The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, May 18, 1929, Image 20

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+++ I 1 I I HH IIIMt » WW ♦ I * Page 20 The Southern Israelite The Only Daily Paper IN THE WOULD HAVING MOKE SUBSCRIBERS THAN POPULATION OF THE CITY IN WHICH PUBLISHED The News and Observer "The Old Reliable" k \ij:k;ii, n. c. Norlli (arolinas I'omnosl Newspaper Member \. II. 1 JOSIIMIl S l> AM I I S. Editor JOSEPHl S II AMI I S. J 1C.. Itii-int'-s Miinagcr ^4*4*4-4»4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4-4-4-4*4‘4-4*4*4*4-4‘4*4'4"E4«M**4"fr 4* 4- 4- 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* City Ice & Fuel Co. \ isil ()ur INcaa Haul 202 Harrison Avr., at Trvon St. PIKE ICE PKOMPT SERVICE “H v Appreviatv ) our Itusinoss" IMionc .‘100 Raleigh. \. C. 4* 4* f •• 4* f • • 4* f 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4- 4- 4- 4* A Citizens National Bank RALEIGH. N. C. Capital and Surplu< $1,000,000.00 : 11 : ■ i ■ ■ i ■ With Our Correspondent ROME GA. their Broad MB. AM) MBS. HARRY LESSER CELEBRATE WEDDING ANNIVERSARY A happy event of Sunday, May 5, 1929, was the informal reception and family dinner party given by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lesser entertaining the family connections and a number of ffiends in celebration of their twenty- fifth wedding anniversary, at attractive home, on South street. The reception rooms of the home were a mass of flowers, roses and iris being used with pretty effect. The immediate family and a number ,,f friends that came from a distance wore given an elaborate mid-day din ner and during the afternoon friends and relatives called informally. Cream and cake and drinks weie passed. Mr. and Mrs. Lesser were married in Atlanta and she was formerly Miss Fanny Cohen. Mr. and Mrs. lesser’s children, who uamo to Rome to be with them for the celebration were Frank and Her man Lesser, students university of Georgia. Athens, Mrs. Abe Apple- bnum, F.nsley, Ala., formerly Miss Esther Lesser. Other out-of-town guests present were Mrs. ,1. Applebaum, and Abe Applebaum, F.nsley, Ala.; Oscar Ap plebaum, Gadsden, Ala.; Mr. and Mrs. Fph Tunkle, Birmingham, Ala.; Mor timer Freeman, New York; Hymie \vrunin, Macon, Ga.; Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mendoll, Mrs. Poarlman, and Mrs. Morris David Rives. Cedartown; Mrs. 1*. Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Manning. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Tenen- haum, Miss Alice Tenenbaum, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Constangy, Miss Elaine, and Herbert Constangy, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Constangy, Miss Eleanor and Joe Constangy, Mr. and Mrs. M. Ell- man, and Miss Marjorie and Harold Ellman, Atlanta; and Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Wender, and Irving Wonder. Roanoke. Ala. Mrs. D. Stein has returned to her home in Atlanta after a visit with her daughter. Mrs. Chase Esserman. Louise Esserman hint a Sunday. Abe motored to At- SOUTH GEORGIA NEWS By Lou Jackson Miss Lena Belle Biumberg of r 0 . than, Ala. returned home from a tour of the Southern states. Miss Blumberc accompanied Dolores Del Rio famous actress at the piano in the new fii m “Evangeline” now being made at the site near New Iberia, La. Mr. Frank Stein of Jacksonville is spending the week with his sister. Mrs. Sam Lazarus of Valdosta. Mr. and Mrs. A. Rudderman of Madison, Fla. spent the Passover hol idays with their relatives in Atlanta. Mrs. Nathan Minsk of Adel left for New York to spend a month with her relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Wolf Lipsitz of Jas per, Fla. announce the engagement of their daughter Helen, to Mr. Abe Isen- son, of Bainbridge, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. I. Minsk and daugh ter, Shirley, of Albany, returned home after visiting Birmingham and At lanta. Mrs. Sam Levine and Mr. Max Si mon of Hahira were called to Raleigh, N. C. on account of the death of their brother, Nathan. His many friends in South Georgia will regret to learn of his sudden death. The Jew Bu Lee Club of Thomas- ville, announce the Spring Opening Dance, to be held at the Rosemary Inn of that city on May 23rd. The T. N. T. Club of Wayeross announce a Dinner Dance to be held at the Hotel Ware on Thursday, May 30th. Mr. and Mrs. Chernoff of Savannah, announce the engagement of their daughter, Ida, to Julius E. Scriber. of Blackshear, Ga. x> Pincomson and Julius Jaffee have returned to St. Augustine, Flor ida after a ten day visit with Mr. Jaffee’s parents, Rev. and Airs. M. Jaffee. Last V ednesday evening Rev. and Mrs. Jalfee honored their guests with an informal dance at their home on E. 1st street. Mrs. A. Lease and son, Nat Lease, motored from Dublin, Ga.. Sunday, and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs! Louis Kalin. Misses Helen Lipsitz, Laura Sim mons, Dorothy Buckles, Olive Cald well; Messrs. Dave Gibbs, Lou Jack- son, Mac Lipsitz and Carl Downing attended the graduation exercises of the Jasper High School, Jasper. Ha. Miss Edith Lipsitz graduating with high honors. Forming a congenial party were Misses Libbye Mayo, Libbye Gilmore. Sarah Schneider and Frances Mayo. Messrs. Julius Gilmore and Barney Glych, motored to Brunswick and St. Simons Island as the guests of Mis? Minnie Cohen. The last meeting of the season of the Valdosta Sisterhood was held in the Temple, Thursday, May 9th. The officers for the year 1929*1930 were installed in their respective offices. Mm'v' EP J 1 Tunkle amt sons, Alvin »x 10 .„ 1ICU m tueir reaper k- •’ ‘? n ' "■'H’h Kemp Tunkle, of after which an enjoyable social hour “‘ingnam, Ala., are visiting Mrs. wqc Tu n Hip coming lunkles parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ike Miller. Mr. Tunkle joined Mrs. Tun kle for the week-end. Dan Lease spent Sunday in Atlanta. Mr and Mrs. Joe H. Lesser who have been visiting their parents in Rome have returned to their home in Yiest Palm Beach, Florida. was held. The officers for the coming year are—Mrs. Sam Lazarus, Pres ident; Mrs. Abe Golivesky, ^ i ce ‘ President; Mrs. Jack Bierman, Secre tary; and Mrs. Harry Abrahams. Treasurer. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bierman of Ti ton, and son Eugene were the of their parents Mr. and Mrs. - Bierman.