The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, June 14, 1929, Image 2

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    Page 2
The Southern Israelite
T HE streets of Atlanta are public prop
erty, paid for by your taxes, put there for
you to travel over. They were never meant
to be garages for automobiles.
When traffic was light it made little difference
if a third or more of the street was occupied
by parked automobiles. In those days the
streets were adequate for all the traffic we had.
But today they are inadequate. Traffic needs
every inch of space. And the row' of parked
cars that fences off a third or more of busy
downtown streets throws all traffic into a nar
row lane, making it hard for everybody who
must use the streets for business and shopping.
If this Chinese Wall w ere removed from At
lanta’s streets, at least a th'rd more traffic
could be accommodated and all business would
be stimulated. You and your neighbor could
get to the stores more easily. The thousands
of people — the 80% — who depend upon the
street cars, would get to town faster and homr
When you park your car on a busy down
town street, you inconvenience more people
than you would ever realize. Practice the
Golden Rule in traffic. Show others the
consideration you would like to have. There
is always plenty of room in downtown garages
and parking lots. Or, we suggest as the real
solution to parking problems— the street car.
Invest at home!
Buy Qeorgia Power Co.
$5 Preferred Stock
C 1 T 1 2 E N wherever we serve