of its assertion that the black people would be led by a prophet from amongst them and that they were God’s chosen. The policy of the Government was toleration—not persecution—and the preachers were allowed perfect free dom to exercise the : r beliefs in any manner they desired so long as the law was observed. In 1919, Enoch obtained permission from the local body to celebrate his Passover at Ntabalanga on the under standing that no permanent structures should be erected. In the following year he was granted leave to hold the annual Passover at Ntabalanga on the understanding that strangers would immediately disperse at its con clusion. Dispersal, however, did not take place, and when interviewed Enoch explained that special reasons, e.g. sickness or waiting for money to pay their rail fares home, were H e laying them. The Commission’s Telegram to the Government Before the Shooting Commission unanimously of opinion that a force be sent which is suffj ciently strong to carry out such \ n . structions as may be issued by the Government regarding illegal squat- ting of Israelites as well as to effect arrest of defaulting witnesses. CW mission urges that such force should be sufficiently strong to overawe na tives if possib’e and so prevent un necessary bloodshed. Copyright 1929 by the Jewish Tel P . graphic Agency, Inc. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY ACCEPTS HILLEL FOINDA- TION’S PROFFERED SCHOLAR- SHIP CUP. Morgentown, W. Va., (J, T. A.i The Committee on Grades of the Uni versity of West Virginia has accepted the offer of the Hillel Foundation a* the University, to award a cup to the fraternity on the campus making the highest scholastic average. No re strictions upon the award of the cup were placed. The cup w : ll be awarded in the fall of 1929 covering the school year 1928-29. For a number of years a fraternity scholarship cup has been awarded by the faculty committee on student and fraternity standing on behalf of its donor. The fraternities eligible for the competition had to be only those which are members of the Inter-fra ternity Council. Under this rule all local fraternities on the campus, a? well as all Jewish, Catholic and other sectarian fraternities, were excluded, as they were not members of the Council. The action on the part of the Hillel Foundation was viewed here as promoting a spirit of tolerance and better understanding. It also linked the Foundation, established by the In dependent Order B’nai Brith, with the university’s scholarship committee. The cup is to be awarded annually and to be passed from fraternity to fraternity until one has won it three times, when it will be retained per manently. In addition, a smaller, per manent trophy will be awarded yearly which the winner will be entitled to retain. The Hillel Foundation at West Vir- ginia has recently been given a pj ac |- of distinction by the Religious ”° r Council of the University. The Coun cil is composed of representatives o all religious denominations. When t e annual Spring Forum on “Vitalizing Religion" was held during March, r Foundation’was selected as the m ee ing place. GERMAN REFORM JEWS JOIN PRO-LEAGUE SOCIETY Berlin, (J. T. A.).—The Association of Liberal Jews in Germany, prising the membership of R® ° . congregations, has decided to j° in German League of Nations Socie In a statement issued the ass° tion declares that it is glad to operate with the Society for * , peace through inter - confessi friendly relations.